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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. There are 3 days in your life: yesterday today tomorrow Only one of the 3 is important - guess which !?
  2. Why do you ask us, ask EN ?! We can share our experience as a USER, which sometimes is enough to solve an issue. We are not any closer to EN than you are, just a mouse click away from the "ask support" link. They run a nice Zen-desk setup, so support staff is somewhat guided (restricted... ) when they try to solve a ticket. We as users are not, only a bunch of free philosophers. My experience in the performance enhancing-ranking is 1) SSD 2) RAM 3) CPU - but when you are beyond 1) and 2), which will both cost between 50 and 100€/$ per step, it is probably cheaper to get yourself a new PC, than exchange the motherboard, to support the new CPU, which will need a new power supply, which will not fit into your PCs housing, which ...
  3. From the threads here, I would not say "SSD = never have a problem". But many postings complaining performance were HDD-based Windows. For EN access time to information is more important than number-crunching power. So it seems that CPU-power is pretty irrelevant, but SSD-speed in data access can push performance a lot. Besides, SSDs got really cheap in the last year, 500GB selling currently for prices that start at about 50€/$, and 1TB at about 90€/$. Switching from a HDD to a SSD is the one investment giving the most bang for a buck, especially on older PCs with a cluttered C-drive.
  4. Concerning the fonts: You can choose which fonts are in use on your PC, and uninstall all the others. If you want to keep them "just in case" you can save the files containing the font information in another folder. Those in use will be found in all applications that allow for it. Concerning speed: No issue for me, and for many others. Additional hint: There is an attachments folder. Other users solved their issue by deleting the content: C:\Users\{username}\Evernote\Databases\Attachments , or wherever you have your EN installed.
  5. If you really want to use EN, it will sync to servers as well. IMHO this should be no problem with some legal footwork. I am using EN for myself and professionally as well. This could be an issue, because of all the personal and clients information I am saving. So I have closed a Data Processing Agreement with EN. This allows me to work with 3rd party data with EN under european data protection rules, and enforces the data protection declaration of EN somewhat. If you want to keep it all away from servers, but have collaboration inside of your class, you will have to run your own server with a note taking solution. This would be for example Synology with Note Station, offering a chat plus office-like tools as well. But then, someone has to operate this server ... And besides this, with Windows you have a „talking“ OS that is „calling home“ continuously. This is not necessarily bad, but practically not stoppable.
  6. Not a PowerShell expert: Rename the notebook ? Yes, there are these special things in a language that make you feel at home, but as long as it’s only the notebooks name itself ....
  7. It is rather not EN having an issue. I use EN with and without my VPN and do NOT have a syncing issue. I am using 2 VPN solutions, one with a provider, the other through an own server. When the VPN tunnel is established, EN works just fine, just maybe a little bit slower. NordVPN I do not know. I know their aggressive marketing, which keeps me away in first place. Because this can be a deep issue, What about contacting support of NordVPN and EN about this ?
  8. When I started with computers, all we had was dark mode: First came green on black, then (a revolution, one needed a special permit to get one of these) amber on black. The first screen with nice black on white was my first Macintosh SE, back then. But whoever wants dark mode - maybe some of the old CRTs are still selling on Ebay ... you just need to find a converter for the monitors plug. HDMI or DisplayPort will not do !
  9. With the iOS app it is possible to annotate an imported pdf using apple pencil, and save it back again. With the possibilities of the Windows mobile / convertibles I am not familiar. But I think that annotating a pdf with the pen should be possible there as well. EN itself will not allow to mix text and handwriting into one single note. What can be done is making one note with the text and attachments, and a link to a second note, containing handwriting. But to be honest this is one field where OneNote is probably better suited.
  10. When I use this search string in EN on my Mac, I get only notes without tags. However, the string must be written without a single "space" in between to work. Even one "space" renders it useless.
  11. @dlh2109 Before complaining please read through this: The Mac App Store version is the same software as the direct download from EN. However, when you install from the App Store, the app will run in a sandboxed mode. This is done by MacOS, not by EN ! Because of this, it will restrict the exchange of information between apps. On my MacBookPro (Mojave), I am running EN with the direct version installed. I can open any pdf inside of a note (eye-symbol), choose open with Preview, then use the edit tools in Preview, close it, and it will automatically save all my annotations into the original note inside of EN, without any further action needed. When I have both apps side by side, I can even see the change in the EN window while I am drawing stuff into the attachment in preview. It works perfectly, and it collaborates seamlessly. If you want to get this function as well, I think you should uninstall the current EN app from your Mac - I will not describe here how to do it in detail. If you are not sure, search the forum, I have described it several times in other threads. Then download the app directly from the EN website, install it and sync your stuff from the EN server.
  12. Fine if you found your personal way of doing things better supported by another app. Competition is what keeps the wheel turning and innovation flowing. I think for myself that switching apps just to get markdown ability is a rather weak argument. There are enough editors around that provide markdown if I need it - but no app that supports my usecase for filing away and finding information like EN does. But as I say: Competition is good for anybody’s improvement.
  13. As posted above this is most likely related to the monitor config and the graphics card built into the device. Most business notebooks run only an integrated graphics solution on the CPU which will emulate a multi-monitor setup, because it does not have the horsepower to provide high resolution with high speed to all monitors at the same time. Because this depends on the hardware, the monitor setup and the drivers, you will have to test it out.
  14. When you are in the web client, at the bottom right edge of the window is a button. There you can switch between the beta and the classical editor. From your description you are in beta.
  15. Import from SD-Card to the iPad works, but without options. It will grab all pictures that are on the SD card, ignore all the rest (no general file import), check for duplicates and push the new ones into photos. I prefer to have a chance to review the pics still on the SD card and eliminate all those that do not need to be imported. Then the photos app on the iPad lacks a lot of functions available on the Mac: Tagging, EXIF-editing, Smart Albums etc. So I prefer to get pictures to the Mac. Then I am using a program called Graphics Converter (that is much more than just a converter) to sort through, build the catalogue, get the tags and EXIFs set, and save it into a folder structure. It will even do RAW development and basic editing. Affinity is then for the few pics that need further editing.
  16. Maybe it is just a question of patience. Some betas were closed to new participants because they wanted to run it with the same bunch of people from the beginning to the end. Makes for more valid results, when you do not have new people dropping in halfway through.
  17. With Affinity Photo there is an excellent iPad-Adaptation of the Mac/Windows Program. I would advise to run it on an iPad Pro to have enough horsepower, preferably with a lot of memory. Each JPEG + RAW carries appr. 40MB ... The combination with the pencil is a dream when working on the pics. Full RAW development and editing is included, and for purchase, not as an abo. There is Affinity Designer and Publisher as well for the iPad, making for a full creative publishing workflow in iOS. The only thing I am missing is a powerful import and catalogue app for the iPad. Affinity up to now has nothing similar to Lightroom. And the Photos app is quite restricted on the iPad, compared to the Mac. Because I have a 32“ photo-calibrated high-res HDR monitor to do my picture work on my MacBook Pro, it is still more the Mac than the iPad for this. I am now hoping that with „sidecar“, it will become possible to use the iPad with pencil as a graphics tablet for the Mac. But on holiday, when you want to travel light, I have a full photo import & editing suite with me, just carrying my camera, a small SD-to-lightning-Adapter and my iPad Pro 10.5. If the Hotel WiFi is good enough, I can even sync what I download to the iPad into iCloud, making sure I do not loose pictures just in case.
  18. Thanks again for sharing. With „side-by-side“ installations I would rethink doing betas. As it is now, I can not integrate the need to have a solid, performant app and at the same time do a beta. So NO BETA until this can be done independently from the actual productive app version. P.S. This forum is full of postings where users complain about bugs, that you can’t reproduce, and then you find out they are „beta-ing“. Maybe the background color of all betas should be changed, to a light green or something.
  19. iPad- only is within reach for practically all day-to-day stuff. I am waiting for iPadOS, and the improvement of apps like EN that will be possible then. However, real editing of photos will see me using my Mac for quite a while to come.
  20. Funny bug, that picks the users he wants to irritate. Seems I did some good works in my former life that still helps my karma to keep the little beasts at bay ... By the way, most of my scanning is done with ScannerPro. A little with OfficeLens, and with the internal scanner of the EN app (not Scannable).
  21. Tested it both ways: Open a new note in the EN app, tap on „plus“, choose take a photo, take it, tap on „safe“, go to the note, type a header, leave note. The note is there, the picture is there, both as thumb and as full copy in the note. And it syncs within of a blink (on WiFi). IPad Pro 10,5, iPhone 6S+, tested on both devices, checked on the same device and on the other. Everything as it should. 2x iOS 12.4, app 8.22. Usually on i-devices, when it works on one of them, it will work on all of them. So your options seem to be: - Complete uninstall and reinstall of the app - Support ticket
  22. I am running the current software. The import folders option is a function of the OS, not of the scanner.
  23. Working like this on Win10. Not working on a Mac, however.
  24. To solve this (at least this worked for many here) you have to make a complete uninstall of the old version from your Mac. Before uninstalling, you should be sure you have synced all notes with the server. If you have local notebooks, you have to save these yourself. After uninstalling, all local data of EN will be gone ! To do the full uninstall, I have used the app AppCleaner, and selected every bit of data from EN in the AppCleaner selection window. After it was uninstalled, I made the new installation, using the version directly from EN - not from the Mac App Store. And then the new client will download the complete note database from the server, which may take a while.
  25. I would rather go for a new platinum status membership, with all peeks & perks .... like a pair of fresh Evernote socks every other day 😂 But honest, do we really need to discuss pricing policy here in the forum ? Everybody will find something in the Package that is oversized for the individual use case, for one it may be the single note size, for the other the upload, the next one has few devices etc. From what I see EN tried to move away from the plus model because it is hard to sustain a user on that level, and make a buck as a company from it. Probably they did not want to loose a significant segment of their use base, so they allowed existing Plus users to stay on. My impression is that the pricing and content of the Premium model is more or less on a level with other services.
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