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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Maybe it is it - fortunately it needs permissions only once per app. From my observation, permissions for some apps are asked for actively, whereas for other apps there is no such request. They simply stop working. When you check, you find the app, but the checkmark next to it is missing. When checked off, and sometimes after a restart, things go back to normal.
  2. Since you are on a payed account, maybe it would make sense to copy the log and issue a support ticket.
  3. Catalina is much stricter with security and certificates than the previous OS versions. So maybe you can find an issue when checking the Macs system preferences, especially the security settings. One thing could be the allowance to read/write the systems disk drive. If not, the best way is probably to completely uninstall the EN app, using the AppCleaner app. Make sure you check everything related to EN. Then restart the Mac, and reinstall EN using the version directly from the EN website. After it is on your Mac again, log in and sync your notes back from the EN server. Caution: If you have local notebooks, they will be lost when doing the uninstall. If this is the situation, maybe you have to roll back to Mojave, export your local notebooks into an ENEX file and try it again. P.S. I have upgraded to Catalina, no problem, reinstalled the WebClipper, no problem ... sometimes no one can tell what works, and why.
  4. Let us share some tips on how you make your wife believe that being lazy has its own rewards from time to time ! She keeps a list for me, in case I run out of ideas ... 😂🤣🤣
  5. Since this thread was silent now for 2 years, I doubt it. From the current trend in handwritten note taking, it is moving away from the „special pen & paper“ solutions to writing directly on an iPad. Nearly all new models support the Apple pencil, gen.1 or gen.2. The EN handwriting app Penultimate is IMHO not up to the job. I am using GoodNotes 5 for handwritten notes, others are happy with Noteshelf, Notability or others. Or you write on paper, take a picture of it and import it to have it OCRed.
  6. Yes, it seems to be no full downloads, but snippets of code that fix something. Even the support guys could not check whether it had loaded, they asked me to restart with cmd-r to rebuild the OS instead.
  7. We should all keep in mind that Apple is delivering Catalina updates without counting the OS index up. It is still 10.15 for me, but I know from contacts to Apple support that they have upped the OS to fix some issues. So maybe meanwhile one of this minor OS fixed installed, and helped solve some problems.
  8. Let us say we do understand each other better now. Then the topic is about the individual evaluation of a feature request. I am completely against creating „bloatware“, by adding more and more random functions that overlay the core functionality. This is especially true for stuff that uses a lot of resources to develop, like speech recognition. So I will not vote in favor of the proposal, and I tell why. If the topic would be „Improve iOS app to make it more similar to the desktop clients“, it would easily get my vote, because I regard this as a key feature, not another layer of functions.
  9. Then get a Mac, get an iDevice, get a decent mike: These are OS functions that can be used cross-app, and yes, they work very good. There is the money and AI-experience of Apple flowing into it, so it gets better based on a billion device user base. It makes no sense to put this sort of effort into one single app, it can never pay off. There are less obvious ways to ruin a company.
  10. Since there is no „save“ option, closing the note is at the same time the save-command. Unfortunately it does more than just saving, especially when editing long notes one is losing position as well. Not nice - maybe this will be solved in a way when EN starts to support 2 open sessions of the app at the same time. I have no idea when this will happen, though...
  11. Depends on what is under the kimono .... Regarding the place of the tags, I hoped they would move it back to the top, but it still was at the page bottom when I last used the web client. Probably they want to get a unified page layout for desktop and mobile - but I do not like to have control fields at the top and at the bottom of a note window.
  12. Skitch is working for me under Catalina: Downloaded from the EN website Logged into my account, which created a Skitch Notebook in my Evernote. But it did not show in the systems settings security page. So I tried something: I closed Skitch and moved the apps icon from Downloads (where it had stayed) into the Programs folder of my Mac. Reopened, then (!) it showed in system settings, security. In system settings of Catalina, in Securitiy I authorized Skitch as posted above by Shane. To allow this, the lock has to be opened (admin user), and Skitch has to be closed temporarily. Initially Skitch did not show, which was caused by the fact that it stayed in the Downloads folder. Maybe this is because it is not delivered as a DMG-file, it is a ZIP. When you open it, the app starts, but is not transferred to the Programs folder.
  13. ... to where ? A course needs a goal - at least if it is not the result of one beer too much 😉
  14. 3 possible explanations: Testing is over, coding is moving on Priorities were shifted (who said Safari & Webclipper ?) Everybody’s on the beach ...
  15. ... or if it is a one-timer, get yourself a windows machine (preferably a Laptop), set up EN and the conversion / import folder structure there, make the conversion, import the stuff to the local client and server, and delete it from the PC at the end. Notes will move to the EN server, and will sync into your Mac on the first occasion. Although I agree with DTLow that it is a useful ability to know how to use the scripting feature on the Mac.
  16. Simply use the physical switch at the side of the iPhone, above the 2 volume toggles. When this is switched to „red“, all sounds are muted, including the camera shutter. I always use it to silence my iPhone when entering places where I like to take some pics but do not want to be intrusive (like a tourist visit to a church).
  17. ... which conforms with the announcement that they will test features on the Web client, not necessarily already fully integrated into the complete package. I found for example the tags moved from the top to the bottom of the note screen, and did not like it. They will continue to throw changes on us, and will hopefully eliminate those that get negative feedback. IMHO it makes perfectly sense to run these tests on a platform that is not installed, but will download each time from the server. Just make sure anybody finds the „back to classic editor“ -button before starting to post a new thread here. Most of the comments are in the „not very nice“-category.
  18. Maybe one should read through a thread before adding to it. EN depends on the OS to set up something like a dark mode, unless they want to create it from scratch today, just to see it skipped by an OS update tomorrow. Windows currently does not support a dark mode from the OS. So it is easy to get dark mode, if one is serious about it: Get yourself a Mac, get yourself an iPad, they all support dark mode by the OS, and in EN there is one simple switch: Stay in daylight mode all the time, or use the dark mode setting from the OS settings. If you choose this, you get dark mode always on, or depending on a toggle in the OS. MacOS can even use the daily sunset hour to switch to dark mode. Or blame who is to blame, which is MS for not properly supporting a dark mode ...
  19. One can do anything for everybody, but you should remember that there is a price tag applied to it as well. Supporting multiple structures for access means more complex software, and less performance / costlier server requirements as well. Currently EN management is on the path to reduce complexity, by redesigning the existing landscape. It is „reduce to the max“ after years of more or less uncontrolled growth, which has brought the company close to a crisis. I think this is much more relevant to the longer term survival of EN than adding features that would cut deeply into the structure of data and applications. Or in shorter words: Everybody’s darling is everybody’s fool ... in software as in real life.
  20. Import folders are available under Windows. See this Help document for details: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004967-How-to-create-import-folders-in-Evernote-for-Windows
  21. This is a user forum - EN staff may show by, but they mostly keep to the background. Just one figure to show the size of the issue: I have read there are 100.000 users registered for the EN beta program. This is 100.000 users with 100.000 use cases, configurations, other SW they use etc. If you multiply this with all users, you go into the millions. If I understand your issue, you have decided to use a specific way of creating your tags (with a „#“), and have a problem with the search logic. Now I see 2 methods to solve this: Wait for EN to alter the search logic, which is probably a major operation. Search is one of the most powerful items, many users have saved searches on their accounts etc. If it is altered, the new search has to work with these saved searches, or the outcry will be massive. Change the logic you created yourself for your tags, by using a tagging method that complies to the EN search possibilities and (dis-)abilities. The first can be an ever rising source of frustration, the second you can influence yourself. Using a desktop client, you can easily retag all notes with new tags. You click on a tag, choose all notes with this tag, create a new tag and assign it to all of them in one go. The new tags should avoid the problematic #-character and conserve your tagging logic. After you worked through all tags, all notes should now have 2 tags for each tag you want, one new and one old (with the „#“-character). When you now delete the #-tags, your notes will be left with the new tags. Regarding the other question In this thread, EN communicated to sort out the internal complexity of the platform and its clients before rolling out new features. This is under way, participation is possible through the betas. Most new features will be available and tested first on the web client. To participate, one must be on the new or beta client (bottom right corner), not on the „classic editor“.
  22. Just to put this as feedback into the thread: Downloaded for Catalina / Safari 13 last week. Worked without a problem, Webclipper is back, everything o.k. Now waiting for the next releases with the functions missing from the actual release - for me what I need is done, and clipping works again like a charm.
  23. Check the settings of the profile you are using. You can specify many options there. If you do not want to modify the profile that is preinstalled, you can create a new one.
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