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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Is it the same thing as in this thread of the forum ? If yes, you should follow this, because it is already worked on by EN staff. Last statement was that a clean reinstall with the latest version would solve it - but there are newer posts on this.
  2. My status about the OS and app versions is the same. No issue at all. Even if you are not aware of it, you are using Keychain ! It is deeply rooted in MacOS. Simply type „Keychain“ into spotlight search, and open the app. I am sure it will show a lot of elements. In mine, among others there is 1 element named Evernote. Probably has to do with the account / password handling of the app within the OS. To me it seems the message you get has more to do with MacOS than Evernote. Have you tried Apple support on this ? There must be a reason why Keychain kicks in.
  3. Personally I prefer GoodNotes 5. But i agree - any good handwriting solution directly going into a note and staying editable would be very nice. Currently I import from GN as a pdf, which means I can annotate the pdf, or have to go back to GN to edit. That works pretty well for static notes, especially because they are searchable (sort of OCRed), but not for ongoing stuff.
  4. Which MacOS version are you on ? Is it the EN client asking for the Keychain, or does it happen when opening the webclipper (there are other threads around about this happening on the webclipper) ?
  5. No experience with Android. The recent iOS issues got sorted out fine. Maybe the same guys are just now working on the Android client (hope so, a lot of forum traffic at the moment is angry stuff about the Android client).
  6. You forgot to state that of course you are quitting your subscription, boycott the company and threat to sue them in a class action of all non-replaceable EN users ... Or did you just have a bad day ? P.S. And of course I have voted in favor of this issue, whatever it will help create.
  7. On my Mac, ver 7.10 stacks are there as they have been since I applied them. This reflects to my iPad (ver 8.21) as well. Screenshot is from my Mac, leftmost column. It is standard that you have to remove a notebook from one stack first, before you can put it into another. One notebook can only be part of one (1) stack at any time. Hint: Even if the App Store and the "free" version are told to be the same, after having some problems with the App Store version I was advised to get the free client for my Mac. Since then, problems were gone. Maybe installing the free client integrates the same software by other means than it happens with the version from the App Store.
  8. I used the EN Moleskine notebooks for a while. On scanning with Scanable, I ran into problems. It seemed the function was only designed for notes that ran over a maximum of 1 page. When I had notes running over more than 1 page, it mixed up pages in the resulting note, the function to hold the lower part of the page private (=create a public upper part, and a full page view including the private notes in the lower part) did not properly work etc. To be restricted on one page only was not up to my note taking, so the smart functions for me were obsolete. Support could not sort things out, they did not seem to have real insight into the product. Finally I skipped using Scanable on the EN moleskine edition, and scanned what I had to scan using ScannerPro on my iPhone. This created normal notes with normal pictures attached. To do this, I do not need to buy a "smart" edition notebook for apps. 30€ per piece. They are very nice, good paper, etc., but you can find similar ones for much less. Currently I am still using up the points included in the Moleskine notebooks I had purchased to pay my Premium account, and that is it. On the German website of Moleskine, the notebooks do still appear, when using the search function. On the US website, the search string "Evernote" draws a blank, on the global one as well. So probably the German entity (and maybe some others) are still selling them off. There are 2 versions, one with smart stickers, the other without. Who is interested may give it a try - I assume they ship globally, as long as they have anything left to ship.
  9. 1st ***** happens, and who is on the net knows it will happen again (no excuse, just experience) 2nd obviously the reaction by EN was fast and professional 3rd who is using 2FA on his account is on the safe side, and will get notice if his credentials were stolen and used for a login attempt. So far the facts. Now I am diligently awaiting the ***** storm that will arise from those who a) use the same user & PW on several services b) do not know or care what 2FA means and c) think that a PW-Manager is only for the feeble-hearted users among us. P.S. My explizit language got replaced on posting by the stars. Somebody is watching us to only do good ...
  10. If it is just to have it out of the view, you can create a stack called something like ZZZ_Archive, and put it there. The "ZZZ" will move the stack to the very bottom of the stacks & notebook list, and you can hide as many notebooks in there as you wish, resp. as EN allows. But they will still be there, and be visible in other views, and cluttering things up. If it is a notebook shared to you from another person, probably you will not be able to remove it without support from EN. Either try the Twitter address above, or go for one month to premium, which will allow you to contact support directly.
  11. Nice presentation. And good to give some of the applause to the guys who oil the wheels behind the scene.
  12. Seems they are busy to produce the next video - came out right now, about the „invisible“ EN that provides all the service. And yes, more interaction would be good.
  13. Probably they just imported the issue that had been before the problem with the Chrome betas. If the solution it seems to have by now with Chrome sticks, probably Edge will follow in a while.
  14. No, it is not. This is why I opened my statement with „For many purposes ...“. This is a Voting thread, and HTML-capacity would work both ways, up and down. For uploading, markdown would do in may cases.
  15. For many purposes, a markdown editor will do as well. Especially when the result is to be uploaded as blog posting. EN can still serve as archive.
  16. The rules are this: They may come, may watch, may sometimes share some information. But this is not an official forum, they come and go as they please, and if you need support, you should use the official means. As a Premium user, you have a choice of sending an email or use the chat (unfortunately, no live talking to a person). The official, declared focus of EN for this year is to consolidate the core functions like the search or the editor, and to reduce complexity that has generated through the years leading to 5 different clients for the user interaction. Even if this means that most user requests going further will have to wait, I can live with that. I use the Windows, the Mac and the iOS client frequently, and sometimes the webclient. If these are more alike in the future, I am willing to wait for a lot of other stuff while they work on the redo. There are statements from and videos with the EN CEO explaining all this in greater detail.
  17. O.k., so you can as well run EN 8.20. You find the version in the account screened the app, at the very bottom. See screen copy, From my iPad (iPhone is similar, just narrow screen)
  18. Go to the settings app Go to general Go to Info (topmost menu option) The OS version should be the second position from top. Actual versions are 12.3.1 for the OS, and 8.20 for the Evernote app. I am not completely sure whether the iPhone 5 SE is still able to run the latest OS version. If not, it will most likely as well have problems to install the lastest app version. But the iPhone will make sure you can update as far as possible, even if it is not the latest version. It is not like Android, where updating is a permanent gamble. For the next big iOS upgrade due in September, the 5SE will definitely not qualify. So it wIll still work, but will not be further updated.
  19. Still way to go: iOS 13 will go official sometime late September, when the iPhone release pattern repeats itself. So we can all relax, wait and see. IMHO it depends on how easy it is to implement this feature. I think Apple makes is easy enough on their side. Question is, how easy EN can work around the 1-note-at-a-time strategy so far applied on the mobile devices. As I say, it is wait and see.
  20. Personally I have voted for this improvement. But when I read all this stuff about „if they do not implement this or that, I will quit ...“, to me it always reads like „if I do not like my nail polish, I will have my hand amputated“. Like a little child, standing in front of me and stomping with his/her little feet. Here, take a sweet 😉
  21. I doubt you can type fast enough to create 40% CPU (not even 1% CPU with plain text). If you want to monitor it more closely, you can install something like System Toolkit on your Mac. Probably File Vault is working on the new GBs that came in from the EN server. If this is happening, it should stop soon.
  22. Yes, this draws a lot of attention by users, and there is reason for this: If you are blogging or posting, the likely workflow looks like: Idea <=> Reserach (web) => clipping & saving => drafting => polishing => publishing Currently there is an enforced break in this workflow because the tool you use for collecting ideas and drafting (EN) lacks a critical feature for polishing & publishing: Markdown support. So for a common usecase, EN could massively improve on the users workflows.
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