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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Tried this already ? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=254668&guest=true&guest=true
  2. The problem is there are just a few who could say this, and the number is not growing. Linux as a personal computer OS is a niche, and this niche is then fractioned between numerous „flavors“. EN has not communicated why they decided to stop the beta and abandon the project, but it probably was for economical reasons. The forum is user2user. To contact EN officially you can issue a support ticket. I however doubt you get a real explanation by a decision maker.
  3. Personally I doubt they will. Handwriting doesn’t match well with the data format of the notes. If you want a direct sync, give Noteshelf a try.
  4. Maybe it’s the conversion to the new data structure. At least on my Mac it’s NOT holding a web clip that causes it.
  5. I think this is the first step to remove it altogether. Not a big loss, given the very old code and feature base of these apps
  6. How rapid is rapid ? My tags sync with the notes, which is „fast enough“. I am not sure this discussion takes a wrong direction (like this game of „My car, my boat, my house“). My question is different: Which will be the distinguishing feature set / use case that makes EN stand out again ? And what stands against this use case ? A little faster sync is not the answer, I believe.
  7. It won't influence the existing code - but probably the awareness and willingness to improve it is better when you experience the problems yourself.
  8. You are aware that EN now belongs to an Italian owner ? This US-centric errata are likely left over from the past. Count the date format, count the business card function that converts everything into US-formatted garbage (even truncation phone number that would be too long on the US, but work fine in other parts of the world). Probably there just was no priority on these issue, and still is. To raise it with EN staff, issue a support ticket.
  9. You could never hold a backup with all data, by just exporting all notes. Doing so created an ENEX file with all notes, but without the notebook information. All on one heap. You likely never checked, and you didn’t read the help documentation that even back then advised to backup each notebook, one by one. Second problem: Say it’s a file above 10 GB. How would you import it again ? You try, hit the upload limit, it breaks off. You wait another 30 days, the limit resets, you try again … (OK, today this would be 20GB, if on Professional. Wouldn’t help me either). Third problem: Many 3rd party apps choke on such a data volume, and won’t import it. Conclusion: Not everything that was technically possible was feasible, back then.
  10. You could never hold a backup with all data, by just exporting all notes. Doing so created an ENEX file with all notes, but without the notebook information. All on one heap. You likely never checked, and you didn’t read the help documentation that even back then advised to backup each notebook, one by one. Second problem: Say it’s a file above 10 GB. How would you import it again ? You try, hit the upload limit, it breaks off. You wait another 30 days, the limit resets, you try again … (OK, today this would be 20GB, if on Professional. Wouldn’t help me either). Third problem: Many 3rd party apps choke on such a data volume, and won’t import it. Conclusion: Not everything that was technically possible was feasible, back then.
  11. The only method that reliably works is by using the API. It requires good coding skills, and a developer token. Plus the API is still based on the old data model, not reflecting recently added features. But it allows an independent access, not being bound to a function provided (or removed) from a client. And yes, notes can be appended using the API. I think that usually the amount of effort to safely identify to correct note that gets the appendix is not worth it, and adding a new note is the better way. But that depends on how a note is approached - from a secondary database this may work pretty well. But again, we are talking serious scripting and dev qualifications here.
  12. See, I wrote an extensive manual for your wish to run EN using Apple Shortcuts: „v10 doesn’t support scripting.“
  13. For me tags in EN are probably the best invention since canned milk 😉
  14. There is a web server for a number of accounts. If it goes down (could be from one of the other accounts, or by chance), it can take not yet send emails with him. Thats not the norm, and usually they are restored when restarting. But who knows. Could be any further step as well, like an ISP seeing traffic from a certain IP as Spam, and deleting everything. Once an email has left the EN server, responsibility is passed on. Same for sending emails into EN. Since mail is such a fragile medium, always check if anything has arrived. If you don’t, you can be furious - about yourself.
  15. Hi Vinnie, you can keep a reference note with tags quite as easy. If you use the same methods from the GTD thinking as for other tools, you make a "Tag Housekeeping Session" frequently. It was easier with legacy (that page with a tag overview was one of the last legacy tools I used), but can still be done with v10. I have roughly 250 tags, and that number keeps stable now since years. EN is build to use tags, and skipping them takes away a whole set of possibilities. They are especially useful for workflows, because each tag can be managed independently from each other.
  16. Hmmmm - a case of a special use case. These are usually not reflected in the app. The user interface would become very cluttered if any specific use case would find its way into a changed layout. To make life easier for you, you could modify your notebook names. Say you have a stack for Personal notebooks, and one for Business, then you could call all notebooks in the Personal stack like "P notebook name", and those in the Business stack "B notebook name". This would automatically sort them as well. Or you put an icon in front of the notebook name (I use an icon for every notebook, but you could use a stack icon instead): But the better way would be to give up on using notebooks and stacks as your primary means of organization at all. You would become much more flexible and have less decisions to take if you started to use Tags instead. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052565633
  17. Why do you need to be shown the stack ? Any notebook can be in a stack, but only in one stack at any time. If you move a note to a notebook, it is automatically going to the stack in which that notebook is located. There is no free selection of a notebook and a stack. The lead argument is always the notebook - you can't send a note to a stack, but not into a notebook. When moving, you choose the notebook - the stack is then decided automatically as well.
  18. No, you were never exporting all your notebooks in one go. You may have been exporting all of your NOTES in one go, but without the NOTEBOOKS. To keep the notes in their respective notebooks, you always had to export by notebook. Or you ended up with a heap of notes, without notebook information.
  19. You received a link. In it is another link to contact support. Use it ...
  20. In general I agree that support currently looks more like an oracle crossed with a black hole than a helpful instance for technical issues. On the other hand with recent updates some bugs really got fixed pretty fast, often without a hint in the release notes. No idea why, maybe they do some „post delivery QA“. Support ticket were always closed when support had exhausted its possibilities - like after the answer „We reproduced the issue and passed it on to the developers“. It is then not solved for the user, but there will be no support interaction either - the fix will be delivered by release. So the ticket is closed. We can check and even reopen tickets after logging into the help pages. There is a list of all tickets, with interaction.
  21. The forum is user2user - comments are very rare here, and usually it is on critical issues (like the last server outage), not on the latest gimmicks and gadgets. Use the feedback option in the app or a support ticket.
  22. We have no indication post in the forum are read or turns into action by staff. This is however the outside view, and we all could be wrong assuming this.
  23. As you have noted yourself, the topic is not in a focus of users any more. You can draw your own conclusions from this fact. To contact EN use the feedback function in the app.
  24. There is more than just one other notes app out there, and if you search the forum, you find numerous reports about import problems. They are often related to the size of the import. BTW the notebook information was never part of the ENEX file definition.
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