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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. You can't lock a note but you can select some text, right click and encrypt it. Don't forget the password as you won't be able to get it!
  2. Are you in dark mode? If I print a note it comes out in light grey in dark mode and black in dark mode. Looks like it may be a bug so it could be an idea to submit a support ticket. If you want black text then switch to light mode for now.
  3. Update.... its on 5.1 now and really is quite excellent. A productivity powerhouse. @lesjjohnson it's working a treat here on Vivaldi 5.1 on Windows and Linux. Do a search in settings for Google and check all the G rubbish is switched on. You need most of it on to use the store. Check in a guest profile as it could be another extension messing around with things.
  4. I think the free accounts can only send a support ticket for account questions, not filing bugs. Try billing and payments from the drop down and see if the button appears.
  5. On windows CTRL+SHIFT+H adds and removes highlights. Just select the highlighted text and do the shortcut. Mac probably has something similar... you can search for highlight in the shortcuts list.
  6. @Mike P ALT+CTRL+4 on windows gives me € ... same as you. I'm using the attachments beta thingy. On the Linux app it works and opens the notebook view. Maybe a windows conflict... the folks in the US may not have the € .
  7. You on the latest version of the app? The latest lets me edit the CTRL+N shortcut. Keyboard icon bottom left then three dots left of the CTRL+N setting.
  8. Should be CTRL + Q for windows... you can remap the shortcuts to a more useful key if needed.
  9. If you're in Europe take a look at the Fairphone 4... e-waste neutral, built using recycled materials, 5 yr warranty and updates. Its on Android 11. You can even repair it yourself. Battery, screen, usb port, camera... the lot! Much more sustainable than iPhones or Samsungs and what not.
  10. Have you got any ad blockers or tracker blockers switched on in your browser? I've found they sometimes stop some website functionality.
  11. From what I've experienced there's less support for keyboard shortcuts in the web than in the apps. In the desktop app I've reassigned CTRL+Q to CTRL + NUMBER PAD MINUS and it works a treat inside and outside notes. You need to find a key that's not wanted by the editor or the app and reassign "switch to" in the desktop app.
  12. On the desktop app I can select a number of notes and a blue box appears near the bottom... 3 dots gives me the export as PDF option. From the looks of it you can reorder the notes and add separators with the professional plan... looks pretty cool to be honest. Might upgrade from the personal plan thing!
  13. I hope this happens. Recurring tasks are apparently coming but I have no idea how powerful they'll be... I'm waiting for them as most of my work tasks recur. It would be nice to be able to set tasks as "first Wednesday in the month" or "every weekday" or "Last Friday in the month". I currently use Todoist for all of this but would switch to EN in a minute if I could do all this. Here's hoping.
  14. You can export notes as PDFs if that's any use. You can also select multiple notes and export them all as one PDF which could save a bit of time. You could also stick all the notes in a notebook and share the notebook with your accountant but I think they would need an Evernote account to view them.
  15. F11 should take it out of full screen mode unless something else is wrong.
  16. Same. I read somewhere (can't find it) that they're working on email tasks into the system like you can do with notes. Waiting for this together with recurring tasks as my CRM, invoice & project management software all create tasks for me automatically in Todoist.
  17. @rlubertiThanks... glad they know its a little bug. Hopefully it'll get fixed soon.
  18. Can't set the font size but you can type notes in a larger size if needed. Use Medium Text from for formatting bar which will give you size 24. You can also type ## and space before starting a paragraph to increase the size the medium (24). Zoom also works CTRL +/- to zoom in and out. Not perfect solutions but might help.
  19. In the notes widget you can see the number of completed/uncompleted tasks like - 3/35. Not sure about the other stuff Might find some answers here https://evernote.com/compare-plans There's also a free trial for all the plans so you could test it out and find the answers.
  20. You can do find and replace... CTL+F when looking at a note and then 3 dots to expand the search box.
  21. I found a workaround for this... what you need to do is edit the keyboard shortcut but find a key that's not being used by the editor. I changed it to CTRL NUM PAD MINUS KEY and it works from within a note... just need to find a key that the editor or the app doesn't use. To edit the shortcut click the keyboard icon, bottom left and then search for Switch to. Edited: for clarity & speeling misatkes.
  22. I think they're having problems their end. https://status.evernote.com
  23. Can you post if you get a reply... would be nice to have this fixed. Followed.
  24. The local copy seems to be just for offline use.... there's no option to have things local only as in not in the EN cloud.
  25. OneNote is very good, I used it for a while. You do have to pay for an Office 365 license for offline notebook use though. The main reason I moved back to EN was that OneNote seems to be going down a more educational route and I like the more productivity approach from EN.
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