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Everything posted by Jon/t

  1. Have you created a support ticket? You'll of had an email with a ticket number.
  2. If you've experienced data loss then you need to contact support with a copy of your logs. Its important that they know this and have all the information they need. I've not experienced Evernote locking files in any way. You can always get access to them. Before real time sync if you shared a file it may get locked when someone else was editing it but not anymore.
  3. As far as I know If you've not changed from SMS 2FA then you'll be asked to reset your password when logging in next.
  4. Legacy was announced as end of life and discontinued in Summer 2020. Plenty of time for folks to develop new workflows with Version 10 or even more new workflows with a different app. I'm not sure what severe issues you're seeing yourself. There was a bug the other day that got fixed in 24 hours. I use Version 10 all day everyday to run my business. I'm adding/editing/moving/deleting notes all day long. I'm working this weekend and spent all day yesterday and so far today inside Evernote and I've not noticed a single issue. It works a treat.
  5. As far as I know the web version downloads all the note meta data, tasks info and other bits. It doesn't download all the content, things like attachments and whatnot. The data is not persistent so once you log out or close the tab the data gets removed. Some folks Evernote accounts are 20GB+ so downloading all this every time the web app was opened would be very time consuming. Like @gazumped said the only way to get proper offline is with the desktop clients and making notebooks offline on mobile.
  6. Evernote does bookmark clipping differently to Joplin and sends a thumbnail over with the bookmark.
  7. Check if the correct note has the words computer desk in them. You could try what computer desk did I buy. Earlier I asked; what is the letter image size for client-name? It nailed the answer instantly without having to look at a note. You need to ask the right questions and your notes need to include the words for the request so the ai understands it.
  8. It should be pretty much instant. You on the latest versions of everything? Try a sign out and in again and a reboot. It may reset things.
  9. I've just copy pasted a couple of images from the windows app into an email. Worked fine. Have you tried a sign out and in again or a reboot?
  10. You'll have been given the emergency codes when you set up the authenticator. It's a multi screen setup and it asks you to copy the codes somewhere safe and then enter one of the codes to continue so you may have them saved somewhere. They're not sent by email.
  11. Absolutely. I call it social media speak where folks just assume everyone else is the same as them and has the same experiences as them. I used to work as a sort-of journo back in the day and we had to very obviously state if something was opinion or fact or you'd get fired😂
  12. You can right click a notebook and select Export and go for ENEX or HTML. Export as PDF as well.
  13. Are the notes shared? There is/was a bug with the count of shared notes in V10. Sounds like something needs resetting. Fire off a support ticket and someone should be able to help. Mention you've uninstalled and whatnot as this is the first thing they'll ask you to do.
  14. I'd fire off a quick support ticket as something may need resetting. I remember a few months ago when the new sync was introduced there where a few deleted notes lingering around but that should be fixed by now. If you're using the Windows app-store version of the software try the direct download from the Evernote website. It stores data in a different place and lets you use all the features.
  15. Its Halloween tomorrow👻 If everything looks OK on the web version of Evernote then I'd do a quick uninstall/reinstall to see if things work OK. Might me an idea to reboot the phone after the uninstall just to make sure any cached data is gone.
  16. Its really not outrageous. I pay more than O365 family edition for an RSS reader and its only one app. I also pay for Canva Pro which is more than O365. Many, many apps cost more than O365 and are only one product and they hold great value to the person that buys them.
  17. Just tried exact match searches using the Windows app and works as expected. It finds the phrase inside images, spreadsheets and PDFs as well so check to see if any of your notes contain these with the search phrase. If you don't want to contact support, do a full uninstall/reinstall and give it some time to re-index all the notes... see if it works then then contact support if not.
  18. Have you tried using Ai search at all? You can do something like "Show me notes for XXX with the tag XXXX". The original post said "Let's say I'm searching for invoices containing "glass" from a specific (tagged) supplier." - see if Ai search would give you a quicker answer. You might need to fiddle around with how you ask the question based on the information in your notes but once you have a system it may work.
  19. You seem angry and shouty. What you describe doesn't happen on all four of my PCs. In fact I didn't even notice the update last time on one of them, it happened in the background. Maybe its an IT policy change, maybe a problem with your PC, maybe something else?
  20. @mackid1993 I saved the html as a .html file and opened it in my browser. Select all and then copy paste into Evernote. Just a few edits and done. Pretty quick way to create custom templates.
  21. Tasks and notes in one place and offline mode and home dashboard. Plus you don't need a PhD to use it 😂
  22. Welcome home. Love tasks and calendar. The home screen is the first thing I look at every morning.
  23. I've made couple for this weeks newsletter. One starting Monday and the other starting Sunday. https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/p/evernote-2024-calendar-template-new
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