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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Rightly or wrongly Evernote highlights the words that match in yellow and then as you cycle through them it highlights the current match in blue. The cursor never moves - it stays wherever it was before you opened the find box. The work around is simply to click on wherever you want the cursor to be (e.g. the search match in blue) before you close the find box.
  2. I agree that you cannot change the default behaviour of how pdfs are dispalyed which I also think you should be able to do. However you can still change the view options of a pdf in a note by clicking the three dots menu obtained by clicking the gray bar at the top of the pdf.
  3. Not surprisingly there is very little experience of Boolean search within the community because there are not that many professional/teams members (yet?). It would really take somebody who has access to the feature to try it out and report here. I would expect it to work but there are still things in V10 that I would also expect to work which don't! Another approach might be to ask the specific question of support via a support ticket. That way you've got something ot go back to them with if it doesn't work as you would expect.
  4. Very strange. I obviously tested it before posting and it works fine for me. If both Boolean and tradtional search doesn't work there is obviously a problem specific to your account. I would certainly raise a support ticket. Your screen shot looks like Windows V10 so I would also try it on the web version for comparison.
  5. Of course in this particular case the old search syntax works just fine! any: todo:false contains:taskNotCompleted
  6. The todo:false method of searching for unchecked checkboxes (and checklist items) still seems to work for me. Like @PinkElephantI'm a bit confused. What you describe as your ideal is exactly how tasks work. Tasks sit in notes and are pulled together in the various task views. You can seach for notes containing uncompleted tasks or you can look in the note tab of the task view. If you create a task in isolation and don't assign it to a particular note then it will end up in the default task note. However if you are in a note and add a task to it, it will obviously be in that note. It seems like the calendar-task-note integration is designed to work for exactly your situation. By note view of tasks:
  7. You don't say where you are looking for these menus. For me on the web version on Chrome if I click "Notebooks" in the sidebar I get the full notebooks menu. If I use the three dots menu next to a stack I can delete it or rename it. If I use the three dots next to a notebook I can add it to an existing stack or create a new stack.
  8. It might just be worth just confirming that you are on the professional or Teams tier as the Boolean search only works on those.
  9. Some time ago I wrote a simple script that generates the text string needed for a search for a random 5 days of notes and copies it to the clipboard. You can then paste it into the search bar. It's in R but I'm sure the concept is transferrable to your scripting language of choice or even Excel. library(glue) max <- as.numeric(Sys.Date() - as.Date("2014-3-22")) en <- sample(1:max , 1) string <- glue("created:day-{en} -created:day-{en-5}") writeLines(string, "clipboard") Which generates something like: created:day-2473 -created:day-2468
  10. The order of the shortcuts can be changed (at least in desktop and web apps) by simply dragging them around. No need to have them start with a special character. Combined with the ctrl-<number> shortcut it is a very fast way of accessing notes (and searches, tags etc). The limitation is keeping it to a manageable number. I'm a "tagger" rather than a "notebooker" so the vast majority of my notes go into a single notebook. My system is to tag with content based tags (finance, running etc) and to tag particularly important notes with a $pinned tag. In the legacy version (Windows) it is very easy to select the content tag and then shift-click the $pinned tag in the sidebar to select only those notes which I would pin to the top, if the facility existed. Unfortuantely you can not (yet?) shift click tags in the sidebar of V10 to select an additional tag. This means I'm stuck with the filter menu (or a tag: type search). I recently discovered alt-F2 which goes directly to the tag filter. Combined with judicious naming of tags to keep them at the top of the list it is still, for me, a manageable alternative to pinned notes. As you can see I use some other "dollar tags" to group notes across subjects such as those I am currently working on etc
  11. There is no obvious way of defining which view EN opens to. However in my experience it always opens to the last view from when it was shut down completely. ie not just using the cross but file -> quit or closing it from the elephant icon in the task bar. My instalation always opens to my default notebook - it never opens at Home.
  12. How are you doing the search? Search ignores punctuation in a general search for words but not in tags. I created your three tags and assigned one each to three notes. I had no difficulty finding just one tag using for example. tag::3 Also when I typed in :3 into the search box the tag came up in the list of suggested search results And of course you can use the filter which obviously differentiates between the different tags: I imagine something similar will also work in legacy.
  13. I don't think you can display the date and time in this view except that notes created or updated today will show the number of hours ago that they were changed. You can access the date and time for a particular note by bringing up the note information window (ctrl-shift-I). As far as I can see the notes are corectly ordered within a day.
  14. Mine is not checked and all my emails end up in my default notebook as desired. Surely checking it is giving EN permission to put it where it likes! Also worth checking from the notebook view that your default notebook is still defined.
  15. I agree completely that we should have the option to expand the widget vertically as well as horizontally. So many widgets are naturally long rather than wide. Even for a pinned note if I make it wide enough to get as much information on screen as I can without scrolling it's then too wide to see it all when I view it as a regular note. May be it is my previous preoccupation with paper but I think of notes as portrait not landscape. And while we are on the subject or resizing widgets. When I double the size of the favorites widget I expect to be able to see twice as many favorites not the same number twice the size!
  16. How about using the three dots menu -> open note in new window. That being said I still hate the 2 column view and do not understand the design logic.
  17. Sorry, my mistake. You are absolutely right it is alt-ctrl-2 to go to the list of all notes.
  18. My preference would still be to be able to decide myself which tasks appear in the widget. However, if that isn't going to happen, your criteria do sound sensible. Unfortunately I am still only getting undated tasks mainly from one particular note. In the tasks view: Exactly the same behaviour on both Windows desktop and web versions. I'm relieved that it is a bug (not a major design flaw!) so I hope it can get sorted soon. I can't use EN as my main task manager until recurring tasks are implemented but when they are the tasks widget will be really useful.
  19. I can do the following to clear the search word Hit the cross in the search bar Click on a specific notebook Click on "Notes" If you want to do it without using the mouse then alt-ctrl-4 is the shortcut for notes
  20. All the keyboard shortcuts can be changed or disabled from the keyboard shortcut menu ( help -> keyboard shortcuts). Use teh three dots menu that appears when you hover over a shortcut.
  21. Another suggestion might be to put the notebooks in an archive stack rather than @DTLow's suggestion of an archive tag. The only advantage being that it's quicker than tagging each note. You can then exclude the archived notebooks (in the stack called archive) from the search using -stack:archive This works for me. although based on the (now very out of date) search syntax documentation it probably shouldn't!
  22. I have in the past exported all the notes that I want to archive and then put the enex file somewhere safe. I have then deleted the notes. If I do want them again I can import them. Compared with @DTLow's excellent suggestions this is more for things that you are 99% certain you will not need to access but can't quite bring yourself to delete!
  23. Why do you have to download it? Double clicking the file should open it in whatever media player is associated with that file type. OK in the background it is downloading it but it's not like you need to download, find the file and then open it.
  24. I assume from the results screen that you did this by filtering for the tag - eg by using the filter menu or by clicking the tag in the sidebar. I think filtering is done locally so as @gazumpedsays there will be a time lag until all the notes are downloaded. If you search for the tag. ie type tag:Health into the search bar this will search on the server and should give you the same results as the web version.
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