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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Devs, please see the thread here: Many, many people are reporting a serious aggravation when clicking on a reminder--apparently limited to when the Note List is using Snippet View.
  2. Please see the existing thread on this issue, particularly the information near the end that it apparently only happens with Snippet View (which is a very popular view, so it's a big problem):
  3. Yes, it's hard to understand why they don't allow using the Web browser version on Android. But at the moment that is the case. I see that you have a Premium subscription. It might be a good idea to open a support ticket and see what they say: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  4. Interesting question. I don't think there's a way to disable this in Tools > Options. For your specific purpose, my suggestion would be to open all of the necessary notes as separate windows before starting the live stream. (I know nothing about gaming live streaming, so apologies if that sounds like nonsense.) The email does not appear in individual note windows.
  5. For those who may come across this, @dicksonb then went ahead and joined the loud chorus of protest at this new "feature" in the Windows forum here: That would be the place to voice further protests as well.
  6. Reminders have been gone from the new Web version for quite awhile. They are still available in the "previous" version, which may work better for you in other ways as well. You can switch back to it by clicking on your initial/name at the top left.
  7. @KDulcimer, I understand the frustration. If you'll look at the recent exchanges here, though, you'll see that, in some browsers and OSes, Ctrl+C, etc., are working as expected. So it's not totally broken. But it is broken in some contexts, and hopefully they'll get it sorted out in something less than another 14 months.
  8. Basically, the limitations you've run into are firm, and can't be gotten around. This has been a longstanding complaint about the Android version of Evernote. The best I can say is that they are actively working on making the editing experience consistent across platforms, and I assume that will include working with tables in Android. When this will arrive, of course, is not known.
  9. Hi, @MilesF, and welcome to the forums. This topic comes up from time to time. A couple of years ago I did some experimenting, and can share my results with you. Grab a beverage -- I tend to go into details. A couple of preliminaries: as I gather you are aware, there are two Samsung note taking apps (at least that I'm aware of), the older and better S Notes (no longer supplied with new devices, but available on Google Play), and the newer Samsung Notes. Getting notes out of them and into Evernote is slightly different for each device. And there is no way to do it en masse: you have to export/share each note separately. Also, in what follows note the difference between syncing and sharing. A synced note (possible only in S Note) will be updated in Evernote if you make changes to it in S Note. (The reverse cannot be done: you can't edit a note synced from S Note in Evernote, because it's in a proprietary format.) A shared note, OTOH, has only the state of the note at the time it was shared. Any further editing, whether in S Note or Samsung Notes or in Evernote, will not be synced automatically. Samsung Notes: The best way to get handwritten notes (including lockscreen notes) from Samsung Notes to Evernote is to share them from within Samsung Notes by using the Share function to share as images. The handwritten text will be indexed (it can take a minute and a re-sync to work) so it can be searched from the note list--but not from within the note, as usual with images. It's also possible to share the notes from within Samsung Notes to Evernote as PDF. In either case, you can't get handwriting from a Samsung Note into Evernote as text. However, if you create a typed text note, not handwritten, in Samsung Notes you can share it as a text file to Evernote, and it appears in the default notebook as a text note. S Notes: S Notes can be synced directly with Evernote. What exactly syncs from S Note to Evernote is a bit complicated, though. What is actually synced is an attached S Note .spd file and an image of the S Note. On the Android device, a separate main-menu top-level category "S Notes" is created; if you tap on a note there, it opens in S Note, not in Evernote. However, an automatically synced note is also created as a note in the default notebook, available in the Windows app and on the Web as well as the Android device, with the body of the note (even a purely text note) as an image (the attached .spd file is also there). Text in the image (including handwriting) does become searchable (it can take a minute), with limitations: it can only be found by searching the notebook or all notes, not within the note. However, in S Note, as in Samsung Notes, you can tap Share, choose a format (S Note .spd file, JPG, PNG, PDF, or text only), and then Add to Evernote. This will add a note to the default notebook (in addition to the automatically synced note), in which both text and handwriting are indexed and searchable (in JPG and PDF formats, anyway, and within the limitations Evernote has for those formats). If you choose the text-only option, of course, all the text is searchable, but naturally any handwriting won't come through at all. So that's what I know, as @gazumped says, try it and see. WRT handwriting and voice, Evernote can do both, though many find handwriting a note in Evernote to be laggy. Handwritten notes will be indexed for searching, as noted above. AFAIK, voice notes will not.
  10. Well, you're way beyond my experience here, so I hope someone with more knowledge will chime in.
  11. The post just before yours suggests that if you only have one notebook, you can't delete it. Is that your situation? I find that when I have one of my notebooks selected and click on the horizontal 3-dot menu I get the drop-down shown below. I notice that the other option missing in your screenshots is "Set as default notebook," which would also be impossible if you only have one notebook.
  12. Hi, @Dseven, and welcome to the forums. I've also experienced some seemingly ineradicable indents in the Windows program with material coming from the Web (not only the Evernote Web editor, either). I think I've found that I have to place the cursor at the beginning of the indented paragraph and backspace to join it to the preceding paragraph, then hit Enter to start a new, non-indented paragraph. Clunky at best. Apparently the Windows program editor is encountering some indent code that it can't properly change or undo. Curiously enough, indents created with Ctrl+M in the Windows program can be undone with Shift+Tab in the Web editor! So yeah, at least bug-like behavior. They are working on a serious update to all the editors, and hopefully this will be among the inconsistencies that get fixed. Don't know how soon that will be, though.
  13. Strange, strange. It seems like some erroneous interaction between the Web client and certain browsers and/or OSes. Am I right that you're on the beta version of the Web client? Of course, @PinkElephant noted problems in the classic version too. @Scott T., any thoughts here?
  14. And presumably the Chrome browser then? Do you find that the keyboard shortcuts work in editable fields on other Web pages in the browser? In the Evernote Web editor, does a right-click show cut/copy/paste? Just trying to track this down, since it seemingly works in some environments but not others.
  15. Perhaps some interaction between the Web client and the browser, then? @ehrt74, what operating system and browser are you using?
  16. Sounds really frustrating. If it continues, since you're on a Plus subscription, I believe you have access to support, and this might be a case for them.
  17. I strongly suspect that this is a browser-specific issue, and possibly OS-related as well. I'm using Opera under Windows 7, and keyboard shortcuts such as Ctr+C, Ctrl+X, Ctrl+V, and Ctrl+Z all work as expected. I also note that, when I right-click while editing a note, the menu that appears is the one that Opera pops up in every editable field, which includes cut/copy/paste, undo, and other functions. Finally, in both the beta and classic Web editors, the toolbar of editing functions across the top of a note being edited does not include cut/copy/paste icons. So my little investigation suggests that Evernote relies on the browser to provide some functions, such as cut/copy/paste and undo, while providing others through its own interface. The former functions use the browser's keyboard shortcuts, if any, while none of the latter seems to have a keyboard shortcut. For instance, Ctrl+K does not open the dialog to insert a URL link, although there is an icon in the toolbar for that function. And this accords with the fact that Opera does not provide the Ctrl+K shortcut in editable fields. All this is true for Firefox as well, BTW.
  18. I can confirm this (not in the most recent version of the program, admittedly). Definitely a bug.
  19. @Scott T., you will be a hero for many if you can help bring this about! When it was first implemented it may have made sense to prevent accidentally browsing to a linked site. But in the current Web editor, you have to explicitly click on a link in a small dialog in order to open it. That seems like an adequate level of alerting and permission.
  20. Check out the video recently announced in the forums and posted here: A number of highly requested features are in the process of being implemented--not ready for release yet, as I understand it, but approaching beta. They include to-do lists with strikethrough, styles, text colors, highlight colors--a lot of the things that are already present in the beta Web editor. Plus better tag management and cross-platform consistency.
  21. In the preview of upcoming new features in the mobile apps: there is a discussion at about 3:45 in the video of how they are implementing this very feature: edit by tapping edit button only, not the note itself.
  22. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This useless warning has been in place for several years now, and there have been many complaints about it. Unfortunately, it seems likely to remain. Evidently Evernote developers do not want us to accidentally click a link and go to a site that may not be secure. I also find it annoying. As regards tables, which version of Evernote are you using? I find that in the "new" Evernote for the Web, both the Classic and Beta version allow navigation within tables using Tab. Only the so-called "previous" version does not: it inserts spaces when Tab is pressed in a table cell. If you are finding that Tab puts you into another option (which is not quite clear to me), perhaps your browser is intercepting the Tab key and causing this. Is there a setting in the browser that is related to this?
  23. Hi, @emmeer, and welcome to the forums. What means are you using to access Evernote? If you're using the Web beta, there have been other reports of data loss in the forum dedicated to it: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/235-web-client/. You may find some solutions in those threads. In particular, if you are using the Web beta, there should be a black button saying so at the bottom right. Click on that and revert to the Classic editor, and see if that helps.
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