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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Thanks, the open-full-screen trick is a good tip. I found that thereafter every note opened in its own window opened full-screen--not my preference, and I had to restore one to my preferred size and close it to go back to that. And I thought for a minute I had a free lunch!
  2. Thanks for the tip -- which works on Windows 7 as well. The habits we carry over from previous versions of software or an OS are hard to change even if a newer, better option is available. I prefer to keep my hands on the keyboard, and this is a great way to start a program that way, pressing Enter instead of clicking.
  3. Good idea, but AFAIK there are no settings for default formats (e.g. font) in any version of the Web editor. The best you can do is go to this feature request for the Web client and vote it up by clicking the upward arrow at the top of the page (being aware that the specific wording of the original post may be out of date, since the Web editor has changed a good bit since then):
  4. @Lexbrkly, using your detailed report, I just tested on my phone, and I'm not having the problem. It's evidently not universal, but may be related to specific circumstances on specific devices. Since you're on a Premium subscription, it might be good to contact technical support. Let us know here if you they're able to be helpful; it might help others out. Support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. If you have problems there, take a look at https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/.
  5. IMsHO (only semi-humble), if a missing icon is the reason you quit using Evernote, you made the right decision, since you must not have been getting much value from it (even for free) if that was the tipping point. Semi-seriously musing: What is this mysterious hold that Evernote has over people, that they abandon it, find something else that works much better, and still come in here a year later to b, um, to p, um to complain about it? I am actually curious about what drew you back, and sorry for any evident snark.
  6. Deleting a note involves a sync process, I believe, and deleting that many large notes at once may go beyond what Basic users can do. It might be simpler to create an entirely new account with a different email address and password. That guarantees "fresh and clean." You could also deactivate the account you're no longer using: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314088.
  7. There may be an option here, if this is not what you're already using: https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action.
  8. Hi, @Pixelpops, and welcome to the forums. This is the same behavior I see, although I don't Shift+Click. I have a shortcut on my (Windows 7) desktop, of the evernote:///view type, and simply clicking it calls up the note in a separate window, but then immediately also opens the main program window, though it does not go to the note in question in that window. I don't know if there's something in Windows that requires this behavior; and I recognize that the extra 2.25 seconds out of my life will not cause long-term harm; but it is a bit annoying.
  9. Just jumping in to confirm that apparently any combination of two alphanumerics followed by ".component" is enough to trigger creation of a hyperlink. The same is true of ".com", ".org", etc. Putting on my Sherlock Holmes hat: Given that "component" seems to be a technical term for the elements making up a URI (Wikipedia: "The URI generic syntax consists of a hierarchical sequence of five components"), I suspect there is a bit of code that used "component" as a placeholder for any such element, and was either poorly written or not updated, with the result that the placeholder is interpreted as an actual element of a URL rather than a placeholder. (Holmes picks up his violin, runs his long, sensitive fingers languorously along the strings, reaches for his bow, and begins to play a slow, reflective rendition of "Yakkety Yak" by the Coasters.) Editing to ask @Shane D. if this can be passed along to the programmers, since (whether Sherlock is right or not) it clearly seems to be a bug.
  10. At this point, then, since you have a Premium subscription it would probably be best to contact support: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new.
  11. In the Android app you could go to Settings > Account Info; I think you can resubscribe from there. Or go online to https://www.evernote.com/BillyBillingProfile.action.
  12. When you say "little square box," are you referring to the checkboxes? In other words, are you getting a checklist/to-do list rather than round bullets? That would be very strange. I just tested, and it's working OK for me, so it is likely to be a problem on your system. The standard advice is to restart the device and see if that helps. If it doesn't, do a sync, uninstall Evernote, restart the phone again, and reinstall it. It will take a few minutes for Evernote to download what it needs to download, and you'll need to recreate your settings, but this should do it.
  13. This has been requested quite a lot, and it would definitely be convenient. I notice that it does seem to work this way in the Web beta editor. @jefito points out some other considerations that complicate the implementation, but I hope we may see this in the Windows desktop program in the time to come.
  14. Following up on this, I did send another email to support, replying to my existing ticket from last summer. This is their reply, which seems reasonable to me (given the exasperating randomness of the problem), although it doesn't offer any immediate solution: "Soon" is a subjective term, but from what I've seen of the "Behind the scenes" videos and the Web beta, there are some great changes coming up, and it could well be that this "incomprehensible" issue (incomprehensible to all concerned, apparently) will simply get resolved in the general code revision.
  15. Thanks for the report, @judielaine, and for contacting support. Do let us know what you find out. @ffizzz, did you ever get anything worked out through support?
  16. Glad it was helpful, and welcome to Evernote! I would say that some of the advantages of Evernote over Color Notes (which I also use) are: You can view and edit the notes on various devices, for instance on any computer using the Evernote Web client (https://www.evernote.com/client/web). You can format the notes. Formatting on Android is somewhat limited, but you can add bold, italics, underline, and strikethrough, as well as bulleted or numbered lists, highlighting, check boxes, horizontal lines, indenting, and superscript and subscript. In the beta version of the Web client, you can change fonts as well font sizes and colors, and use different colors of highlights. You can add any kind of attachment to Evernote notes. On Android, attachments like .docx and .pdf are opened using whatever app you have designated for the purpose on the device. There is a limited amount of photo annotating and cropping available in Evernote. Since you have a Premium account, everything will be searchable: text that you type, text in attachments, even text in photos. You can set reminders to alert you to do something with a note. Notes can have tags to help with categorizing them (as well as sorting them into notebooks). You may find that tags and/or notebooks will help you keep track of notes in the same way that you used color-coding in Color Note. These are the things that come most quickly to mind, and you're probably already aware of them. If questions come up for you, please do continue to ask them here.
  17. Hi, and welcome to the forums. You may be on the right track about having copied in something from his Gmail. I don't use the Mac version, but you should see an Info button near the top right. Click that and look for "URL." If that has his Gmail address in it, just delete everything in that URL field. Evernote automatically populates this field with source info that it considers relevant and useful. It is very often wrong. Hope this helps.
  18. I have reported this post. @Lewis-H is not an Admin, and the marketing links are inappropriate.
  19. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Are you using the beta version of the Web client (i.e., in a browser like Chrome or Safari)? There is a known issue with shared notes in the beta. The solution is to drop back to the "Previous" version: click your initial in top left and select that option. This gives a different look and a different set of editing and formatting options, but it does work with shared notes. (I'm not sure whether the "Classic" version works with shared notes: in the Beta version, check by clicking the black Beta Editor button at bottom right and switch to Classic.) See this and other threads on shared notes in the Web beta:
  20. I agree with your exegesis, Robert. I never looked at the thing that closely before, just thought of it as "that incomprehensible shape that marks my default notebook." The fact that somebody asks what it is here once a month or so is an indicator of its failure to communicate.
  21. Good catch, Steven! The Web beta does continue to improve.
  22. Not a mod, but welcome to the forums. This is a good place for the question. Unfortunately, the answer is that in the current state of the Web beta, there isn't any way to address this from the user end. Problems with shared notebooks are among the known problems in the beta, which presumably they're working on addressing. Definitely a pain if you want to use the beta's slick new formatting features on notes in this shared notebook. See these existing threads:
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