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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Hi, and welcome to the forums. One possible explanation for the lack of a compare-notes feature is that it might be seen as a violation of Evernote's pledge not to read our note content. (Believe me, the first time notes were compared and differences highlighted, there would be a flood of complaints here about Evernote violating privacy.) Another issue is the wide variability of operating platforms and of contents in notes. We would (I suppose) want Evernote to implement an automatic scan of the conflicting notes and highlighting of differences. That's not hard in a plain-text note in a single operating system. But of course we would want that to work also in Android and iOS and in the Web client. What about content in tables? That would have to be compared also. What about attachments? Suppose someone attached an Excel file to a note, edited the file on one device and also edited it in a different way on another device. Would we want Evernote to examine the spreadsheets and highlight those differences as well? All of which is to say that for a system like Evernote, "document comparison" is not as simple as may seem. I don't get note conflicts too often, and my notes are mostly pretty short and easy for me to compare. But yes, this would be nice to have; I'm just not sure what other improvements to the system I'd like to see delayed in order to get this.
  2. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Folks here can offer more targeted help if you can let us know which platform and version you're using (Web client in a browser, Windows desktop program, Android app, Mac, iOS, etc.).
  3. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I think you're running into two things here. (1) The Evernote Web client currently has a beta version that is the most up-to-date, but can have problems on some browsers. I got the same message in both Chrome and Opera on my Android phone. (2) When I tapped "Continue to older version" (i.e., the non-beta version), I got the expected message "Sorry, Evernote Web is not supported on Android browsers" (in both Chrome and Opera). Evernote has for some time preferred (insisted, really) that people use the Android app rather than the Web client on Android devices. So what you're seeing is expected. The Android app works well, but it doesn't have all the formatting goodies that the Web client does. OTOH, it does do reminders, which the Web beta does not. Bottom line, you'll need to install the Evernote app from Google Play on an Android device.
  4. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Tap that large a on the toolbar at top to get the formatting bar back (it's a toggle, so tap it again to lose the format bar).
  5. Good! I admire your diligence. It does seem that, despite Google's desires, there ought to be some extremely simple Notepad-like plain-text app that might also serve the purpose.
  6. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "notebook groups." But if the note list in the middle and/or the individual note panel on the right aren't displayed, check the View menu to make sure they're selected. If that doesn't do it, try exiting the program completely (File > Exit, or use Task Manager; the red X box at top right only closes the interface), and then start it again. This often clears out some oddness that has gotten "stuck" in the computer's memory.
  7. This is part of the issue of the Web client producing numerous duplicate copies of a note when it detects some (perhaps nonexistent) problem with the network connection. See this ongoing thread:
  8. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is a known, and very aggravating, issue with the new Web client, which is still in beta. The Web client has its own forum; please see the long ongoing thread about this in that forum:
  9. Yes, I get the same result, except that I get a small blue box and blue circle at the bottom of the pasted material. Very odd.
  10. Let me suggest reporting the problem by using the Feedback button in the bottom right of the Web beta. Obviously you would have to do this temporarily in a non-private Firefox window, or in a different browser.
  11. Very interesting. I just tested in my "index" note, and found that clicking on a link to a note outside the same notebook did go to the first note in that notebook, not to the target of the actual note link. The second time, it did go to the proper note, so very much as you report.
  12. OK, thanks for the clarification. Nothing to offer, I'm afraid. There have been reports of Ctrl key combinations malfunctioning in the Web beta in various combinations of browser (Chrome seems to come up a lot) and OS. Hopefully it gets sorted out as they progress. You could use the black Feedback button at bottom right in the Web beta to report on this.
  13. Great, glad you got it sorted! Like I said, it's an incredibly easy thing to do--you wouldn't believe the percentage of problems raised here that are traceable to it, so you're not alone!
  14. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is the forum for the Windows desktop program. Please look for iOS forum and post there, where there will be other users who are familiar with issues there.
  15. That is regrettable. I doubt that your case is all that rare--a number of people have posted about difficulties using Evernote for work presentations when they prefer not to have personal notes come up in searches, for instance. Getting a default sort order, notebook, appearance, etc., ought to be on the to-do list for the revisions in progress. Since you've got a Premium account, it might be worth contacting support to raise the issue.
  16. @acheong87, can you give any more detail about the exact procedure you are using when the problem occurs? Using v. 6.13.0 of the Web client beta with Opera as my browser, I started a bulleted list, typed a couple of words, pressed Enter to get the next bullet, pressed Tab, and the bullet simply indented to the next level, with no extra space. Continuing to press Tab and Shift+Tab indented and "outdented" properly.
  17. Just FYI, these are mainly user-to-user forums, and not a venue for addressing Evernote directly. FWIW, I just checked one of my notes that functions as an organizing note, with links to several other notes, and all the links worked OK in the Web beta. I have v. 6.13.0 of the Web beta, and use it mostly in Opera. What browser and what version of the beta are you using (the version can be found by clicking your account initial in the top left corner)?
  18. Agreed. They are working on a revamped interface and editor that is supposed to be more unified across platforms. Hopefully this will be one of the revamps. Till then, unless you're willing to have two separate accounts, one for teaching and one for personal notes (presumably one Premium and one Basic), the situation remains problematic.
  19. Also, what browser are you using? Is it possible to try it in a different browser? In Opera, I find that I do get the spinning circle with the same message (in English); but the image is pasted in less than 5 seconds. However, when I go to the older version of the Web client, I can't paste the image at all!
  20. In many programs and browsers, Ctrl+Shift+Z can be used for redo. Is that working?
  21. Now that you have finally explained exactly what you did--you didn't mention that you were using the older, "classic" Web client before--yes, when I try to open the link from there I get this error message: I'm through wasting my time on your rudeness and deliberate pretension that you think you're addressing Evernote staff about "our" engine. This oddly formed link doesn't work in the old Web client that is no longer being developed, but works perfectly fine in the current beta. It takes about 10 seconds (at most) to switch between the two versions of the Web client.
  22. Or, @RoRo!, since you have a Premium subscription, this might be a matter for a technical support request.
  23. This thread is in the forum for the Android app. Since you're dealing with 3 other platforms, let me suggest that you post it in the General Technical Issues forum instead: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/463-general-technical-issues/. It will be more likely to be seen by someone who can help.
  24. @McVitas, since you've posted in these forums a number of times, you must know that they're user-to-user; anyone who is Evernote staff is clearly identified in their profile to the left of their post. Like @CalS, when I tried copying the link into the Web beta and clicking, I got redirected to the site just fine. But wait.... You posted this in the Web client forum, and all of us frikin idiots here have been assuming you put it in the right place. But now you say: So the problem would be in one of the Evernote mobile apps, not the Web client. Android or iOS? Each of them has its own frikin forum where you could post your question. Or we can frikin deal with it here, but we need to know which platform.
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