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  1. Past hour
  2. Yes, just looked it up. I think compared to the 2018 15“ they only changed the available AMD GPUs, and maybe the keyboard. The last Intel MBP was then the MBP 16“. After that only Apple Silicon Macs. Can’t tell you why it seems to be more laggy for you than for me, specially with a smallish account.
  3. Some great suggestions already by @PinkElephant and @AlbertR. Just a couple of comments 1. Boolean search is great, easy to understand and allows complex searches with brackets etc. However if all you want is any of a list of tags the old fashioned search syntax any: works well and is less typing! any: tag:tag1 tag:tag2 tag:tag3 2. If you just want a tag or any of it's sub-tags don't forget the drop down in the blue tag lozenge after you select the top level tag I wish there was an option in the main filter to select notes containing any of multiple tags rather than all of them, but at least you can do it manually.
  4. It appears that the word search function on Evernote 10.86.8 is not functioning anymore. Anyone else having the same issue? Best, f.
  5. If you share a notebook with someone on with permission restricted to 'view only', they can nonetheless copy the shared notes to a new notebook and share them. Is there a way to prevent this?
  6. Today
  7. Either use boolean search phrases (see PEs answer above) or try to rename tags that you often want to use together by starting their names with the same pattern. Example: I have several tags that all mark any type of "do it in 1, 2, 3 days". The tags are named ">>1", ">>2" and ">>3". To find notes that are to do within the next 3 days, I search by using the wildcard "*" instead of the number: tag:>>* Finds all those notes that would match with boolean search "tag:>>1 OR tag:>>2 OR tag:>>3". You may negate the search like -tag:>>* This finds all notes that do NOT have any these tags. Written as a boolean search it means "NOT (tag:>>1 OR tag:>>2 OR tag:>>3)" Using wildcard "*" in tag names works for tags that start with any other characters. The "*" has to be the last character in the tag:... pattern.
  8. I don't think the issue is really the frequency of the releases per se, but the quality of the releases and the fact that releases often break things that were working perfectly well before. I think people were hoping that taking it a little slower would mean more opportunity to test and catch these things. This in turn would lead to fewer "emergency releases" to correct things. e.g the current release needed a fix release to get the keyboard shortcut to shortcuts working again.
  9. This is my computer: https://support.apple.com/en-us/111941#:~:text=MacBook Pro (15-inch%2C,) - Technical Specifications - Apple Support And it happens both when using the Mac app AND when using Evernote via a browser. It takes a few seconds for content to show as I scroll and it definitely impedes productivity because I don't know where I am in a note until it decides to reveal itself. Maybe an update down the road will fix it - we'll see? My current Google Workspace scrolling is "snappy" and normal with the same content.
  10. This is the main reason I using tagging as my primary organisation method. Often I can't pigeon hole a note into just one category. If I didn't use tags I would create a note with the same title and an internal link to the note, which could then be put in a different notebook.
  11. Sorry but - - and you weren't even using the latest version. "Legacy" is not coming back.
  12. It's very bad database practice to have two versions of anything. Evernote could use a 'mirror' or transclusion feature where one note can appear in two or more places, maybe by using a different form of internal link. I just use tags for the moment...
  13. They could introduce a beta-testers pricing tier. A Bleeding-Edge tier that's practically the same as the Personal Tier, but $2 cheaper per month. This is to warn subscribers that the service could be subpar or unstable, in exchange for paying less. Alternatively, they could also raise every tier (Teams and Professional, except Personal) by $2 - that would go into funding additional testing and support options, while ensuring the product is on a stable line and features are introduced after extensively testing with the folks in Personal Tier
  14. With many developers moving to agile with CI/CD approaches, you can expect with all parties to have their new versions released in more frequent pace. This is what I call progress. If you compare this to many complaints I noticed in the past about the low frequency on updates, I believe the Evernote team deserves to be praised for this. If the level of upgrades is too high (which is understandable because not everyone can simply install the latest version from the site or run in the app), then be advised that you do NOT have to always install the update. I noticed that the in-app update does not pass by too often, but I could be wrong ( I install the latest versions from the download page), but you can skip if needed. So not to worry.
  15. Not even sure Scannable is still supported... and this is not Support; mostly other users here.
  16. I occasionally find a note belongs in more than one notebook, and I have to make a strategic choice where it belongs more. (Of course one can have duplicate notes,which is not ideal.) Is this a common need I wonder? It is a feature of UpNote.
  17. Hi. Uninstall / power cycle / reinstall - and log in carefully.
  18. Hmmn. The reminders tab does still exits on 10.87 Android tablet however...
  19. The cut off audio button is known and, in a sense, intended. There's is, apparently, an intention to make the buttons scroll with other content available. So the design is taking account of that. It looks clumsy but it's with intent rather than being a bug. There are other bugs
  20. I wasn't on the call 'cos of client meetings but the home screen was on the agenda. I'll watch back the call over the weekend. Personally, I love the new mobile home screen as I use my phone Evernote differently from desktop Evernote. Possibly swap out Notebooks at the bottom for Shortcuts as for me their more important. Agree that desktop home is a big buggy, calendar timeline is getting on my nerves. A lot of the bugs seems to be abut the app remembers different states so I'm wondering if there's been work on this recently. Pretty sure they'll be another release or 2 next week.
  21. I'm happy with the iteration speed, but introduce a "stable" line and a "pioneer" line or something, so people can choose which they want to be on. I a nutshell, I cannot see anyone who really needs to rely on this second brain, not agreeing with your sentiments/suggestions.
  22. 10.87.0 Android Evernote also has no reminders tab on my phone... I don't miss it cause I use a saved search for due reminders of notes. Maybe this info is of use of others though.
  23. 100% agree with this. I'm also really concerned that when new features are introduceed there is a "tick the box and move on" culture. Time is not spent improving the feature beyond the basics. So we get new features that are just about useable but not a pleasure to use. Tasks is a good example of this. Well over a year before some of the things people said at the time were needed were introduced.
  24. The problem I was finding is the following: Imagine a daily task which you have completed but it is still showing today in the task view but tomorrow in the note. Completing it again was moving the "real" date from tomorrow to the next day. So a real chance of it not appearing on tomorrows task list.
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