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Evernote resets to top of note after switching between apps



After this last update, I am assuming, my notes auto-reset/scroll back to the top of the note after editing a note. So I can be editing a note halfway through a long note and when I hide the keyboard after edit it shoots the document back up to the top, losing my place in the note. How do I fix this?

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4 minutes ago, gazumped said:

"Make" ?

I may have mentioned before...  this is a (mainly) user-supported Forum.  Any noise you make here is just in this hen house.  Evernote will take note,  but they're not obliged to leap into action immediately... or at all...  unless it fits in with their plans and priorities.

Point taken, I don’t want to cause more work for admins and moderators. I completely understand the very logical reasons they may not be acting on this issue, but its becoming frustrating enough that I’ve explored options to move my data off the platform after being a premium user for 10 years. I know, if I don’t like it just leave. It may not mean much to have me walk away, but something is fundamentally wrong when a company stops listening to its customers for so long that they find alternatives. I do plan to stick around a few more months to see if anything gets better and then I’ll take my business elsewhere. I appreciate all you guys do to keep this outlet going for users to learn and share on, keep up the great work 👍🏻

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4 minutes ago, Bryan Black said:

Point taken, I don’t want to cause more work for admins and moderators. I completely understand the very logical reasons they may not be acting on this issue, but its becoming frustrating enough that I’ve explored options to move my data off the platform after being a premium user for 10 years. I know, if I don’t like it just leave. It may not mean much to have me walk away, but something is fundamentally wrong when a company stops listening to its customers for so long that they find alternatives. I do plan to stick around a few more months to see if anything gets better and then I’ll take my business elsewhere. I appreciate all you guys do to keep this outlet going for users to learn and share on, keep up the great work 👍🏻

I’m completely agree! 👍👍👍

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Go to one of the beta threads and express your displeasure there. 

Total SWAG here but maybe it is related to the purported use of the Electron framework in the new app development so as to have something close to one version of the code.  Any stateless, resource hungry environment is going to be slower and a user PITA when compared to an environment that maintains state with less plumbing.  Web apps seldom run well as desktop apps.  If this is the case I hope EN has some twinkie dust to deal with performance issues.  This train left the station quite a while ago and was already supposed to have reached its destination which may be a clue of sorts.  Hoping for the best.

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Hello all!

We know this has been a longstanding thread and issue with the current version of the app. We've been hard at work on our new app, which is now in beta.

While it's still a work in progress, we think that this behavior (restoring the note and position in the note when leaving the app and coming back) is much better in the new version. 

If any of y'all in this thread aren't already beta testers and are willing to try it out, we'd love your feedback, especially around this area. 

To do that, first sign up for the beta program here: https://evernote.com/betaprogram

Then, please DM me your email address and I can get you set up. 




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10 minutes ago, annah said:

Hello all!

We know this has been a longstanding thread and issue with the current version of the app. We've been hard at work on our new app, which is now in beta.

While it's still a work in progress, we think that this behavior (restoring the note and position in the note when leaving the app and coming back) is much better in the new version. 

If any of y'all in this thread aren't already beta testers and are willing to try it out, we'd love your feedback, especially around this area. 

To do that, first sign up for the beta program here: https://evernote.com/betaprogram

Then, please DM me your email address and I can get you set up. 




Hi Annah, thank you so much for the reassurance you've offered here on this issue. I'm sending you a DM on your offer right now, I'm glad to offer feedback on this.

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Hello! I have a feature I would like to request. This is the current state:

  • Using evernote on my iPhone
  • Open evernote
  • Search for a note (recipe, in this case)
  • Scroll through, review.
  • iPhone closes after two minutes
  • I re-open the iPhone
  • Evernote has closed the previously opened note
  • To re-open the note I have to search for it again.
It is quite frustrating to have to re-search for a recipe every time my phone closes. I love storing my recipes in Evernote given all its sorting features but this causes quite a slowdown and delay when I’m making something. If it would be possible to keep a previously opened note open after the iphone/ipad closes, that would be great. 
Thank you!
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22 hours ago, rachelsorensen said:

Hello! I have a feature I would like to request. This is the current state:

  • Using evernote on my iPhone
  • Open evernote
  • Search for a note (recipe, in this case)
  • Scroll through, review.
  • iPhone closes after two minutes
  • I re-open the iPhone
  • Evernote has closed the previously opened note
  • To re-open the note I have to search for it again.
It is quite frustrating to have to re-search for a recipe every time my phone closes. I love storing my recipes in Evernote given all its sorting features but this causes quite a slowdown and delay when I’m making something. If it would be possible to keep a previously opened note open after the iphone/ipad closes, that would be great. 
Thank you!

This has been posted in other threads, that is EN not keeping the state of the last used/seen note.  No movement from EN at this point. 

In the meantime a quick way to get back to the note is to use the Star icon at the bottom of the EN screen.  This will display the last three recent notes plus your shortcuts if any.

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23 hours ago, rachelsorensen said:

I have a feature I would like to request.

I merged you post with a discussion in the IOS forum
To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion

It's a known issue with Evernote resetting in IOS

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On 7/29/2020 at 11:56 AM, Bryan Black said:

While it's still a work in progress, we think that this behavior (restoring the note and position in the note when leaving the app and coming back) is much better in the new version. 

Still a work in progress? We "think" this behavior is much better in the new version? 

Hardly a resounding note of reassurance after 6 years of people complaining about this "feature."

Hey everybody, I just checked out Apple Notes and it is sweet. Let's go!

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On 2/29/2016 at 10:37 AM, annah said:

Hi all - we are aware of this issue and hope to have a fix out soon. This isn't intended behavior. It seems to occur in one of two scenarios when at the bottom of a longer note: when checking a checkbox and when hiding the keyboard . I'll update this post when the issue is resolved. Thanks for your patience!

I'd like to add my voice to the chorus of people making it clear that this is a massive bug that must be fixed for Evernote iOS to be truly functional. I have recently dropped my Evernote Premium directly because of this bug, due to the fact that it causes multitasking to be unusable.

And yes, it is a bug. As evidenced by both the quote from staff above and the fact that plenty of non-Apple iOS apps handle this functionality (i.e. holding position) perfectly fine (e.g. Google Docs).

This bug is a workflow killer and the fix should be a top priority.

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Dear gazumped - What makes you think the people at Evernote actually look at these exchanges.  Looks like the problem has been around for more than two years, and not only has it not been fixed, but there's no indication to the effect of "Hear you; we're working on it" from the company.  Evernote seems to have absolute contempt for its users.

If they offered even fee-per-use-based tech support they might actually have to interact with customers, and address longstanding problems.

I'm exploring other software solutions since the Evernote people have no interest in addressing problems or improving their product.


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@Al Padilla paid You may be exploring other software options, but I am pretty sure you are not even running the software we are talking about in this thread (spoiler: Go to the top of the thread, read the subforums title).

To your complete amazement the problem described here was in fact solved with v10. The note does NOT reset any longer to the top when something is pasted into it. A long running problem solved with v10. Maybe this runs against your strongest believes, but I think you could at least TRY if a problem still exists before you POST your weird opinion about it here.

And no, before the next post is about me: Just another user, paying my subscription, using the product, not related to EN in any other way but being a user. So spare your words.


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On 2/27/2016 at 2:50 PM, garumike said:

After this last update, I am assuming, my notes auto-reset/scroll back to the top of the note after editing a note. So I can be editing a note halfway through a long note and when I hide the keyboard after edit it shoots the document back up to the top, losing my place in the note. How do I fix this?


On 6/7/2019 at 9:38 PM, RRM said:

I am just confirming that more than 3 years later, and on version 8.20.369737, this remains an issue.


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44 minutes ago, David666 said:

I am on V10 and the issue is NOT solved

Yet you're posting in a v8 forum and didn't bother to inform us that your situation was different?  So.  Before I move this to a different forum - what device are you using,  what OS and what EN version?

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EN iOS 10.24, iOS 15.2.1

Just had to switch between Safari (this website ….) and my EN client running on my iPad. After coming back to the EN client, my page was at exactly the same place where it was when I switched out of the EN app and went to Safari. This happens both in editing and in viewing mode.

This when switching to and fro between apps. I have not tried what happens when iOS closed an app running in the background. This means waiting longer, and the rules iOS applies to decide whether to close an app in the background are not transparent. Sort of hard to test.

If this makes a difference, it is caused by iOS closing the app, not by the app itself. AFAIK an app can not influence whether the OS decides to shut it down - the OS always wins. When it was closed, it was wiped from RAM, and probably can’t safe a status it had before shutting down.

iOS is different in managing apps than Android. This is a very technical issue, but in general iOS reserves and allocates a slice of RAM memory to any app when it is starting. iOS keeps managing it, and on closing an app the RAM allocated is wiped and put back into the devices memory pool. Different on Android, where apps grab and hold RAM, and the OS is always housekeeping and trying to free it again.

To wrap it up: The iOS EN app knows and holds the position where the user has been when leaving the app for another one. What the EN app can not avoid is to be shut down by iOS after a period of inactivity. This will wipe the „prior position“ memory as well.

Disclaimer: No inside knowledge, just my 5ct.


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18 hours ago, gazumped said:

Yet you're posting in a v8 forum and didn't bother to inform us that your situation was different?  So.  Before I move this to a different forum - what device are you using,  what OS and what EN version?

iPad and V10.28.3

My search of evernote for this problem led me to this forum not any other - 

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I am studying on an executive education course and as I generally use Evernote to ensure all my business meeting and person notes are always in one place.

howwer, this particular feature of Evernote that the cursor jumps to a random location rather than either then end of the page or the last position is incredibly frustrating when trying to make toes about online content that I read in other apps (e.g. safari).

it has now been over 6 years since this was reported, please fix it!

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17 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Can’t reproduce this claim.

When the note is in editing mode, and I switch to another app and back, the note and cursor stays positioned on the cursor position. EN iOS 10.27

I am not editing the note - I am reading a PDF stored in the note and when I go - say to a dictionary or wikipedia on safari for example when I go back to the PDF its at page 1 again


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This is happening to me on a note in Evernote web.  An old note I have titles "Terms and Conditions" continues to get updated and make its way to the top of my notes that I have sorted to newest updated Top.  Any resolution to this besides deleting the note?

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4 minutes ago, Shanezam203 said:

This is happening to me on a note in Evernote web

Hi.  Device? OS? Browser?  -And since you're presumably not using iOS (which is the topic of this thread) - please repost in the correct forum.

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1 minute ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  Device? OS? Browser?  -And since you're presumably not using iOS (which is the topic of this thread) - please repost in the correct forum.

I use the Evernote app on my iPhone 14 also, iOS 16.3.  I see the app updated in Evernote there and on Evernote for the web using Chrome on a windows PC.  

Version 108.0.5359.125 (Official Build) (64-bit)  Does that help?  
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Ive been on Evernote for about a decade & this wasn’t always an issue on IOS 


I just upgraded to iPhone 15 pro & this is a really annoying issue 


I have lists of films in alphabetical order broken up into about 10 separate lists & editing can get VERY tedious 

I also have lists of Usernames & passwords that are in alphabetical order & the cursor goes to the top when/if I leave the page etc




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This is an archive discussion from 2016 related to an old unsupported app. You might do better to ask a question in a new discussion for your specific option with whichever app you are using.

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On any modern iOS device, (17.2.1, EN iOS 10.64) I can't reproduce this. When a note is open, I can go to any other app, do for example a copy of content there, and on returning will be in exactly the spot in the note where I have left.

For me this issue is closed, unless somebody provides hard facts (details of the process, maybe a screen grab) and some additional information like the release version numbers used.

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iPad OS 17.5.1

EN v10.98

The issue is still there.

If I am “reading a note” (not editing), say around 75% scrolled down, and if I swipe up to put EN in background, do a search in Safari or watch a bit of YouTube, and when I open EN again I am pushed to almost starting of note (maybe around 5% scrolled).

This is extremely extremely annoying as I cannot do any multitasking stuff. I can’t shuffle between pdf, webpages, photos, etc with Evernote despite paying for it!

I can screen record if anyone wants me to.

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