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I'm going to get BANNED real soon!

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I'm reaching a point where I might compose a strongly worded email to support soon, which could lead to them suspending my account or even contacting law enforcement.

Why do we keep having issues with notes being updated just by clicking on the sh** and not being able to place them where they're meant to go by updating the timestamp?

Whenever I try to copy a note title from an old note and paste it into a new note with a similar title, the original note gets refreshed/updated, pushing it to the top of the list.

I'm finding this unbearable and I'm on the verge of smashing up the place. I anticipated issues with relying solely on V10.

I feel like this situation could absurdly lead to severe consequences for me!

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This is getting worse.. My notes are all over the place so what I am I supposed to do never click on anything because I'm worried it's going to update the timestamp.. I'm livid... absolute pants!! How this isn't annoying anyone else is beyond me

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Just tested and not having this happen. I thought the note updating thing was fixed a few updates ago. 

Latest version is 10.82.2. 

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Can't say I've seen that issue, although I have a few other issues that constantly make me wanna hit something. Unfortunately, computers are expensive. Even more expensive than an Evernote subscription.

As others are saying -- perhaps you're still stuck on an older version with that bug...?

Don't worry about getting suspended for sending an obscene message to support -- they'll never read it anyway.

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26 minutes ago, laurence.glazier said:

It used to happen to me and was indeed suboptimal. However it is no longer happening. Are you on the latest version?

10.82.2-win-ddl-public (20240327123857)
Editor: v177.12.1
Service: v1.98.1
© 2019 - 2024 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved

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  • Level 5*
59 minutes ago, KoZz said:

I'm livid... absolute pants

This doesn’t help with your issue, but your post was the second time I’ve noticed the (UK?) slang “pants” used. I couldn’t even wager a guess on that one so I finally looked it up.  Since I’ve learned something new today, I’m taking the rest of the day off.  Thank you for that 🙂.

  • Haha 3
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22 minutes ago, Jon/t said:

Just tested and not having this happen. I thought the note updating thing was fixed a few updates ago. 

Latest version is 10.82.2. 

It appears that updates to notes are happening sporadically, affecting some entries unexpectedly and altering their timestamps, seemingly at random. This unpredictability is particularly frustrating with notes that I would prefer remain untouched. It's these moments when I deeply appreciate the Legacy version, which allowed for a straightforward correction of these unwanted changes.

Additionally, there must be a trigger causing these unwelcome updates. In an effort to circumvent this issue for my training routines, I've resorted to creating a separate text file to house the titles of my workouts. This will allow me to avoid direct interaction with my historical notes, though it's far from an ideal solution. The convenience of simply navigating through my notes to copy a title for a repeated workout has been lost, replaced by the cumbersome process of managing a text file (this will work and I don't mind the text file updating).

Despite its efficacy for the time being, it's hardly the seamless experience I once enjoyed.

My concern extends to the potential accidental update of notes of significant sentimental value, such as ones related to my late father from around 1984, which would then undesirably position it at the forefront of my recently updated notes. This would seriously cheese me off! So now they will remain untouched

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12 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

This doesn’t help with your issue, but your post was the second time I’ve noticed the (UK?) slang “pants” used. I couldn’t even wager a guess on that one so I finally looked it up.  Since I’ve learned something new today, I’m taking the rest of the day off.  Thank you for that 🙂.

haha pants.. Yeah , well... what other way to describe the issue at hand other than pants!

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I believe Evernote is intentionally trying to frustrate me, so hear me out...

Yesterday, I captured a screenshot of a product from Amazon and saved it in Evernote (jpg) to have a reference when I visited the hardware store, aiming to find a specific microfiber cloth.

Upon arriving to the store, I attempted to access the note on my phone, only to be greeted by an error message indicating the attachment was unavailable. It wasn't a clickable link, simply stated as unavailable, the name of the attachment was there but it was odd like greyed out. I tried to take a screenshot to discuss this issue here, but EN's security policy prevented it, adding to my frustration.

However, the real twist came when I got home. I accessed Evernote on my computer to figure out why the image was unavailable, and surprisingly, there was no issue with viewing the image via Desktop. When I checked my phone again, the note and the image were accessible as if nothing had gone wrong.

Adding to my grievances:

  • There's no assurance that notes will be accessible or visible on my mobile phone. Even when they are, there's a risk that accessing them might update the timestamp, complicating my review process on the desktop client.
  • The persistent general issue of unwanted updates to timestamps I am seriously faced with now moving foward.
  • I mentioned previously that Evernote inexplicably deleted a legal document from my account which I restored via backup.

In essence, my confidence in the platform is shaken to the max, and I'm uncertain about how I'll manage moving forward, especially considering the crucial documents and information I handle. The EN team, possibly based in Italy, needs to address these reliability issues and promptly.

In hindsight, I regret not just taking a photo of the item and saving it directly to my phone's gallery instead of relying on Evernote.


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  • Level 5
4 hours ago, KoZz said:

Upon arriving to the store, I attempted to access the note on my phone, only to be greeted by an error message indicating the attachment was unavailable. It wasn't a clickable link, simply stated as unavailable, the name of the attachment was there but it was odd like greyed out. I tried to take a screenshot to discuss this issue here, but EN's security policy prevented it, adding to my frustration.

Just WRT this one, it's a well-known issue, unfortunately. I've done what you describe many times, and generally find it works, so hopefully, this was a one-off. Probably something to do with incomplete uploading or downloading of the attachment on the mobile device. When I run into this (rarely), I can usually back out of the note, maybe go to a different one for a sec, then go back to the note with the attachment and it's there. Not ideal, but manageable.

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4 hours ago, KoZz said:

Yesterday, I captured a screenshot of a product from Amazon and saved it in Evernote (jpg) to have a reference when I visited the hardware store, aiming to find a specific microfiber cloth.

Upon arriving to the store, I attempted to access the note on my phone, only to be greeted by an error message indicating the attachment was unavailable. It wasn't a clickable link, simply stated as unavailable, the name of the attachment was there but it was odd like greyed out. I tried to take a screenshot to discuss this issue here, but EN's security policy prevented it, adding to my frustration.


I don't know which mobile platform you're on, but offline has been broken on iOS mobile since at least summer 2023. It's also becoming notorious for randomly resetting offline settings so everything you think you downloaded is not actually available without an internet connection. I switched to Dropbox and another notes platform for anything I expect I'll want to access on mobile. Evernote seems intent on making itself a little less sticky every day.

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4 horas atrás, KoZz disse:

I believe Evernote is intentionally trying to frustrate me, so hear me out...

Yesterday, I captured a screenshot of a product from Amazon and saved it in Evernote (jpg) to have a reference when I visited the hardware store, aiming to find a specific microfiber cloth.

Upon arriving to the store, I attempted to access the note on my phone, only to be greeted by an error message indicating the attachment was unavailable. It wasn't a clickable link, simply stated as unavailable, the name of the attachment was there but it was odd like greyed out. I tried to take a screenshot to discuss this issue here, but EN's security policy prevented it, adding to my frustration.

However, the real twist came when I got home. I accessed Evernote on my computer to figure out why the image was unavailable, and surprisingly, there was no issue with viewing the image via Desktop. When I checked my phone again, the note and the image were accessible as if nothing had gone wrong.

Adding to my grievances:

  • There's no assurance that notes will be accessible or visible on my mobile phone. Even when they are, there's a risk that accessing them might update the timestamp, complicating my review process on the desktop client.
  • The persistent general issue of unwanted updates to timestamps I am seriously faced with now moving foward.
  • I mentioned previously that Evernote inexplicably deleted a legal document from my account which I restored via backup.

In essence, my confidence in the platform is shaken to the max, and I'm uncertain about how I'll manage moving forward, especially considering the crucial documents and information I handle. The EN team, possibly based in Italy, needs to address these reliability issues and promptly.

In hindsight, I regret not just taking a photo of the item and saving it directly to my phone's gallery instead of relying on Evernote.



It's absurd to think that this is something personal against you. Have you tested other applications to replace Evernote?

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Whenever I try to copy a note title from an old note and paste it into a new note with a similar title, the original note gets refreshed/updated, pushing it to the top of the list.

Happened to me when I moved a note from one notebook to another.
This makes the sorting by "modified date" completely useless, as 10 year old notes are now on top of the list.

I made a ticket about this issue too, but was advised to send this as a feedback to the development team.

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  • Level 5

Every change you make to a note (which includes moving, tagging and similar) will refresh the updated date.

One believes it's useless, others think it's quite OK because it meant a change to the note - even if it's metadata.

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@PinkElephant If moving a note changes its modified state, then how do you know when the contents of the note was last changed?
It's still the same content, but in a different place.

I guess my workflow has to change - once the note is created, no later change in notebook structure is allowed.

  • Sad 1
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  • Level 5

We have a different definition of updating. You narrow it down to changing content inside of a note. I include the metadata, like changing tags or moving it to another notebook.

For me this information is as valuable as indicator as what is written in the note‘s body. Different workflows, I assume.

You can ask for a change here:


  • Thanks 1
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At least Evernote is consistent here in v10. Change=change. But it also hinders my GTD/TSW workflow a bit, but I changed my workflow so that hinders less significant. 😄  I really had to get used to this phenomenon when switching from Legacy to v10.

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18 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Every change you make to a note (which includes moving, tagging and similar) will refresh the updated date.

One believes it's useless, others think it's quite OK because it meant a change to the note - even if it's metadata.

This I agree with, if you make a change , move or whatever then yeah, but not just by clicking on it so you can see what's inside .. 

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8 hours ago, MvdH said:

At least Evernote is consistent here in v10. Change=change. But it also hinders my GTD/TSW workflow a bit, but I changed my workflow so that hinders less significant. 😄  I really had to get used to this phenomenon when switching from Legacy to v10.

What's TSW ?? GTD as in what David Allen :) Great guy!!

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21 hours ago, Cristiano478 said:


It's absurd to think that this is something personal against you. Have you tested other applications to replace Evernote?

Replacing Evernote , I don't think I could go through all of that to be honest!

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19 hours ago, Kaspar said:

Happened to me when I moved a note from one notebook to another.
This makes the sorting by "modified date" completely useless, as 10 year old notes are now on top of the list.

I made a ticket about this issue too, but was advised to send this as a feedback to the development team.

They should allow us to change the update date and then we can streamline and do whatever we want to our own files .. they are our files .. Worked in legacy , no idea why they stripped out this functionality in V10.. You can change the creation date, but not the update date.. I'm going to submit more feedback.

Anyway support still haven't come back to me in relation to the advertised massive gold banner at the bottom of my screen about going PRO.. They are really driving me nuts.. 

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On 4/4/2024 at 11:30 AM, KoZz said:

but not just by clicking on it so you can see what's inside

There are subtle things that cause changes where changes are defined as anything that changes storage.

For example, the conversion of an old page to RTE (real-time editing) causes the updated time to change.  Also, collapsing or expanding sections changes the updated time.

I use text in the note:

Last Updated:  2024-04-05

to note the type of update I want to track.  I am not arguing that this is great; just noting my approach to using the system as built.

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On 4/4/2024 at 10:24 AM, MvdH said:

At least Evernote is consistent here in v10. Change=change. But it also hinders my GTD/TSW workflow a bit, but I changed my workflow so that hinders less significant. 😄  I really had to get used to this phenomenon when switching from Legacy to v10.

hmm, even reading encrypted text changes the update time 🙄

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8 minutes ago, eric99 said:

hmm, even reading encrypted text changes the update time 🙄

Yeah, that doesn't make it consistent. Just like collapsing in my opinion. For me those are the same as zooming in or out. That shouldn't change it either. 

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32 minutes ago, eric99 said:

hmm, even reading encrypted text changes the update time 🙄

The RENT project they are working on and mentioned in a couple of blog posts deals with meta data so it could be that this update will set a few defaults for how the updated date operates. It may also be the reason why things have not been fixed yet. Do you fix the old code when you know its all being rewritten.

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11 hours ago, MvdH said:

Just like collapsing in my opinion

They preserve the collapsed nature, and thus, since it is saved, it changes the stored note. I am not agreeing; I am just giving you my model of why it does what it does. I hope they take a look at all of this as the RENT project is developed.

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