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Notes Very Slow to Appear

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I am running the most recent version of Evernote Desktop (10.56.9-mac-ddl-public) on a Mac M1 with Ventura 13.3.1.

Ever since the last Evernote update, my notes are appearing (loading) very slowly. Whereas, it used to be when I clicked an item in the notes list, the selection would instantly appear. Now it takes from 2 to 5 seconds to appear. While this may not sound like a lot, it is very annoying.

What has happened to Evernote to cause this effect? Is it a bug they are working on?

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This is related to Real Time Editing (RTE), the new syncing method.

When you open a note for the first time, it is converted into the new data structure. Any further time opened, it should work snappy. Give it a try.

EN staff said they are aware of it, and are working on the server to improve performance.

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Interesting. I suppose I will eventually see this as an improvement, once I have clicked and updated the data structure of my 18,902 notes accrued over the years, but meanwhile it's a bit, as I said, annoying. Is there no way to update the entire database in one swoop?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/10/2023 at 4:48 AM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Technical explanation here, plus the comment from Federico a couple of posts further down:


I appreciate the explanation.  However, the performance is unacceptable and this needs to be fixed.

A better approach is to convert the entire database at once.  This could be done in the cloud, and the results re-synced with the client.  Or create a cache and convert the notes that are cached so we don't have to experience the delay. 

For me, some notes take 10s of seconds (or more) to appear.  This detracts away from my experience using the product.

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2 hours ago, markdolph said:

I appreciate the explanation.  However, the performance is unacceptable and this needs to be fixed.

A better approach is to convert the entire database at once.  This could be done in the cloud, and the results re-synced with the client.  Or create a cache and convert the notes that are cached so we don't have to experience the delay. 

For me, some notes take 10s of seconds (or more) to appear.  This detracts away from my experience using the product.

Sounds like a plausible suggestion; but without knowing what the drag on syncing overall would be with the servers churning away converting all of everybody's notes, it's hard to say which is really better. Are the notes that take, say, >20 seconds to appear particularly large ones, have lots of attachments, etc.? I imagine that could be a factor. As could other things going on on a particular computer. Not trying to make excuses, just get a fix on the situation. I definitely experience a delay loading notes that I haven't worked on in a while, but generally maybe only 5-10 seconds.

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I'm one of those who rarely complains (like ever). But this s-l-o-w behaviour is the first change that's had me considering leaving the product (and I have my extended family and many work associates on it - so we'd all be leaving).

Yes, 10 seconds for each note to load (though some take much longer) doesn't sound like much. But if you base your entire Calendar, Workflow, Tasks and Records Management on Evernote, that adds up to over an hour of lost time each and every day.

And, yes, the response for previously opened notes isn't as bad - but still worse than before the change.

So on an A-B comparison I'm yet to experience any advantage to the change - what are the benefits I'm supposed to be gaining from this extended time of substantially downgraded performance?

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8 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Sounds like a plausible suggestion; but without knowing what the drag on syncing overall would be with the servers churning away converting all of everybody's notes, it's hard to say which is really better. Are the notes that take, say, >20 seconds to appear particularly large ones, have lots of attachments, etc.? I imagine that could be a factor. As could other things going on on a particular computer. Not trying to make excuses, just get a fix on the situation. I definitely experience a delay loading notes that I haven't worked on in a while, but generally maybe only 5-10 seconds.

Good questions.

I'll understand the delays more systematically when I have time.  

Of course, thinking about this too much will also cause me to think about why EN didn't look at this more carefully before launching the feature or whether I even need RTE.

I appreciate Evernote's attempts to keep the product fresh with new features but like Version 10, but they really should do more testing with users.

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32 minutes ago, markdolph said:

Of course, thinking about this too much will also cause me to think about why EN didn't look at this more carefully before launching the feature or whether I even need RTE.

I appreciate Evernote's attempts to keep the product fresh with new features but like Version 10, but they really should do more testing with users.

This. I've had some issues in recent days that make me wonder whether they anticipated the strain on their systems.

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On 5/26/2023 at 12:55 AM, Webbie64 said:

So on an A-B comparison I'm yet to experience any advantage to the change - what are the benefits I'm supposed to be gaining from this extended time of substantially downgraded performance?

Personally I don’t notice any lag, except for this „once when first opened“ wait. I found no structure behind it, sometimes a large note is there after a few seconds, sometimes a small one takes 10 clicks until there. May it’s really a server load thing.

What’s the benefit ? Ever tried RTE live ? Or collaborative editing - if your family and colleagues are on EN, you should have a lot of use cases.

Changes sync immediately. No more duplicates when opening a note on 2 devices. No locking of shared notes when another person is using it. For me pretty much, all requested by us users since long.

They just need to work out the toothing problems …

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On 5/9/2023 at 1:13 PM, bmcl26 said:

Very few of my notes are taking more than a couple of seconds to open. I can live with this.

Sir, You are very lucky. Mine are taking minutes to load and I only have about 4000 text only notes. They're small files. 

Why isn't there a way to convert all of my notes to this new structure in the background? WHY????

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On 5/9/2023 at 12:40 PM, PinkElephant said:

This is related to Real Time Editing (RTE), the new syncing method.

When you open a note for the first time, it is converted into the new data structure. Any further time opened, it should work snappy. Give it a try.

EN staff said they are aware of it, and are working on the server to improve performance.

Why can't all my 4000 notes be converted into this new structure in the background? This is ridiculous!

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Just now, tyoung77 said:

Why can't all my 4000 notes be converted into this new structure in the background? This is ridiculous!

There was an interview with the Bending Spoon guy (Federico?) where he explained that some users, using the legacy version still need the old format. If it's going to be mass converted, the legacy users will need to re-convert back.

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5 minutes ago, Reuven said:

There was an interview with the Bending Spoon guy (Federico?) where he explained that some users, using the legacy version still need the old format. If it's going to be mass converted, the legacy users will need to re-convert back.

This is the result of adding whiz bang unneeded features on top of buggy software. The synching issues should've been fixed first. This is most likely due to pressure on the SW team by marketing. 

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12 minutes ago, Reuven said:

There was an interview with the Bending Spoon guy (Federico?) where he explained that some users, using the legacy version still need the old format. If it's going to be mass converted, the legacy users will need to re-convert back.

Thanks for the info. 

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2 hours ago, tyoung77 said:

This is the result of adding whiz bang unneeded features on top of buggy software.

I think it’s more likely the result of trying to keep both the legacy and new versions running concurrently.

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5 hours ago, tyoung77 said:

Sir, You are very lucky. Mine are taking minutes to load and I only have about 4000 text only notes. They're small files. 

Why isn't there a way to convert all of my notes to this new structure in the background? WHY????

Lately, I've noticed that a couple of my longer notes take a few extra seconds to load, but it's not a big issue. Just so you know, I have over 29,000 notes in total. Regarding your second point, most of us on this forum are just regular users. However, occasionally, some members of the EN staff will stop by and you can easily identify them by the "STAFF" label on their ID panel. For answers to specific questions, I recommend contacting Customer Support.

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5 hours ago, Reuven said:

There was an interview with the Bending Spoon guy (Federico?) where he explained that some users, using the legacy version still need the old format. If it's going to be mass converted, the legacy users will need to re-convert back.

There is not much of a re-conversion, and it won’t be a user doing it (OK, maybe some coder among the users will try). Water doesn’t flow uphill. Complex data structures usually can’t be brute forced into a simpler form without a loss of information. For me it is quite obvious that the days of legacy are counted.

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5 hours ago, tyoung77 said:

This is the result of adding whiz bang unneeded features on top of buggy software. The synching issues should've been fixed first. This is most likely due to pressure on the SW team by marketing. 

You don’t understand how syncing used to work, how it works today, and on top of that you refrain from learning.

The achilles heel of all version of EN prior to RTE was that they always synced the whole note. You made a small edit, and the whole note was updated on the server. This was state of the art in the 2000s, when EN was founded. in this environment if 2 clients tried to work on the same document at a time, the document usually was locked (read only) for one of both. No matter if 2 clients were the same user, or different users. 

Mid 2010s the first apps showed up offering atomistic syncing, usually in conjunction with improved collaboration: Office, Google Docs, Apple iWorks, just to name a few. These only sync the small changes done, and they sync in an instant. This avoids the need of locking documents, and it avoids duplication out of syncing conflicts. Those with a longer history like office needed to introduce new file formats (xlsX, docX, pptX) to host the new abilities.

Is now a light bulb going off in your head ?

I leave the rest of the story for yourself: Why did EN introduce this RTE feature ?

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11 hours ago, tyoung77 said:

This is the result of adding whiz bang unneeded features on top of buggy software. The synching issues should've been fixed first. This is most likely due to pressure on the SW team by marketing. 

RTE is the fix for the syncing issues. I myself thought RTE was super cool but not much use to me, since I work alone. Till last night. I was working at deadline on an important document in Evernote when I got a Blue Screen of Death. I realized (with a great rush of relief) that while the crashed computer rebooted, I could turn to my laptop and pick up exactly where I was when the BSOD happened. No loss of data, no loss of time, no loss of my train of thought. It was remarkable, and proved to me that even for a solo worker this is in fact a very useful feature.

I've also seen some notes be very slow to appear, especially in the Web and Android clients (where there is no local notes database to be converted, so the note has to be converted on the Evernote servers before syncing to my device. "Convert all my notes at once" could work on a Windows or Mac machine with enough power not to bog down the system while it was being done. If this were to be done on Evernote's servers ("convert all our notes at once") I imagine it would take days and slow down syncing while it was happening. There's no free lunch to be had here, and it will require some patience, but after last night I am fine with waiting for a note to open, if that means I can pick up where I left off in the event of a crash, power outage, coffee on the keyboard, etc.

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7 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

There is not much of a re-conversion, and it won’t be a user doing it (OK, maybe some coder among the users will try). Water doesn’t flow uphill. Complex data structures usually can’t be brute forced into a simpler form without a loss of information. For me it is quite obvious that the days of legacy are counted.

Tell it to Federico...

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4 hours ago, tyoung77 said:

Thanks @Dave-in-Decatur for sharing the value of RTE. Wish EN would've warned me to expect notes to open slowly due to the conversion. Thought I had lost my notes and that had me scared. Maybe they did and I missed it. Thanks again.


Yes, that could definitely have been communicated, since it must have been known--though I think some of the issues after the release of RTE did seem to catch them off guard. Evernote, both before and since the BenSpoo buyout, has a history of saying "OK, this is ready to go" without having adequate infrastructure to deal with the strains the release will cause. I too have had moments of great anxiety looking at a blank note, till it finally appeared. Even showing a message saying "Converting..." would be immensely helpful.

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7 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

This is known, has already been reported in the forum and been subject of support tickets.

No known fix or workaround....

... but they are working on it, so I don't think it's expected to be the permanent state of things.

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14 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

RTE is the fix for the syncing issues. I myself thought RTE was super cool but not much use to me, since I work alone. Till last night. I was working at deadline on an important document in Evernote when I got a Blue Screen of Death. I realized (with a great rush of relief) that while the crashed computer rebooted, I could turn to my laptop and pick up exactly where I was when the BSOD happened. No loss of data, no loss of time, no loss of my train of thought. It was remarkable, and proved to me that even for a solo worker this is in fact a very useful feature.

I've also seen some notes be very slow to appear, especially in the Web and Android clients (where there is no local notes database to be converted, so the note has to be converted on the Evernote servers before syncing to my device. "Convert all my notes at once" could work on a Windows or Mac machine with enough power not to bog down the system while it was being done. If this were to be done on Evernote's servers ("convert all our notes at once") I imagine it would take days and slow down syncing while it was happening. There's no free lunch to be had here, and it will require some patience, but after last night I am fine with waiting for a note to open, if that means I can pick up where I left off in the event of a crash, power outage, coffee on the keyboard, etc.

I'm happy that your disaster was averted.  But the logic is problematic for me.  Real-time syncing fixed your problem; real-time editing is a feature enabled by real-time syncing.  The real-time syncing is a feature EN should have had for a long time, the latter is irrelevant for a lot of us because we don't collaborate in real-time with Evernote.

Either way, for it to take dozens of seconds to load a note is a deal breaker and it needs to be fixed right away.


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43 minutes ago, Kaprivi-D said:

Taking almost one minute to populate a note with a 3MB pdf enclosed. Not really useable at this rate.

I also experience delays of minutes sometimes but typically it's below 10 seconds...

Let's try to estimate how long it would take to convert all notes in batch:

For 10 billion notes in total  and an average conversion time of 10 ms, this would take 3 years (on a single core processor) 😕

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I assume that such a conversion on the database level could be runtime optimized. Ideally it would be running when the server is idle.

Maybe somebody could employ AI (oh  🤭I dropped the buzzword) to decide which notes to convert first 😉 .

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3 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

I assume that such a conversion on the database level could be runtime optimized. Ideally it would be running when the server is idle.

Maybe somebody could employ AI (oh  🤭I dropped the buzzword) to decide which notes to convert first 😉 .

Almost by definition, servers aren't idle... there's always work to do.  

On the other hand, I don't know why notes (in a cache) can't be converted on our desktops (in the background) and synced to the servers opportunistically.  To the point of your namedrop, an algorithm could determine which notes to be given priority.

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Usually these cloud servers are mounted in a rack, 10 virtual users on a physical one. They have significant idle times, or they are not responsive.

I second that this needs to be solved, either by using background time on a desktop client, or by a converter option that you can start in the app.

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2 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Usually these cloud servers are mounted in a rack, 10 virtual users on a physical one. They usual have significant idle times.

I second that this needs to be solved, either by using background time on a desktop client, or by a converter option that you can start in the app.

Evernote announced a while back that they are using the Google Cloud Platform.  If there are idle servers, then something would be screwy.  

That said, EN should bite the bullet, convert everyone's data all at once and relieve us from suffering one converted note at a time.  If they want to do it in the cloud, fine by me.  

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11 minutes ago, markdolph said:

Evernote announced a while back that they are using the Google Cloud Platform.  If there are idle servers, then something would be screwy.  

That said, EN should bite the bullet, convert everyone's data all at once and relieve us from suffering one converted note at a time.  If they want to do it in the cloud, fine by me.  

Yes, and what could also help is that they get rid of their javascript addiction in this case. I wouldn't be to surprised if the converter is written in javascript instead of a high performant language like C++ or Rust...

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2 minutes ago, eric99 said:

Yes, and what could also help is that they get rid of their javascript addiction in this case. I wouldn't be to surprised if the converter is written in javascript instead of a high performant language like C++ or Rust...

Evernote's code base was aging and bloated, and this was causing problems for the company prior to the acquisition. Version 10 was an attempt to address this problem, but it came with its own set of challenges. The use of JavaScript was one of these challenges, and it is possible that this will lead to more teething pain in the future.

Bending Spoons is a company that specializes in mobile development, and they have a good track record of success. However, they are new to the Evernote platform and its users, and it is likely that they will make mistakes. This is especially true in the early days of their ownership of the product.


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5 hours ago, markdolph said:

Evernote announced a while back that they are using the Google Cloud Platform.  If there are idle servers, then something would be screwy.  

That said, EN should bite the bullet, convert everyone's data all at once and relieve us from suffering one converted note at a time.  If they want to do it in the cloud, fine by me.  

Fine by me too, and you obviously know more about the underlying tech than I do. But even using Google Cloud servers, limitations must exist, and I would think that devoting processor muscle to this would at some point slow down syncing. At which point many (not you necessarily) of the same people who are here complaining about how slow notes open would be here complaining about slow syncing. I suspect there is a free-lunch mentality lurking somewhere.

I also have to think that for notes opened on Web or mobile clients, the conversion must be happening on the servers as it is, since there is no local database to convert, and it would seem silly to sync an unconverted note and then run a conversion process on a phone. And what I have seen more than once on Web and mobile lately is a note taking so long to open that I got nervous looking at a blank screen. I almost lost my free lunch. :)

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At a bare minimum, the EV folk should have warned us this was going to be happening and assure us that everything is OK. Instead, they just implemented the change and it caught all of us by total surprise ... and not a little panic.

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I am having the same issue with older notes and it is holding up my workflow considerably. I have noticed a command in the bottom right corner that says "saving" and I have to sit and wait to see the note. It is extremely frustrating and time consuming. I hope it is resolved soon and I would appreciate an update on when to expect the problem to be over.


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I'm glad to read that I'm not the only one with this problem, which has a huge impact on my business!
I can't wait 20s for every note, every time I look for a reference. I've realized that once I've opened my 6,000 notes it will be much quicker...

Isn't it possible to select several notes and right-click to launch the conversion?

Isn't it possible to select several notes and right-click to launch the conversion?
Okay, so I don't have to load the servers, but I need to make a quick move on Evernote's side, as this is very prejudicial to the trust I have in software that uses a proprietary format for my notes...


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4 hours ago, fl0rent said:

I'm glad to read that I'm not the only one with this problem, which has a huge impact on my business!
I can't wait 20s for every note, every time I look for a reference. I've realized that once I've opened my 6,000 notes it will be much quicker...

Isn't it possible to select several notes and right-click to launch the conversion?

Isn't it possible to select several notes and right-click to launch the conversion?
Okay, so I don't have to load the servers, but I need to make a quick move on Evernote's side, as this is very prejudicial to the trust I have in software that uses a proprietary format for my notes...


EN staff must be aware of these concerns since so many of us share some frustration with this multifaceted problem. All we users can do is assume EN staff is working on a solution since they tend not to communicate with the user base. Yes, we should've been warned about notes opening slowly especially after the issues people have had with notes disappearing. In this EN has no excuse.

But now we can all be excited about EN 10.57.10. I quote.

"Hi everyone! We are focused on strengthening the foundations of Evernote across all platforms. This release contains important parts of the puzzle as we prepare to roll out the AI Note Cleanup feature. We hope you are as excited as we are about this powerful new feature. Coming soon on all your devices!"

Not impressed at all by any new feature in light of this tool taking nearly one minute to open an eight-line text-only note. 

If you haven't let the EN staff know about your frustrations with this issue. Maybe they will consider making fixing the core of this product a priority. 

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22 hours ago, LeanneF2 said:

I am having the same issue with older notes and it is holding up my workflow considerably. I have noticed a command in the bottom right corner that says "saving" and I have to sit and wait to see the note. It is extremely frustrating and time consuming. I hope it is resolved soon and I would appreciate an update on when to expect the problem to be over.


Hi, and welcome to the forums. Please be aware that these are user-to-user forums (though Evernote staff do appear sometimes). Take a look through this thread a bit (there are quite a few others on the same topic)--the explanation has been given, by Evernote (in one of the other threads), that the newly released sync structure which enables real-time editing requires each note to be converted when opened. Once a note has been converted, it should open next time without noticeable delay. They've also said, I believe, that they're working on improving the process. Hopefully the update message will appear in the release notes of an upcoming version.

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I'm not addressing anyone in particular with this post, simply because I'm responding to remarks I've seen in multiple posts in this and other threads on the slow-display issue caused by notes having to be converted to the new structure. In my experience, this delay is typically 5-10 seconds, though on Android I've seen delays of up to a minute. Others report 20 seconds; a few reports of multiple minutes seem like outliers to me. (None of this is scientific!) But what I want to offer is a philosophical observation--which of course no one has asked for, and which may therefore be ignored, abused, or admired as one chooses.

I once heard a speaker in the U.S. say, "If our pioneer ancestors missed a wagon train, they just waited 6 months for the next one. We get bent out of shape if we miss one compartment in a revolving door." I have never worked in the business world, but speed and efficiency seem to be valued above almost everything else there (even accuracy and quality, in some cases). The culture is one of instantaneous results, especially with the growth of digital tools. Spending time in this culture (based on what I observe from people's posts here) seems capable of building up an almost maniacal resistance to any sort of delay, however tiny, and a corresponding expectation of absurd levels of efficiency. And I suppose unless you're the boss or sole proprietor, you have someone looking over your shoulder who is even more demanding than you are, insisting on knowing what the holdup is.

There's nothing any of us individually can do to change this culture, I'm sure. But whether it's worth the damage to human bodies and psyches is a question worth asking, IMHO. I first started using personal computers in the mid-1980s. Almost the first thing I taught myself was, "Never sit and watch the machine working." Find something else to do while it processes (which believe me was not going to be instantaneous all the time in 1985). I find myself recalling that principle with Evernote's "slow" note conversions. Why do I sit and watch the screen with increasing impatience and blood pressure?

And so I offer the following ENTIRELY FACETIOUS list of activities to try while waiting for an Evernote note to convert.

  • Recite an affirmation, such as "Everything is fine and the world is developing exactly as it should." That should cover 6 seconds or so, and reduce your blood pressure (though perhaps not that of the person working next to you).
  • Alternatively, express what you really feel: "What the ****ing ****? Is this ****ing piece of **** ever going to load?" Again, 6 seconds or a little more, but not likely to lower anyone's BP. (Unpleasant calls from HR may also ensue.)
  • If the delay is 20 sec. or so, wash your hands. Sure, the pandemic is "over"; but do you really know where that hand your boss rested on your shoulder has been?
  • If a note is taking a full minute to appear, work on a piece of that song or drawing or novel you've been trying to compose.
  • If notes are taking a couple of minutes to convert, consider converting yourself: become a Buddhist, or a Lutheran, or something else that you aren't already; convert from engineering to marketing, or marketing to -- good grief, what can one do after marketing?
  • If it turns out that waiting for a note to convert is not enough to undertake any life-changing, or even significant, activity, then maybe the problem is not so bad as you feared.

Philosophically and facetiously, I leave it there. Please don't point out the obvious issues I have overlooked or underplayed; they are, of course, obvious. Cheers.

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I'm here after I found my notes opening slowly.

I wish there was something like a migration button or script that I could press to automatically convert all notes to the RTE version so I didn't have to do it manually.

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The staff responded to my support ticket about slow opening. But considering the suggestions by @Dave-in-Decatur it really doesn't matter anymore. As the Phil Collins song of the 1980's goes. "I don't care anymore...no more no more...no more no more...".  I too am old school. Life is truly too short to get upset about a minute here and a minute there. 

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10 hours ago, tyoung77 said:

The staff responded to my support ticket about slow opening. But considering the suggestions by @Dave-in-Decatur it really doesn't matter anymore. As the Phil Collins song of the 1980's goes. "I don't care anymore...no more no more...no more no more...".  I too am old school. Life is truly too short to get upset about a minute here and a minute there. 

The first post in this thread was on 10th May, and there's still no resolution.  I would have expected someone from the EN support team to give us some sort of indication of when this issue would be addressed.

Did you learn anything useful?

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23 hours ago, ReactorLark said:

I'm here after I found my notes opening slowly.

I wish there was something like a migration button or script that I could press to automatically convert all notes to the RTE version so I didn't have to do it manually.

Hows this for a suggestion B Spoons write a server script that does this....

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5 hours ago, RobertJLee said:

Hows this for a suggestion B Spoons write a server script that does this....

Considering 10 billion notes, I hope not a python script 😁

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Tech support has confirmed this with me as well. No time frame yet.

1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Just recently posted by @Molly_S of Evernote staff in another forum:


Not yet. I did compare opening times for an Android S10 and a Win 11 gaming desktop both running the latest EN versions. Wasn't simultaneously running the test on both platforms. Different notes open quickly, 2-3 seconds, and some slowly, well over 30 seconds, on both. It seems pretty random. 

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I'm having the same issue - it was concerning to me until I read this thread.
I think it would be good to communicate to all users the expected delay when opening notes in old structure for the first time as it may reduce their level of stress.

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Tell people what's happening here.

So much for Bending Spoons being a high end company with an experienced technical team.

Bit like a tv repair company buying a f1 team and trying to "fix" problems.

I am SERIOUSLY looking at moving everything over to a combination of Notion and Obsidian. or dare I say it even Apple notes.

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Has anyone found a solution? I'm facing the same problem with my notes, and it's causing a major delay in my work, which is having a significant impact on my work really frustrating because I can't afford to wait for every note to load every time I need to reference something. I really hope this issue gets fixed soon, and I would greatly appreciate an update on when we can expect the problem to be resolved.

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Has anyone noticed having to scroll to the top of a note after it opens? Most but not all are doing this. Wonder if this is related to the slow opening phenomenon. I contacted support. :(

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5 hours ago, Aurora Bigil said:

Has anyone found a solution? I'm facing the same problem with my notes, and it's causing a major delay in my work, which is having a significant impact on my work really frustrating because I can't afford to wait for every note to load every time I need to reference something. I really hope this issue gets fixed soon, and I would greatly appreciate an update on when we can expect the problem to be resolved.

We all feel your pain. See previous posts in this discussion group. 

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@Dave-in-Decatur thank you very much for your contributions in this thread to help explain what's going on and to add some levity and context. I updated Evernote desktop a few days ago and immediately noticed the slow note loading, which made me panic because the first item I clicked on was for a financial record.  The release notes were completely unhelpful. It would definitely have helped to add a line that said something about "expect slower note loading times on first view."

Speaking of slower note loading times, I wanted to share this gem.

The post you shared had a slow loading problem itself. Screenshot attached. Makes me wonder if the forum system is also using RTE. 🤣



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@lotsa_notes, I agree that this was at least partially foreseeable. Why not just pop up a message saying "Note being converted" each time a conversion happens? This would have multiple benefits. First and foremost, people would know what's going on, and know that it was expected. By the time most people read the message, most notes would be converted and ready to display, or nearly so. It would also let people know that, if notes were slow to appear and the popup did not show, then there might be a real problem. This could have been handled so much better. It does seem that Bending Spoons is continuing Evernote's longstanding reluctance to communicate, not just problems, but simple reassuring information.

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For me, the new update did not solve the problem, worse, tasks stopped working correctly, there are still other bugs involving tasks, the most disturbing issue is that after deleting a recurring task, the task reappears.
The slowness to update notes continues.

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I am seeing this multiple times on the same notes. Also seeing it when using the web client on notes that have already been through the "Saving..." process a few times before. The most recent one was where I created a new note in the Windows 10.57.10 client which was a simple check list with six lines. Later I was on another system and opened the web client via Edge and it took 15+ seconds to display the check list while it was "Saving..." How many times should a note have to be converted???

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  • Level 5
3 hours ago, Silvio'ss said:

For me, the new update did not solve the problem, worse, tasks stopped working correctly, there are still other bugs involving tasks, the most disturbing issue is that after deleting a recurring task, the task reappears.
The slowness to update notes continues.

You might want to report this in the thread started by Federico, the product lead:


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