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  1. When did you pay @dsspindler? They refunded me 30 days after my payment and I believe they would up to 60 days after as well based on their own cancellation terms.
  2. Thanks for this nudge. I had used handbrake earlier but it was too complicated to get good results. I decided to look at options and this software works much better: https://freevideocompressor.com/
  3. I work in R&D and I wouldn't be able to put client data behind a non password protected link, it still counts as public. Any leaks would then be on me. A private channel is just unlisted but not password protected correct? For my personal stuff yes the risk is irrelevant. For client data not so much. Although I may well be misunderstanding what a private channel on YouTube is, apologies if thats the case.
  4. PinkElephant, I think the YouTube private channel idea is a good one and I should give it a shot for my own stuff but for work I dont think I can put my clients data onto YouTube. Solid suggestion though.
  5. Gazumped - I didn't realize that. Maybe I should drop them a line after all. On reducing file size: I gave it a brief shot but some of my notes had 10+ videos in them (this was actually a habit I picked up from when I used to use Notion without any size limits) and I didn't get any great results messing around with compression settings on Handbrake, but maybe there's some better software out there to do this sort of thing. I think this is a good call - I am going to look into this again. Thank you for the suggestion!
  6. Thanks agsteele! For the moment I'm going to let it roll out to me the regular way because I don't trust Evernote software updates with all the issues they've been having recently so I'm happy to wait till they've slowly rolled it out and tested it before upgrading.
  7. Thanks Neil. I did submit a ticket but the response I got was something along the lines of "We see from your screenshots you are on an older version, please update and the application" Im on 10.57.10 though and no updates available when I click check for updates. Good to know they're working on it though.
  8. Thanks Dave! I would really hate to bother support with this, it's not really a problem I need help with and more wishful thinking/hopes and dreams! I was more just putting this out there to see what other users might think of it and maybe if we get lucky someone from the product team might reply as they do very occasionally do. Also might be another reason to just power through this whole slightly messy transition to RTE.
  9. One of the reasons given for previous note size limits is that the whole note needs to sync each time there's a change. With the new RTE it just sync the specific changed section if I understand correctly. Does this mean that an increase of note size limits from 200mb is on the cards? It would definitely be helpful for me, I have videos of experiments that I need accessible from evernote with the context of the notes around it, but I currently need to add a link to my online storage service instead which means it doesn't work on different computers since the cloud drive is mounted at different points and definitely doesn't work on Android. Also recently I switched cloud storage providers and that broke all previous links. Those are the reasons a higher note size limit would be helpful for me.
  10. I have a note with around 11 tasks that are incomplete. But in tasks view with no filters I can only see 5 tasks. The desktop has been open a long time (all day) and I haven't added any new tasks today. It also shows up fine on my phone. Is this a known issue? 17/28 tasks showing pending in note view 5 tasks pending in note view on desktop 11 tasks pending in note view on mobile
  11. I'm here after I found my notes opening slowly. I wish there was something like a migration button or script that I could press to automatically convert all notes to the RTE version so I didn't have to do it manually.
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