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Avoid Automatic updates

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It depends on how you installed EN.

From the AppStore (Mac) it will auto-update if your general update settings is on auto-update. No idea how it works on the Windows Store.

The direct install will remind you there is an update pending, and you can decide when to install. Notifications were made less aggressive a few updates ago (sic - if you didn't install this, you still get nagged).

10.52 in itself did nothing wrong - I installed it on 2 Macs, and it is running like a charm. It seems that if the local database was corrupted, 10.52 went into a loop, which caused high CPU usage. Replacing the corrupted local data by a fresh copy from the server AFAIK solves the problem. The root cause seems not the update, but the corrupted local data - something that should be fixed anyhow.

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On 1/28/2023 at 3:54 AM, PinkElephant said:

The direct install will remind you there is an update pending, and you can decide when to install.

Won't it just auto-install the next time you restart Evernote?.. meaning you don't really have much of a decision.

So while that auto-update is now less intrusive, it is more of a forced install the next time you restart the app.

On 1/28/2023 at 3:19 AM, ha-kg said:

Is this possible?

You can temporarily work around this by only using the app store versions and not having automatic updates turned on for any of your apps and having to manually apply updates for each app instead, but there is no way in App Stores (AFAIK) that you can allow only some apps to auto-update. 

I have auto-updates turned on for all my apps (but in the case of Evernote, I use the direct download anyway), its just too much of a hassle for me to manually apply updates one at a time.

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For the Mac AppStore it is no solution to stop updating - unless you switch auto update off for all apps.

 And why bother ? The last update in itself was ok - I updated 2 Macs and had no issues at all.

Update meeting corrupted database seems to be a different story. But still it is not the update causing the trouble, it is the bad local database. Replace it, and you are fine.

Besides we have several forum threads with sort of weird problems (usually in interaction with other apps or the OS) that could be solved switching to the direct download.

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  • 3 months later...

Auto Updates are for Bad Actors. Me and me alone decide on what gets installed on my Mac. Why bully your customers? Doesnt make business sense. Thers no way I'm going to trust a Bad Actor with a paid account when I know at any minute they will update - and potentially break - my install of an app.


Discord did this just recently, now I'm searching for a replacement. No warning just auto update, sorry it no longer works. It looks every bit the same with Evernote. The options are

-crippled version from the App Store

-regular version for a little while until they decide to break you


Why would anyone invest in that business model

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Just do what you want. Offering not to update as a role model is among the worst advise I have ever heard about how to manage a computer.

After the years of stalemate with legacy, I hope EN will sustain the fast sequence of updates they have run since 2020. We have got better software (in general) with every release, and fixing bug takes weeks now, instead of years.

You get a notification when a new version is available. You can decide to update, or not. Feel free not to, if you like the thrill to run out-dated instead of up-dated code on your computer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I assume that nobody has come up with a way of preventing the Windows direct download version from updating on restart? Having  rolled back to 10.58 I have just been forced back on to 10.59. I am having serious issues, documented elsewhere, with this release and am extremely frustrated that I am forced to use it when 10.58 works very well for me. I shall add my frustration to my open support request but I'm not hopeful.


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Failed. Doesn't work.  Eventually EN manages to update.


I'm going to give a tentative answer to my own question. Tentative purely because it might still fail me but I will report back if my initial success is illusory. This is for Windows.

Once you've rolled back to a previous version you need to go here:


You will find a file called


Open it in a text editor and change forceUpdateOnStart to false as shown here


Restart Evernote. A few things to note

  • Speed is of the essence! EN will update itself fast if your time has come.
  • You will get a javascript error everytime you open EN. This is encouraging as it mentions a failure of the updater!

As always hacking EN files needs to be done at your own risk etc etc



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I've been an Evernote user for MANY years and I tell everyone how important it is to organizing my life. Now with this latest bug in 10.59, it was bad enough for me to find a way to go back to 10.58, only to find that after I rebooted Windows EN would automatically force upgrade me to the BUGGY 10.59 with no option to disable in settings!

If this is not fixed soon, I will start looking for alternatives. My notes are too important to risk having them inaccessible.

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38 minutes ago, Tone_sf said:

I've been an Evernote user for MANY years and I tell everyone how important it is to organizing my life. Now with this latest bug in 10.59, it was bad enough for me to find a way to go back to 10.58, only to find that after I rebooted Windows EN would automatically force upgrade me to the BUGGY 10.59 with no option to disable in settings!

If I'm having a heavy EN day (which is most days) I just reinstall 10.58 in the morning when I switch my computer on. Yes it's a pain and yes I shouldn't have to do it, but it beats screaming at the computer all day.

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30 minutes ago, Mike P said:

If I'm having a heavy EN day (which is most days) I just reinstall 10.58 in the morning when I switch my computer on. Yes it's a pain and yes I shouldn't have to do it, but it beats screaming at the computer all day.

Yep, doing the same, as soon as v10.59.5 pops up I exit EN and run the v10.58.5 Installer.  The only way to continue to work, I will keep doing this until a stable version is released.

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Several people in this thread mention running the 10.58 installer to fix the 10.59 issue. Where do you get the 10.58 installer? 

Maybe this question should be a new thread, but I've got one Mac system still on 10.57, and prompting me it has an update ready to install, either now or on the next restart. Anyone know where this update would be stored on a Mac, so I can delete it before it does that update? Doesn't look like I have the option to not install the update, so I'd like to make the update installer go away if possible. 

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13 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

To stop updating you need to edit 2 .json files in the EN installation.

Sadly, although it worked for me for a while, eventually even that trick failed.

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15 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

You can’t delete anything to prevent updating. It happens in the app. To stop updating you need to edit 2 .json files in the EN installation.

You find older versions here:


And for Windows: https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/windows/. I just downloaded the 10.58.8 installer in case my vigilance in deleting the 10.59 installer from C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\evernote-client-updater\pending ever fails me.

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And this morning I turned on my laptop to find that, in the course of a Windows update, Evernote had re-started, found probably a temp...10.59.5...exe installer file, and updated itself. A quick test showed that it indeed came with the known issues. So I uninstalled using just the Windows uninstaller for the sake of time, but then manually deleted C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\. I then installed from the 10.58.8 installer I downloaded from https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/windows/, and all was well, or at least as expected, with the DB needing to download so that notes opened a bit slowly, my one keyboard shortcut customization needing to be re-established, etc.


  1. Vigilance is necessary.
  2. Even so, auto-updating can happen.
  3. Reverting to the well-functioning 10.58.8 is not hard.


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1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

manually deleted C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\

Can someone please help me with the path for Mac version of Evernote?




Found it...


Macintosh HD/Users/{your username}/Library/Application Support/Caches/evernote-client-updater/


I've Also Pin that on the Favorites on the Side Panel so it's now just a single click to delete

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3 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

And this morning I turned on my laptop to find that, in the course of a Windows update, Evernote had re-started, found probably a temp...10.59.5...exe installer file, and updated itself. A quick test showed that it indeed came with the known issues. So I uninstalled using just the Windows uninstaller for the sake of time, but then manually deleted C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\. I then installed from the 10.58.8 installer I downloaded from https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/windows/, and all was well, or at least as expected, with the DB needing to download so that notes opened a bit slowly, my one keyboard shortcut customization needing to be re-established, etc.


  1. Vigilance is necessary.
  2. Even so, auto-updating can happen.
  3. Reverting to the well-functioning 10.58.8 is not hard.


... And just had to do it again, without any restart happening. This really is aggressive, for a version that should OBVIOUSLY have been withdrawn altogether.

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13 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

with the DB needing to download so that notes opened a bit slowly

I didn't delete the DB on both my Mac nor Windows laptop and they are fine. I've also got legacy installed on both. So i have quickly switch from one version to the other.



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Yesterday Evernote was updated to the latest 10.60 automatically, without even asking yes or no. Did anyone find out how to stop the auto-update? I am concern that the next update will not be compatible with my OS as I am still on 10.13.6, and 10.60 is still OK , TG.

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There is a notification below your account information that an update has been LOADED in the background.


You decide yourself when to click on the execute button. This will end the current session, quit the client, install the new version and restart the client. Nothing happens without your consent. If you don’t want the update, you don’t run the install.

This procedure was introduced after some users complained about being disrupted in their work (I mean if you call a Teams conference „work“) by EN proudly announcing an update. So they made it move to the background, and execute only if and when the users allows it to happen.

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While using Evernote, the situation is as @PinkElephant says. However, if something happens to close down Evernote and reopen it, such as the computer rebooting to finish a Windows update, then Evernote will install the update when it restarts. That, I believe, is how I ended up with the accursed v. 10.59.5. BTW, if you try to close that little "there's an update waiting" window in the left panel with its X and miss by just a little bit, you'll hit the Install button (another way I got 10.59.5, after rolling back to 10.58.8). I prefer to install updates when they appear, unless I've read some bad news here, but it would be better if they did not install automatically when the program restarts, despite the user's preference.

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Just to clarify, at least for me...  it's not the dreaded Windows update that triggered the Evernote update.  😁  I had the notice on my laptop but I was busy and didn't take the time to click on the link and install the update. At the end of my session, I shut my laptop down.  When I turned it on the next morning, the Evernote update installed automatically before opening (I have Evernote set to startup automatically when Windows opens.)

I understand MusicWiz's concern about Evernote updating by itself but, on the other hand, I understand the advantage to Bending Spoons of having most users on the latest versions as they continue to find and address issues.

And, as a comparison, may I vent for a minute and mention my Kindle?  Friggen Amazon is perfectly happy to grab control from me to update.  For instance, yesterday, while I'm sitting back in a comfortable chair reading my latest whodunit novel,  Amazon decided to "improve my reading experience" by doing an update -- and, of course, my reading experience was no better after the update.  .  My  Kindle was unusable while this was happening -- for 10 minutes on a fast Internet connection this time before it came back... and it didn't have the grace to return me to where I was before in my reading.  Arrgh.  Okay, now back to our regularly scheduled program...



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Actually the new updating mechanism was introduced when EN was still under the old ownership. In fact as explained above it was mainly driven by users complaining about the prior updating messages being too intrusive. So they made it less intrusive, but keeping it effective.

For all who want to use their precious machines without feeling a shiver about being forced to update: I think there was another thread in the forum, about which 2 .json files need to be manipulated to stop the auto updating completely. It’s another question whether this is really worth the dive into the engine room.

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  • 1 month later...

For windows users, renaming app-update.yml (located in C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Local\Programs\Evernote\resources) to something else, eg app-update.yml.old, seems to do the trick.

Just avoid to use help menu command "Check for updates", as this will initiate the update procedure anyway.

Tested on Windows 7 (x64), Evernote version 10.56.8, as this is the last version working on win7.


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My personal opinion: It is dangerous for the integrity of your data, and a bad decision in general to stop updates. It will not only stop the app from updating, even worse is that it stops the updates of the underlying framework as well.

The only thing more reckless is to still operate an unsupported, bug infested OS like any Windows prior to Win10. They are full of zero days that will go unfixed forever.

You can modify what you want, but don’t come here for assistance when you botched your account.

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hace 18 horas, NikosM dijo:

For windows users, renaming app-update.yml (located in C:\Users\<YourUsername>\AppData\Local\Programs\Evernote\resources) to something else, eg app-update.yml.old, seems to do the trick.

Just avoid to use help menu command "Check for updates", as this will initiate the update procedure anyway.

Tested on Windows 7 (x64), Evernote version 10.56.8, as this is the last version working on win7.


Yes W7 here and this is the last version works on W7 and i will not update my OS

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  • Level 5

It is very simple: Any animal food company selling food for dinosaurs has long since gone out of business. Their target group of clients died out, one by one.

Any software company developing for hardcore users of deprecated operating systems is on the same track to oblivion. It’s not EN lacking respect, it’s yourself insisting in a not sustainable proposition.

Do whatever you want to do, but don’t expect any support for it. Once legacy stops syncing, you may be able to continue on the web client - not assured, and probably not what you want to use.

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And your argument is … they don’t support Windows 7 (deprecated and explicitly declared unsafe by its own developer) any more.

If I could hand out the price for the most innovative argument of the month, you would be a hot contender.

In fact EN can’t decide about it: When Electron (the underlying framework) stops supporting an OS, the plug is pulled for EN at the same moment.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Last version which works with Windows 8.1 is Evernote 10.53.2

How to turn off auto-updates:

  1. Open %appdata%\Evernote folder
  2. Edit config.json file there
  3. Set "forceUpdateOnStart": false, and also add the following line 
  4. "updateCheckPeriodMs": 8640000000, 

This will stop auto-update for 100 days. 

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On 10/6/2023 at 1:54 PM, PinkElephant said:

Everything below 10.60 is deprecated now.

Install an insecure app just because it can be interesting ? Maybe too interesting …

Anything above 10.56.9 breaks dramatically in Windows 7. 
Looking for alternatives that run on Linux: https://www.ubuntupit.com/best-note-taking-apps-for-linux/

Edited by ndsc
spelling fix
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It doesn‘t brake, it breaks (just 1 character difference).

The framework underlying EN is AFAIK not supporting older Windows versions any more. This only makes official which has always been the rule: Minimum system requirement for Windows is Win 10. Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and everything older is not supported, and will eventually not function.

Upgrade your OS (usually all PCs running Win 7 and up can run Win 10), or fall back to the web client.

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Fixed the typo, thanks

Learned this from "GetPackageFamilyName, KERNEL32.dll"

This + the forced version updates makes it impractical to use Evernote. 

Edited by ndsc
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  • Level 5

As you want. I would never run anything below Windows 10 connected to the Internet any more. The web is a pretty hostile place these days, and the only way to protect an outdated OS on a PC is to airgap it to the internet. Which reduces its usefulness, of course. It’s doable for all sort of control PCs, running equipment or similar. Less so for an office environment, and not necessary, because updating the OS is quite easy.

But as I said, up to you.

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14 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

As you want. I would never run anything below Windows 10 connected to the Internet any more. The web is a pretty hostile place these days, and the only way to protect an outdated OS on a PC is to airgap it to the internet. Which reduces its usefulness, of course. It’s doable for all sort of control PCs, running equipment or similar. Less so for an office environment, and not necessary, because updating the OS is quite easy.

But as I said, up to you.

Agreed. Not using the Windows 7 for much other than running Evernote and a couple of Windows only stuff.
Syncs stopped working and then I have to find myself being caught between having to use an old version and forced updates is a ... non-professional way to encourage upgrades. 
So now, forced by circumstances, thinking to get rid of Windows completely and replacing Evernote with a Unix counterpart.

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Since EN is a cloud based service, there are no good options to run it on a disconnected PC with an outdated OS. If that PC is inside of your network, it can become host to a can of worms that use it as a foothold in the network, to spread havoc over other devices.

We recently (in another forum) had a guy who believed that on his NAS a ransomware would be encrypting everything. Until the forum group discovered in the logs he posted that the files were opened by a PC, encrypted and then written back to the NAS. The ransomware resided on that PC, and reached out from there. Just a little example how an exposed device can turn against you if not safe & secured.

The updater is there for the same reason: To make sure we users don‘t need to worry about running the latest version, which is not only the app functions and bug fixes, but the latest underlying framework version as well.

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5 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Since EN is a cloud based service, there are no good options to run it on a disconnected PC with an outdated OS. If that PC is inside of your network, it can become host to a can of worms that use it as a foothold in the network, to spread havoc over other devices.

We recently (in another forum) had a guy who believed that on his NAS a ransomware would be encrypting everything. Until the forum group discovered in the logs he posted that the files were opened by a PC, encrypted and then written back to the NAS. The ransomware resided on that PC, and reached out from there. Just a little example how an exposed device can turn against you if not safe & secured.

The updater is there for the same reason: To make sure we users don‘t need to worry about running the latest version, which is not only the app functions and bug fixes, but the latest underlying framework version as well.

Windows 7 goes. 
But because Evernote forces things and gives no Linux solution am also thinking to let it go too.
Windows is a can of worms anynway.

Good points.
But Evernote cannot and should not be relied on as data or computer security solutions. 

Edited by ndsc
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  • Level 5

Well, it‘s pretty safe in some aspects, and less so in others.

Ransomware would have a hard time, because there is an older version in note history. But for mission critical data (like passwords) there are better tools.

Get yourself a Mac - MacOS is UNIXoid as well, and up to now holding up pretty well against that ransomware pest.

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I'm brand new to this forum.  I came here looking for a solution to disable the auto-update feature.

I see it's a hot philosophical debate, and IMHO there are valid arguments on both sides, but at the end of the day I think it should be my decision as the user of the software when to update, nobody else's.

My issue is that on several occasions I have launched Evernote at the start of a meeting, and then it gets hung up trying update so I can't take notes or review my prior notes - this is unacceptable to me.

Hence, I want to update when I want to update, not when the software thinks it's a good idea.

I saw a post or two above about modifying a couple of .json files to address this issue, but then other posts saying it didn't work.

Can anyone confirm?

I also saw something above where you could tell Evernote to update in the background and not disrupt your work - if this is possible I might be open to it, but it hasn't been my experience.

Thanks in advance for any help that can be provided.





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The scenario you describe is practically impossible today, since the update logic was changed about a year ago.

You get an update notice, and you can decide when to click to install. You probably won‘t do it with an upcoming meeting.

If you decide not to use the update button, it will automatically update the client when it is started the next time. Unless you ramp up your computer the moment the meeting starts, you won‘t even notice much of being updated.

Either way, I think it is a non issue these days. On the other hand, with the new syncing method and other changes I think clients need to stay on a recent level to make sure it interacts flawlessly with the server. It‘s not for nothing that the first thing support will tell you when you approach them to make sure you run the latest version.

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@PinkElephant, I don't know what I'm missing but I've never clicked to "accept" an update.  If I did, it was not very obvious and I've missed it at least 3 times.  I just launched Evernote and instead of letting me view my notes it started a (LONG) update, with me scrambling to take notes in Notepad++


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As I said, when you decide not to update, it will do so when you start the client next time.

My updates are loaded and will execute usually in less than a minute.

If it takes you significantly more, it may be your local database is corrupted. Updates often come with a database update. If there is a corruption, it will take significantly longer. Usually the same applies to starting the client without an update.

If you believe this may be the case, log out, quit, make a complete uninstall (RevoUninstraller / AppCleaner), restart the computer, download from the EN website, install and log in.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/10/2023 at 4:06 PM, PinkElephant said:

As I said, when you decide not to update, it will do so when you start the client next time.

Not on Windows 10, unfortunately. The updates are forced on the user, and installed whenever the client is opened.

I’d like to vote for allowing users to delay updates. This feature is crucial for our use case. Without it, we won’t be able to continue supporting Evernote, as we’ve been doing for 15 years, since 2008.

In past versions of Evernote, users could decide whether to install an update. This is not an unusual feature – it is found in most software products. For some reason, this feature was removed.

We appreciate the effort of Bending Spoons, the new owner, to modernize Evernote. However, the option to defer updates is crucial for our use case. We often use the software in the field, on a narrow and expensive bandwidth. When we open the app, we must see very quickly the note we are looking for. Since the feature was removed, we must keep the app open for long stretches of time, which delays our work and costs us a fortune.

Please restore the option to delay updates. We hope that you can do so by January 2024, when our subscription is up for renewal.

Thank you for considering!

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31 minutes ago, Evernote Loyalist said:

Not on Windows 10, unfortunately. The updates are forced on the user, and installed whenever the client is opened.

Before posting here, we contacted customer service. The response:

"I understand that you want to disable the auto update of Evernote on your device. As per checking on our resources, please be advised that disabling automatic updates is not yet an option and we haven’t built this feature into the new Evernote app."

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This  statement sounds funny: "We haven’t built this feature into the new Evernote app."  The company built 1,000 new features but missed this one. LOL. I still love Evernote, and I have no idea how long it will be compatible with an older OS, as no manual update is available, unfortunately. Therefore I will be discontinuing my subscription very soon, unless the auto-update will be taken off from the app

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On 10/24/2023 at 10:39 PM, Evernote Loyalist said:

Not on Windows 10, unfortunately. The updates are forced on the user, and installed whenever the client is opened.

This is not my experience. On my Windows 10 laptop, when it gets a new update, there is a notice in the left panel, which I can ignore. However, it does restore whenever Evernote or the computer is shut down and restarted.

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Whenever Evernote auto-updates on my corporate Dell laptop it takes Evernote offline FOR OVER AN HOUR. I just see the spinning wheel. This is unbelievable. I tried going to the web app but it too sits and spins!!! The only option i have is pecking on my phone. THIS IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. I've been paying for evernote for over a decade, but this is the final straw for me! FIX THIS ASAP, EVERNOTE, OR YOU WILL LOSE ALL YOUR WINDOWS USERS!!!!!

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19 hours ago, chromegerbil said:

THIS IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. I've been paying for evernote for over a decade, but this is the final straw for me! FIX THIS ASAP, EVERNOTE, OR YOU WILL LOSE ALL YOUR WINDOWS USERS!!!!!

You seem angry and shouty. What you describe doesn't happen on all four of my PCs. In fact I didn't even notice the update last time on one of them, it happened in the background. Maybe its an IT policy change, maybe a problem with your PC, maybe something else?

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I would check why an update that usually takes a blink takes more than an hour.

From the text I assume that the update was allowed manually by the user. Maybe it would be the better strategy to continue working, close EN when done for the day and open it the next day. The update will install in the background, and it usually takes no time at all to start the client with the new version, because it has installed itself already.

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On 10/26/2023 at 8:43 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

This is not my experience. On my Windows 10 laptop, when it gets a new update, there is a notice in the left panel, which I can ignore. However, it does restore whenever Evernote or the computer is shut down and restarted.

I see the same notification, but only if Evernote happened to be opened. If it is not opened, a update is forced whenever the app is opened. This is precisely the problem: We're in the field with no bandwidth to spare, and Evernote starts downloading an update... 😞

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On 10/29/2023 at 6:13 AM, Jon/t said:

Maybe its an IT policy change, maybe a problem with your PC, maybe something else?

Unfortunately, it is a policy choice: Force updates down users throats. As I explained above, it is a serious problem for us:

We often use the software in the field, on a narrow and expensive bandwidth. When we open the app, we must see very quickly the note we are looking for. Since the 'disable auto updates' feature was removed, we must keep the app open for long stretches of time, which delays our work and costs us a fortune.

Please restore the option to delay updates. We hope that you can do so by January 2024, when our subscription is up for renewal.

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I'm having a similar experience as @chromegerbil  It doesn't take an hour, but it can take 10-15 minutes, and it always happens at an inopportune time. Just happened again yesterday and is completely annoying and productivity destroying when it happens.  Even one time is too many.

I've pretty much decided to go back to OneNote, which apparently we have license for again (we dropped it couple of years ago which is why I switched to Evernote in the first place).

I totally understand the argument for automatic updates, and yet I am completely against them, as is my prerogative.  This is my personal preference, and my general philosophy is that nobody besides me (and our IT dept) should decide what software gets installed/updated on my machine and when.  There are plenty of other reasons/cases such as @Evernote Loyalist mentions why this doesn't work for certain people and situations.

I am a software architect and I find it pretty arrogant of software companies to think they know better than I do how I want to operate my machine or my company's environment.  Sadly this attitude seems to be more and more pervasive these days, and not only in the software arena.


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10 minutes ago, jmfromca said:

I am a software architect and I find it pretty arrogant of software companies to think they know better than I do how I want to operate my machine or my company's environment.

Yes, it is incredibly arrogant of Bending Spoons to force updates down our proverbial throats.

I don't know of any commercial software that forces regular updates onto users. Even consumer software, like smart phone apps, allow disabling auto-updates.

Bending Spoons is simply ignoring common practices in the software industry, and for that we might have to abandon this software. This would be sad, as we have been loyalists for over a decade.

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2 hours ago, Evernote Loyalist said:

Unfortunately, it is a policy choice: Force updates down users throats. As I explained above, it is a serious problem for us:

We often use the software in the field, on a narrow and expensive bandwidth. When we open the app, we must see very quickly the note we are looking for. Since the 'disable auto updates' feature was removed, we must keep the app open for long stretches of time, which delays our work and costs us a fortune.

Please restore the option to delay updates. We hope that you can do so by January 2024, when our subscription is up for renewal.

Perhaps it hasn't been mentioned before in this thread, but these are primarily user-to-user discussion spaces, not venues for giving direct, urgent feedback to Evernote. I believe feedback@evernote.com works for that.

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1 hour ago, jmfromca said:

I'm having a similar experience as @chromegerbil  It doesn't take an hour, but it can take 10-15 minutes, and it always happens at an inopportune time. Just happened again yesterday and is completely annoying and productivity destroying when it happens.  Even one time is too many.

Don't know if this is workable for you, but since the updates download without installing if Evernote is running at the moment, and give a notice of this in the left panel, it might be possible to accept the update at a more opportune time. Of course, one can always check for updates at the beginning of the day, before going to lunch, whenever, and install then. I don't know the exact odds, but I'd think this would reduce the chances of a forced update when you restart the app after one has been downloaded.

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