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iceman melb

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  1. Im running Evernote 10.96 on IOS and Im using an iPhone 14+ without any issues. I've got 20 GB storage left. Have you updated your IOS and restarted the iphone? I've got over 50k notes and I've 1 note which I refer to alot just like you and its running fine on my end. Ice
  2. Due Today: reminderTime:day -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderdonetime:* Due Yesterday + Today [Past current time] remindertime:day-2 -remindertime:day -reminderdonetime:* Due Tomorrow: reminderTime:day -reminderTime:day+2 -reminderdonetime:*
  3. Respectfully, despite what some users are asking for, I think we need to also maintain compatibility in what was stored = the old notes. One instance is the External and Internal Link which was working in previous note or search for TAGs [from old notes] will only work after forcing a re-indexation in v10 by doing the TAG search twice. Some of them would be great if addressed. "little Life improvements" as Evernote calls it.
  4. I respectfully disagree. He is documenting the issues he's having which shows he cares about the product and would like to see some of the issues addressed. Some of the solutions are also suggested in this thread which might be valid. Some I haven't experienced.
  5. I had the same issue until I made sure "Show all filename extensions" is turned on in finder [Mac OS 14] + Windows 11 [Equivalent of show file extension] I've dragged .pdf all day to both Evernote Mac and Windows without issue. Im running Evernote v10.89.2 Ice
  6. 2. Missing attachments (endlessly-spinning circles & ‘Untitled Attachment’) I don't have Missing Attachments [PDF in this case] if I Click and Drag the Attachment [PDF] then go to the next note then back to that note again. Pain in the butt I know. [Mac OS X 14] "Untitled Attachment" Using Preview [PDF viewer] I noticed that the I no Longer get "Untitled Attachment" if I save it first, then drag that document into the Note. Another extra step for now. I read through the support in Evernote and also get the feeling that the Developers in BSpoon has deleted too many lines of code [7k someone mentioned] which some might be dependent? Hopefully they will put some Q&A into their next release. I know BSpoon mentioned that they use it inhouse so they will surely see the issues and are trying to fix it. Like you say, I wish we can roll back the updates.... Oh well. Lets see what their next iteration is. I've got a lot of data which are depended on v10 working. I noticed you didn't highlight anything regarding TAGs [Searching] but there are also issues there. Obviously everyone wants the bugs to be squashed ASAP but I guess reality might be that they need time.
  7. Cool Thanks. I've now tried copying the PNG file onto a new PDF via Preview. then copy it back onto the note and Annotate via Preview so see if Evernote can index the change. Im missing the Full Text Search feature on Evernote Legacy. Lets hope BSpoon restores that. ice
  8. I'm running the latest dictation on my MacBook Pro M3 without any issues. In fact, I'm replying to you using the dictation feature on my Mac. I've also dictated a few paragraph on Evernote 10 latest version. Have you restarted your mac without any application launching and try that instead?
  9. @gazumped@Jelle78 I paste this into the search bar.. "reminderTime:day -reminderTime:day+1" "remindertime:day-7 -remindertime:day -reminderdonetime:* " Just used + or - with the number of days. Its not sorting but that's how I get around for the time being.
  10. Ok I think I've found my issue! Desktop [Mac OS 12] 1. Edit and Existing PDF and ADD Annotations and Save it changes 2. Open the Same PDF again [Via Preview.app on the Mac] and insert another annotation. Evernote IOS App and Mac OS App 3. Attempt to search for those 2 annotation. 4. None of the NEW annotations were found. Help Required: Does that mean any new Annotation will have to be re-indexed? @PinkElephant Do you think I have to force Evernote to Re-Index that note? IF so how do I force it on IOS and Mac OS? thanks Can anyone else please shed some light or suggest as to what I can do Ice
  11. Thanks for the reply. General Search is not finding any of my annotations. Not sure if it's working on yours? Not IOS nor on Desktop.
  12. using "tag:" in the search dialog box has been a hit or miss in the pass year. Not all notes with the tags shows up on IOS, iPad OS, Mac nor Windows 11 of Evernote. So I suspect someone show ask support/developers to fix that urgently or soon as someone realise search is important. ice
  13. I just found this thread and was using Legacy until it's no longer support. Just wondering if search within annotated PDFs will be supported? regards Ice
  14. I use the reminder features ALL the time too, it would be nice to have that shown on the calendar instead of have to setup and reminder then link it to a note which is a 2 step process.
  15. Update to Missing Plugin for me as well. Summary: Apple M Series Macs - Shows Blocked Plugin - I'll try to see if I can find a work around. In the meantime, Im also running my old iMac 2011 Im using both Evernote as there are still functions which works well and reminders bugs which haven't been fixed by Bending Spoon. Ice
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