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Evernote "legacy" vs. Evernote 6.25

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This may sound strange but at my work window desktop I made the mistake several months ago of having EN upgrade itself to v10.  At the time I didn't really know if I was going to like v10 so I wanted to revert back to a more familiar look and therefore downloaded EN legacy to use side by side.  At home I still use EN v6.25 because I never allowed for v10 to be installed.  I have a distinct impression, which has only been reinforced over the last few months, that my home version (6.25) is much more stable than my Legacy version at work.  This is so pronounced that I realize that there are all kinds of things that I do at work simply to compensate for the lag in the legacy version ie: when I start it up I go to get a cup of coffee, when I type a search phrase I wait one second between inserting letters etc.  I get the "EN is not responding" error message several times a day.  Overall, it works but I'm not enjoying using it as much as my home version.  I would like to install v10  at home but don't want to do so at the expense of losing my current v6.25 and replacing it with Legacy.  Any simple way of doing this and still retaining 6.25?

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Hi.  As you have Legacy (6.25.2) on your desktop already,  I'd suggest trying to refresh that before getting more extreme - sign out of v10 and tick the 'remove my data from this machine' option to reset that search index - next time you log back in,  you'll have to wait for a short while as Evernote recreates it's indexes and temporary files,  but it will have a new lease of life. 

For the same effect with 6.25.2 (legacy),  uninstall with something like Revo Uninstaller Free to remove all Evernote's support files,  then restart your device and re-download / reinstall Legacy to proceed...

But.  If all else fails and nuking from orbit is the only option - uninstall everything and go back to the pre-legacy production version.  Make sure you disable updates in Tools > Options...   http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe

Good luck - Let us know how you get on!

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Thanks Gazumped.  Where do I find "remove my data from this machine" option?  I looked at all the options in EN 6.25 and could not find it.  Am I misunderstanding something?

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5 minutes ago, idoc said:

Thanks Gazumped.  Where do I find "remove my data from this machine" option?  I looked at all the options in EN 6.25 and could not find it.  Am I misunderstanding something?

That's part of the "sign out of V10" process - we don't have one of those in 6.25 - hence all the uninstalling stuff.

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OK.  I'll try that.  However, as far as you know...is there a way to install v10 on my other desktop but still retain the original version of EN that I have running there?  It currently is (309091) Public (CE Build ce-62.6.10954) and it works much better than Legacy.  Actually, while I was researching the solution that you gave me I discovered various setting differences in the non v10 EN programs that I am running.  One of them has to do with "search as you type delay:50 milliseconds".  There were a few others also.  It is dawning upon me that perhaps the reason why the version I have at home is much better is because at the work place Legacy version the settings were changed.  For example, at home I can type any search term and never experience a freeze.  At work, I need to actually type the searches slowly else the whole thing freezes and I get the "evernote is not responding" message.  I will make sure that all the settings are identical on both before I re-assess.

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The so called Legacy (v6.25.2) is the same as v6.25.1 with the exception that the desktop/tray icons have a grey background.

If you install v10 at home it will disable v6.25.1 but you can then reinstall whichever v6.25 you want and nothing will be lost.

If you have any data in v6.25.1 in a local folder you should ensure you have a backup so that it isn't lost.


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On 1/2/2022 at 7:23 PM, idoc said:

It is dawning upon me that perhaps the reason why the version I have at home is much better is because at the work place Legacy version the settings were changed.  For example, at home I can type any search term and never experience a freeze.  At work, I need to actually type the searches slowly else the whole thing freezes and I get the "evernote is not responding" message I will make sure that all the settings are identical on both before I re-assess.

Hi Idoc:

Interested to know if you have discovered what SETTINGS eliminate FREEZE and NOT RESPONDING... and how to implement if successful.

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Don't know exactly what @idoc had in mind,  but it looks like part of it was Tools > Options > Search in Legacy.  My search as you type delay is set to zero so I have to hit <return> to start it off,  but at least it doesn't go off on a romp of its own if I mistype a keyword or hesitate too long.

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I finally have proof positive that Legacy is NOT the same thing as the v6.25 that I use at home.  The proof is that in Legacy I do not see the option to change the "type delay" that we've been speaking about.  In fact, the entire options menu in the settings is different..

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I didn't mean it was a secret but I've been complaining about this on the forums for quite a while and several others have indicated that legacy was identical to what I previously had.  Yet, I felt that the efficiency of Legacy was quite a bit less than my other version and couldn't really explain why.  I thought that perhaps it was a difference in computers, windows settings, EN settings etc.  Now I finally realize that they are completely different versions of EN and the older one is simply better in every way.  I'll be going back to the pre-legacy version and I greatly appreciate your link.


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39 minutes ago, idoc said:

I'll be going back to the pre-legacy version and I greatly appreciate your link.

You're welcome - I don't know how far the Legacy version diverged from the old production code,  but any changes would have been made with a view to it peacefully co-existing with v10. 

They took out updates,  obviously,  and made sure that edits in Legacy would sync to v10 and vice versa - and that (theoretically) any content would be editable either way,  though you should not expect any of the new features to work in the old version.  Lots of the now-deprecated stuff should still work in the old version,  and any edits made using those features "should" work in the new version - although many users' mileage seems to have been rather different...

I structured my initial answer in the way that I did because there must be a possibility that if you're running an vanilla Production version alongside V10,  there will be tears sooner or later.  I'm running production only - I'm not going near v10 until I have to* - so I'm comfortable where I am.  I can only council you to be careful and sync (and backup) frequently...

* This is not quite as disloyal an attitude as it may seem - I'm underwhelmed by the web v10 version which kills one of my laptops if I try to use it,  and I think the app needs slimming down and speeding up considerably (ironically,  something which has been said about me too...) before I'd consider using it.  But my main influence  here is being a devout Luddite - I hate the learning curve associated with "new improved" software that I was previously completely used to,  and I'll avoid purely cosmetic updates for as long as I possibly can.  Of course there are security and practical considerations - once 6.25 crashes for the last time I'll be a v10 user.  Probably...  -_-

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From my observation there are only two (obvious) changes in the legacy client:

- the stop to the version updating

- the detection of not supported v10 data formats. Legacy will not crash, but show a message that it can’t display this content (like tasks).

I can’t remember any post in the forum pointing out ANY single feature that was removed from the prior release versions in legacy. There may be some to even older versions, but the further back, the more unfixed bugs you get by that strategy.

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On 1/7/2022 at 12:20 AM, PinkElephant said:

From my observation there are only two (obvious) changes in the legacy client:

- the stop to the version updating

- the detection of not supported v10 data formats. Legacy will not crash, but show a message that it can’t display this content (like tasks).

I can’t remember any post in the forum pointing out ANY single feature that was removed from the prior release versions in legacy. There may be some to even older versions, but the further back, the more unfixed bugs you get by that strategy.

There's another difference (which I pointed out earlier) ie: some of the preference options are not available in Legacy.  For example, the option to change the "type delay".  This has turned out to be quite significant for my particular use.  In Legacy as I type the search terms in the box I often find that EN freezes and becomes unresponsive.  I tried it right now just to verify and could reproduce this behavior ie: typing a search term rapidly just caused the entire program to freeze for a good 2 minutes.  However, typing slowly letter by letter avoids the freezing.  So perhaps Legacy and my older version of 6.25 are fairly identical but the lack of ability to change the type delay (and perhaps other parameters as well) is making a big difference in performance.

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2 hours ago, ab1kenobee said:

Hello idoc and all :)

May I assume my version is the 6.25 you refer to vs. Legacy? (309198) Public (CE Build ce-62.6.10954)


Hi.  6.25.2 is the Legacy version.  6.25.1 is the last public release prior to v10

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This is in my opinion a very academic discussion - full of nitty bitty details, but without practical relevance.

The old clients are dead, some of them zombified as legacy. If there is any difference in the menus, settings, options does not revive them. The only version EN has authorized to continue working while server and clients are evolving is legacy. It coexists with v10 on the server.

Personally I would not place my data in danger of corruption by trying to use an older client on it. But if a typing delay setting is more important, anybody can take his own decision.

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12 hours ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  6.25.2 is the Legacy version.  6.25.1 is the last public release prior to v10

Thank you. With all EN issues, I will not even consider v10. When forced before EN issue have been resolved... my notes will have to find another home.

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No problem with me - but if I were you, I would go looking.

BTW I can't reproduce "all issues" and "not considering v10" - for me it is working fine, covering an estimated 95% of my requirements. The rest is still covered by legacy - but if I open it once a week now, it was a busy legacy week. There is simply not much need any longer to do so, and when I do, it feels pretty antique.

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5 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

No problem with me - but if I were you, I would go looking.

BTW I can't reproduce "all issues" and "not considering v10" - for me it is working fine, covering an estimated 95% of my requirements. The rest is still covered by legacy - but if I open it once a week now, it was a busy legacy week. There is simply not much need any longer to do so, and when I do, it feels pretty antique.

Hi PinkElephant. Glad to hear someone is happy with v10... however a NEGATIVE sentiment among experienced users appears to be prevalent by a large margin.

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The nature of these forums is that people who are facing problems arrive to state their troubles and seek a fix.

Nobody turns up to say everything is working just fine.

FWIW, I have only minor issues with v10 that I believe are being addressed. 

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The deeper your love story with the old clients have been, the more likely you are to run some pretty finely tuned workflows. This can cause problems, especially when scripting or tools that rely on scripting are involved.

But this does not help: If EN is a tree, it is growing all over, except that branch you know will loose all the leaves soon, and fall off the tree one day. This branch is labeled "legacy" - you just don't know when it will fall. But I would not put the childrens new swing to it (= invest any effort for workflows that depend on it).

You can use a second (free) account to test v10 - if it works, fine, if not I would prepare to move soon - if the branch falls off, it may be with little warning.

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8 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

The deeper your love story with the old clients have been, the more likely you are to run some pretty finely tuned workflows. This can cause problems, especially when scripting or tools that rely on scripting are involved.

But this does not help: If EN is a tree, it is growing all over, except that branch you know will loose all the leaves soon, and fall off the tree one day. This branch is labeled "legacy" - you just don't know when it will fall. But I would not put the childrens new swing to it (= invest any effort for workflows that depend on it).

You can use a second (free) account to test v10 - if it works, fine, if not I would prepare to move soon - if the branch falls off, it may be with little warning.

I did try it... much with an open mind... however with the loss of features that I depend on and use every day... v10 was simply not a working option... and within 10-MIN I returned to Legacy.

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If it is touch & feel, hard to resolve. Breaking a habit means 6 weeks of training to get rid of it, as it takes 6 weeks to acquire a new habit. 10min legacy detox will probably not be sufficient.

It it is some specific action missing, things are different. First v10 often does things a bit different from before, but it does them, second it depends on whether that action is really that predominant in the daily use.

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Quite often I find that complaints about v10  are about the way things work. Once I abandoned my expectation that I could do things in a particular way I found v10 would do what I needed. I've retained the older version of the program just in case but I never access it. It would be the place I would go of I needed to print a note on paper but that hardly ever happens these days. 


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31 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Quite often I find that complaints about v10  are about the way things work. Once I abandoned my expectation that I could do things in a particular way I found v10 would do what I needed. I've retained the older version of the program just in case but I never access it. It would be the place I would go of I needed to print a note on paper but that hardly ever happens these days. 


And when reorganizing notebooks and tags, due to the 50 notes limit in V10

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I have not yet fully moved to v10 on my windows desktop but I am using it quite happily on my iphone and ipad.  I like this version better on those platforms than the previous versions and it did not take me that long to make the transition.  I use v10 side by side with Legacy and I find it quite usable for the most part.  There are many things about it that I don't like but I'm not sure if this is entirely the fault of EN.  For example, there are certain workflows that have been disrupted but I think that I can rejigger those or simply learn to work in a different way.  At this point I think that if they remove Legacy entirely I will still reluctantly remain with v10  (under protest).  By the way, anyone who has spent a considerable amount of time with EN owes it to themselves to spend several weeks (or even months) trying out v10 before migrating to a different system.

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On 1/15/2022 at 10:21 PM, idoc said:

By the way, anyone who has spent a considerable amount of time with EN owes it to themselves to spend several weeks (or even months) trying out v10 before migrating to a different system.

IDOC:  This is PRACTICAL due to DEPENDENCE. If there were truly comparable or viable alternatives to EN... without the PAIN factor... I think it reasonable to assume there would be a MASS MIGRATION away from EN.

It is EN's job to satisfy its customer base and bring LOVE to the table... not the customer base to bend over backwards to make things work with a BETA-level release that NOBODY is happy with based on past product. To date, there are many functionalities broken or missing from v10 vs. 6.25.

USERS don't work for EN... EN works for its USERS measured by performing as represented!

Thank you. ~ Alan

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I absolutely do not feel nostalgic about the legacy years: No development, long wait between releases (which means no bug fixes either), struggling with the OS update cycle, which for the Mac is yearly etc.

A little longer and it would have killed the company. THIS would have been painful, not the transition we currently have to a new basic design of app (!) and server (?) software.

When I read the CEOs blog post, it sounds as if they will redo the server side this year.

If 😱 or 👻 - wait and see !

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Afterthought: If they radically switch the notes basic design, it maybe farewell time for legacy. 

Hard to tell - but other apps made a similar step to fundamentally solve syncing problems. The problem with syncing at the moment is that the smallest „entity“ for EN is the „note“. If it has a lot of text in it, and you change a single character, the whole note needs to sync.

Other (more modern) apps build for cloud syncing and collaborative work (like Google docs, Office 365, Apple iWorks etc.) use a granular design, splitting each document into many small fragments. Changes on a fragment will sync by only altering this fragment, leaving all the others untouched.

EN must be aware that the continued syncing problems will not be solved by applying more snake oil. From the willingness of the EN management to cut old rope, such a change might be in the making. If the legacy clients will continue after it remains to be seen.

Here the blog post (my regards to everybody who claims „Evernote is not communicating“):


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I suspect a psychological component in the impact the new versions have had on power users.  These are the users who fell into practice patterns and work flows that they honed over many years.  There is a positive reinforcement feedback loop that most of us fall into with EN ie: we dutifully enter or scan in our notes, categorize and/or tag everything and are then rewarded by the ease of extracting our data as needed.  Positive feedback loops such as this are not designed to achieve a state of homeostasis but to amplify the satisfaction felt through hyperefficiency and organization.  The meticulous maintenance of such a system takes on an almost religious overtone as we dutifully add to it, tweak it and ultimately allow it to manage our lives.  It is entirely understandable, therefore, that the sudden disruption of this process will have an outsized impact on power users.  Personally, after the initial feeling of outrage and betrayal I realized that it was better to make every effort to adapt to the new versions and to hope that they may eventually work better for me than the older ones.  I am already finding the iphone and ipad version to be better than what we had before, and am optimistic and the desktop versions will go the same way.  

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5 minutes ago, idoc said:

These are the users who fell into practice patterns and work flows that they honed over many years. 

My workflow includes scripting; Applescript on a Mac   
This is no longer possible in the v10 ptoduct

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  • 6 months later...
On 1/7/2022 at 3:20 AM, PinkElephant said:

From my observation there are only two (obvious) changes in the legacy client:

- the stop to the version updating

- the detection of not supported v10 data formats. Legacy will not crash, but show a message that it can’t display this content (like tasks).

I can’t remember any post in the forum pointing out ANY single feature that was removed from the prior release versions in legacy. There may be some to even older versions, but the further back, the more unfixed bugs you get by that strategy.

I just enjoy the simplicity of the legacy.  Honeslty the new app looks like some kids "my first note app".  The loading and graphics are slower and it's not as streamlined.  The lines are not even clean, like bubble graphics and texts.  Only way I can really explain it.  I want something fast, efficient, easy to use and move around.

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You can use legacy as long as it works. No support, no fixes.

You can use the new clients, that are permanently updated and gain new features.

You can switch to another app.

What will not happen: A revival of the legacy client. You can base any decision on this cornerstone.

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I stuck with Legacy for a long time but I am now enjoying v10 quite a bit.  There are still some things I don't like but there are also a bunch of things you can do on v10 that were not possible with Legacy.  For example, I've really adapted Tasks and reminders to my every day use and this was not really possible with Legacy.  I'm also finding complex searches to be easier with v10 because of the filtering capabilities.  Many of the annoyances have been whittled away and what is emerging is something that seems to be very responsive to users.  

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I must admit I was not a fan of V10 when it came out initially, I think mostly the fact that things had moved to different parts of the screen took away my familiarity with the programme and for a short period I had Legacy and V10 co-exist.  I have to say though that the last year with Home, Calendar & Tasks being introduced it has turbocharged  by use of Evernote and a few weeks ago said goodby to Legacy, as I found I could achieve everything I need in V10.  I have been an Evernote user since 2011 and now have over 23,000 notes all of which sync over my PC, Tablet, Phone & Web.  It maybe my imagination but since updating to v10.41 last week, sync seems to be a bit more responsive.  I do appreciate though, that for some people who have distinct workflows sticking with Legacy for now is a must.  I found that by making a few simple changes V10 worked for me.

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  • 5 months later...
On 1/14/2022 at 5:23 AM, ab1kenobee said:

Thank you. With all EN issues, I will not even consider v10. When forced before EN issue have been resolved... my notes will have to find another home.

I agree!  I have eight companies that I do electronic record management for, and I started doing that with a single user version in 2008!  Some of the companies are related. Many have varying layers of access. As Evernote Business Admin for all of them, I need to be able to work between each of the EBAs where they overlap.  I need to work on tagging many notes at once, ensuring note names for same companies are consistent (ie all BC Hydro, not B.C. Hydro, BCHydro.  etc) as any one of the 50 or so users could have entered the note info.  Some just scan direct to my incoming notebook and I have notes that are just a string of letters and numbers. The workflow and requirement for changing access as documents and notes move through our system means that I am moving more than 50 notes at a time to different notebooks, sharing notebooks with users in a different EBAs  and sharing with outside auditors for limited durations. Employees come and go, departments get reorganized, owners split up and so do companies. Canadian law says that we have a need to retain our records, beyond and through all of that.  I need to be able to flex our Evernote with the changing times. 

I have found that the "new and improved" V10 is cute - oooh look at all of those fonts and colours!  but I'm not looking for cute.  I'm not interested in teams.  I don't want all of the fluffy desktop publishing aspects. I don't deny that Evernote probably has a market for this product - things for staff to do rather than work.  Sorry, I get that it sounds jagged, but I need a workhorse not a playground. I think that adding Stacking Notebooks was my last favorite upgrade.  Most of the features that have come in through this big change up cause Evernote to no longer be the records management system with great abilities that it once was.   

For my clients, Evernote is quite literally a virtual filing room. They dump it in, and I ensure that they will find it later. For that, I stick with the pre Legacy versions because back then, Evernote was all about saving anything. With over 100,000 notes under my purview, I need Evernote to run fast, not freeze!, and be consistent over platforms and users.  For quite a long time I've been suggesting an admin level much like the pre V10 Windows Desktop version, for the folks such as myself that are doing maintenance and batch filing. Give us the ability to easily create a list of notebooks that a specific user has access to. Let us limit the tags a notebook can have - Business editions should have these types of controls.  

Okay.  Short answer - sometimes the old way is better for a reason.   

End of rant.!  Happy 2023 everyone!  

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On 1/9/2023 at 8:09 AM, VillageLife said:

Short answer - sometimes the old way is better for a reason.

Hi.  To some extent I agree with you - if what you have is working,  why change?  However if you continue a complex business solution based on unsupported software that might crash and burn within the reasonably near future,  I hope you have a backup plan ready...

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6 hours ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  To some extent I agree with you - if what you have is working,  why change?  However if you continue a complex business solution based on unsupported software that might crash and burn within the reasonably near future,  I hope you have a backup plan ready...

Yes.  This is a huge issue and I faced the same problem.  I run my personal and business life through EN.  I was (and still am) very happy with 6.25.  In fact, the new v10 does not hold a candle to 6.25 when it comes to pdf management, saving attachments to external folders etc.  I now use v10 for almost everything and enjoy many of its features but I still rely on 6.25 for a whole bunch of stuff.  Here are some examples:

-I have a fax folder on EN which is linked to Dropbox fax (used to be Hellofax).  Thousands of faxes accumulate there and I like to clear them out every few months.  On 6.25 this involves "saving attachments" to an external folder and then combining them as one giant pdf file using Acrobat.  Impossible to do this with v10.

-I have many notes which contains dozens of pdfs per note.  I need to see an iconographic  representation of each of these.  For example,  there may be 12 of them representing the months of the year for various accounts.  On 6.25 this is easy.  On v10 and web version  even when you go to "see as attachment" or "view as title" it doesn't stay that way.  So when I go to that note all I can see is the first pdf and not the other 11 sitting behind it.  Just infuriating.

- As with my faxes example I like to manipulate my pdfs, drag them around, combine many of the notes which contain them etc.  No matter how slick v10 is, 6.25 is still head and shoulders above v10 for these purposes.

Having said that there is no question that for casual use I love the Tasks feature, reminders, Home view, pinned notes and several other features of v10.  I think v10 is good for most things in life but desperately hope that 6.25 remains around for my more pressing business uses.  Just to be save, I advise anyone who is totally dependent on 6.25 to start seriously experiment with v10 rather than be side swiped by 6.25 going away.

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On 7/26/2022 at 10:16 PM, idoc said:

I stuck with Legacy for a long time but I am now enjoying v10 quite a bit.  There are still some things I don't like but there are also a bunch of things you can do on v10 that were not possible with Legacy.

I'm completely with you. Long time ago I started to log my requests on a personal web page EN-10 - was mir noch fehlt (sorry, is in German - but many of you will be able to understand it 😉). I think I've to update this page the next time because EN is working hard on EN-10 👍

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On 1/9/2023 at 3:09 AM, VillageLife said:

I have found that the "new and improved" V10 is cute - oooh look at all of those fonts and colours!  but I'm not looking for cute.  I'm not interested in teams.  I don't want all of the fluffy desktop publishing aspects. I don't deny that Evernote probably has a market for this product - things for staff to do rather than work.  Sorry, I get that it sounds jagged, but I need a workhorse not a playground. I think that adding Stacking Notebooks was my last favorite upgrade.  Most of the features that have come in through this big change up cause Evernote to no longer be the records management system with great abilities that it once was. 

My thoughts (hoping not to develop into a counter-rant!): I started using Evernote because it was called Evernote, not Ever-records-mgmt. It takes notes on multiple devices in multiple locations and lets me edit them on other devices in other locations. I get that lots of people use it to store documents as attachments so as to have them more readily searchable than in a simple cloud document server (I guess). But IMHO that is a side-purpose, not Evernote's main reason for existing.

Fonts and colors are attractive. They're also useful, for instance in distinguishing various topics or highlighting significant material within a note. And attractiveness itself is a virtue--I disagree that work must be drab in order to be productive, which strikes me as one of the 20th century's less sustainable innovations.

One note of irony: lots of people post in these forums wishing there were more formatting options in v. 10: more font colors, more fonts, and better outlining features in bulleted lists.

Bottom line: "the old is better" for some reasons. It is not better for every reason.

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14 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

"the old is better" for some reasons. It is not better for every reason.

Yep - that's my reason to pay for a Professional account - as long as Legacy is "supported" (means: able to handle my records for EVER): Up to now all extensions to the internal note representation on server site are implemented with backward compatibility (means: not destroying any records).  👍🙏 

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17 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

 I get that lots of people use it to store documents as attachments so as to have them more readily searchable than in a simple cloud document server (I guess). But IMHO that is a side-purpose, not Evernote's main reason for existing.

One of my main use cases is indeed to store attachments, but I always add some additional text about the attachments in the containing note. This is fundamentally  different from a simple cloud document server. In evernote, each note is a small container about a specific topic. This concept makes evernote so powerful, it isn't just some  side-purpose...

edit: I just checked my EN database: 74% of my notes contain attachments (always accompanied by related context)

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I totally agree: For me it is one of my main use cases as well that I can combine files of different types mixed with my own writing and annotations. EN is very flexible and allows to keep everything in a note that I need for an issue.

V10 has evolved nicely in this aspect - Tasks for example make the note actionable, which added a new dimension for me to the concept.

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11 hours ago, eric99 said:

In evernote, each note is a small container

"Note container" is my view of Evernote Legacy on my Mac     
where each note is represented by an OS folder holding     
. a note file (.enml format)   
. attachment files     

A small database (.sql) holds all the note metadata

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It doesn't really matter what the original intention of EN was for or where they are ultimately heading.  For the thousands of us that also began to use EN as a depositary of files this is where we are.  Of course I also have storage in Google Drive, Apple etc but I've found that the note structure of EN has been ideal for my data file storage needs.  I don't use it as a repository of every piece of junk that I need to dump into an archive but as a targeted means of storing files that I  need to use on an ongoing basis.  I do not find Gdrive helpful for this purpose because it is not as versatile as EN.  In EN I can have a note that contains 20 pdf files and spreadsheets related to one project.  I can add texts and pictures around those files since they are all sitting in one note,  or can easily drag things in and out of those notes, combine pdfs, add links and reminders, add tasks etc.   I am trying to make EN my tasks manager, reminder system, clipboard, records management, contacts depositary, calendar etc.  My ultimate goal would be to have one system manage every aspect of my life and business.  EN is making great strides getting there and I currently use it for almost everything.  Nonetheless, as many of us have noted, v10 took a big step back compared to 6.25 when it came to file management.  Many of you may not have even noticed because that is not your use case.  However, if you became used to moving large amounts of files back and forth between EN and various external folders and directories, or combining multiple small pdfs into larger ones etc then you will immediately see the limitations of v10.

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  • Level 5

Thanks, @idoc, @eric99, and others, this helps me get a picture of the usefulness of Evernote for this kind of purpose, in contrast to mere cloud storage. To be clear, I didn't mean to imply that Evernote was not suited for this purpose, though I still wonder if that was its original intent. As you say, though, "original intent" or not, it provides a great facility for such work. I take your word that v. 10 is less suited to this than v. 6.25. My main point was that v. 10 is an improvement in many ways for my note-taking, and at this point in its development (unlike its woebegone initial appearance) it is definitely superior to v. 6.25 for that purpose.

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Maybe there are restrictions for handling files on Windows.

On the Mac when I open a document that is nested inside of a note, the program needed launches. I can then edit the content. When I save or close the document, it saves back into the file that is still nested inside of the note.

This feature is similar to legacy, and allows to work on files stored in notes just as if they were in a Finder (Explorer) window.

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7 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Maybe there are restrictions for handling files on Windows.

On the Mac when I open a document that is nested inside of a note, the program needed launches. I can then edit the content. When I save or close the document, it saves back into the file that is still nested inside of the note.

This feature is similar to legacy, and allows to work on files stored in notes just as if they were in a Finder (Explorer) window.

Woks the same in Windows.

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3 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Maybe there are restrictions for handling files on Windows.

On the Mac when I open a document that is nested inside of a note, the program needed launches. I can then edit the content. When I save or close the document, it saves back into the file that is still nested inside of the note.

This feature is similar to legacy, and allows to work on files stored in notes just as if they were in a Finder (Explorer) window.

I think, the mentioned V10 limitation is that note attachments can't be exported to a folder anymore. Although there is a workaround by exporting to html where all attachments are saved in separate folder(s).

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25 minutes ago, bmcl26 said:

Woks the same in Windows.

Not exactly 😉: In Legacy attached file is extracted to a "Attachments\" Folder - then edited there and re-imported later to Evernote's DB. If the re-import fails for any reason (EN does not recognize the end of the launched handling program, ...), your edit may be lost... These situations may occur if the lauched program is able to handle more than one data file at time so or it is not terminated after your data has been saved to the Attachments\-Folder.

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  • Level 5*

For single notes it's easy to "Save As" attachments as separate files.  For notebooks or groups of notes I've been playing with Microsoft's Power Automate which can replay keystrokes and mouse clicks and interfaces with Evernote pretty well.  I've not attempted to create a process to go through a list of notes and process any attachments,  but if you have a need to do that,  PA may be worth a look... https://powerautomate.microsoft.com/

Single attachments - 


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1 hour ago, AlbertR said:

Not exactly 😉: In Legacy attached file is extracted to a "Attachments\" Folder - then edited there and re-imported later to Evernote's DB. If the re-import fails for any reason (EN does not recognize the end of the launched handling program, ...), your edit may be lost... These situations may occur if the lauched program is able to handle more than one data file at time so or it is not terminated after your data has been saved to the Attachments\-Folder.

I ditched Legacy a long time ago and never had a problem with losing notes.

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20 hours ago, bmcl26 said:

I ditched Legacy a long time ago and never had a problem with losing notes.

Yep - I'm not losing notes. But it's possible to lose changes within attachments if EN-Legacy does no recognize the death of programs that changes the attachment.

I've tested it in EN-10 (Windows-APP) and found, that this problem seems to be solved now: EN-10 does not linger for the death of the program to re-insert the changed attachment. It permanently checks like a watchdog for new versions of changed attachments and re-inserts it to the note immediately after it has been saved by the handling program.


  • Insert an .XLSX file to you note
  • Double-click to open it in Excel
  • make some changes
  • type CTRL-S to save it in Excel (without exiting Excel)
  • EN-10 catches the changed .XLSX file and re-inserts it to the note

This is a real improvement! 👍🙏

PS.: This is only possible in EN-10-App. Browser-based clients cannot work in this manner because a Double-click simple downloads the attachment. A browser normally has no possiblity to check local file changes.

And: You may see syncing problems during such tests. In my case, notes with changed attachments have bee doublicated very often ==> one reason not to work with EN-10 (and continue with EN-Legacy) as long as syncing is not working as expected 😉

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4 hours ago, AlbertR said:

And: You may see syncing problems during such tests. In my case, notes with changed attachments have bee doublicated very often

If simple full-note sync is already that problematic, how reliable will partly sync then be in the new collaborative editor?

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10 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

There is only one sure way to find out: Just give it a try (once it is available).

OK, we're ready 😉 - hope they do not forget to make it only a (non-default) option so far. If (partial) syncing fails, it will be a nightmare for their support personal. Syncing problems are not reproducable (in most cases) and may cause big data corruptions.

But to be honest: Nobody needs collaborative editing within his notes. Even in Business environments this causes trouble very often...

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I don't think this will be optional. Usually it means a completely different data structure, and this means it needs to be operational.

Personally I think it is already running in the background, for us all. This server maintenance in November - where each and every user account was taken offline for 30 minutes - looked very suspicious to me.

Collaborative editing is maybe an endpoint set too far from everybody's experience. But let us take this scenario: Your best coworker of all was busy working on an important note the last day before his holiday. He left in a hurry, and left EN running and the note in editing mode.

Now he is snorkeling in the big wide ocean, unreachable, and you need to open this note. Bummer !

Not so with collaborative editing: You can laborate, while you co is off with the fishes.

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I have not found any way to accomplish the following:  I have 450 notes in EN, each one containing one pdf file.  I would like to combine these 450 pdf files into one pdf.  This is easy to do with v6.25 but impossible with v10.  In v6.25 you save all of the notes ("save attachments" ) and they appear in whatever outside directory you want.  They appear as individual pdf files.  I can now use Acrobat to combine them into one file (or manipulate them any way I want).  When I use v10 I can NOT accomplish this goal.  You can see in the screen shot that the actual pdf files came over into the target directory from 6.25.  The white "Evernote" files came over from v10 using the export feature.  If I double click on one of them it asks me "choose the program you want to use to open this file" and I can choose Acrobat.  I can then see the pdf file.  Problem is that I can't use Acrobat to combine them in this format.  I can only deal with them one by one, and even that is cumbersome.

image.png.4c56a4bb614e8fe03a95180127b052e8.pngtop 4 files "saved as attachments" from 6.25, bottom 4 exports from v10



image.png.83f332fe06362498c49557eb59eedd37.pngI can easily combine these with Acrobat by right click

image.png.b815a69713c9ffdb12f51b3385caa25b.pngImpossible to combine. Right click useless

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  • Level 5

The maximum of notes in one selection with v10 is 100 in one go.

Select 100 - merge

Select 100 - merge

Select 100 - merge

Select 100 - merge

Select 50, plus the 4 merged Notes from the former merging - merge


To speed the merging up, you can go offline before you start merging.

v10 allows to select the order in which to merge. Maybe not that important with 450 - but it often comes handy when merging just a handful.

There is a trick that allows to merge up to 1.000 notes in one go, with a little intervention. But since it is overwritten on updating, I only use it when I have a need for a superlarge merging operation. Usually the normal limit is by far enough.

To be observed: The maximum note limit is 200MB - the 450 pdfs need to be rather small to fit them all into one note.

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  • Level 5

Or to use Acrobat (or any other pdf app that allows merging, nobody needs apps from that greedy bunch at Adobe):

Put all notes with pdfs into one notebook. Export the notebook to HTML. Open the folder holding the attachments. Select all, bring them into the pdf program, merge them.

Bring the resulting pdf back into EN.

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Sorry PinkElephant.  You've given me these instructions before (and I appreciate it).  Just doesn't work.  v10 export produces files that Acrobat simply doesn't recognize as pdfs.  The files are nested in a strange way such that you have to click on the "white" file to see the pdf that is underneath.  When you do that you can take that pdf and deal with it as needed.  The problem is that the "combine files" feature that is so critical to me in Acrobat can not be made to work on files like this.  When all the files are sitting as beautiful little pdfs in one directory, then acrobat combine feature works.  It does not work in this situation and never has.  I have spend countless hours trying to get this to work and it does not.  At this point I simply perform this function with 6.25 which takes all of 30 seconds.




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I'm not sure that my solution will be suitable for you.  But here it goes in v10...

I highlight the notes that contain the PDFs I want to combine.  I right click and select Export (not Export as PDF).  I then select export as Single web page. The export proceeds and I open the directory.  Inside there is folder which contains the PDF files.  I combine them in Acrobat.

However, the current limit of 100 notes for multiple actions means that you would have to manually increase the limit for your account or do the work in batches of 100.  You could the reconfigure the config.json file to, say, 900 and then you would be able to manipulate the 450 PDFs.

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6 minutes ago, agsteele said:

I'm not sure that my solution will be suitable for you.  But here it goes in v10...

I highlight the notes that contain the PDFs I want to combine.  I right click and select Export (not Export as PDF).  I then select export as Single web page. The export proceeds and I open the directory.  Inside there is folder which contains the PDF files.  I combine them in Acrobat.

However, the current limit of 100 notes for multiple actions means that you would have to manually increase the limit for your account or do the work in batches of 100.  You could the reconfigure the config.json file to, say, 900 and then you would be able to manipulate the 450 PDFs.

Does not work.  This is exactly the sequence that I use.  As I show you in the pictures above, the files are exported over in a strange white icon format with names such as "Evernote (1), Evernote (2) etc.  When I try to combine them using Acrobat it is not possible.  If I click on those individual files I will eventually find the pdf within, but the current structure is such that it is not recognizable to Adobe as a pdf file.  Not sure if it is only my Acrobat that is doing this.  Are you actually able to combine all of those files into one large pdf file??  If so, that is just what I'm looking for.

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39 minutes ago, idoc said:

Does not work.  This is exactly the sequence that I use.  As I show you in the pictures above, the files are exported over in a strange white icon format with names such as "Evernote (1), Evernote (2) etc.  When I try to combine them using Acrobat it is not possible.  If I click on those individual files I will eventually find the pdf within, but the current structure is such that it is not recognizable to Adobe as a pdf file.  Not sure if it is only my Acrobat that is doing this.  Are you actually able to combine all of those files into one large pdf file??  If so, that is just what I'm looking for.

I assume these are folders containing your pdf files.

You can copy all the pdf files in these folders into one destination folder somewhere else, for instance with the following dos command (cmd) :

first you set the directory path to your export directory where these Evernote(1), Evernote(2) reside:

cd exportDirectoryPath

xcopy /s  *.pdf  ..\destinationFolder

The destination folder now contains all  the pdf's from the different Evernote(xxx) folders, this folder can now be read by acrobat

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46 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

Or ctrl-A, ctrl-C, …. , ctrl-V

Yeah, but then you have to do this manually  for each subfolder  (each note has its own attachments folder)

The xcopy command does this automatically for all subfolders at once...


Correction: in case of single page html export, all attachments seem to be in one folder. However, in V10 there is something wrong with the file extensions. It does work in legacy


Edited by eric99
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15 minutes ago, eric99 said:

I assume these are folders containing your pdf files.

You can copy all the pdf files in these folders into one destination folder somewhere else, for instance with the following dos command (cmd) :

first you set the directory path to your export directory where these Evernote(1), Evernote(2) reside:

cd exportDirectoryPath

xcopy /s  *.pdf  destinationFolder

The destination folder now contains all  the pdf's from the different Evernote(xxx) folders, this folder can now be read by acrobat

Does not work.  Yes, I can copy the "Evernote (1) and (2) etc files into any place I want.  However, Acrobat does not recognize them as files that they can combine.  In each case I can double click the nested file and I will find the pdf underneath.  I can then take that pdf and put it somewhere and do the same thing for the next one.  I can then combine them as needed.  However, this will not work well with large numbers of files (which is what I deal with).  Here are the same files in a different directly.. Doesn't help me there either.



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44 minutes ago, idoc said:

Does not work.  Yes, I can copy the "Evernote (1) and (2) etc files into any place I want.  However, Acrobat does not recognize them as files that they can combine.  In each case I can double click the nested file and I will find the pdf underneath.  I can then take that pdf and put it somewhere and do the same thing for the next one.  I can then combine them as needed.  However, this will not work well with large numbers of files (which is what I deal with).  Here are the same files in a different directly.. Doesn't help me there either.



I can reproduce your problem now, these files have lost their extension. I'll investigate it further...

For testing, you can already rename the file to xxx.pdf and try it with acrobat


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  • Evernote Expert
3 hours ago, idoc said:

Does not work.  This is exactly the sequence that I use.  As I show you in the pictures above, the files are exported over in a strange white icon format with names such as "Evernote (1), Evernote (2) etc.  When I try to combine them using Acrobat it is not possible.  If I click on those individual files I will eventually find the pdf within, but the current structure is such that it is not recognizable to Adobe as a pdf file.  Not sure if it is only my Acrobat that is doing this.  Are you actually able to combine all of those files into one large pdf file??  If so, that is just what I'm looking for.

Works for me. Just as I described. I just did it with the notes containing PDFs. The export to single web page created a folder containing three PDFs. All three show as PDFs in the Windows file explorer.

 All three were easily combined into a single PDF.

If I get a moment later I'll create a set of screen shots to illustrate my process. Or maybe a video of the process.

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10 hours ago, agsteele said:

Works for me. Just as I described. I just did it with the notes containing PDFs. The export to single web page created a folder containing three PDFs. All three show as PDFs in the Windows file explorer.

 All three were easily combined into a single PDF.

If I get a moment later I'll create a set of screen shots to illustrate my process. Or maybe a video of the process.

it does works for me with pdf files imported via dragging or import folder.

When I export web clipped notes to a single html page, I do get evernote(0) evernote(1) ... files which are actually .png files without proper extension.

So in some circumstances EN looses the file extension, maybe that happens with pdf files as well, depending how it has been imported?

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17 hours ago, agsteele said:

Works for me. Just as I described. I just did it with the notes containing PDFs. The export to single web page created a folder containing three PDFs. All three show as PDFs in the Windows file explorer.

 All three were easily combined into a single PDF.

If I get a moment later I'll create a set of screen shots to illustrate my process. Or maybe a video of the process.

I would be very intrigued to see how this works.  I can create a folder with the evernote(1), evernote (2) etc files.  If I select them all and right click it gives me the ability to rename them.  If I select another name such as "hello.pdf", I then get a bunch of files called "hello(1), hello (2), hello (3).  However, these are not pdf files and they will not combine.  If I right click on any of these files I don't even get the "combine supported files in Acrobat" option that I get when I right click on a true pdf file.


Above, you can see the menu I get when I right click on these files which I tried to rename with a .pdf extension.  Below you can see what happens when I right click on a true pdf file.


If I could figure out how to take those evernote export files and convert them into true pdfs it would certainly change my entire work flow.  Haven't figured it out yet but would be very grateful if someone could point me in the direction of what I'm missing.  Thanks in advance.



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On 1/16/2023 at 7:45 PM, idoc said:

If I click on those individual files I will eventually find the pdf within

What exactly do you mean by "If I click on those individual files": is it a single left click, double click, right click?  Does it behave like a folder with a containing pdf file?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/18/2022 at 6:01 PM, idoc said:

I suspect a psychological component in the impact the new versions have had on power users.  These are the users who fell into practice patterns and work flows that they honed over many years.  There is a positive reinforcement feedback loop that most of us fall into with EN ie: we dutifully enter or scan in our notes, categorize and/or tag everything and are then rewarded by the ease of extracting our data as needed.  Positive feedback loops such as this are not designed to achieve a state of homeostasis but to amplify the satisfaction felt through hyperefficiency and organization.  The meticulous maintenance of such a system takes on an almost religious overtone as we dutifully add to it, tweak it and ultimately allow it to manage our lives.  It is entirely understandable, therefore, that the sudden disruption of this process will have an outsized impact on power users.  Personally, after the initial feeling of outrage and betrayal I realized that it was better to make every effort to adapt to the new versions and to hope that they may eventually work better for me than the older ones.  I am already finding the iphone and ipad version to be better than what we had before, and am optimistic and the desktop versions will go the same way.  

I love this thinking. 

I've been using a spanner for 12 years for my job which is to tighten nuts. It's a but grubby, and rusty, but it does the job. Suddenly SpannerCo come along, wrench (ahahah) it from my hand and force on me a bright, shiny hammer with a built-in toothbrush. "This is better" they crow, "you must adapt your way of working to thses modern tools!" So I am left struggling to turn nuts with a hammer while the toothbrush keeps popping up and trying to brush my teeth, which I don't want it to do.

Are you surprised when WrenchyCorp opens across the road, and I go and get their rather cheaper spanner that tightens nuts just as well, and then throw the useless hammer through SpannerCo's window? 

Apparently, yes.

Sorry. Me Customer. I pay, I expect something that works for me, not for them

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, acedashdog said:

Sorry. Me Customer. I pay, I expect something that works for me, not for them

Hi Mr Customer.  You're quoting comments more than a year ago and I have no clue what point you're making.  We were talking about the differences between Legacy and v10,  which seem gradually to have been reduced over time.  Is v10 still not working for you?  If not,  can you explain why not?

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  • Level 5

Wrong sequence: You pick the right tool, then you pay. If the tool doesn't match your use case, drop it and don't pay.

Everything else is your own decision, and it blocks a solution to call it wise, and stick to it.

Except a bad story, you have not told any facts that would make others understand your claim.

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11 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Wrong sequence: You pick the right tool, then you pay. If the tool doesn't match your use case, drop it and don't pay.

Everything else is your own decision, and it blocks a solution to call it wise, and stick to it.

Except a bad story, you have not told any facts that would make others understand your claim.

You've seen my story, posted elsewhere at the same time, and applauded it. I did pick the right tool, paid, used it for 12 years and am now dropping it because it's now not the tool for what I am trying to do. :)

12 hours ago, gazumped said:

Hi Mr Customer.  You're quoting comments more than a year ago and I have no clue what point you're making.  We were talking about the differences between Legacy and v10,  which seem gradually to have been reduced over time.  Is v10 still not working for you?  If not,  can you explain why not?

Posted elsewhere but here you are 


I’ve been a satisfied customer for 12 years. Now I’m not, and I’m cancelling my subscription, and here’s why.
I statrted using notes with my first Handspring Visor in 97, and when that went away and Outlook Notes became inadequate in 2011 I leaped to EN with joy. It was great, I loved it, I recommended it everywhere, I registered it.
That continued until recently. Then you produced a new version and abandoned any bugfixes or support for the old one but declined to have Check for Updates so much as tell the user they needed to manually install the new version. I mean, really? How clumsy and amateurish!
The new version has a Home screen that you loudly claim ‘everyone asked for’. What actual percentage of your user base actually asked for that? It is clunky, awkward and massively slow. I assume that it is why the whole app is now grindingly slow on entirely adequate hardware. When tickets were logged asking if the new feature could be disabled the responses were very dismissive. We peasants are supposed to be grateful.
Add to that the arbitrary degradation of the features. 
Any application that can edit text on a GUI has access to the system fonts of that GUI. That’s kind of the point. From MS Word down to Notepad, it’s standard. But you rip that out and leave us stuck with half-a-dozen crappy 3rd party fonts nobody has heard of. On top of which, while making the forms of the software waste more screen space, you arbitrarily replace all our font size settings with 16, ridiculously large. 
All of a sudden Ctrl-A (Select All in the entire Windows Universe) is reinterpreted in your insular view as “Select 100 notes”. I take a weekly backup by exporting everything to .htm and adding it to my backups; this is now not possible.  Ticket logged; after one (uselessly incorrect) response of “you can do it this way” I was told “that’s how it works. You can use the old version but it will be taken away at some unspecified time so don’t”. Personally, I suspect this is a blatant cripple to stop people migrating off an application rapidly becoming unbearable. Well, tough, it didn’t work. 
Which brings me to money grab. Before I realized there was a new version, I started getting popup ads on EN urging me to “register for Premium”. As I’ve been paying for 12 years I assumed this was a fault. After two tickets I was told it was because I was on the legacy version. I updated one PC to that, and they still come up. Then I was told this was “just a short campaign for Jan”. Feb now and they’re still coming up. It emerges that you have added a layer of paid subscription and removed several features to that for half again the money, before bothering people with popups to force them up. I expect popup ads on free software. I DO NOT expect and WILL NOT TOLERATE them on something I have over the years paid very nearly a thousand quid for. Completely unacceptable.
I was prepared, just about, to live with the fact that my language is not supported. I logged a ticket for this and unsurprisingly was met with bemusement that there were people using the software that were not Americans. It supports some of the most obscure languages in the world, but not actual English (as opposed to ‘American English’). 
Your support folks are responsive and do their best, but they clearly have a script and have been told not to deviate from it. If he KB doesn’t help, they just want you to go away and stop asking. 
Well, there we go. I am. Customer lost and recommendation amended to “Don’t use Evernote”. I confidently expect you to ignore this feedback and continue to do just what you want, how you want, rather than what your users want. Good luck to you. 
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  • Level 5

Please don't double post.

Who wants to read it can read the same in the other (long) post you already placed in another thread.

Beside this, even when Windows seems never to drop any obscure app from back then (the users pay dearly with security gaps for this strategy), people change, use cases change, the environment for apps changes, and apps change as well. Windows legacy is 32bit code - nobody will ever dare to touch something as outdated again and try to build a business model on this sort of foundation. It had its time (I used it as well for a while), and this time is over.

Any solution serves you as long as it works for you - if it doesn't, be prepared to switch. That's why I post that people who watch out for an alternative should always check for the export options first, even before they look for the import.

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  • Level 5*
17 hours ago, acedashdog said:

Suddenly SpannerCo come along, wrench (ahahah) it from my hand and force on me a bright, shiny ....

I was a long time Evernote Legacy user
There was no "wrenching it from my hand"; no "force on me"      
I continued using the Legacy product, and understand it's still functional today

I did try out the "bright shiny" v10 product for no cost   
But decided it wasn't the tool I needed

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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, DTLow said:

and understand it's still functional today

Just for the record,  that is correct.  I'm still using Legacy on one laptop - because the tech resources there are not great and v10 tends to freeze.  Also on my Android 'phone which is not the latest model.  I use them when I need to and see no great difference in performance.  Each one has features that are not available on the other.  In the case of v10 (hopefully) it will catch up.  Legacy,  not so much...

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4 hours ago, DTLow said:

I was a long time Evernote Legacy user
There was no "wrenching it from my hand"; no "force on me"      
I continued using the Legacy product, and understand it's still functional today

I did try out the "bright shiny" v10 product for no cost   
But decided it wasn't the tool I needed

They will shut it down on you, I was firmly assured of that. 

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  • Level 5

Who ? I doubt DEVONThink will fold, that’s where DTLow moved. 

Pretty good software, makes great use of the host computers resources. Lean structure as well, because it is self hosted by the user, no cloud service. And that’s maybe it’s largest restriction: Only for Mac and iOS.

BTW I doubt EN will fold either. Whoever „firmly assured“ you should give proof - or you should stop speaking conspiracy talk.

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1 hour ago, PinkElephant said:

Who ? I doubt DEVONThink will fold, that’s where DTLow moved. 

Pretty good software, makes great use of the host computers resources. Lean structure as well, because it is self hosted by the user, no cloud service. And that’s maybe it’s largest restriction: Only for Mac and iOS.

BTW I doubt EN will fold either. Whoever „firmly assured“ you should give proof - or you should stop speaking conspiracy talk.

No, not Evernote. Their support stated explicitly that Legacy would be discontinued at some point in the future

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  • Level 5*
52 minutes ago, acedashdog said:

support stated explicitly that Legacy would be discontinued at some point in the future

"at some point" - not exactly an imminent deadline...  I'm working on the basis of using Legacy occasionally when I need to do so,  but if it stops... I'll find something else! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/31/2022 at 1:28 PM, Artsiom said:

Hi! I have ~200 Notebooks. I'm missing functionality to back up my data. It's a pretty straightforward case. To back up all my notes, I have to do more than 600 clicks instead of 3 clicks in a competitor app. I wouldn't bother if it was in the very beginning (I wouldn't use Evernote in the first place then). It just bugs me that the working scenario was broken. But anyway, I've found the perfect alternative and cancelling my subscription. Sorry to vent here :)



On 1/13/2022 at 8:00 PM, PinkElephant said:

This is in my opinion a very academic discussion - full of nitty bitty details, but without practical relevance.

The old clients are dead, some of them zombified as legacy. If there is any difference in the menus, settings, options does not revive them. The only version EN has authorized to continue working while server and clients are evolving is legacy. It coexists with v10 on the server.

Personally I would not place my data in danger of corruption by trying to use an older client on it. But if a typing delay setting is more important, anybody can take his own decision.

I have read from several Evernote clients that it is easier to export pdfs of all your notes to your hard drive if you have legacy. Currently, I don't seem to be able to do that with vs 10.53.2. Is it worth changing to the "Legacy version" (whichever version that is) in order to accomplish that? I do not need to sync between work and home and only keep notes on Evernote at home. I have a Mac.Ventura 13.1.

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  • Level 5*
20 minutes ago, AngryEvernotePremiumUser said:

Will we be notified somehow before doomsday occurs?

"Doomsday" may not involve Evernote.  Changes in operating systems,  internet protocols or browsers may affect how - or if - Evernote Legacy can operate.  There is no support for Legacy,  therefore if a system change stops it working properly,  or at all,  no-one will be working to rescue it.  Evernote may give everyone some notice if and when they decide to change the syncing process so as to exclude Legacy users;  but AFAIK they're not required to do so,  having given everyone notice already that the Legacy versions are unsupported and used at out own risk - plus they have provided the opportunity to update to v10.  You should ask Support however - no-one here knows what may happen or when...

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On 1/14/2022 at 5:42 PM, ab1kenobee said:

I did try it... much with an open mind... however with the loss of features that I depend on and use every day... v10 was simply not a working option... and within 10-MIN I returned to Legacy.

My experience is the polar opposite. I have been a Paid user (Currently on Professional) since 2011 and have in excess of 28,000 notes.   Yes, I did not like V10 when it arrived, as it pushed me out of my comfort zone (mainly with things moving to different places on the screen).   Since the introduction of Home, Calander, Widgets & Tasks it has morphed into a very usable product, so much so that I deleted Legacy months ago with no regrets.

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2 hours ago, bmcl26 said:

Since the introduction of Home, Calander, Widgets & Tasks

With Evernote 10, the main window only shows me 8 notes in the middle column, whereas with Evernote v6 I was able to see 14 notes (same view settings in both apps)

So the new design is wasting a lot of screen estate (amoung other things...) and the addition of new features like the Home screen isn't helping here either

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