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Can't drag and drop files into emails anymore w/new update

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49 minutes ago, performanceext said:

I use to be able to drag and drop files (PDF, JPEG, PNG, etc.) into emails but now that function has disappeared with the new update. This is really inconvenient and I'm hoping that someone has a quick fix for this, or if Evernote plans to put this super useful function back.

Is anyone else having this problem??


Yes I'm having all sorts of problems getting anything out of EN. You can't copy and paste files or imagesĀ and you can't drag and drop as you say. My best workaround is to drag and drop to the desktop and then drag and drop from the desktop into the other application. Consistent with the EN design philosophy of "why do it in oneĀ click when you can do it in three".

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28 minutes ago, Mike P said:


Yes I'm having all sorts of problems getting anything out of EN. You can't copy and paste files or imagesĀ and you can't drag and drop as you say. My best workaround is to drag and drop to the desktop and then drag and drop from the desktop into the other application. Consistent with the EN design philosophy of "why do it in oneĀ click when you can do it in three".

This is the round about way that I have been using since the update, but then you have to go delete the file from your PC after. Too many steps for a function that use to be smooth!

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  • 1 month later...

It is a very frustrating thing to say this is happening to me too.Ā  I've taken to copying the content in a doc I want in Dropbox and pasting it there.Ā  But the current file is highly formatted and I don't want to do this.Ā  We are in Dec.Ā  Any solution yet?Ā  The blue + doesn't light up when I try to drag.Ā  Do I actually have to leave a tool I've loved and have 6000 notes in because the easy functions aren't working?Ā  File is 540 KP, it is a PDF.Ā  I have a pro account - though I'm notĀ  pro.Ā  Just always know how it worked before.Ā Ā 


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Okay I see that you have to put it into the list of items not the actual note.Ā  Silly but I can live with it.Ā  Ā 

I'd love to participate in user testing so Evernote can see how really average people think about problems.Ā  Its a real offer.Ā  I'm oldish, not an IT person and a regular user.


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Still no solution here.Ā EN is about reducing time spent searching and moving and sharing files. Now it takes longer. With 16,000 notes for a long-time user and advocate, I'm about to unstick myself from EN. I simply can't wait around until another update fixes one thing and screws up another. Sad to say but I'm doing everything I can do be gone by the time my premium account renews.Ā 

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1 hour ago, JARaker said:

Still no solution here.Ā EN is about reducing time spent searching and moving and sharing files. Now it takes longer. With 16,000 notes for a long-time user and advocate, I'm about to unstick myself from EN. I simply can't wait around until another update fixes one thing and screws up another. Sad to say but I'm doing everything I can do be gone by the time my premium account renews.Ā 

I don't disagree. Dragging and dropping attachments and images out of one program into a different program is fundamental to how Windows is supposed to work. Things are moving slowly (e.g. copying and pasting an image form the web into EN no longer just pastes a link) but there is still a long way to go. Perhaps @Jaya ShekarrajuĀ could update us on what progress has been made since October 22.

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Okay I've got two solutions.Ā 


One is that my computer is often balking at drag and drop as some windows update intermittently freezes that capability.Ā  So go to your desktop and make sure you can drag some icon even a quarter of an inch.Ā  If so ignore this part of instructions and if not, click on a desktop icon and then hit escape and make sure you can now drag and drop.Ā  (no idea why this problem has cropped up).Ā Ā 

Second, they now want you to make a Evernote note, and put in a tag or something and then you see it in the middle column of notes.Ā  (left most column is actions, right most column has your note and middle column has your note in miniature and other notes shown as well. Drag your thing into the miniature version of your note and all moves well.Ā  At least for me .


Good luck


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22 minutes ago, AlexaUU said:

Second, they now want you to make a Evernote note, and put in a tag or something and then you see it in the middle column of notes.Ā  (left most column is actions, right most column has your note and middle column has your note in miniature and other notes shown as well. Drag your thing into the miniature version of your note and all moves well.Ā  At least for me .

The questions was about getting filesĀ out of Evernote. Your solution is a very good way of getting filesĀ into Evernote.Ā 

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Still no solution? this function has been a key component of making EN useful on a MAC. It's not user friendly any longer. Who are they asking about what people want in updates? Certainly not everyday users. 16,000 notes but I'm not stuck. I'm looking elsewhere already. perhaps they'll fix and I'll stay

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3 hours ago, andy_dg said:

Same problem. Can't drag into Gmail (Web) or Outlook (App) anymore. Have to go via Explorer. The whole point of having Evernote is so that I don't have files in folders on my drive anymore. Sigh...šŸ˜•

The analogy of EN being a filing cabinet occurs to me. Everything is safe and secure and you can easily find stuff. But when you've found what you are looking for you can't actually get it out ofĀ the filing caninet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't understand the rational of releasing a new version and removing basic functionalities (drag & drop a pdf from a EN note to an email on OSX)Ā that have been around for I-can-t-count-for-how-many-years.

All the investments in time I made in Evernote and the Evernote API ...

Staying around for so long with Evernote and enduring all these not-for-me-so-usefull updates. ItĀ starts feelingĀ as an enduring punishment.

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Still having the same problem on my Mac machines and the latest update didn't fix it. Really big loss of key functionality in my opinion and likely to result in me finding another platform despite the costs of switching - no idea why EN would mess with such core functionality

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  • 4 weeks later...
15 hours ago, millionsknives190 said:

I'm still having this problem, did anyone find a fix?

It makes Evernote useless if I can collect image files but it's impossible to get them out of Evernote to use in presentations. Its the same as not having the file in the first place, so what's the point of Evernote now?Ā 

I don't think thereĀ  has been any progress. I am still using the workaround I described above so I would disagree that it is "impossible" but it is certainly inconvenient and slow.

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The latest version (10.7.6) has stopped the ability to drag and drop an image to the desktop. This was my workaround to get things out of EN as it is (still) not possible to dragĀ  or copy and paste images or attachmentsĀ into other documents. So the only way of getting an image out of EN is now to download it (including manually typing a filename).

Do Evernote actually test their software before release?Ā I now have to not only test to see if any of my remaining issues have been solved but check whether any of the issues I thought were solved are still solved.

UPDATE: It appears thatĀ it is just screenshots obtained using the webclipper. These also disappear if you attempt to edit them!

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On 10/22/2020 at 10:42 PM, Jaya Shekarraju said:

Thank you for your patience. We are working on fixing Drag and Drop issues.Ā 

Hey Jaya, any news? I mean, it's been almost 4 months this was reported, multiple updates but this BASIC feature still not available?

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Evernote developers appear to be totally asleep on this fundamental problem that has been ongoing for months. Copy and paste are fairly fundamental in such a program. Any update from Evernote? Was hoping the new version of Big Sur might help, but itĀ doesn't .


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I am having this problem as well! I move many files around all day long and this has created such a hardship - I can't believe it hasn't been corrected! I don't see any point in continuing to use EN - which is so disappointing. I was a fan and encouraged many colleagues to use it. Other platforms have caught up and surpassed EN in the meantime, leaving me to question why I am still using this dinosaur. Ā  Just really very disappointed all around. Not sure how EN will salvage their reputation after this latest release.Ā 

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For Mac users that wish to drag and drop images such as screen captures to another application such as Gmail over Safari the drag and drop capability seems to have been removed from Evernote.Ā The least inconvenient way to achieve this that I have found is to:

1) Select the EvernoteĀ note with the image

2) Click on the image

3) Click on the "..." that appears

4) Select "Save As", and select your folder of choice (mine is Downloads)

5) Open Finder->Downloads

6) Drag and drop the saved file into Safari/Gmail


Only 6+ steps now instead of one! Did you guys hire a new product manager that secretly works for the competition? As the French say, SABOTAGE!

Let me know if anyone has a better solution.




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On 10/15/2020 at 10:21 PM, Mike P said:


Yes I'm having all sorts of problems getting anything out of EN. ....... Ā  Consistent with the EN design philosophy of "why do it in oneĀ click when you can do it in three".

I just came here after my new Mac with now OSX 11.2 forced me finally to abandon Skitch 1 ( that was the pre.evernote version... and it worked fine on OSX 10.13 oh wellĀ ). and your "design philosophy" joke Ā just made my day... Ā  Ā that was pretty much the impression we all had back then when Evernote bought Skitch. Ā 

On a more serious note , I have an open email and am working my way through a Quicktime. I snapĀ frames and annotate them. Drag and Drop from Skitch into Filemaker works just fine (thank God) but drag and drop into my existing mail message does not work.

Also I actually copy a frame from Quicktime player and I can't paste that frame into Skitch ?!?! Ā what is going on here.... Ā 

any hints or great ideas other than dragging to the desktop (soĀ "why do it in oneĀ click when you can do it in three" )

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I caved and reloaded the old version of Evernote.Ā  I did what would have been 2 hours of work in the new version (if I could have gotten it to work) in 15 minutes.Ā  Fifteen pleasant minutes in which I ruminated on how I used to like this tool and working in it.Ā  I'll keep the old (gray) elephant as long as they let me.Ā  My experiment with OneNote was a bust (their notes are pretty but no way I could get my 7000 notes and probably 200 tags into that basically flat structure).Ā  So here I stay, and gray is my new favorite Evernote color.Ā  Seems like they might notice how many people go backwards and restore some of that former functionality and ease.Ā Ā 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5

Drag & drop currently only works on selected text - in and out. You can select a text in a note, and move it elsewhere. Or you can select a text in another program or on a web site, and dragĀ it into a note.

No files, no pictures !Ā  Sorry, with a future release ...

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Sadly the old version does not work with the new Apple M1 chip. Can I encourage everyone to keep pestering Evernote directly - it is unbelievable their developers seem incapable of restoring this basic functionality.Ā There need a tide of formal complaints in my opinion. Will post any updates I get from them.

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So too bad you can't go back to the old version.Ā  Really rotten all around.Ā  I hope that they notice that since Oct of last year (5 months) they have close to 40 comments about unresolved problems on this thread. And I'll just say that I have the old version on one of the 3 computers I use with Evernotes.Ā  I do things that need that functionality (and some other things I've noticed are gone or intermittently gone) on that computer, and use the newer versions on the other computers.Ā  I wonder if you have an old computer lying around...Ā  Nauseating to suggest this an all the best to you.Ā Ā 

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This was the response from Evernote today - don't get too excited....

Jonathan FosterĀ (Evernote Help and Learning)Ā 

Mar 1, 2021, 13:09 PSTĀ 

Hello Hugh,

This is Jonathan with Evernote support. I was working with you previously.

I appreciate you taking the time to voice your frustrations about this feature. I know it's exasperating to continue to wait for the copy and paste of images to be added to Evernote. I do voice all of your feedback to the developers.

I don't have any new updates for you at the moment. The team continues to work hard on editor functionality. I'm sorry that I don't have more information to provide you. We will continue to release regular updates every few weeks.

Thank you for your continued patience. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.


Jonathan F.
Customer Support Representative

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On 10/22/2020 at 10:42 PM, Jaya Shekarraju said:

Thank you for your patience. We are working on fixing Drag and Drop issues.Ā 

What is the status of fixing the drag and drop functionality, it is strongly needed!!!!!!!!

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I miss being able to drag and drop a file directly into a specific tag group. In the previous version, the correct tag was automatically added to the new fileĀ and allĀ I had to do was modifyĀ the file name. Now it appears that no matter whichever tag group I am in, when I drag a file into thatĀ group, Evernote 10 places theĀ file into a notebook. Now I have to leave the tag group I'm working under to locate my new file under Notebooks and manually add the correct tag(s) to that file. Since I never use the NotebooksĀ in Evernote, theĀ omission of this featureĀ is a bigĀ step backward for me.

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This issue got addressed in October, thats 6 months ago.

Can Evernote give a statement why this is taking so long?

As i see this, it is a large issue that should be placed high on the "fix list". EN used to be "I can do everything", now it is just a note taking app.

I have used EN for years, and this feels much like going back to landline phones. Today i have my Smartphone with me everywhere i go, and it is quick to answer a call. This EN update feels like going back to the landline days, where i had to physically walk over to the phone and the phone wasn't available everywhere. It does the same thing, but the old days takes much longer, and going back is no alternative.Ā 

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  • 3 weeks later...

HopingĀ  to see some progress with this problem.

I do believe that this could be Microsoft's doing . You can't drag a picture from email to the desktop, so why would you be able to in evenote ?



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1 hour ago, Mike P said:

Except that is one of the few things you can do in EN!

Plus, you absolutely can drag a picture from an email to the desktop, at least in every email client I've used in the past decade and a half!Ā šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

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Evernote still hasn't addressed this issue, and now you can't open a PDF file directly from EN as well. Like everything else, you have to download the file in order to open it. This is absolutely terrible.

I'll be shopping for another service since Evernote support has been deplorable about addressing long-time users concerns - which shouldn't have existed in the first place.Ā 

If anyone else finds something that works like Evernote, but better, please do share in this forum.

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12 minutes ago, performanceext said:

and now you can't open a PDF file directly from EN as well.

Really? For me double clicking the grey bar at the top of an inline pdf or double clicking the attachment opens the pdf in my default pdf viewer (Adobe Reader). Or you can use the three dots menu and choose open.

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  • 4 months later...
  • Evernote Expert
On 4/5/2021 at 6:41 PM, performanceext said:

Evernote still hasn't addressed this issue, and now you can't open a PDF file directly from EN as well. Like everything else, you have to download the file in order to open it. This is absolutely terrible.

PDFs open just fine for me. Right click on the PDF and choose Open.

Occasionally PDFs are imported and the file suffix is stripped. With Windows, no file suffix breaks the file open process. Right click and choose Rename to add the suffix of it is missing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I see still no progress...Ā ā˜¹ļøĀ  I'm still sticking with the Legacy version until this is finally fixed.Ā 

I've stopped recommending Evernote as there is just too much wrong with the updated version. For Evernote to go for almost a year ignoring this just doesn't give me much confidence in the direction they are heading.Ā 

I don't need a bloated home screen - I don't need tasks... I need basic functionality that worked in the Legacy version to finally make it into the new version.Ā 

On 3/1/2021 at 7:55 PM, kilham said:

Sadly the old version does not work with the new Apple M1 chip. Can I encourage everyone to keep pestering Evernote directly - it is unbelievable their developers seem incapable of restoring this basic functionality.Ā There need a tide of formal complaints in my opinion. Will post any updates I get from them.

I am using the legacy version just fine on my Mac Min M1 @kilham


On 8/31/2021 at 7:15 AM, PinkElephant said:

Which ā€žlackā€œ ? The thread opened with drag&drop from mails,Ā and then strayed away.

Some features were added since.

Straying some more but here are some other examples that keep me with Legacy next to the missing drag and drop

  • "Open In"Ā not available in app
  • encrypted PDFs not supported
  • Import folders that remove the source file (apparently coming soon...)
On 8/31/2021 at 9:57 AM, PinkElephant said:

This feature ā€žopen in another app, edit, save on closing to the original noteā€œĀ has been restored with one of the lastĀ releases.Ā 

Back toĀ the Future !

I still can't see "open in" on the Windows or Mac version 10.21.5


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  • Evernote Expert
5 hours ago, andy_vdg said:
  • "Open In"Ā not available in app
  • encrypted PDFs not supported
  • Import folders that remove the source file (apparently coming soon...)

By 'Open In' do you mean to open an attached file - for example a PDF - in a choice of alternative applications? I certainly have an Open menu which, when used, opens the document in the associated program.Ā  So PDFs open in Acrobat, Word docs in Word etc. But maybe that's not what you are wanting. In Windows Legacy there is an 'Open With' option which listed alternative applications to select from.Ā  For sure that isn't present in version 10.

For encrypted PDFs, on the very few times I use them, I am content to open the document in Acrobat and work from there and I have a simple workaround for the Import folder not emptying on import.

This is all to note that these issues are mighty frustrating if you require your previous workflow to continue with the new application. In truth, I don't think that's going to be a positive way forward long term. At least you have the Legacy app for however long it continues to work - probably until the operating system gets an update which Legacy doesn't play nicely with. Sadly, once that happens, the only option will most likely be to adapt your workflow or move on to a different application.


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I am still using the old Grey Elephant (on Mac - customer since 2014). The basic use for my work account is to archive/scan invoices (I have one of the original Evernote branded scanners which is still going strong) and drag them into Xero on my web browser for processing...

Today, I thought I'd open up the newest shiny green elephant release and see if the functionality had been fixed....but....no..... :(

So frustratedĀ as I would like to upgrade to the functionality of teams and use tasks - but when the fundamentals don't work....

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  • Evernote Expert

@emmabee I'm not clear just how your workflow proceeds. I, too, scan invoices etc into Evernote and this is working just fine for me with v10.

I think that many of the issues that we face are connected to the fact that we think the workflow will be the same as the Legacy route. I've learned to adjust my expectations and now find most of my ways of working have settled.Ā  For sure they aren't exactly what I used to do but they are close enough.

The Evernote branded ScanSnap scanners were out of date before Evernote v10 and there has been a long-standing recommendedation to update the firmware. Evernote v10 with its green elephant does need that update.Ā  I think you will find more discussion of this in the Scanner discussion area.

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Yes I updated the firmware a few years back :)Ā The scannerĀ works just fine into every version of Evernote.

I use Chrome on a Mac and have Xero open in that - EN next to it and I cannot drag a pdf from EN into the file upload window of Xero. I can drag the same pdf to my desktop and then from my desktop to Xero in my chrome browser.... but as previous posters on this thread have said - it creates twice as much work and then requires a clear up of your desktop...Ā 

I noticed also I cannot drag a pdf from Evernote to my email (Mac native Mail app either). It just seems bizarre that this simple functionality is lost and has still not been fixed.

Hence why I am still using the LegacyĀ version

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  • Evernote Expert
3 hours ago, emmabee said:

I use Chrome on a Mac and have Xero open in that - EN next to it and I cannot drag a pdf from EN into the file upload window of Xero. I can drag the same pdf to my desktop and then from my desktop to Xero in my chrome browser.... but as previous posters on this thread have said - it creates twice as much work and then requires a clear up of your desktop...Ā 

I noticed also I cannot drag a pdf from Evernote to my email (Mac native Mail app either). It just seems bizarre that this simple functionality is lost and has still not been fixed.

Got it :) The drag and drop stuff from Evernote v10 is dysfunctional and has been all along. To keep your old workflow you have, as you have discovered, to use Legacy.

What seems to be trivial may have all sorts of complications in the background or there may be other issues with higher priority in the requirement to fix.

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  • Level 5

What makes drag & drop work in many cases it to d&d first on to the desktop, and then in a second step from the desktop into EN, or into the target app.

EN produces a sort of container when using d&d. It looks as if many apps don't know how to handle them. But dropping on the desktop seems to unwrap the container, leaving the file to be moved ahead.

Not very efficient, but IMHO a feasible workaround.

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