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Add right to left direction support



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I found a temporary solution.. It's far from convenient but since I usually write in English and just wanted to transfer my original notes in Hebrew from an excel database, it's good enough :)

If I try to copy a text from excel to EN - no way to change direction.. but! if I first copy the text to a basic windows sticky note, then use the right ctrl-shift to change direction, and only THEN copy it from the sticky note to  EN - it works! 

If I want to write a new note in Hebrew I usually just copy an existing note with a proper RTL and erase all but a few words, carefully delete them, and start writing the note, and if I want to copy text in Hebrew to an existing LTR note, I'll do the sticky-note-method..


**BTW, it works both ways - meaning, once you have a note with a RTL format, you can't ctrl-shift it back to LTR, but if you copy the LTR text you want from a sticky note, you can create a note with part RTL and part LTR. 

Hope this helps!

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On 11/28/2016 at 11:43 PM, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Given the huge number of people who write in RTL languages, I'm surprised they haven't fixed this more quickly. Hopefully, it will not be long.

In the meantime, I've discovered a couple of things. I do sometimes write a few words in Hebrew (I don't know Arabic, so I can't test that). On my Android phone, I use a keyboard called Smart Keyboard Pro, precisely because it allows typing in a large number of languages, including RTL languages. I tried creating a new Evernote note and typing some Hebrew in it using Smart Keyboard Pro, and it typed correctly, right-to-left. Smart Keyboard Pro does include Arabic among its available languages. This might be a temporary measure that would work for some.

On Windows, I don't have Hebrew or Arabic implemented at the system level, but I do have Syriac, another RTL language, and I found I was able to get correct  RTL typing in an Evernote note when I selected Syriac as the language. I also use a word processor called Nota Bene, which has excellent facilities for writing both Hebrew and Arabic (though I admit I have not tested the Arabic!). When I write some Hebrew text in it and copy it to the Windows clipboard, then paste it into an Evernote note, it appears correctly formatted RTL, including word-wrap; and when I sync the note, it appears properly in Evernote on my Android phone. This might also work using RTL text created in Microsoft Word, but I'm not able to test that.

So there may be some workarounds: a RTL-capable keyboard in Android, and creating RTL text in a word processor in Windows and copying and pasting into Evernote. Not really solutions, but perhaps they may help someone get some work done in EN until the fix is implemented. Of course, I don't know what would happen to notes created in these ways when the fix happens!

Or switch to One Note :(

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I am a client of EverNote for years.

I am also waiting YEARS for fixing FINALLY  the right to left typing.

I saw a lot of messages about this issue - but it seem to be that small and strange features are more urgent and important than fixing it. Features like "Find the word count for a note". Yes, so important. But giving a large number of users a way to type naturally in their language is less important.


I am a paying user of EverNote. I will not pay anymore until it will be fixed, and will found another solution. 

I recommend all other users with same issue to join me. 


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I am using Evernote version 7.11 GA. Couple of months before, i was able to write from right to left , however may be due to app update or..., All My notes written in Arabic became with directions left to right, they are not well text formatted and I can't write properly. This is very annoying.

After contacting Evernote support, it was stated that this is not support and i need to wait a feature request which is not sure to be available.

It is really disappointing as i rely on Evernote to keep  my notes which are mostly in Arabic and I've just bought 1 year subscription... 

Any workaround for this ?

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  • Level 5

Hello, @Hisham7, and welcome to the forums. This is a problem that has been raised frequently by users writing in a number of right-to-left languages. I gather that at one time it did work (it's interesting to hear that it worked a couple of months ago; most people have been missing it for much longer than that). I would like to do some right-to-left typing sometimes, and it's very frustrating that Evernote has not made this a higher priority. Obviously, it has to be implemented in a different way for each platform. But the requests have been piling up on all platforms. Here is a sample:



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Thanks  Dave-in-Decatur. This is basic mandatory requirement, I  don't want to start thinking for an alternative to Evernote.Hopefully our voices are  heard by Evernote management, if not wee need to raise it..

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I second this inquiry. I am a PhD student and love using evernote for my research notes, but this is difficult given that Evernote doesn't seem to be compatible w Devanagari or Arabic scripts

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Dear Evernote Team.
good day.
I am an Evernote user and very proud to get the chance to use this great app, meantime i am Arabian user i want to suggest adding Arabic Language as user interface to Evernote"all platforms" and i am ready to translate it which will help Evernote to reach millions of Arabian users. 
i hope you can consider my suggestion and i am sure it will help so many people in the Arabian world.
Thanks & Best Regards

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Hi – I initially submitted this message as a support request and was directed to post it here:

I use QWERTY Hebrew text entry on my computer and regular Hebrew entry on my iPhone app.

In both cases, the text defaults to a left-hand paragraph alignment instead of the right. When I enter punctuation it ends up on the wrong side of the sentence. I can easily change the alignment manually but the punctuation issue is particularly problematic. Strangely, in list view, punctuation appears in the right place, but not within the note itself.

Additionally I want to be able to compose notes that combine both English and Hebrew in the same line and given the issues above, I imagine that will also create formatting issues but have not experimented with it enough to identify them.

Generally, I'd just like to see improved support for Hebrew text within the app!

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I know this feature has been asked many times on this forum. I haven't found real answer though. I just want to re-emphasize its importance with the competing with OneNote. I know I can overcome this by pasting from MS Word but formatting text will be difficult to manage then.

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Am an Evernotenote lover, and  I use it almost everyday. 

But there is no option to write from right to left, for Arabic or Hebrew languages.

Yes there is an align option, but still writing from right to left is difficult.

And to clarify my point more, I snipped my screen for an option exists in adobe programs, and others like Microsoft's. 

Thank you.


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Hello there!
Unfortunately there is no support in Middle east language - Hebrew,Arabic, which is a bit frustrating since the notes look a bit mess - or it require you to write English only - which sometimes not the best idea because the mother tongues are different... Middle east are usually written from right to left, so it could be great if you add this to the very coming future list of tasks :) 

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I noticed that if I write RTL a paragraph in Hebrew in Microsoft Word,  and than copy paste, I am able to go on in Evernote.
Yet Evernote should do someting.

Israelis, Arabs and Iranians are not going to upgrade to the full version, and are not a small market...

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RTL language still doesn't work properly. 

Do you have any plans to fix this issue? 

Please update so that users can look for alternatives in case you have no plans to provide proper editing of RTL languages. 

I'm writing this because one thread from 2016 ended up without solution and this problem is still not resolved after one and a half year. 

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I'm afraid that the team at evernote declared mutiny on board, this is why they are not able to correct this bug or rhinoceros that they introduced into their code in 2016. 

Will the mutiny end before the end of this year? It remains to be seen ...

I will stay tuned for the sequel!!!


 لو سمحتم يا جماعة إفرنوت، أخبرونا عن المستجدات بهذا الشأن، فقد نفكر بوضع البرنامج ضمن الوصية ...

وشكرا جزيلا على الإهتمام الفائق.

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Imagin you want to write a note and suddenly, the text is acting weird all of the sudden: A word ends up at the end of the sentence, the rest of the sentence after that word. After a couple of that incident, your input is rendered unreadable. 

So. This is how the middle eastern, are experiencing @EverNote right now. Being one of those middle eastern, I find it unbearable to use Evernote. There already have been topics on this matter, and they have been ignored. 

I would love it if Evernote team reconsiders this important and vital feature. 

Thank you. 

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Guest damafo26

 I see that Evernote doesn't support Farsi language (also called Parsi or Persian) as well as enough. One of the problems that I can tell the community now is this:

Android app and web app (I don't know about the others) show every text which is typed in Farsi in a wrong order and also it's hard to be edited because this problem is not just about showing; In Evernote web app it's very hard to remove characters, select words, copy, and etc. 

You should add an option to switch left-to-right and right-to-left order. Pay attention: You should add it for showing and editing both.

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Am I dreaming...??? :o:o:o After all these years has Evernote finally added RTL support (Right-to-Left direction) for their "Evernote for Windows" ?

For the first time, :D:D:D I've just succeeded creating a RTL Hebrew note without the need to use any workarounds.

For RTL note (Hebrew for example):
(make sure your EN/HE keyboard is on HE)

- New Note (or ctrl-N) to create a new note
- Enter the title
- Press the RIGHT cltrl-shift of the keyboard
- Start typing.

I haven't yet fully tested it but it seems to work well.
No issues with punctuation marks, numbers and adding English text.

My Evernote version is now 6.10 . Can someone with 6.11 please confirm that 6.11 also supports RTL (because there's no mention of it  in the changelog) ?

And Finally, if the functionality is really OK, can someone (@gazumped maybe ?) please ask the Evernote developers to add 2 direction buttons (RTL & LTR) to the Customize Toolbar window.

Win 7 x64
Evernote (306921) Public (CE Build ce-1.39.4387)

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@LL2525 Hi.  I don't have any special powers around here,  but you could post a request for extra RTL buttons in the Feedback forums,  or via https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action if you're a subscriber,  Twitter - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if not.   I do use 6.11 and I'm sorry that using your listing above I can't produce RTL text.  Maybe there's a setting I'm missing... :(

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8 hours ago, LL2525 said:

Am I dreaming...??? :o:o:o After all these years has Evernote finally added RTL support (Right-to-Left direction) for their "Evernote for Windows" ?

For the first time, :D:D:D I've just succeeded creating a RTL Hebrew note without the need to use any workarounds.

For RTL note (Hebrew for example):
(make sure your EN/HE keyboard is on HE)

- New Note (or ctrl-N) to create a new note
- Enter the title
- Press the RIGHT cltrl-shift of the keyboard
- Start typing.

I haven't yet fully tested it but it seems to work well.
No issues with punctuation marks, numbers and adding English text.

My Evernote version is now 6.10 . Can someone with 6.11 please confirm that 6.11 also supports RTL (because there's no mention of it  in the changelog) ?

And Finally, if the functionality is really OK, can someone (@gazumped maybe ?) please ask the Evernote developers to add 2 direction buttons (RTL & LTR) to the Customize Toolbar window.

Win 7 x64
Evernote (306921) Public (CE Build ce-1.39.4387)


I just installed the latest version on windows 10 laptop, and am happy to say that using the above method, I can type in RTL. 


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@Dave-in-Decatur Hi, I run the same Evernote Android app v. 7.17.1 on Samsung Galaxy s5. Still No RTL support for me either. :(

Until RTL support is added to the mobile app I'll keep using my workaround : I keep an "almost empty" RTL note template and whenever I need to create a new RTL note, I just tap the "duplicate" (from the 3 dots menu) , rename the title and start typing in RTL.

Now that Evernote for Windows started to support RTL it is obviously easier to create the template (create it in Evernote for Windows and it will be synced to the mobile app).

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21 hours ago, gazumped said:

.   I do use 6.11 and I'm sorry that using your listing above I can't produce RTL text.  Maybe there's a setting I'm missing... :(

I just updated to 6.11. from 6.10. The right-ctrl-shift still works :). These are my "note" settings (I don't think I changed many of the defaults). If you want you can try testing again with them.

Win 7 x64 , Evernote 6.11

evernote - note - settings.JPG

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this is a real disadvantage of evernote,  is this going to be solved in future versions?

it is also not possible to write Hebrew & English together in the same sentence .

an example:

רשימת משימות:
1.ללכת לסופר 
2. לקנות 5 עגבניות
3.להתקשר ל david cohen 
4. לקרוא את הספר החדש של jhon grisham 

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I have downloaded your application and enjoy using it.
If I may ask, there is a feature that can be very helpful: a correct right to left languages text representing.
When I write in Hebrew, for example, the text alignment is left, and the cursor stays anyway on the right side of the row.
When I read a ready note in Hebrew, the text alignment is also left.
This problem makes writing/reading in right to left languages really difficult.
It will be great if you could work up this function. It could enable much more people enjoying your app.
Thank you for developing this comfortable application! It is really helpful.
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@vahidahmad,have you tried the latest suggestion (It works for me on Win7 x64. I have the same evernote like you) ? Which windows version do you have ?

On 4/10/2018 at 8:08 PM, LL2525 said:

For RTL note (Hebrew for example):

(make sure your EN/HE keyboard is on HE)

- New Note (or ctrl-N) to create a new note
- Enter the title
- Press the RIGHT-cltrl-shift of the keyboard
- Start typing.


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I use EverNote for journals on my Social Media Audiences. Hindi is important for part of this. I type Hindi in EverNote...use Engish or other European Languages or Sino-Nipon-Korean group languages to milestone items paragraphs etc and, because EverNote does note accept Hindi Titles, the same languages for titles.

Maybe India is in a comfortable position to make an adequate bursary to EverNote Development to put Hindi on the EverNote Map.

Paper DropBox accepts Devanagari but minus the power of EverNote Categories and other choice goodies.


Let's see.

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I request to hear a valid reasoning why Evernote is refusing to add Arabic as a language despite the amount of users between Arabs and the ranking of the Arab language as a language used by millions around the world . It is been years .. your forum is full of requests and people supporting them. Is there a hint of arrogance in your attitude not to even respond to their requests ? 

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I just gave up and sent them a goodbye tweet: 

"@evernote I’ve eventually decided to stop using Evernote & cancel my subscription. Evernote developers seem determined to ignore users’ demand to support Right-to-Left languages -for YEARS- I’ve been an optimist and loyal user for a long time. It’s time to go."


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2018 and the problem is still there in Arabic and Hebrew!!!

This is something that has been figured out maybe 15 years ago, and they still can't fix it!

This is ridiculous

Evernote has turned into a joke.

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Join the line.

I sent a request few years ago for RTL support. I got very supportive message but that about all.

Its not like Hebrew is the only freak language with Right to Left direction, what about Arabic? 

In the meantime I am making Lemonade by forcing myself to write in English. I sure need a practice.

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On 2/15/2018 at 8:20 PM, Amir All said:


Imagin you want to write a note and suddenly, the text is acting weird all of the sudden: A word ends up at the end of the sentence, the rest of the sentence after that word. After a couple of that incident, your input is rendered unreadable. 

So. This is how the middle eastern, are experiencing @EverNote right now. Being one of those middle eastern, I find it unbearable to use Evernote. There already have been topics on this matter, and they have been ignored. 

I would love it if Evernote team reconsiders this important and vital feature. 

Thank you. 


It's an extremely vital feature for RTL languages, many people are asking for it and still nothing. pleas reprioritize it!! 

It so annoying!!! every time I need to write in google docs and then copy past it back to Evernote hoping it's still fine!  

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I'm writing in Hebrew and Evernote doesn't support it' making it really inconvenient and not enjoyable to make notes, making me use it in much less opportunities that I would/could otherwise... Please give us that option...

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  • Level 5*

I believe there are several RTL languages.  Evernote hasn't yet commented on whether or when it might be able to deal with any of them - in fact it almost never comments on its future plans or upcoming releases.

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I understand the frustration but Evernote has thousands of user feature requests for many different aspects of its operation - including the ones that still don't work properly.  They're presumably working through them as quickly as possible,  but they'll prioritise bug-fixing and the features in highest demand first.  Maybe RTL hasn't got to the top of the list yet.

Usual advice probably already in this thread:  if you can't live without a feature - find an app the delivers and stick with that.  If you can live with work-arounds,  then stick around for a while and see what happens.  Users' choice.

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On 7/4/2018 at 8:03 PM, Lucas Cardoso said:

In my computer if you press CTRL + Shift (the shift on the right), it will change to RTL writing. And if you press CTRL + Shift (the shift on the left), it will return to LTR writing. But I don't know what to do with the version for android.

Thank you for your answer. 

 there is a simple way to overcome this problem in Android and web

Open a blank office word note on your computer and write a letter in RTL language. Then align that text right. Select all and copy the letter

Next, open a new note in Evernote and past.

I use this note as a template and I have added it to my shortcuts. every time I need to have new note, I just duplicate this note and start to write from right to left.

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An Evernote employee commented recently in another thread that they're working on a new editor,  which is both good and bad news.  Good,  because it might allow an RTL style when it is available,  but bad that Evernote is unlikely to spend time and effort on the existing setup until the new module is ready - and no one has said when that might be.  When any changes are made,  I'm sure they will be available to all account types - subscribers get the same features with higher limits,  email access and helplines.

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Hi.  Whilst it's been in demand for several years,  this feature has (currently) 51 votes as against 400+ for other features that are also outstanding. 

My post above yours mentions that Evernote are again(?) rewriting their text editor,  which may then include RTL features.  Some browsers already include the option - I'm currently using the Chrome-clone browser Brave,  which seem to work on Evernote Web too (although notes return to LTR if viewed in the Evernote apps...)


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1 hour ago, hassanmb said:

Why do I have to vote?!

There are many development projects and the work has to be prioritized.

One of the factors is the user interest in specific features, as indicated in the user votes

>>No brainer

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spacer.pngspacer.pngspacer.pngHi, when I need to type a note in Arabic, it doesn't change the text direction to RTL, it stays LTR

This is what it looks like in Evernote (LTR):


This is how it's supposed to look like (RTL):

spacer.pngScreenshot_2020-02-25-19-02-01-229_com.google.android_apps_docs.editors_docs.thumb.jpg.15bbdd1c60a16b90fa7981a2fe281ad6.jpgIt's quite inconvenient, please add direction: RTL; to Evernote for RTL languages like Arabic and Persian.

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Hello, and welcome to the forums. Unfortunately, this is a very long-running problem. I believe it came about when they made some changes to the underlying framework or code for the editor several years ago. If you search the forums, you will find a number of threads reporting and discussing the issue. I hope that sooner or later they will fix this, since they are certainly well aware of it; and they are currently working on the editors across all platforms.

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Hello guys!

I use both English and Hebrew in my Evernote notebooks.

There is some support for right to left languages (Hebrew in my case) but it can be improved.

Currently I can align the text to the right and what it does exactly is it shifts the sentence to the right.

What I want is to change the sentence direction (or flow) to be right to left too.

You can see how it's implemented in Microsoft's office word or Google's docs for example.

See screenshots for comparison:

evernote right to left example.PNG

googledocs right to left example.PNG

Notice how the words in the sentence are all shuffled and ordered badly when compared to google docs, especially when inserting English words or punctuation marks.

Thank you very much, yours with love, Alex 😁


So after searching I found out there is an open issue:

I discovered from the comments you can actually hit CTRL + SHIFT on the right side to set the text direction to be RTL just like I wanted!

I still can't do it on android though. It would be nice if there were buttons to easily set the direction on all platforms and visibly see the current direction that was set.

Edit 2:
It does NOT work anymore :(

Edited by me@alexkubica.com
update that the solution does not work anymore
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On 4/10/2018 at 8:08 PM, LL2525 said:

Am I dreaming...??? :o:o:o After all these years has Evernote finally added RTL support (Right-to-Left direction) for their "Evernote for Windows" ?

For the first time, :D:D:D I've just succeeded creating a RTL Hebrew note without the need to use any workarounds.

For RTL note (Hebrew for example):
(make sure your EN/HE keyboard is on HE)

- New Note (or ctrl-N) to create a new note
- Enter the title
- Press the RIGHT cltrl-shift of the keyboard
- Start typing.

I haven't yet fully tested it but it seems to work well.
No issues with punctuation marks, numbers and adding English text.

My Evernote version is now 6.10 . Can someone with 6.11 please confirm that 6.11 also supports RTL (because there's no mention of it  in the changelog) ?

And Finally, if the functionality is really OK, can someone (@gazumped maybe ?) please ask the Evernote developers to add 2 direction buttons (RTL & LTR) to the Customize Toolbar window.

Win 7 x64
Evernote (306921) Public (CE Build ce-1.39.4387)

Thanks man, this did the job for me.

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Evernote - 

First, the fact that you're still not supporting RTL is somewhat embarrassing. 

Second, you were able to bring people who speak Arabic, Parsi, and Hebrew to agree on something - and the only thing they typically agree on is the desire to kill each other. Now that you've made your mark on world peace you can just release RTL. 


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It is ridicules. Eight years to implement an RTL functionality!! Enough is enough. We have being paying for your service and putting up with the awkward text alignment to substitutes for RTL.

OneNote is also free with no limitation except storage. It cost me $80 for a whole year to enjoy full Office365 service including, Word, Excel, OneNote, etc. compare to around $50 I pay for Evernote Premium. Every time, I decide to move to OneNote, I say to myself may be, Evernote will do it soon. 

  • Arabic
  • Aramaic
  • Azeri
  • Dhivehi/Maldivian
  • Hebrew
  • Kurdish (Sorani)
  • Persian/Farsi
  • Urdu


All the above languages are RTL and I am sure lots of their speakers are using Evernote.

Cuddling time is over. You need to put a definite date for RTL support or I will ditch Evernote and go with OneNote.


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6 hours ago, Dr. Hasan Bjaili said:

You need to put a definite date for RTL support

Hi.  You're talking to a -mainly- user-supported forum,  so we can't provide any information on Evernote's future plans - and In the 10 or so years I've used the app the company has never,  to my knowledge,  promised "we'll be launching that next week" or offered any similar information on delivery dates for new features. 

The thing with Evernote,  as with any software,  is that it's a tool.  Use it if it does what you need,  find an alternative if not.  They seem to be working on a fairly major rewrite of the entire package - not just bolting on one extension or another.  When it's ready,  they'll release - and I'd be very happy for them to be really really sure that any new version is as bug free and efficient as possible before that is done.

I understand that its very frustrating that RTL is not yet available - but there are hundreds of other user-requested upgrades outstanding and Evernote will (I hope) be addressing a lot of those too...

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@gazumped You're right about promissing features for a certain date. I'm a software engineer and have to repeat that in every second meeting for some managers, but what @Dr. Hasan Bjaili says is also true. Evernote is for many of us not just a free tool, you can choose to use or not. At the moment you have some paying customers, who need features essentially, you have to pay attention to their needs.

This topic is just an example. I've been using Evernote for many years.You could see that they started with good innovative features for that time and the tool was great enough for the people to pay for it. Then the development was actually stopped! Of course, it is the choice of the developer to improve the software or not, but you see where OneNote is now and what you get for that fair price. So if you have contacts to the company management, please tell them -- and this is neither criticism nor a threat, but a friendly advice between "colleagues", they don't have much time to launch their super duper new fantastic release. Customers have already started to say goodbye for other tools!

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@mubed  and @gazumped  Bingo! They don't have much time to toddle to get to a big super duper release.

Look around! How many software were in the top and suddenly started to take steep dive to the ground. Alot!! For me the reason why I am sticking to Evernote? Because It was  kinda the first note taking software with reasonable features back then and I don't want to take the hassle of migrating. However, OneNote have a utility to import Notes.  But now, there are lots of alternatives. Competitors are flying entering the market see the Youtube below.

Another limitation of Evernote is  not having multiple Notebooks and the hassle of using tags is another hurdle. How many people cried, screamed, begged to have multiple notebook and there is no life to those you calling!

Bottom line, Evernote does not listen to their customers and that is not healthy. Once they wake up, they will notice someone took control of the market and they went bankrupt.




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3 hours ago, Dr. Hasan Bjaili said:

someone took control of the market and they went bankrupt.

They're a company with more users than the population of a small country - like Japan - with multi-billion-dollar financing.  It'll be a while before they close the doors...

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7 hours ago, gazumped said:

They're a company with more users than the population of a small country - like Japan - with multi-billion-dollar financing.  It'll be a while before they close the doors...

Evernote has 360K active users and ~13K paid ones.

I think Evernote is dying

Please read:








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2 hours ago, Dr. Hasan Bjaili said:

Please read:

Duly noted - I think Francesco changed his view after that 2-year old piece,  and there are many more clips around on both sides of the argument. I guess we'll find out in due course whether any of those predictions (both pro and con) were any good...

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On 4/10/2018 at 8:08 PM, LL2525 said:

Am I dreaming...??? :o:o:o After all these years has Evernote finally added RTL support (Right-to-Left direction) for their "Evernote for Windows" ?

For the first time, :D:D:D I've just succeeded creating a RTL Hebrew note without the need to use any workarounds.

For RTL note (Hebrew for example):
(make sure your EN/HE keyboard is on HE)

- New Note (or ctrl-N) to create a new note
- Enter the title
- Press the RIGHT cltrl-shift of the keyboard
- Start typing.

I haven't yet fully tested it but it seems to work well.
No issues with punctuation marks, numbers and adding English text.

My Evernote version is now 6.10 . Can someone with 6.11 please confirm that 6.11 also supports RTL (because there's no mention of it  in the changelog) ?

And Finally, if the functionality is really OK, can someone (@gazumped maybe ?) please ask the Evernote developers to add 2 direction buttons (RTL & LTR) to the Customize Toolbar window.

Win 7 x64
Evernote (306921) Public (CE Build ce-1.39.4387)


כן, אבל אין תיקון שגיאות :(

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23 hours ago, Nader said:

okey its 7 years now since this was requested by your customers, what have you did about it? absolutely nothing?

? From the comments above yours it seems like there have been some changes... but in general this isn't a forum to submit orders for bespoke systems; feature requests are just that: requests - to be implemented when the company agrees they are appropriate and feels they can add the feature in a cost-effective manner. 

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On 5/6/2020 at 10:53 AM, Avinatbezeq said:


כן, אבל אין תיקון שגיאות :(

No i dont think RTL is really added, i'm on arabic keyboard and indeed RTL isnt working..

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On 5/25/2020 at 9:30 PM, gazumped said:

? From the comments above yours it seems like there have been some changes... but in general this isn't a forum to submit orders for bespoke systems; feature requests are just that: requests - to be implemented when the company agrees they are appropriate and feels they can add the feature in a cost-effective manner. 

Yes i was expressing my frustration about a "request" not being fulfilled.

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