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Alex Kubica

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About Alex Kubica

  • Birthday 04/08/1996

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  1. There's this thread too Windows version used to have a solution where you could ctrl+shift on the right side of the keyboard but it's not working anymore
  2. Guys if you could upvote this issue so it will get more recognition it would be great
  3. hey guys, i apologize for not replying sooner i was using windows back then but this solution does NOT work anymore sadly
  4. Hello guys! I use both English and Hebrew in my Evernote notebooks. There is some support for right to left languages (Hebrew in my case) but it can be improved. Currently I can align the text to the right and what it does exactly is it shifts the sentence to the right. What I want is to change the sentence direction (or flow) to be right to left too. You can see how it's implemented in Microsoft's office word or Google's docs for example. See screenshots for comparison: Notice how the words in the sentence are all shuffled and ordered badly when compared to google docs, especially when inserting English words or punctuation marks. Thank you very much, yours with love, Alex 😁 Edit: So after searching I found out there is an open issue: I discovered from the comments you can actually hit CTRL + SHIFT on the right side to set the text direction to be RTL just like I wanted! I still can't do it on android though. It would be nice if there were buttons to easily set the direction on all platforms and visibly see the current direction that was set. Edit 2: It does NOT work anymore
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