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Losing content of notes


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I'm using Evernote on iPhone and Windows laptop. The problem is that I lost 3 notes during last few days. When I open some random note either on phone or laptop, I see the content of another note, so the previous information fully disappeared. I don't have function of history of notes and I checked web-version of Evernote. What can I do to prevent such a problem in future and can I restore my notes if I didn't make export of notes before?

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  • Level 5*
On 2018-01-04 at 5:35 PM, Dinar said:

can I restore my notes if I didn't make export of notes before?

Evernote runs a Note History backup for all accounts

Access to the data is a Premium feature, but you can subscribe for a single month

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1 hour ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  Seems like you already know the answer to this question - use Note History or your own backups to ensure that you don't lose notes...

Yes, but notes shouldn't disappear randomly and it means that I should make backups every time after adding any new information. It's completely inconvenient

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  • Level 5*
21 minutes ago, Dinar said:

Yes, but notes shouldn't disappear randomly and it means that I should make backups every time after adding any new information. It's completely inconvenient

I agree, the note content error shouldn't happen.

I was seeing this on my iPad a while ago; the bug was fixed and I have no problems with the latest version

My backups are done daily; Note History runs multiple times daily; my Mac TM backups run hourly

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On 06.01.2018 at 11:36, DTLow said:

I agree, the note content error shouldn't happen.

I was seeing this on my iPad a while ago; the bug was fixed and I have no problems with the latest version

My backups are done daily; Note History runs multiple times daily; my Mac TM backups run hourly

Is there automatic function for backups? 

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Dinar said:

Is there automatic function for backups? 

Evernote's Note History backups run constantly, for all accounts; no setup required

My personal backups run on my Mac automatically

  • TimeMachine required no setup; just connect an external drive and turn TM on
  • My daily and weekly backups are run by a script launched at set times by the OS

There's also third party apps for automatic backups; for example Backupery


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Same problem here... In addition, some of the changes I make in a note disappear; I cannot rely on Evernote anymore and this is very frustrating for me because I keep all my work notes in this app.

In the weekend I renewed my Premium subscription in order not to lose all my work...

It's very annoying to restore my notes from History, this morning I had to restore same note several times...


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5 hours ago, Bogdy Padu said:

Same problem here... In addition, some of the changes I make in a note disappear; I cannot rely on Evernote anymore and this is very frustrating for me because I keep all my work notes in this app.

In the weekend I renewed my Premium subscription in order not to lose all my work...

It's very annoying to restore my notes from History, this morning I had to restore same note several times...


Yes! I't very annoying! The same for me. Today I lost another note but restored it from backup files. It's very inconvinient because any note can dissappear and I even can't realise which note is left. 
I downloaded old version of Evernote. I'm not sure will it help or not but I will try to use that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Having same problems this week. Note contents dissapears or even is replaced by content of another note! Just now checked again and found more notes with such problem - missing completely empty content. Some of them has content still available on EN website, however on PC content is missing. For example, I select a note having this issue, do "Copy internal link" and paste into the browser and then I see the contents. Note creation and update times are exactly the same back from beginning of 2017 and its simply a webpage clip from Evernote Chrome extension. So I am 100% sure never touched it or edited. I already opened a ticket in support. Will see how the problem will be solved.

Activating the Premium account with note history feature is not an option, because its definetely a bug. If the note content is missing, it will not appear in the results when I do search in all notebooks and find notes in my archive having some particular word mentioned. It simply will not show up anymore as content is missing and I will not notice it.

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On 1/27/2018 at 7:19 PM, Manrunas said:

Having same problems this week. Note contents dissapears or even is replaced by content of another note! Just now checked again and found more notes with such problem - missing completely empty content. Some of them has content still available on EN website, however on PC content is missing. For example, I select a note having this issue, do "Copy internal link" and paste into the browser and then I see the contents. Note creation and update times are exactly the same back from beginning of 2017 and its simply a webpage clip from Evernote Chrome extension. So I am 100% sure never touched it or edited. I already opened a ticket in support. Will see how the problem will be solved.

Activating the Premium account with note history feature is not an option, because its definetely a bug. If the note content is missing, it will not appear in the results when I do search in all notebooks and find notes in my archive having some particular word mentioned. It simply will not show up anymore as content is missing and I will not notice it.

I've had so many problems since the latest update with my notes. Things are disappearing within notes, PDFs being removed, images I insert disappear when I revisit the same notes within an hour. Tables started to act up now!

I've been a dedicated Evernote user for a while with a lot of notes I use everyday so it is something I cannot risk since I rely on it tremendously. Even the angst of my notes might be missing things that I cannot realize is very frustrating.

Hopefully, the fix is around the corner to all of our problems but this has been very disappointing to many of us so far.

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Regarding this issue I noticed following.

1. I clip a webpage with Chrome Evernote extension.
2. I synchronise my Desktop PC and see this note present in my evernote folder, however:
 -Note contents does not showup in the area where I can edit this note.
 -Note contents are visible in preview: Thumbnail or Cardview
 -Note contents could be printed or exported to PDF - all is fine here.
3. When I export and import same note to/from ".enex" file the problem is exactly the same.

So the note actually present in Evernote (PC) however contents are missing.



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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Manrunas said:

Regarding this issue I noticed following.

1. I clip a webpage with Chrome Evernote extension.
2. I synchronise my Desktop PC and see this note present in my evernote folder, however:
 -Note contents does not showup in the area where I can edit this note.
 -Note contents are visible in preview: Thumbnail or Cardview
 -Note contents could be printed or exported to PDF - all is fine here.
3. When I export and import same note to/from ".enex" file the problem is exactly the same.

So the note actually present in Evernote (PC) however contents are missing.



I have seen this as well. but only for some web pages.  Most web pages clip just fine, but there are a few that don't, for me anyway.  Does it happen for all web pages you try to clip?

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Not sure, but noticed on one page it repeats all the time and its official page of EU institution and looks like simple page.

You can try, enter some random numbers in this form:


I actually attached that particular note containing not-displayable content. However its possible to print this note and all data looks good.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I had an important note go empty today; all content gone. It's not in trash, I have no other notebooks, and content is not on Evernote Web. I tried renaming my C:\Users\Dour\Evernote\Databases\ folder and copying an old backup, but now opening the app just shows a blank window and freezes (clicking shows "Not Responding" in the title bar). Fortunately, deleting the new Databases folder and restoring the old one returns my previous notebook, albeit without the important note.

After discovering this thread I checked my notes and, sure enough, there was one that had duplicate content.

Suggestions for my next step? I have a free account so I suppose Note History will not work. Can a paid account recover old notes? I am not going pay for an account if it'll just delete my notes. Did I restore the Databases folder incorrectly?



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  • Level 5*
7 hours ago, Dour said:

I have a free account so I suppose Note History will not work

Hi.  Evernote's server-side backup of all notes in your account is active for all accounts from the day they're set up.  If you upgrade to premium - even if only for one month - you would find the history of that note and be able to step back to a previous version.  Not saying that this will be a full copy since you may have lost some of the most recent edits;  but you should get everything that was synced for several hours prior to this loss.

If you do lose data in this way,  simply replacing the current database with a copy of a past version won't help.  The date stamps on the backup notes will be older than the current version,  and will just be overwritten with the existing data.  You need to be offline and extract the backup note(s) you need from the backup database as ENEX files and to re-import them into your account as new notes so that they will sync as is.

I do suggest you use Twitter and @EvernoteHelps to report your issue with full details - you may not get any specific feedback,  but Evernote is interested in all data losses to try to improve their systems for the future.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I posted a topic on the same issue two months ago:

I got in contact with support on twitter, they upgraded me to premium for a week so that I could retrieve my notes. It happened a second time one week later, and the same solution was used.
On the 21st of February I was contacted by support to send them a log, which I did but I haven't heard from them since.

I hope this helps.

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I too have lost a note - which I'd been working on for the whole afternoon, so I'm very frustrated!  Working on an iPad, and went into the notebook section to move it from Inbox to another notebook  - and it just went!  Not in trash, nowhere else in my notebooks.  I find this really alarming as my reason for subscribing to Evernote rests on its stability and reliability (although I can't afford the top notch subscription). 

I can't find quite the same problem listed by other users, and I don't seem to be able to get into the web version of my account either from my iPad or my mac. 

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  • Level 5*
On 31/03/2018 at 11:25 AM, Carofo said:

I don't seem to be able to get into the web version of my account

Hi.  What's the issue with getting into the web account?  If you log in to Evernote.com via a desktop browser you should have access to your notes...

This particular situation seems more like the hazards of working on a mobile device than anything else - if you were syncing your note at any stage during your afternoon's work,  you should have a version of the note up to that point if no further.  In moving it to another notebook you may have inadvertently deleted the content,  and if that empty note synced as a latest version,  the only possibility of recovery will be Note History - a paid feature,  even if you only upgrade for one month.

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Thank you gazumped for your helpful suggestions. I managed to get into my online account in the end - so I don' t know what I was doing wrong there... And regarding mobile devices, I thought notes autosynced, so maybe I just need to check that I'm syncing manually as I go along with a large piece of work.  I'll check out whether it is worth upgrading for a month to see if I can retrieve my work.

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I had a problem for quite a while on my PC where the notes pane content would disappear. I found that if I closed out of Evernote via EXIT under FILE in the menu and then restarted the program that all of the content came back (Paid account).

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  • 5 weeks later...
5 hours ago, APenNameAndThatA said:

Is One Note better? Fancy a note keeping program losing data? Madness. 

Depends on the user and what they like. I've started with OneNote years ago and it really has its advantages.

But pushing you to the letter size format, never sat right with me for some reason. I felt bad having a one sentence notes :) Also, tagging portions of the note might be very useful but it was not providing value to me, contrary it was creating more work to tag portions of the note. 

But these could be a reason for someone else to love OneNote.

Also, it has Microsoft backing (resources, money etc.) and infrastructure behind it, so it seems to be more stable and with less bugs (I would think compared to Evernote updates). 

I am back to Evernote V6.7 at my work computer and it is working for me with no lost data. Even if I had to switch to a different note taking app, I don't think it would OneNote due to its formatting and user interface. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have never lost note content until today, and I've been using Evernote for years. Last night I was on my iPad tapping in a bunch of new ideas. As usual I probably stopped, quit my app, and went to sleep. This morning when I checked that note ALL MY NEW NOTES WERE GONE. The history in the online sync shows the last time I updated this note was yesterday morning, not last night. This is sort of like a computer crashing on unsaved data - I have to start all over again. None of my other devices show anything different. Last night's work: GONE.

My best guess is that for some reason my changes to the note did not sync last night, and were mysteriously overwritten by the server's version when it did sync. I just don't know why, but I wonder if Evernote crashed or something and I did not know it. I saw no indication of a problem. When I "quit" the app maybe my changes were lost at that time because the changes were not being saved as they should have been? I have used Evernote on all the same devices for years - I have TONS of notes - and this has NEVER happened before.

Conflicts occur if I switch devices and edit the same note on a different device and then both sync. That is normal and I know how to find my data and reconcile. Occasionally I'll find a note that has all the new content aggregated to all the old content. That is not common but I know to look for it and and it's fairly easy to fix.

But THIS is unusual. All my work is completely gone - no history, nothing.

I'm not asking for help here, because I don't think anybody can help. I have to start over. Just reporting it...

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Symphonitron said:

My best guess is that for some reason my changes to the note did not sync last night, and were mysteriously overwritten by the server's version

The activity log might provide more information  (user page > support)

Do you have background sync enabled?


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I had the same problem.

My deleted trashed notes had disappeared from my iphone within 1 day later. I lost notes I deleted that I wanted to restore. It is the first time it happened. I tried everything (notes history, contact support, etc...) and nothing has worked. 

If you have solutions, please let me know...

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  • Level 5*
On 5/20/2018 at 3:16 PM, sboghossian said:

I had the same problem.

My deleted trashed notes had disappeared from my iphone within 1 day later. I lost notes I deleted that I wanted to restore. It is the first time it happened. I tried everything (notes history, contact support, etc...) and nothing has worked. 

If you have solutions, please let me know...

Hi.  Can you give us a full explanation of when and how you found that your trash items had disappeared?  Had you cleared the trash on a desktop or via the web?

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  • 7 months later...

Help, I just lost a note (a project actually) that I've been creating on the Evernote Android app since December 2018

It just got wiped, I first couldn't sync it, then the written contents disappeared leaving only the pictures and topic

I've checked trash, but it's not there. Please I urgently need help, I didn't back it up on any other thing cos I kinda trusted Evernote. 

Please help, this note holds so much significance to my life. Please! 

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  • 1 month later...

This is totally unacceptable. I signed up and was going to use Evernotes for a book project but NO WAY I can take this chance. Ridiculous. I'm out of here for good. Thank you so much for this thread! Saved me losing my whole book source in an instant. 

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  • Level 5*
14 hours ago, SMM111 said:

This is totally unacceptable. I signed up and was going to use Evernotes for a book project but NO WAY I can take this chance. Ridiculous. I'm out of here for good. Thank you so much for this thread! Saved me losing my whole book source in an instant. 

I pointed out over a year ago that Note History (a subscription feature) provides an Evernote backup of all notes - which it does,  going back to their first creation.  Also any experienced computer user knows to backup their own work,  because a failed device is much more likely to torpedo your data than some mysterious online data loss.  I hope you find an app you're more comfortable using,  but don't forget to keep backups...

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  • 2 weeks later...


I too am now expericing this. I am a premium user and the history is accessible, but it doesn't have the original content of my notes (the first save seems to be a day off of when the file started). I have lost a critical notes file from a conference I attended. I am loooong time premium evernote user (over a decade) and I rely on evernote. This is unacceptable. I am unable to recover the file. I've tried in the Windows app version of my account and the web account. Seems completely overwritten from the outset. Not in Trash. Suggestions welcome.


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  • Level 5

@AmyNotes, as a Premium subscriber you have access to Evernote tech support. They may be able to give some help. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new, which should take you through a login page if you're not logged in, then select options till you get to "Lost note content," and use the Submit Ticket button at the bottom.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Korey If all fails goto C:\Users\(your computer username)\AppData\Local\Evernote\Evernote\Databases and open the {your computer username}.exb file in notepad.

It will be filled with a lot of garbage but hopefully somewhere within it you should be able to get your missing text. If you are scrolling be adviced that you will be spending a lot of time but if its important take the time and scroll patiently.

You could also do a ctrl-F to do a keyword search within the doc for your missing text. Hope this helps. ATB!

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  • Level 5*
23 hours ago, Trivisuals said:

open the {your computer username}.exb file in notepad.

This is an SQLite database.  Instead of notepad, I'd recommend database software like DB Browser

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  • Level 5*
11 minutes ago, DTLow said:

 This is an SQLite database.  I'd recommend db software like DB Browser

I was going to suggest that as well, but spelunking the Evernote database isn't a trivial matter either, so I hesitated.

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On 1/5/2018 at 6:13 PM, DTLow said:

Evernote runs a Note History backup for all accounts

Access to the data is a Premium feature, but you can subscribe for a single month

This issue happened to me too and it seems like evernote support is down. i lost all my notes- i saw them disappear before my eyes- and i upgraded from basic to business to be able to chat with support or try to recover the notes and I keep getting an error message or it tells me to sign in when im signed in. Any help? 

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  • Level 5*
14 hours ago, jefito said:

spelunking the Evernote database isn't a trivial matter

Maybe not for the average user, but we have a great data resource loaded on our computers and I like to make use of it.
For example: on my Mac, I scripted sql to retrieve data (note folder) and I edit the note enml directly.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, DTLow said:

Maybe not for the average user

Well, I don't think anyone here would mistake you for an average user... :) 

I've done SQL before and used the SQLite browser, and could probably hack my way to doing something like that, but it's way more work than my simple workflows require. In an emergency, sure, I'd try that as a recovery method, but beyond that, if the note content is missing, it may have been overwritten , so there's no guarantee that it'd be in te database anyways. Worth a try, though, and probably better than Notepad (which doesn't load my .exb file anyways 'cause it's too large)

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, cfirouz said:

This issue happened to me too and it seems like evernote support is down. i lost all my notes- i saw them disappear before my eyes- and i upgraded from basic to business to be able to chat with support or try to recover the notes and I keep getting an error message or it tells me to sign in when im signed in. Any help? 

You didn't inicate your device/platform.
I would use the web platform at www.evernote.com to check the master version of my data.
After that, work on resolving your device issues.

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23 hours ago, DTLow said:

You didn't inicate your device/platform.
I would use the web platform at www.evernote.com to check the master version of my data.
After that, work on resolving your device issues.

Hi! I am on desktop mac. I've always been... Have any advice? I'm still getting that error message and despite upgrading for a chat/email option, I don't have access.. 

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Same story, inputting from a Chromebook and an iphone. Has not happened before, over three years of relying on Evernote. Something has changed outside of my behavior. 

I can't say the 'grouchy' tone of some Evernote responses reassures me. :(

I like Evernote and have become very reliant on it. But if this loss of content keeps happening, E. will lose me.

If I have time, I'll sort through finding the 'web' version vs. the version I see syncing to my devices (I assumed they were the same - that's still happening, it loses content in all of them), and looking for the 'history' access. None of that is obvious, and the value of the app to me is that it has  been so transparent and ready for use, as well as reliable.

I hope there's a solution. Otherwise, I'm back to notepad type software and my old methods, I suppose. We'll see. I just need for E. to keep working as it has for the past three productive years.


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  • Level 5*
8 hours ago, dboekelheide@yahoo.com said:

I can't say the 'grouchy' tone of some Evernote responses reassures me.

AFAICS Evernote hasn't responded at all in this thread - we're all users just like you, but the forum tends to be busy so we have limited time to spend being sociable;  comments and queries can tend towards being bluntly factual,  but we're (mostly) friendly around here...

I find that working in web forms can be hazardous - even here I've 'lost' answers while I've been typing thanks to hitting the wrong key combination,  or my connection dropping at the wrong moment.  I found a Chrome add-in which seems to help - Typio Form Recovery will save input for a day or two (your option) in case things get lost.

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  • 1 month later...

Given the first note in this thread is over a year old and I am experiencing the problem now it does not look like Evernote intends to fix the problem. And despite what some have said, having to upgrade to a premium service to retrieve partially deleted notes isn't a sensible solution, rather it points to a poorly engineered product. Does anyone have any experience with any competing products? I am on an iPad Pro and I am losing notes or updates to them on an almost daily basis. I think this will be my last year with Evernote which is a shame as it had been good for many years but perhaps that was only because I wasn't using it so intensively??

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, Timmmaay said:

it does not look like Evernote intends to fix the problem

There have been various updates over the period and Evernote is continually trying to improve the service;  but I'm not sure what we can expect them to do with this issue.  If they never get to see some or all of the note content in the first place,  they're hardly in a position to rescue it in the event of a comms glitch.

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17 minutes ago, gazumped said:

There have been various updates over the period and Evernote is continually trying to improve the service;  but I'm not sure what we can expect them to do with this issue.  If they never get to see some or all of the note content in the first place,  they're hardly in a position to rescue it in the event of a comms glitch.

But why are they dumping the local data on the client before confirming that the data uploaded is consistent with the client data? This is an ACID test? We're not talking new technology here. ACID as a concept has been around since the 1980's.

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  • Level 5*
5 hours ago, Timmmaay said:

But why are they dumping the local data on the client

What are you seeing happen?  I'm assuming that we're talking about editing notes via a web connection and having notes,  which show in the browser,  but haven't yet been sent to the server,  lose some or all of the content.  In that scenario Evernote's local processes in the browser don't have the access to save content to something which might not be the user's own device anyway...

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 05.01.2018 at 05:35, Dinar said:

When I open some random note either on phone or laptop, I see the content of another note, so the previous information fully disappeared

I have the same problem with the desktop application in the free version

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  • 3 months later...

Everything I had on Evernote, except 3 notes from 2014, has disappeared a few days ago. It's notes that I have accumulated over the years. I hate this system and the company behind. Why is anybody still using Evernote if it so unreliable?

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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, askja said:

Everything I had on Evernote, except 3 notes from 2014, has disappeared a few days ago.

Which platform/device?

I recommend checking the master version of your data stored on the server.  Use the web platform at www.evernote.com

Generally, notes do not "disappear".  They are moved to the trash folder and can be recovered.

As fallback, I rely on backups to recover lost data

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