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Everything posted by eric99

  1. Bug: when you delete a note (in the trash as well) with a forward link in it , the corresponding backlink in the referred note is not removed. The backlink sits there forever and there is no way to get rid of it. Edit: the backlink is removed after a couple of minutes
  2. Yes, the backlinks don't have to be saved in the enex because they could be derived from the forward links. However, the forward links in the enex are dangling pointers to unspecified note ids. For some obscure reason note ids are not part of the enex format. That means that forward and backward links are lost when porting your enex to another note tool or even evernote itself.
  3. And how can you view / navigate the backlinks?
  4. Today note links are still not exported by ENEX files because it doesn't save the note ID. Hopefully EN finally fixed that as well. Otherwise notelinks will lock you in...
  5. The real problem with the legacy clients was the lack of a unified specification, not the implementation. Even today, I still haven't seen a unified specification or a detailed user manual.
  6. Native mobile clients may be sufficient already
  7. And how much "diligent work" is already down the drain by endless attempts to solve the side effects of the unified code base approach (sync problems, note duplication, performance...) ? Competitors reconsider native implementations as well, Notion for instance recently redesigned their mobile apps using native components: https://twitter.com/notionhq/status/1549787378633412614?lang=en 😏
  8. I tried with unplugged network as well and it still switches and copy-pastes instantly.
  9. locked for editing, but they are still fully readable
  10. Good to know that there is a EN alternative but out of curiosity I installed One Note again and it seems even more bloated and counter intuitive than before, no dark theme either...
  11. What import tool have you used? Have you lost any (meta) info during the process?
  12. Yes, on windows overridden settings in the config.json aren't touched by a new update. Sure, the 100 selections are sufficient for daily usage but not for reorganizing notebooks and global tagging. EN should fix this first before terminating legacy completely.
  13. Do you see these attachments in your enex and html backups ?
  14. It works in my Chrome browser with a note of 198000 words, but as I said, my windows PC has 16 GB ram, how much has your PC?
  15. Can please specify more precisely how long your note is (in MB) I have no problem with a note of 100 MB of images or with a text note of 2MB but I have to say that my windows PC has 16 MB of ram and 1TB SSD
  16. I agree, this is a win-win : immediate sync when the user needs it and less load on the server because the sync polling frequency can be reduced.
  17. Yeah, I agree but I'm afraid that's the best we can expect from this generation of web developers : everything is written in layers on layers of bloated javascript code.
  18. There is some hope that collaborative editing will work because they probably haven't implemented it themselves. I think/hope they've integrated one of the existing proofed javascript libraries for that. Of course they can still mess it up in the integration, but at least the core functionality should run smoothly.
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