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Everything posted by eric99

  1. I hope the new owner is smart enough to finally fix the foundations first before allowing anything new on top of it
  2. which is of course one of the main reasons for it's 40 years dominance over mac os and the 600+ linux distros 😏
  3. On my windows client, the note list width is properly persisted when leaving evernote via the menu: file->close evernote ... Are we talking about the same width?
  4. The note list width will be persisted by exiting evernote via the file menu -> "close evernote" before restarting your PC
  5. Yes, I have the same problem, but it doesn't bother me because I don't use the terrible slow android client anyway (shooting a photo and saving the note takes minutes)
  6. I started doing some tests on Upnote. The first and most important feature is export to prevent vendor lock-in: Upnote's html export is far more superior than V10 in all aspects: different from V10, upnote html has working links to all note attachments and these links are relative links into the html folder structure. This means that the html export is self contained and can be moved to other locations in your file system. for a small note, the html size is 1 KB only, with very clean html code underneath. The same note in V10 html takes 354 KB with very bloated unreadable html code underneath and still no working links whatsoever! And the whole upnote product has been developed by two developers only. Bending Spoons made a big mistake not buying this company. Make these guys the EN chief architects. Maybe they can still save evernote...
  7. 25 USD x 100 million switched evernote users = 2.5 billion USD, not bad for a team of a few developers 🙂
  8. Next time, you could undo ( ctrl-z ) the delete...
  9. from 35 to 50 USD, isn't that 43% increase, not 77%. Where is that percentage coming from?
  10. Isn't it even more, $133 instead of $110 per year ? The more plausible explanation is that they probably "forgot" to apply the 40% and charged the full price of 80 dollars... What does support say about this 'price discount' ?
  11. What this proves is that chatGPT technology is to premature to be used in EN, Notion or any other real world application where sensitive data is involved. "...OpenAI says it's unable to delete specific prompts from a user's history, adding that people shouldn't "share any sensitive information in your conversations..."
  12. You've probably missed my previous post: chatGPT exposed the titles of past conversations to other users: https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/chatgpt-bug-exposed-peoples-conversation-history/ Also, the other article I posted is a perfect summary of all privacy /legal problems with AI: https://gcn.com/data-analytics/2023/02/chatgpt-data-privacy-nightmare-if-youve-ever-posted-online-you-ought-be-concerned/382718/
  13. "ChatGPT is a data privacy nightmare. If you’ve ever posted online, you ought to be concerned" : https://gcn.com/data-analytics/2023/02/chatgpt-data-privacy-nightmare-if-youve-ever-posted-online-you-ought-be-concerned/382718/
  14. this is what Bing AI answers to the question: "how can AI bots threat your privacy?"can AI bots threat your privacy? "...AI bots can threaten your privacy by using personal information in ways that can intrude on privacy interests by raising analysis of personal information to new levels 1. However, principles of trustworthy AI like transparency and explainability, fairness and non-discrimination, human oversight, robustness and security of data processing can regularly be related to specific individual rights and provisions of corresponding privacy laws2. ..."
  15. https://www.cnet.com/tech/services-and-software/chatgpt-bug-exposed-peoples-conversation-history/ "...OpenAI says it's unable to delete specific prompts from a user's history, adding that people shouldn't "share any sensitive information in your conversations..."
  16. This: "We are committed to making it straightforward for you to get all of your data into, and out of, Evernote at any time" That means that ENEX should be extended to export all data such as notelinks, notebooks and possibly tag hierarchy. As I already explained before, these are very minor downwards compatible extensions, not changes. We've already spent far more time here discussing it than that it actually takes to implement it. Obviously it's up to the competitors to provide importers, and maybe they have to best fit the data in their structures, but at least they need the full data to start with.
  17. hmm, EN has still work to do 😏 : "... Even though millions of people have their most important information in Evernote, we still want to make sure that they can leave the service quickly and easily. There is no data lock-in with Evernote. We are committed to making it straightforward for you to get all of your data into, and out of, Evernote at any time. Our desktop software lets you export all of your notes and content in human-readable HTML, as well as a fully documented machine-readable XML format. We also have a full, free API that lets you access all of your data. Our philosophy is that by making it possible for you to leave at any time, we’re forever-motivated to build great things so that you’ll want to stay. And we hope you do stay, for years and even decades. To this end we’re committed to investing in technologies that will make your data accessible far into the future. ..." https://evernote.com/privacy/3-laws-of-data-protection
  18. The major question is, do you really want your private note data to be integrated into the centralized bot's self learning neural network? I definitely don't want so. Before you know it, queries will (indirectly) leak note data to each other because AI bots don't always know their sources anymore 😏
  19. They better add software quality / reliability to their equation as well
  20. As I already mentioned before, only use the legacy windows client html exporter, the other legacy and especially V10 html export is worthless as stand alone archive.
  21. Agreed, sync issues are top priority, but the capability to jump ship without data loss is crucial as well, especially now with Evernote's uncertain future and prices skyrocketing...
  22. afaik, ToC's are based on notelinks as well, so these will lock you in as well...
  23. The point is that notelinks from any normal user are now lost when exporting via enex... This is called a vendor lock-in!
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