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Everything posted by eric99

  1. Yeah, but unfortunately, the sub tag selection doesn't behave like a notebook: after creating a new note, the tag selection is cleared. So whenever you need to add a new note with a specific tag, you have to assign it explicitly. This is not the case with notebooks, once selected it stays there until you select another one.
  2. Anyhow, this confirms your theory that it has to do with an email already being associated with a free account...
  3. Yes, I already did it. To summarize: with this method you go from small to big cells, whereas with nested tables, you could go from big to small cells (which isn't supported by EN) Both methods have their strengths, depending on the table layout
  4. have you already tried what I posted last week? If it works with other gmail addresses not associated with evernote accounts, this should probably work: you may send a gmail alias to your invitees like this: john.doe+xyz@gmail.com (the normal email name followed by '+´ ´xyz' ) xyz being any alias you like, just to fake another email address different from the address associated with the free account. this aliased email arrives in the same mailbox of john.doe@gmail.com
  5. Thanks, it isn't a nested table, but it's perfect for my use case!
  6. I noticed that the Cornell template contains a nested table. How can you achieve that in your own tables?
  7. The HTML export bug is still there in V10.44.8 on my windows client: clicking on a pdf-icon in the generated HTML file doesn't navigate to the document However, HTML export does work properly in legacy EN . Can you please elaborate a little bit on how you generated the HTML ? What EN version do you use and on what device?
  8. there is an unresolved HTML bug I reported more than 1 year ago: attachments other than images can not be navigated to when you click on the icon. Please raise another ticket for this problem. HTML is perfect for archiving our notes, since it is a WEB standard for the next 100 year. So, we need a working HTML export!
  9. Thanks, I'm glad to hear that saving can be performant, at least on some phones I don't think note size or the number of notes is the issue: as I already mentioned, my A50 sometimes takes up to 2 minutes for saving a note with a few words of text ( total notes = 3700).
  10. Is it fast for both note retrieval and creation? How long does it take to save a small note?
  11. I tested it on my windows client with an attached file with extension vsdx, and it does find the note with that file in it What client do you use?
  12. Yeah, this is the best work around there is. Of course the search may generate some false positives indeed.
  13. At least in Android, you can do the (manual) slide show by just a single click on one of the images. I also noticed that you may rotate your phone to landscape, whenever you like.
  14. one more thing you probably know: if you want to show a single note distraction free (just the note without sidebars whatsoever), you may show it in a separate window. You may do that by double clicking the note in the note list or via the menu bar->notes->open in new window (screen) Also maybe a lesser-known hidden feature, you may do a slide show within a note by selecting the start image and then clicking a second time(not a fast double click). From then on, you may traverse through all images in your note at full screen...
  15. Maybe you can multi select the required notes and export these to pdf ? You can then even present without evernote if you like...
  16. FYI: additional advantages of the WEB client: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXYzjItTFpw
  17. May be this is intended behaviour: no email notification since it's already notified by the app or something like that? edit: I can confirm that it does work to invitees who have a free account, however you may still try this: you may send an alias to your invitees like this: john.doe+xyz@gmail.com (the normal email name followed by '+xyz' ) xyz being any alias you like, just to fake another email address different from the address associated with the free account. this aliased email arrives in the same mailbox of john.doe@gmail.com
  18. Interesting, in what format is the note exported ? And are attachments exported as well?
  19. in the Notepad++ preferences Language -> Tab Settings -> Replace by space on You can still uses tabs, but they are replaced by spaces underneath. This solves your copy/paste problem for any editor without the need to change the tab size every time you import from another source with different tab size.
  20. It all depends on the implementation, but if they use the FileSystemWatcher which is event driven (at least from the app's viewpoint) , it seems to be OK for a large amount of files: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10195317/what-are-practical-limits-on-the-number-of-filesystemwatcher-instances-a-server" : "...I just want to add on to this question that my experience having created upwards of 5000 FileSystemWatcher objects at a time (combined with polling), I have never run into any major issues with creating huge amounts of FileSystemWatcher objects..." However, never underestimate EN developers in killing performance with their cross platform javascript implementations for simple things which are natively available in the OS 😏 The best way to find it out is just test it with the amount of folders you expect to have (if feasible). edit: I just did the test myself: 1. Create a folder with 3000 empty subfolders in it (you can easily do that with a 'binary copy", for instance 12 copies give you already 4096 folders (2^12) 2. Add this folder as import folder, with the option "include subfolders" enabled 3. The task manager shows an additional intermittent processor load of about 3% for the evernote app Adding a note via one of the 3000 import subfolders is at normal speed (a couple of seconds) EN performance is not affected, normal edit speed, scrolling etc edit: I did the test again with 21000 subfolders -> processor load 40 % , adding note via subfolder still normal, still normal EN performance such as edit speed, scrolling... Conclusion: a few thousand import folders shouldn't be a problem 🙂
  21. Interesting to hear that it is certainly slower than on the PC. Well under a minute ? Does that mean a few seconds or tens of seconds? After a fresh install, my phone takes 5 to 20 seconds to save a note. A week later, it takes 1 to 2 minutes. I can live with 5 seconds, although for quick note taking, I need the snappy app from ten years ago, which was less than 1 second! It was possible to jot down anything in my second brain (open EN, create note, take a picture and save, all in a few seconds). Amazing how current software developers succeed in killing the performance of our sophisticated computers to a level of twenty years ago.
  22. I just tested it with my Rust code, it's perfectly copied in a code block in my note (4 spaces)
  23. Do you use your phone only for note retrieval or creation as well? How long does it take to save a note? On my phone, saving sometimes takes 2 minutes. Retrieval / sync incoming notes is ok.
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