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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Strikethrough works for me Here are some self-help troubleshooting solutions Upgrade to the latest version Reboot your device Deleted the app and database; Reinstall the app and let the database be rebuilt from the servers Warning: the rebuild does not include local notebooks or unsynced notes You can contact Evernote support at Contact Evernote Support
  2. I can only think of two explanations - You did not run a sync process Risky because you loose the web server as a backup - You were accessing your notes from the device cache memory Risky because the device could overwrite this anytime >>Limited memory on their devices and don't want them stored locally? LOL. What is the size of each text file - 5kb, maybe? My notes take up over 5GB My largest note is over 100MB >>Evernote has taken away that ability afaik, this process has been in place for years from the beginning, and nothing has changed >>There's a name for that: Ransomware. Name calling is so childish You might try to understand the features and select the product that meets your requirements You chose to use the Evernote service Either the feature has no value to you; or it has a value making the paid account worthwhile.
  3. That is correct - Evernote moves notes from mobile devices to a central server Evernote is a cloud app, and uploads your notes to the server in a sync process. This is the default, however Evernote did implement an offline feature Many users have limited memory on their devices and don't want their notes stored locally Other users have expanded memory and want the option for offline access - To maintain notes on a mobile device, you assign them to an offline notebook (paid feature)
  4. I up voted the request; we have the tag list and should be able to use it As @gazumped said, once you've composed a search, save it. You can even add it to your shortcuts section. Also, make use of the component selector at the bottom of the search box.
  5. For Windows/Mac platform, we have a complete copy of our notes and can access them without the internet For mobile platforms, we can designate selected notebooks for offline access and can access them without the internet
  6. I've posted the feature request below Please use the voting buttons (upper left corner of the post) to indicate your support
  7. Without going into your skills at estimating "easy code", if EN added this feature, would you then consider it "worth the price" Personally, I consider the "Note History" a valuable feature.
  8. Up to now, it wouldn't be possible, but I'm looking forward to the potential now that Siri is becomming more open. Of course its a question of priorities. Users can indicate their support for this request using the voting buttons in the upper left corner.
  9. Could you give some ideas on what you want to see for integration?
  10. As per the other, posts - viewing pdfs inline is an option on some platforms This image is from my Mac
  11. I moved this request to the feedback forum so users can indicate their support using the vote buttons in the upper left corner
  12. I understand this has been implemented in EN Windows, so I'm confident it will get to the EN Mac someday If you're interested, I have a workaround using Applescript; documented here
  13. I upvoted On the Mac platform, we have Evernote Helper, a separate app that allows for screen clips, also several options for pdf conversion Macs also have the option of viewing pdfs inline or as attachments Currently on my iPad, I do a photo screen capture, then crop > pdf > EN via the Workflow utility
  14. It's already implemented on the Mac platform. We have the option of viewing pdfs inline or as attachments. I upvoted to have this feature added to the other platforms
  15. The replies are valid The votes are valid But I repeat - I see it as a question of priorities. >>And yes, they do implement upgrades. It's bloated. A point of view - but surprising when you are requesting something to be updated
  16. This doesn't seem to be a high priority request; look at the user vote count in the upper left corner EN is implementing upgrades all the time; I don't understand @realpb's problem
  17. I edited my note and added the Trigger/Action details With a few more steps, I can use the Notification Center EN widget to create a note, and use dictation.
  18. fwiw There is an IFTTT integration between IOS Reminder Lists and Evernote I can say Siri, add "this" to my Evernote List and it appears in Evernote Trigger New reminder added to list List name This Trigger fires every time a new reminder is added to the list you specify. Action Create/Append to note Note Name This Action will append to a note as determined by its title and notebook. Once a note’s size reaches 2MB a new note will be created.
  19. That would be my preference as to how EN implement headings; it would conform with the underlying html format, and would preserve formatting on imports and exports
  20. For sure; a core basic idea for a Word Processing application. As you found out, the Evernote editor is more suited to creating ..... notes EN has added WP features, and might consider your request if it gets enough votes. If you wish, I can move your request from the Mac forum to the all platform request forum.
  21. My understanding is they do read the comments and take note of the user vote count They issue software upgrades often, and address to address high priority items
  22. Please indicate your support for this request by voting at
  23. Requesting the option to flag notes as read only My workaround is to convert the note to pdf edited; There’s also a contentClass field that I can update using a script on my Mac
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