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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Isn't Archive a context? I think you're pointing out a problem with using Notebooks to indicated "context" Notebook A has context A Notebook B has context B Notebook C has context C And now you're adding context "Archive" What to do if a note has multiple contexts? I use Tags to indicate context. A note can have multiple tags
  2. Not important to me, but then I'm just writing notes. I just use a blank line Have you considered using a word processing app?
  3. I'm just assuming its a question of priorities. You can add your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion fwiw There are many requests for new features, some of them also indicating how easy it would be to implement
  4. It would be more constructive to start a new topic as a feature request This will allow users to vote and indicate priority to Evernote
  5. Actually you can share a Notebook via a browser fwiw I had to maintain a series of notes like that for a project My solution was to use public browser links instead of internal Evernote links The recipients viewed the notes in their browser When I viewed the notes, it defaults to the browser but it also shows a "View in Evernote" box
  6. There's no indication that Evernote is considering this feature. Keep adding your votes; it shows user interest
  7. Good catch The note history is only for your notes, and does not include shared notes Your husband is the one who needs to sign up to access Note History
  8. Thats the downside to encryption - it blocks the search feature It would be even serious if the entire notebook was encrypted I'm adding enough details in the title, and text in the note so there is data for the search
  9. Agreed, on a Mac - the note content is stored in individual files; html, image, pdf ... A folder for each note - the note metadata is stored in a database file ( LocalNoteStore.sqlite) ; title, notebook, tags ... A note's notebook/tag info is stored in the database >>The notion of a "container" comes from how the information is presented to the user in the UI. The Evernote Notebook meets the usual definition of a software "container" because each Note belongs to, or is contained by, one and only one Notebook. We've gone off topic, but I understand the perception of containers - Even the perception of a stack of containers - Its another thing with containers within containers; the analogy suffers As I said, its more a logical view of the data than the actual data >>all software uses logic to emulate real world objects. My objective with Evernote is to stash my data and retrieve it when needed I'm not into emulating real world objects; but tag/notebook works for me; some users prefer the term "folder" (a rose by any other name) Whatever the name, it's a column in the database
  10. The basic account continues to be free - that will be my fallback if I'm unable to pay the fees >>how do I get all these notes out to seperate files on the windows (or maybe IOS) file system? IOS has a file system? I'm on a Mac, and I've been happy with the html export feature I export to an Apple iCloud drive, so my backup notes are available on my iPad
  11. I don't see this as being a business case for Evernote to spend the $ to implement and support a Linux client. I think a proper argument would include Numbers. How many customers are being lost? How many new customers will this platform bring in. I'm sure Evernote has considered these numbers in their decision
  12. I don't know what you've been hearing from Tech Support, but this is a user discussion help forum and we're just users here The PIN feature has been requested. You might want to show your support, and add your vote to the request shown below; voting buttons in the left top corner of the discussion
  13. Until this gets implemented, be aware of the text encryption feature. I also use encrypted PDF attachments
  14. Add your vote to the request; voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion Personally, I encrypt any of my sensitive data Evernote has a text encryption feature, and I use encrypted pdfs
  15. I'm just wondering about having <date> as the first entry in the title This will allow you to sort your notes into data sequence, but you already have the create/update sequence My preference is to have a keyword as the first entry - this gives the option of having a third sort sequence The trick is to chose the correct keyword In the above example, Contract/../Escrow seemed a logical choice
  16. Actually I don't see that as a requirement (I obviously know nothing about the Realtor bus) - I'd want to use Evernote, and could make it work with tags Maybe Client/Address as a Notebook I'm not even sure the other items need a separate Notebook/Tag - Is there a point in having Contract as a separate notebook? Maybe a tag if you need to retrieve all contracts - I'd probably just prefix the note title with Contract, Correspondence, ..... So, I would use Notebook: Client xxxxxx Address xxxx Note Title: Contract yyyymmdd xxxxxxxxxx Note Title: Correspondence yyyymmdd xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Note Title: Correspondence yyyymmdd xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Note Title: Correspondence yyyymmdd xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Note Title: Disclosure yyyymmdd ....
  17. Timed trigger is an additional feature request. This topic was simply a request for a PIN feature The PIN feature on the iPad triggers when switching to a different app. Personally, I rely on the security at the OS level. My Mac locks after a period of inactivity
  18. It's actually the same on the Mac; you have to log out. Just closing the Evernote window keeps you logged in.
  19. You might want to use a Password Manager to make your logging in easier. I use LastPass.
  20. If markdown support is the most important feature for you, you should be looking at another product. If purple highlighting is the most important feature for you, you should be looking at another product. If .... (this list could go on and on) In addition to whining, you can add your support to the feature requests using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion. It will help indicate the request priorities
  21. No issue for me on my Mac You might experiment a little to see if you can identify a pattern for example, copying text from this web page - will it paste into a new note, and existing note, some other application
  22. What problem, and what claims from updates? If you accidenly deleted a note, why not retrieve it from the Trash Still not clear on what issue you're reporting - Mac and something about encryption password?
  23. Any ideas on design changes? My suggestion is for Evernote to implement a read-only feature to minimize accidental deletion of content >>If you have the basic program, you cannot recover your data and it can be lost completely in the free version of the app. You might want to consider implementing a backup process. Its easy enough to do on Macs - my process is documented here My process runs over night so I still run the risk of losing data during the day. As you mentioned, Evernote has a Note History feature that captures data more frequently. If you accidently delete a note, it can be recovered from the Trash notebook.
  24. I think you're posting into a completely different feature request; this request is for a passcode (PIN) at the application level >>I hope some employee see this topic and send to its boss to consider this feature. It would be more constructive to locate a feature request in the feedback fotrum and add your vote, (voting buttons in the upper left corner)
  25. As @gazumped said, there is no current version in beta To download beta versions, you have to be using the software downloaded directly from Evernote. You also have to set your prederences to allow beta downloads >>When I open a pdf to annotate it is blurry. I am so tired of this. I have not seen this reported before. Can you post a screenshot?
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