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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I log into my Evernote account on my Mac Double-click on Notebooks to go to the Notebook page Drag the Notebook into the Stack
  2. There are many features, not available on the mobile and web platforms. Some of these are device limitations, and others due to decisions on allocating resources. You can influence these decisions by adding your vote to requests; voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion. Evernote has indicated the objective of parity between platforms, but there is no specific timetable. As a first step, they are implementing a common editor to the platforms.
  3. If you contact support, at Contact Evernote Support they will give you a list of the notes impacted; I had 2
  4. Did you see the note about the fix being delayed until Beta 3 >>Besides annotations not working, a percentage of my notes has begun losing their attachments. This is devastating. There is a known bug with attachments. Evernote detected it, and notified impacted users. The software was patched in version 6.9.2, and I was assuming was fixed in Beta 2 Personally, I rely on my backups and the Note History feature to recover from lost data >>I have been forced to invest in Acrobat Reader Pro to be able to finish my tax filing. A fine product, but I would have thought Mac Preview to be an adequate alternative for annotations.
  5. An easy workaround is to use Preview for pdf annotations. As to reimbursement, we are talking about free software provided by Evernote.
  6. I was under the impression different sorts had already been implemented in the Windows platform I'm patiently waiting for this to make it to the other platforms In the meantime, I implemented my own solution on my Mac using Applescript (documented here)
  7. Just brainstorming: export your notes in xml format; use a script or text editor to update the fonts; import the notes
  8. I don't know why, but I have to drag to the desktop, then drag into Evernote or just drag to my import folder fwiw I use an Applescript to copy my mail into Evernote (documented here) I wanted more control on what gets attached, title, contents, tags, notebook etc
  9. Which platform. On my Mac, I can set a default font in Evernote Preferences
  10. My backup process is documented here; I use a Mac and applescript for automation >>Format I have a daily incremental backup of changed notes, in both enex and html format The enex format makes a reload easy; the html format makes the backup viewable This is my version of Note History I also have a weekly full backup in enex format >>Notebooks For the weekly backup, each notebook is backed up separately I mostly use a single notebook; 8000+ notes. The backup takes about 20 minutes >>Timing Daily - Incremental; Weekly - Full I only keep a single copy of the full backup; its overwritten each week
  11. It's not an account level issue. On the Widows/Mac platforms, you have a full copy of your notes. This makes it easy to backup your notes. Some people backup the actual database, but I prefer to use the Export feature.
  12. As per @squaregoldfish, you can click on INFO and see the url
  13. I agree there's a lot of whitespace wasted to the right in notes I don't think you'll see floating text boxes, as per the Word example. Word uses a proprietary format, while Evernote uses a generic html format. As such, it would be difficult for Evernote to add features that don't conform to the html standard edited: As per @jefito, I'm not up to date on html standards; boxes could be included fwiw My solution is to use a two column table. This allows me to add content in the left column, with additional content in the right column. The table has additional features; for example background colour. To be honest, Evernote is not the product I'd use to do complicated word processing.
  14. For sure, you are speaking other speakers are also speaking, some even agree with you, others want different results And with all the speaking, only a small % of the users are willing to pay for the product; to pay for the debug work
  15. For serious note taking, I use Notability just like I use dedicated apps for word processing and spreadsheets. I store the work-in-progress in its native format; often as an attachment in Evernote. When finished, I convert to pdf format and store in Evernote. This makes the document available for search
  16. I upvoted the request, but agree with @jefitto I see this as a new note from template function, more than a format function. I would attach it to the new note selectors I'm not concerned too much on how templates are identified; maybe a Tag or Notebook
  17. Would you acknowlege that many users have voted for Evernote to focus on other issues than bug fixes. As someone pointed out, bugs are not a "crime against humanity"
  18. fwiw I have a set of templates tagged !Templates This tag is in my shortctcuts for easy access. The more important request is for the templates to be used when creating a note. Currently, I have this scripted on my Mac; which also has a Duplicate Note feature.
  19. Maybe a little. But it's also a serious comment on Evernote. They are not known for being great on the PR side for user complaints, suggestions or discussing future planning. I've come to accept the silence and just carry on.
  20. I wasn't aware of the extent of resources put into the Market, but you should be happy they decided to no longer continue that project. However, as has been pointed out before, it's not like they reassigned developers to knitting socks. Personally I ignored the Market project, but it does seem to have caused anguish for some users. I do applaud the attempt for alternate revenue streams; more palatable than user fees.
  21. Evernote is issuing software updates all the time. The focus seems to be the highest priority items, and you can influence this by up-voting requests in the feedback forums (voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion) This discussion currently has 10 votes.
  22. I think it depends on your purpose in using the product. If you intend to do word processing or spreadsheet activities - you have picked the wrong product; it's also not a great product for photo retouching I find it adequate for notes, and assembling attachments into a note; the additional editing features are a bonus
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