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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Companies also die that give away their product without having revenue Personally I don't believe that EN's future is in the long term non-paying users. Regardless, EN is continuing the free basic account level, and the non-paying users should be grateful
  2. I would only consider paying if the features seem worth the value. If not worth the value - don't pay. If the device limit thing is too much hastle - I would find another product to use. Seems like a simple solution to me, I don't understand your issue. As to you being a customer - I would think that implies you pay money
  3. Could you add your vote to this request. (Voting buttons at the upper left corner) There is no guarantee, but the more votes we get will indicate user interest and the priority of the requests being made.
  4. @grumpy-monkey Are you sure EN is the best place for you to store these files? For myself, I would want to offload them. - one reason is that I maintain a copy of my notes on my iPad, and I'd rapidly hit a storage space limit edited: Perhaps the iPad was a bad example. It's the one place I have selective sync on notebooks. These large notes can remain in the cloud until I access them.
  5. There is no link feature to notebooks that can be used within notes. The only link I know of is the note url. Also of interest would be a link to a saved search.
  6. My impression is that it is very simple to store external links to files. This is from a desktop perspective; not sure about the other platforms. edit: Just tried it from my iPad. No problem adding a link to a note for a file on GDrive
  7. Is it your opinion that there's enough paying customers to cover the cost of developing this product?
  8. Not sure what you're seeing, but there's two types of Evernote links - classic: opens in application - public & private internet links (https://www.evernote.com/.....) I would expect these to open in the default browser Can you give more details on your issue?
  9. What features are you looking for? The most popular alternative seems to be One Note. Upgrading to a paid account would have been better, but leaving works well too. Good bye, Good Luck
  10. My thinking is that it could be implemented by adding a parent field to the notebook record, the same way they did the tag hierarchy. Not a complicated change, but they would have to change the database and UI on all platforms. I'm still waiting for a view of tag hierarchy on my iPad. There's also an argument along the lines of a Local notebook having child notebooks that are Syncd.
  11. There's also the concept of "paying your own way" plus, I need the expanded featureset in the paid plans >>Someone mentioned using the web version, however I don't LIKE using the web version (or I wouldn't have it on my computers). I feel there's better control using the desktop app versus the mobile and the web versions. The desktop version is better at customization and yes, if I just need to write down something quick, then the web version works (sometimes), but for actual notes, I also prefer the client software over the web platform; maybe it would have value as a paid feature.
  12. Your postings seem confused. Is there userid/password security on Evernote account data? I know I have it on the Mac/IOS/Web platforms. I simply log out of my EN account at the end of my session.
  13. There's a link below in my signature section to contact support. Contact Evernote Support I would advise you to log into the web platform (www.evernote.com) to check on your notes. If the notes are there, you have a device problem which can easily be resolved.
  14. No, there are no multiple levels for stacks (or notebooks) For a multi-level hierarchy, you would need to look at tags.
  15. I'm not seeing how it can hurt. There's also nothing to stop you from also adding a post in the discussion, however, if your only comment is "+1", please vote instead. It was set up by Evernote, and is recommended by employees. Note; There is not a direct relationship to the implementation schedule. It just gives Evernote an idea of the priority from a user perspective.
  16. I'm not sure what you want as a response. Evernote has been clear from the beginning that they would not be developing a Linux client
  17. I also favour tags over notebooks. For me, the next level in organization would be note title For example: Assignment x - First Section Assignment x - Second Section Assignment x - Third Section
  18. My personal feeling is that the note creation date should not be messed with for this purpose. There is a subject date field that it seems is only used by me. I'd like to promote the use of this field across all platforms. Please indicate your support by up-voting
  19. Wow, you actually believe notebooks are real containers, which contain notes. Thats more of a logical view than reality. Note data is contained in a database table(s). I know that Evernote uses the notebook field to identify notes that are syncd/local/offline/shared. I know some people try to use notebooks for organization, but get frustrated by the lack of hierarchy >>If there is anything that is not real in the Evernote digital world, it would be "labels". Evernote does NOT any entity or property called "label". So if you are trying to state the "truth", then you are far from it I never said Evernote used the term "labels" The EN terms are Stacks, Notebooks and Tags >>I have no idea what your point is, or why you keep slamming users who would like to have a more capable Notebook feature in Evernote, that behaves much like Mac/PC folders (which are also containers >> May I remind you of the title of this topic: "Feature Request: Notebooks within Notebooks". The operative words here are "feature request", so why not allow users to make a request without berating them? It's not so much as "slamming" or "berating" as trying to present an alternative solution for users frustrated by the lack of hierarchy with notebooks. Like you did with the Pseudo Notebooks you posted above (possibly more diplomatic than my postings) Yes, this is a request for notebook hierarchy, and there are others, but to date Evernote has not indicated any plans to implement a hierarchy. We can wait it out, but I think an alternate solution is more realistic.
  20. ok, instead of master list of keywords, do you keep a master list of the important words that you add to the title or text I'd like to make sure that my use was consistent so that a a search would be accurate.
  21. Do you have a master list of these keywords? I like having the taglist to chose from. >>I virtually stopped making new folders unless they were going to be public. That's my reason for using notebooks, to identify notes as syncd/local/offline/shared It does bring up an interesting point. Would a sub-notebook of a Local notebook also be expected to be Local?
  22. I'm not clear on how downgrading your plan has anything to do with the selective sync issue?
  23. When I forward email to Evernote, the To, Cc, Bcc, date information is maintained. What email client are you using? Example of Email forwarded to my EN account
  24. I guess every non-US citizen could make similar a similar request. I'm a Canadian, but can't get too excited that my Evernote data is stored in the US. I just assume anything on the internet is being read by the NSA/Chinese/Google agents. If I want something private, I encrypt it.
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