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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You could post this as a feature request and see what support is generated from the user base The forum is at https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/304-evernote-feature-requests/?do=add
  2. I'm using a work-around for this Using the share menu Safari > Create PDF > Evernote This works for me; my preference is to save the web page as pdf
  3. Short answer - No, you can’t have notebook grid view if you upgrade to 6.12 This was just discussed at
  4. Can you identify your version of IOS I see this error on my iPad, but I’m running a the IOS 11 beta version edited: I have an open ticket on this #2195855 Response from support was I understand that you're not seeing clipped content come through after using the share extension on iOS. We actually have a known issue related to this, but that issue is specific to the iOS 11 beta The iOS 11 issue should be fixed in our next release, which will be 8.4 (that we are trying to release as close to the iOS 11 GA as we can).
  5. My preference is for the generic .csv file instead of the app specific .xlsx file The OP was asking for the spreadsheet data to be parsed into separate notes As you pointed out, Evernote works well with office/iwork documents; searchable and inline view (Mac) I'm a fan of adding files as attachments to notes. I use the Evernote editor for basic notes, but use dedicated apps for word processing, spreadsheet, note taking, ....
  6. Pinning is not a feature, except for the Shortcuts and Reminder sections. edited - see @jefito below re: Windows I use Tags instead of Notebooks, but I also need to control the note sequence You can search the forums for other posts on this subject. My solution is to adjust the dates or title so the note automatically sorts to the top of the list
  7. I see Notes as containers for for files of any format. Evernote's base format is enml (html fork). Most of my notes have attachments; image, pdf, doc, xls, plain text (software code)... Theres no limit to the formats that can be attached to a note
  8. I moved this discussion to the Feature Request forum. Please indicate your support using the voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion I'd like to see the OCR process for both images and pdf's, allowing selectable text This process is already being performed by Evernote for search indexing This will mean that Evernote is altering the original files; - adding an OCR layer to pdfs - something with images; maybe converting to pdf Or, as per the original request; right click on the image to get access to the image’s text btw Mac users can go to the notes’s file folder and access the images recoIndex file. This contains the text extracted from the image 151A278A-FCF3-4164-A237-38ED96AA6536.en-reco
  9. It looks like your template tables are corrupted This is my example
  10. No limit; as many documents as needed. Images, PDFs, Word, Spreadsheets I definitely wouldn’t attach 400 pictures to a note. There are much better photo storage solutions. I use the Apple photos app I keep my notes small and single purpose. >>Why would you attach files to a note instead just drag the files to a filesystem folder like dropbox? I’m more concerned about retrieving my data. For example, all my insurance data for 2015 Sometimes, the “note” is spread over multiple files. For example a couple of images and a pdf. Maybe also a word document. I want these all linked together. Not sure how to do that in Dropbox, (folders?) >> I really don't understand the kind of user of Evernote you are, did you ever try using other solutions? I’m an experienced Evernote User. I’ve tried many solutions and chose Evernote as my single filing solution (except for photos and music) 50+ years experience in data processing (computer programming), so I’m more technical than typical users
  11. You can attach any file to a note, regardless of format
  12. Why not use EN for a storage solution. Most of the complaints are about Evernote’s editor >>but it's forte is supposed to be note-taking I find the Evernote editor features are limited. The editor is adequate for basic notes, but I use dedicated editor apps for serious work
  13. I find the Evernote editor adequate for basic notes For serious work, I switch to dedicated editor apps; word processing, spreadsheets etc I share the documents to Evernote for filing; I see Evernote’s strength as my digital file. I don’t like the filing in OneNote
  14. Switching software is always an option; however I’m not ready to give up the Evernote features. What software did you switch to?
  15. I moved your request to the Android Forum, although it also applies to the IOS devices If it’s like my iPad, there is no clipper app; the web page is added to Evernote via the OS share menu. I have the option to update the title, notebook, tags; but no comments You said “later, on my laptop”. Why not flip over to Evernote immediately, and add your comments using the Android device?
  16. This bug was reported with earlier versions of Evernote, but I thought it had been resolved. Are you on the current versions of Evernote? You may have to redo your tables; iOS seemed to lock in the column width error
  17. Are you able to display the activity log to see if there’s a holdup in processing I have the same issue on my Mac. If I wait, the content eventually displays
  18. @JohnLongney Please simply accept that there are people who require more features than the Evernote editor provides, for example Markdown I actively seek solutions for obtaining these missing features >>In conclusion, it is only right and proper for users to remind Evernote time and again of what is sorely missing. Not my thing; I’ll leave that to you. I add my vote to the requests; I’m more interested in solutions to missing features
  19. the newer ones end up at the top when sorted by date My default sort sequence is modification date
  20. The Squeaky Wheel Theory also known as Greasy Wheels >>Funny Story I see myself as person C. I eat at the restaurant because it's the best choice around. I did speak with the manager but I'm not going to obsess about it I like salt on my food. Knowing there's a salt shortage, I bring my own. I share my salt with other customersi Then there's person D. They eat at the restaurant because it's the best choice around. They are aware of the salt shortage and have spoken to the manager They eat their food without salt and "voice out" They blame person C for the salt shortage
  21. I was wondering about this - not being able to do a full backup with “Demand Sync” I’d like to hear from other users confirming this? It’s not be critical for me; I do daily incremental backups (changed notes), so the data is captured. I do a weekly full enex backup but it’s doubtful that I’ll ever use it
  22. I pay the subscription fee for the continued processing of my data. I need the enhanced featureset and limits >> I have the right to make noise and express my frustrations If you say so. I use the voting buttons to indicate my support for a request; I’m not into the dramatics >>Also, i don't want to be told to use another alternative if the feature i expect from a product is not there. If you’re not interested in the work-arounds, don’t use them. For me, I’m not willing to give up on the features I need
  23. This particular forum has been set up by Evernote for users to post feature requests. It's called "Evernote Feature Requests" In addition to posting requests and votes, users also discuss the issue and explore work arounds I've learned a lot from the discussions and appreciate the users posting their solutions (member, noteworthy and guru). I don't feel insulted >>Nobody, repeat nobody, should be told to use another editor because Evernote is missing functionality. I recommend using alternate editors. I'll add my vote to the request, however I'm not going to be restricted by the limitations in the Evernote editor. It's ok for basic notes but I often need the features in dedicated apps
  24. I tried clipping the site and ended up with a jumbled clipping. Alternatives use a screenshot; it;'s actually built into the clipper on some platforms print to pdf This avoids the mess of underlying html code
  25. I noticed no one responded, so I'm following up now >>What could the person have done wrong if the data wasn't stored in the cloud? Generally syncing is an automatic process. Internet access is required >>How does the syc on Evernote's occur, what trigger a syc? Sync is triggered by logging in and updating a note On some platforms, you can set your preferences for Manual Sync, which requires the user to trigger the process >>Does any type of Evernote account aloud syc to the cloud, do you need a certain type of account? Data syncing is performed for all accounts. There are upload limits for each account level >>How do you get your Evernote's note from one phone to a new phone? The syncing process is device <> servers <> device Actually, little data is maintained on mobile devices; the note data is retrieved from the servers via the internet (there is an Offline Notebooks option for paid accounts)
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