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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Actually the Evernote features are quite useful, as well as the html support Notes can contain files of any format; no problem with Markdown files - use an external editor I use Typora and Textastic >>It's not useful to use an external editor. I find external editors quite useful The Evernote editor works well for basic notes, but I need other formats; MarkDown, Word, Excel, ... >>Markdown syntax generates a preview Evernote has inline viewers for some file formats (pdf, office/iworks, ...) A markdown viewer would be useful
  2. Can you identify the restrictions/limitations that are important to you? Of course Evernote is a generic filing service, and any dedicated task management service will have extended features. I've been able to work-around for the features I need One feature I miss is chaining tasks for automatic scheduling and adjustment Also, my task notes don't have duration or % complete attributes. I only have due date and completion status/date
  3. I'm thinking that by using widgets, you are applying hierarchy and organization >>widgets are the same, as they both show the "Shortcuts" page Sorry, my mistake - I thought the widget pointed to a specific shortcut
  4. If a note is actionable, I assign tag:Actionable Each task is a separate note. No tasks get forgotten >>I might have every task on one list, or group them into multiple lists (home, financial, computer, social, etc.) I have projects identified by tag:Project-aaaaaaaaaaa Searches/Filters generate the different task lists >>high/med/low priorities I have two priority tags; Urgent and Important (Eisenhower Matrix) >>I want to be nagged about due dates Some users have tags; now, next-day, ... I learned a trick from working with calendars - use an actual date I use the Reminder feature to store due/action dates for Actionable notes and saved searches to generate task lists My current task list is generated by reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* (All reminders, exclude future dated, exclude completed) I have 5 sections in my current task list - Urgent and Important - Urgent - Important - Dated - No Due Date (do whenever) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In project reviews or when a task is completed I review the task list, identify the Next Action and assign a Reminder and due/action date This is a GTD concept (Getting Things Done) We capture all the tasks of a project, but we focus on the Next Action
  5. Any comment on how iPadOS? edit: I'm happy to report Evernote is working well in IpadOS https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/121487-penultimate-ipados-what-you-need-to-know/
  6. I've posted a screenshot of adding a tag to a note on my device. Is it possible for you to post a screenshot to show what's not working for you. It would be more useful than just posting it "doesn't work". Also identify your Evernote and OS version
  7. It's just a question of priorities for limited development resources >>...sort by title. All of these notes are titled with the date in sort order, e.g. 2019 09 21. The sequence works for CE dates (Common/Current Era) I use a simple number prefix for nonCE dates; for example; 1783/01/01 Timeline [American revolutionary war ends] 0000.50.55 Timeline [2200 years ago Completion of Stonehenge] 0000.50.50 Timeline [490BCE Battle of Marathon: Greek city-states defeat ...] 0000.10.50 Timeline [66 million years ago Dinosaur Extension]
  8. The request has been posted and we'll see if it get's much user support. Honestly, I'm not expecting much interest from Evernote I find the Evernote annotation tools to be quite basic. When I need extended features, I use a dedicated app
  9. Are you storing Subject Date by using the Created Date field? I use the Subject Date field. As per @gazumped, I also store Subject Date as a prefix to the note title; useful for sorting and editable on all platforms. I default Subject Date to current date (script); under 10% require adjustment (I clear my inbox daily) >>Future appointments I also use Reminder Date and sync to my calendar app >>All done on Evernote Windows. No issue editing the Created Date field on Windows/Mac. Not possible on IOS - hence the request, I upvoted I've only been able to edit the Subject Date field on my Mac
  10. The discussion has been moved to the IOS forum I add new tags using info > Add Tag, my EN and IOS version information is listed below
  11. Is this related to the above beta project? Web clipper is working for me
  12. DTLow

    Beta testing

    I think you're using the "new" web version The Preview and Beta projects are completely different
  13. I'm less concerned with who's at fault, than confirmation it's ok to update Safari and the OS So far I'm holding off on updating until I see that confirmation >>it was a surprise to them it was released today. Wasn’t supposed to be until October. Same here. The previous "beta" designation was a red flag to the risks
  14. Glad it worked out for you Kudos for having backups of your database. >>trying to delete and restore the entire "Q79WDW8YH9..." folder didn't work. The actual database folder is Q79WDW8YH9.../nnnnnnn where nnnnnnn is a unique number assigned to each userid
  15. Yes, the Local Notebooks are stored within your database backup Run sync to make sure your online notes are uploaded Log out of Evernote and close the app Restore the database folder - this will restore the Local Notebooks Start the Evernote app and log in The sync process will run to bring your online notes up to date
  16. Did you actually add your vote? The vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion; Current votes are
  17. As you found out, Local Notebooks are not uploaded / backed up by Evernote. Users must implement their own backup/restore process >>What's the point of using Saferoom if the information is stored locally? Saferoom is a tool to encrypt your data. Using a Local Notebook ensures unencypted data is not uploaded to the Evernote servers. After encryption, it's your choice of notebook to store the notes. I wouldn't use a Local Notebook >>I have a backup of Evernote files (User files, Library, Application Support etc.) Did you backup the Evernote database folder? On my Mac, my database folder is ~/Library/Group Containers/Q79WDW8YH9.com.evernote.Evernote/CoreNote/accounts/www.evernote.com
  18. Yes to extracting text from notes; I can't speak to WordPress
  19. Not an Evernote feature; there is third party Cronofy Calendar Connector My preference is to only sync event related notes; I use Applescript on my Mac and sync to Apple Calendar I prefer a Gantt view of my task reminders. I use AppleScript and export to a spreadsheet
  20. No limits to the total amount, but there are note size limits (25MB) and upload limits (60MB mthly) Details at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005247-Evernote-system-limits >>And can i save text just by using Browser Macros or if it allows any API? API documentation at http://dev.evernote.com/doc/
  21. No >>How buggy is this beta? What is the probability of losing my notes? What is the probability of losing the formatting of my notes? Be aware of this warning >>Does this even have the new Editor experience that is available on the web? No, that is a different beta project
  22. I wonder about the PDF requirement. My Evernote data is in various formats; note (enml/html), pdf, images, word/pages, excel/numbers, audio, ... For backup, I use the html export feature. Notes are converted to plain html format, readable by any browser app. Attachments maintain their native format; pdf, images, word/pages, excel/numbers, audio, ... The screenshot is a backup sample; a note with attachments
  23. 🙈 For myself, I'm willing to look at any solutions to protect the integrity of my notes
  24. For Mac users, use Applescript; tell application "Evernote" to set query string of window 1 to "tag:bookmark" I can also embed the script file as an note attachment
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