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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. My take on the solution is Two-way markdown specific note types; enml and markdown separate editor modules >>How is the Markdown stored? Currently, notes contain a content.enml component For markdown, a content.md component is required Marxico tries to embed the markdown code within the enml/html code. It's tricky and messy >>modes where either the original Markdown or the resulting formatting is shown? I vote for Both I use the Typora app on my Mac; the resulting format is shown. When editing, the specific element reverts to markdown code I'd like this option for the enml/html code. Currently I have to switch to a text editor to update the code
  2. My usual sort sequence is Updated Date. This won't work for me I could append Section to the Notebook name aaaaaa - Section 1 aaaaaa - Section 2 aaaaaa - Section 3
  3. Two steps Open a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action Post a feature request at https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/215-evernote-for-ios/?do=add or add your vote to an existing request
  4. Instead of using a sketch feature, I recommend the Notability app for note-taking I store the documents in Evernote as attachments
  5. This is also my template process I have a set of template notes; and use Applescript to control the process on my Mac
  6. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  7. Other than full note, there's only an intitle: option for text search Documentation at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  8. No problem with my implementation. Most of my documents contain attachments. I'm constantly launching external editors I recommend contacting Evernote support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  9. No autosave setting in IOS either Personally, I don't use Evernote's sketch feature for note-taking I use the Notablility app on my iPad with with Apple Pencil. The document is stored in Evernote as a note attachment
  10. I'm an incremental backup fan - separate files for each note. There's Note History backup, and I have daily incremental backups. My use case is to restore content for an individual note; for example I notice a note is missing something important. To restore the content, I access the backup for the note/date and copy-paste the lost content Retention: Never deleted >>keep a maximum of 10 or less backup sets - my full backups run to 25GB a time, so I chose 6! I also use Time Machine backups; incremental backups for the raw database files. This is a Mac product - I don't know a Windows equivalent It handles the incremental restore process automatically Backup sets and retention are: automatically makes hourly backups for the past 24 hours, daily backups for the past month, and weekly backups for all previous months. The oldest backups are deleted when your backup disk is full.
  11. You can simply scan your note cards to build the contact database Just wondering where the business card feature fits into this. If used, it would require a separate note for the contact
  12. This shortcut works on my Mac You can contact Evernote support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  13. I've merged your suggestion with a similar request Evernote has no support for pinning notes in a Notebook My approach is to use a Dashboard/Table-of-Contents note with links to the "1-3 notes". To ensure the Dashboard note is at the top, I adjust the title and dates
  14. My experience is deleted notes are not included in searches I'm not seeing this is a problem either way. As per @gazumped, keeping the Trash emptied will solve your issue
  15. To date, I've seen no indication Evernote plans to include special characters in the search indexing. >>I don't have this problem on my Android phone (as long as I don't use the "intitle" function). Oops, that's an indication
  16. So, Stacks > Notebooks > Sections Can you add some details? It's not the same as notebook levels, but a rose by another name ....
  17. I'm curious, Why? >>Secondly, is there a work around? As per @gazumped, use private, public or in-app links
  18. Just wondering how usefult this format is for "back-up process". What scenarios are you preparing for, and what is the recovery process? For example, my scenarios are: Minor - lost some note content and need to recover Worst-case - Evernote's gone dark and I need access to my notes My backup process uses the export feature in html format I have daily incremental and weekly full backups btw My in-app links are still functional Of course they point back to Evernote; which will be useless if Evernote is not functional
  19. Formatting isn't a big deal for me for notes, but I've not noticed problems like this Editing seems quite straightforard Is this your own content, or copied content from elsewhere? Evernote's base format is enml/html. We can look at the underlying html code and see the formatting elements
  20. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006027?utm_campaign=help_whats_new&utm_medium=account_menu&utm_source=evernote-web What features and functions are not available compared to the older version of Evernote Web? There are a number of features and functions that will currently require you to switch back to the older version of Evernote Web. These include: Create and execute saved searches Multi-file and advanced attachments Drag and drop to desktop Set reminders Access Work Chat messages
  21. Sorry for the confusion; I added a link to the release discussion posts
  22. The comment was to data stored on @Dulcinea's phone Yes, the master version of our data is stored on the servers. The exception is notebooks specified as Local
  23. You're hijacking the discussion; you should start a new topic Tag information is preserved for the exported notes; notebook information is not preserved Some users do separate exports for each notebook >>I would need to export each note separately To what purpose? >>Should I export to ENEX ? (is it XML ?) ENEX and XML are the same export format I prefer HTML format; the data is readable by any web browser app. For importing, ENEX is a better format; it preserves the note metadata (except for notebook and note-id)
  24. Can someone post a list of the fields available in list view (Windows) We still don't have a full list on Macs
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