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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You can indicate support for this request using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion. There are currently votes. It seems to be a niche thing >>I am thinking to look for an alternative application for my literature review. An alternative editor is my recommendation. I use Apple Pages Files of any format can be attached to a note
  2. The save operation is something Evernote must address however the note format is html based and does not support the ink actions. This will always be a file attachment, and separate editor
  3. Negatives like -tag:test It's already a feature in the current Search, and works well in the beta
  4. Can you explain the details behind this search? afaik There has been no change to the location sarch options The Search feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 If this is a question about an Atlas view of our notes, I found this post https://www.quora.com/Why-did-Evernote-remove-the-Atlas-feature I use Ideaplaces to view my note locations on a map
  5. I don't spend a lot of time troubleshooting my devices My solution on a Mac is to delete the database and Evernote will rebuild it from the server data
  6. Please let us know the methods you're using to "change to using white" As I posted, your sample note already has a white background
  7. Global Search will be a problem, as each service locks it's data into it's own database >>the contacts app is better for placing contacts than Evernote and Evernote is a better place for storing notes and documents relating to contacts Perhaps a compromise; cross-link the information. I know Evernote generates an internal link for notes.
  8. I gave one example; import/export There are many more examples; you can test and see what's important to you It is a fact that the Window/Mac platforms are a better choice for features and useability
  9. My work-around is to save my searches elsewhere Like in a Saved Searches Note; for example reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* It does require select copy/paste to put the text into the search box Other users have implemented scripts to automate this
  10. I imported your note on my Mac and see a white background The bright green text is barely readable I can get a black background by inverting colours in Apple > System Preferences also Dark Mode
  11. Date Created is an automatic note metadata field, and searchable It's easy to identify notes "ready to expire" >>some special tags or something We can create are own "special tags"; also searchable Examples: ExpireWeek1, ExpireMonth1, ExpireYear1, ... Search documentation at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 For example tag:ExpireYear1 -created:year-1
  12. The only way I know to implement background colour is to use a table I can also edit the underlying html code By default, Evernote's background is white >>When I paste into Evernote, it shows up as black on black. Can you post an .enex export of a note
  13. I use Apple Pages or MS Word, stored in Evernote notes as attachments
  14. How do you do links inside notes on Google Drive? What file format are you moving to?
  15. Evernote is confused Revoke access to both devices, then login again
  16. You can subscribe to Premium for a single month, however this will not increase the recovery options for your lost note
  17. I moved your post to the beta/web forum and merged it with a similar discussion There's been no comment from Evernote
  18. And don't get me started about needing Daylight Savings Time 😮
  19. Web bookmarks are not a feature on the Evernote IOS share menu; just full web page If I needed this I would use scripting with IOS shortcuts
  20. On a Mac, these actions are done on the Notebook page Select View > Notebooks, or click on the sidebar Notebook icon Right-click on the notebook
  21. Deleted notes are moved to the Trash, and can be recovered
  22. I added my vote to the request I'm also a Filterize fan, but I believe Evernote should accept date/time as a parameter I just have to figure out zulu time (UTC) ; I have UTC-7 noted on my journal template
  23. I was wondering about this; my Mac updated yesterday from 10.15 to 10.15 On the plus side, the update ran quickly with no issues 🙂
  24. If you're using the "New" version, you could try downgrading >>Also weirdly my evernote logs me out when i hit this support page. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  25. Is this the app-store version, or direct download I have no problem with the direct direct download I don't spend a lot of time troubleshooting my devices My ultimate solution is to delete the app, database, ...associated files then reinstall. The app AppCleaner is recommended for this
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