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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Not Include is specified using negation; for example search OneThing -SomethingElse Evernote's search feature is flexible, but not full boolean; we can't combine add/or searches I see two "navy" text in your example. To isolate colour navy; search navy -"navy dried beans" You can search for "dried navy beans"; I prefer tag searches Your example would require two steps 1. search tag:LLBean tag:Clothing tag:ColourNavy assign tag:Temporary 2. search tag:DriedNavyBeans -tag:Temporary
  2. Interesting suggestion but I don't know if it will receive much user support I do use reminders, but have never been concerned about saving specification time I use scripting (Mac) and could implement the UI. Currently, I'm just setting date/time - most of my entries are either undated, or custom date/time
  3. I don't know that Evernote has the resources to support this "automating service" I'm satisfied to let them focus on their core product, and appreciate they provide the APIs that allow third parties to fill the gap. For the DIY users, we have access to the same APIs. I make use of scripting with Applescript on a Mac
  4. and https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005157-Compare-Evernote-subscription-plans https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005247-Evernote-system-limits Personally I could not function under the Basic plan upload limits
  5. This is a confusing request and I can't add my vote It would be better to post separate requests for each item, or add your vote to existing requests >>System you trust. Keep all the data, available everywhere. - this one of the things that I actually like. This is my objective in using Evernote (Keep all the data, available everywhere) I use Evernote to store and organize 13,000+ notes/documents >>With working(!) search imho Evernote search is one of the best features. Evernote's search feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 What issues are you having? >>As of now, search is not relevant in a lot of cases. What does this mean? I search notes for tag:aaaa and I get all notes with tag:aaaa >>Tasks/todo list - there are much better apps Dedicated Todo apps provide more features I'm able to use Evernote's generic features for basic task management >>Editor you can use with pleasure to add new content ... Proper Distraction free editor There are many requests for the free editor provided by Evernote - add more features - remove features; distraction free I use the editor for basic notes; and alternate editors when I need different features >>PDF Viewer - try to read 300 pages book I store and view pdfs in Evernote. I suspect the viewer makes use of OS elements and is not internal to Evernote Evernote is not my choice to read a 300 page book >>Just try to create a few notes on the iPad with external keyboard without tapping the screen Also just try to create a few notes on the Mac with external keyboard. Screen tapping is completely useless Personally I make much use of the touch screen on iPad. I don't use an external keyboard much, but I suppose it's useful for extensive typing
  6. I agree with "personal information manager" but question "low-end" and "inexpensive" (ok, the apps are free) Evernote itself is a generic filing cabinet, but incorporates extensive data retrieval features with notebook/tags, search, ocr, ... On top of that, Evernote provides APIs that allow access to our data for the third party "add-on" I use the Applescript APIs (Mac) to supplement the Evernote features with scripting I'm still struggling to understand "Collaborative Sensemaking" with my data
  7. It looks like Evernote tries to retrieve the web page - Bloomberg detects something unusual (robot) and launches protection This did not happen on my iPad/Mac Personally, I've encountered problems with many web sites/pages and no longer capture/view web pages in Evernote format (enml) I use: pdf, screenshots, web archive
  8. I'm trying to understand how this relates to my notes/documents stored in Evernote I think Evernote has the "retrievable" part covered. I address the "actionable" part using the Reminder feature
  9. Evernote purchased the Penultimate app, and implemented a sketch/handwriting feature I use the Notability app. I'm satisfied using external handwriting apps. I store the documents in Evernote as note attachments
  10. I send my scans to an "import" folder. This is a mac/windows folder that has been set up so new files are automatically imported, creating a note in Evernote. I posted Mac instructions here
  11. You combined this with checkboxes and checklists, but I'm just dealing with the "dependencies" list This would be a Table-of Contents note Define a search criteria, like a tag. Execute the search and generate the ToC/Dashboard note Third party Filterize has a feature to keep this list automatically updated. I use scripting on my Mac >>and having the dependencies list checkboxes where they were referenced, updated automatically I'd have trouble to automate checkbox update, but it would be easy to have open/done sections
  12. The Windows/Mac platforms handle this so perfectly, and completely transparent to the user The mobile platforms handle this so poorly I'm working on an iPad; I suspect the steps are not do-able in Android Export/Copy/Share the pdf to the external app for editing Save the updated pdf to the device file system In the Evernote note; delete the old pdf and replace with the updated pdf (drag and drop)
  13. I'm confident I "own my data" even when it's hosted by Evernote btw My sensitive data is encrypted Full database end-to-end encryption would be a better solution >>syncing to WebDav for backup purposes ... accessible outside of evernote I have automated backups using Evernote's export feature (html format) ensuring a full data copy housed on my "private cloud"
  14. I'm not aware of any auto tag/notebook feature offered by Evernote. My work-around is scripting on a Mac. Auto tag/notebook Is also a feature of third party Filterize
  15. Just to be clear, you're posting in a user discussion forum We're all users, trying to help each other To contact Evernote Support, use - All Accounts: Twitter @evernotehelps - Paid Accounts: https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action You might want to give a thought to data backups
  16. I can't remember all the Mac shortcuts; here's a reference https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201236 >>In Evernote, ... "⌘+Right Arrow" just jumps to the next word ... and "Shift+⌘+Left Arrow" also doesn't highlight the line On my Evernote/Mac, I get Command–Left Arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the current line. Command–Right Arrow: Move the insertion point to the end of the current line. Shift–Command–Left Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the beginning of the current line. Shift–Command–Right Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the end of the current line.
  17. Just call me DTLow Evernote resolved the non-printing title issue There's a request posted here for a noprint option; it hasn't generated much user support >>Until now I've regarded Evernote as a high quality text platform I'm not sure what "high quality text platform" means I consider Evernote a high quality platform for the storage and organization of my notes/documents Evernote provides a note editor; the format is enml/html This is a digital tool, with only basic print features
  18. I can't help with completely disappeared. Just curious as to your device/platform and offline/online?
  19. I merged your posts for this topic. Please don't cross-post
  20. Just tested on my Mac; by default, the only metadata printed with the note is note title There is a "print headers" option that prints more metadata All the tags print; but there are missing metadata elements >>Printing so one can work with paper is actually more efficient than relying on digital screens, believe it or not efficient??? I'm not into printing; I prefer working paperless fwiw I append a copy of metadata to the note contents using an applescript (Mac) - "all the working elements" This will print with the note
  21. The Scannable app has extended features; the main point for me is pdf format >>I use ScannerPro which offers more options than Scannable. Such as? I see OCR; I'm relying on Evernote's OCR/Search feature
  22. I moved your request to the Feature Request forum imho The focus in this product is Notes. It's in the name A New Note button is required I guess they could add a New Notebook button; and a New Tag button, and .... I'm not a big notebook user; On my Mac, I access the Notebook page for functions like New Notebook It's also an option in the File menu
  23. My guess is that you logged in with a different userid Your 5 years of notes are sitting there under the old userid
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