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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Which device/platform? How did you "delete one account" Deleting notes will move them to the trash - they are available for retrieval
  2. The contact for Evernote support is https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action For issues using this web page, see https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  3. I merged your two discussions for this topic Evernote is a generic digital filing service; storing and organizing (computer) document/files The target market is anyone with a collection of document files; which is basically anyone with a personal computer, tablet or smart phone. Evernote provides a note editor; another target market is anyone who wants to create content However files of any format can be stored; images, pdfs, word processing, spreadsheets, ... Evernote supports document sharing; this is another target market >>Is it more targeting business professionals or other users? Evernote is attempting to move into the business market. I don't know how successful this is; the 200 million plus user-base is mostly non-business
  4. Please provide specific details; like a screenshot of the search and the note >>It appears to depend on how you are connected. WiFi is particularly unreliable. If you have internet access, the search is run at the server I wouldn't expect any difference with Wifi vs Cell access Without internet access, the search is run locally. Offline notebooks provide a complete set of data.
  5. No, it's a valid request. My only concern would be a performance hit on our devices.
  6. The search indexing operates on specific rules which do not include parsing text You're welcome to add your vote to a feature request; vote buttons are at the top left corner of the discussion
  7. Which platform/device are you using? On my Mac and iPad, the single note is displayed for a Notebook, Tag or Search >> Android The discussion has been moved to the Android forum
  8. You should also revoke access to the iPhone; and change your password It's an indication that your password has been compromised A best practice is to only use your Evernote for Evernote Hackers are collecting passwords from less secure services
  9. Sorry; nothing on the Evernote side unless you have backups Can you do anything on the Outlook side?
  10. Good to hear you got it resolved For future reference, we also have access to our data on the web at www.evernote.com This is not counted in the device limit
  11. I already do a reflection, but I like the concept of a Bad/Average/Great indicator I'll borrow that for my daily journal notes >>Each card ends with a picture of a coloured square which Evernote automatically picks up as the card picture in the middle column (Evernote layout). I'll just add an icon to the note title 🔴 🟢 🔶 >>My mantra is to get some really good weeks in a year I like that. I'll work towards 🔸 days each week Cue John Denver, Some Days are Diamond
  12. No problem. It's posted and users can indicate their support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  13. For myself, I concentrate on the features I need A,B,C,D... Where do I obtain these features? I do the research, and the answer is Evernote Premium; no alternatives This is subject to constant review - next year there may be a different answer Life is more satisfying for glass half full people
  14. My dashboard note is simply an Evernote note(s) that has links to other notes for quick and easy access It's created each day from a template note For easy access, I have an entry at the top of my Shortcut section. This can be accessed with command + 1 (Mac) >>dynamic content My dynamic content is mostly manually copy/pasting screenshots I generate some content using scripting (Mac) - third party Filterize has a feature for dynamic content
  15. We allow Evernote access to our data on the servers; backup, OCR, indexing for searching >>Can you speak to that concern since you use Filterize? I trust Evernote and Filterize with access to my data ...and I encrypt my sensitive data >>DTLow - sorry, I don't understand your response. You posted "Nobody can access it but me" For this to be true, your data must be encrypted with you holding the key
  16. That's valid, but it limits the scope (I removed Notes from this discussion's title) Your method forces a dynamic notelist Also, you might use a Shortcut for easier access In which case you're not restricted to a Notebook; it could be a tag or saved search >>Each week is represented as a single note in the notebook. You might want to specify a year in the note title instead of just Week nn I have daily notes with title example 2019/12/07 Journal [2019.341 Saturday]
  17. Notes are identified by Note-Id, which is also specified in the note-link My backups (Mac, html) can be searched by Note-Id. Unfortunately this search is not possible within native Evernote - the link url and Note-Id are hidden and not indexed for searching As a solution to hidden metadata, I append a copy of the metadata to each note - the Note-Id becomes searchable. This is useful when I encounter dead links
  18. I'd want this to be optional. I use a standard for note titles, and then adjust the link text as appropriate for various notes An example is a receipt note 2019/03/20 Receipt !Vendor-Walmart !Budget-Report [Mirror] $78.87 The note is linked in my inventory note; with text Mirror $78.87
  19. imho You're using the wrong editor - it doesn't support your requirements An Evernote note can hold files of any format Chose an editor that delivers what you need ("adding rows/columns and adjusting the size of them"). For IOS, I use Apple Pages/Numbers; however I prefer doing such editing on my Mac Also, the request for IOS table fuctionality is Here. Please indicate your support using the vote button at the top left corner
  20. Sorry, I omitted the created: parameter I also removed the / delimiters from the dates - I edited the post
  21. The search feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 Date searches are complicated; for example notes created in 2018 A search for created:20180101 retrieves all notes with a date > 20180101 you have to apply a max limit created:20190101 As per @CalS, the search statement is created:20180101 -created:20190101
  22. I think the European privacy laws are stronger than US/Canada laws. For myself, I trust Evernote and Filterize with access to my data ... and I encrypt my sensitive data
  23. As a user, I want to know how to use this product/service, and that the service is ongoing I don't participate in the high-level priorities and timeline planning
  24. You can insert a link to Google calendar By definition, Evernote Notes are static. Third party Filterize has a feature to update content dynamically. I use scripting on my Mac; also simple copy/paste
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