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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. To participate in the contest, just post a screenshot of your dashboard along with a description. The discussion at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/122232-home-dashboard-contest/ is being used for this >>I've seen the contributions and read the discussion, but I still have no clue how to set up a Dashboard like the ones presented here. Check out the posts. A very basic dashboard is a note that includes links Evernote notes can get "fancy" with tables, colours, .... >>But what if I want to monitor not only particular notes, but notebooks? As far as I know it's not possible to link notebooks, is it? As noted, we can't link to notebooks. I have two work-arounds Include search parameters. For example Samples notebook:Samples The search parameters are copied/pasted to the search box Include dynamic Table of Contents, or link to a dynamic ToC note Dynamic ToC is a feature of third party Filterize; I use scripting on my Mac
  2. I drag vCards to Evernote. For viewing, use the quick view feature The vCard is a text file BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//Mac OS X 10.15.2//EN N:Aaaaaaaaa;Bbbbbbbb;;; FN:Bbbbbbbb Aaaaaaaaa EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=WORK;type=pref:cccccccccccc@hotmail.com EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=WORK:ddddddddd@hotmail.com EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=HOME:eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee@trentu.ca EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=HOME:fffffffffffffffffff item1.EMAIL;type=INTERNET:cggggggggggggggg@icloud.com item1.X-ABLabel:_$!<Other>!$_ TEL;type=CELL;type=VOICE;type=pref:+1 (226) nnn-nnnn ADR;type=WORK;type=pref:;;near Dupont and Dundas West\nnnn Edwin;Toronto;;;Canada ADR;type=HOME:;;Apt nnn\nnnn King Street;Peterborough;Ontario;K9J 7K4;Canada NOTE:\n\n BDAY:1985-09-21
  3. To force a full sync Hold the **Shift** and **Option** keys on your keyboard and click the sync wheel
  4. You found a clue - the problem is triggered by the note size I'm thinking "The email was returned to us" indicates the email was rejected by the recipients email service You can check the mail headers for details
  5. I DM'd you my email address. Try sending a note to me
  6. This link references a note stored in your Evernote account For example a link like evernote:///view/140273970/s10/eb3c....... specifies account 140273970 With shared notebooks, notes are created in the other accounts They have the same note-id, but a different account >>Is there possibly another way to send somebody a link to a document via an external app My solution would be the public share link I don't think there's a concern about unauthorized access; however there is a risk with the other party going public with the link >>the link can be opened by both of us You might post this as a feature request It should be do-able. The notes (original, share) have the same note-id
  7. The desktop platforms (Mac/Windows) support editing of the note's creation date
  8. I've merged posts requesting a note size increase To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  9. Getting further off topic; in Evernote terms, I think of a note as a container With Evernote/Mac, it's a folder in the OS file system There's also note metadata stored in a database We can store files of any format in the note container; pdfs, images, web clippings, ... Every note has a content.enml file (basically .html) - it holds the content developed using the Evernote editor plus links to file attachments
  10. I think you should win in the category of most emojis in a single note 😊 They look good You're just including tags; but full search parameters is a good idea It gets around the limitation of no links to a saved search Another work-around is dynamic Table of Content notes My dashboard is more spartan than yours. I'm comfortable with using the tag filter for less frequent selections >>Evernote also is a CRM for me Another topic Apple Contacts is my front end, but I store content in Evernote including a copy of the vCard I need to develop a script to keep the vCards current
  11. I know how to set up the automatic renewing subscription What method did you use to "cancelled my subscription"
  12. I use the email note in the share feature on my Mac Attachments are included automatically
  13. Only with self-inflicted damage. Trying to move text around, ...
  14. Were the lost notebooks Local Notebooks? If necessary, Evernote will rebuild your local database from the servers; - the rebuild doesn't include Local Notebooks >What was most curious was that the info box showed they were deleted in October, but were from a different folder. That's a clue Were these notes moved from a Sync'd notebook to a Local notebook; - the original note is deleted (trash) and a new note created
  15. That would be the sketch feature I wasn't happy using that feature for note taking One serious concern is lack of an auto-save. Work is lost if you don't manually save My solution is a third party dedicated product (Notability) I save the documents in Evernote as note attachment files
  16. My solution for corrupted data is to recover from backups I have personal backups, and as you mentioned Evernote has Note History backup It's running several times a day; for all accounts - Basic included Access to the Note History data is a paid feature, but you can subscribe for a single month.
  17. I was unable to duplicate your results Email was successfully received, with a cc to myself
  18. You should be posting feedback in the release notice at
  19. I suspect you're using Find in Note; this is a different feature that Search Notes
  20. First, identify if sharing with an Evernote user Non-Evernote user Sharing by email works; the user receives a copy of the note Sharing by url works; the user views the note in a web browser Evernote user Sharing works; the user receives a notice via Evernote chat
  21. The function you're using is to share notes with other Evernote users The note is shared via the Evernote/chat feature There's other options to share notes with non-Evernote users; email, web url
  22. I use a combined note for Dashboard, Journal, Tasks @Terminal inicated automation using Automator AppleScript & Bash My generation is via applescript on my Mac, scheduled to run at 7am each day A new note is created with title yy-dd-mm Journal .... Organized by note title, and tag !Type-Journal Yes, I have notes going back years The note is generated from a template The project/task list portion is generated from project/task notes by the script
  23. A discussion for another day. I'll leave you with
  24. How did you "deactivate" Is it possible you have a different account with pre-authorized renewal? The account you're using was created on Saturday >>Anyone else finding the whole experience of Evernote clunky and useless I find the process of using Evernote on my Mac to be straightforward and simple It's quite useful in the storage and organization of my 13,000+ notes and documents Was there anything specific that you had trouble with?
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