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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I merged your post with a similar discussion
  2. Can you post a screenshot of your search? The feature continues to work well for me
  3. I don't know which post you're responding to; the above video demonstrates a read/edit feature >>keep a tracked history of the note Evernote has a Note History backup >>Evernote keeps a few versions for premium users only. All versions from day one. All accounts >>I still think this is first and foremost a note-taking app and not a document editor The Evernote editor is a note editor. For note-taking, I use Notability on an iPad >>Please focus more on the Reminders they are way more important for productivity Evernote has a Reminders feature - What changes are you looking for?
  4. Likewise, I wait until editing is done We have the option of storing the handwriting in native format, alongside the pdf I do this with my Notability documents if there's embedded audio
  5. I don't know which post you're responding to. No one is disputing that Markdown is a valuable tool for some users >>It is unbelievable that a note-taking app doesn't have a formatting on-the-go equivalent to markdown! Well believe it - there are many editors that don't support Markdown It is unbelievable that of all the available editors, you choose to use one that doesn't support markdown - My choice is Typora (Mac). I store the .md files in Evernote as attachments
  6. I moved your discussion to the Mac forum As you posted, there are two types of note link - in-app (evernote:///view/...) - web (https://www.evernote.com/shard/s2..) I prefer to stick with the in-app link >>However when I switch to my Mac in the evening, these links then want to open on the evernote web client The web link opens in the web client It's possible to have the web link intercepted and get an in-app option I re-enabled this by deleting the Evernote cookie in my web browser
  7. I'd open Evernote to a selected view - there are various work-arounds For example: AppleScript on a Mac tell application "Evernote" to open collection window with query string "tag:!Type-Journal" launches Evernote with my dashboard notes view >>Evernote is dead, as attested to by ... Evernote is alive, as attested by ####### users This request has stalled at 64 user votes To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion God is Dead, as attested by Nietzsche Nietzsche is Dead, as attested by God
  8. I think you're referring to editing a table row Table editing is not supported in IOS
  9. No, account switching is not easy on the iPad. It's basically log out/in No, premium can not be shared between accounts
  10. When using a web browser to view a note, the components have to be downloaded This is a web standard The download is automatic for the html code, and images Other attachments, like attachments show as attachments and require a separate download
  11. When using a web browser to view a note, the components have to be downloaded The download is automatic for the html code, and images Other attachments, like attachments show as attachments and require a separate download
  12. Good bye, good luck I recommend the Notability app; a great improvement on "handwriting" I still like Evernote for storage and organization; I store the Notability documents as note attachments
  13. Thanks for for your post Scott imho Missing features is a standard practice for a beta version However it's confusing if this is the practice for public release versions
  14. I received the same email addressed to my Basic account email I did not receive a copy for my Premium account
  15. On Evernote/Mac, we can have both accounts opened at the same time; with easy switching Easy switching is not available for Evernote/IOS Personally, I only use a single account for all my work All notes are dated and tagged Using the search/filter feature, I generate different views: Journal, School, ...
  16. I use a script to locate the note folder in the database I also recommend this text replace script posted here
  17. The vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion
  18. Mac keyboard shortcuts for 2020-01-08 12:16 PM ⇧ ⌘ D Insert Date ⌥ ⇧ ⌘ D Insert Time
  19. That version option is not available to new accounts We have three choices: Previous, New Classic, New Beta Grandfathered accounts have the Classic version option
  20. On my iPad, I'm transferred in-app to the note On my Mac, I'm transferred to Evernote/web - the email link is https://www.evernote.com/shard/s10/nl/1156250/388e6294-588a-4259-bb56-489e24e37f48 edit: I deleted the evernote cookie (Mac/Safari) Web site still loads but I now get an in-app option
  21. We can explain better if you post screenshots
  22. Two dates are maintained in the note metadata: Date Created Date Updated
  23. Actually only notes with words beginning with the letter A ☹️
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