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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I use a script on my Mac to assign the note title with a standard of subject-date note-type [detail] keywords $ and reminder feature for delivery date/status - keywords are also note tags example 2020-06-08 Receipt [Pens] ?Vendor-Amazon !Budget-Office $8.98
  2. Just wondering about the reason for deleting notes I rarely delete notes; the archive candidates cause no issue and I simply leave them in place (with an !Archive tag)
  3. The majority of users (including yourself) are unwilling to pay for this You're welcome to indicate your support for this request by using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion The request currently has 79 votes
  4. What about those who don't use Nebo? My handwriting tool is Notability, Evernote has already made the integration purchase decision (Penultimate) Available to users at no charge
  5. Instead of creating a tag for each 'source' Is there really a difference?
  6. I'm old(ish) at 15K notes, and don't expect to ever get close to the 100K limit I have a second account (Basic) where notes can be archived to
  7. Not a Shell/Command Line, but on a Mac we have the Evernote Helper in the top menu bar
  8. OCR wasn't mentioned by the OP, but it is an important point Unlike images, PDF format can store OCR data >>If the OCR is done by EN on the server, it does only exist while the pdf is in EN. Good point, Evernote does not update the PDF with the OCR data The data is stored in a hidden text file for search indexing
  9. I'm using version 8.24.5 (370551) Be aware that negation of the Stack (or Notebook) parameter is not supported also IOS searches are performed at the server if there is an internet connection todo:false and todo:true are working for me Also working when combined with a stack parameter Do you have specific examples where this is not working correctly?
  10. The question of "foundational" can be debated I see a benefit of Evernote dividing functionality instead of having a single bloated app
  11. 2.28GB is much too high Have you quit and restarted the app lately I've only experienced that issue on a data import
  12. My method is to generate the ToC, but then replace every link with the public share URL for each note
  13. Merged with an ongoing discussion
  14. I posted some Applescript basics at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/112316-scripting-on-a-mac-applescript/ Here"s the basic script ExtractSelection.scpt and addresses the following steps Instructions to the Evernote app tell application "Evernote" activate Save the original note and the selected text (replace the selected text with [Holder] set theOriginalNote to item 1 of (get selection) tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using {command down} delay 1 set selectedText to the clipboard tell application "System Events" to keystroke "[Holder]" delay 1 Get the title for the new note set theTitle to item 1 of (paragraphs of selectedText) set theTitle to (text returned of (display dialog "Title" default answer theTitle)) Create the new note, get the link set theNewNote to create note title theTitle with text selectedText set theLink to note link of theNewNote as text set theLinkHTML to "<a href=\"" & theLink & "\">" & theTitle & "</a>" Back to the original note, replace [Holder] with the link delay 1 set theHTMLCode to HTML content of theOriginalNote set theHTMLCode to my Replace_Text(theHTMLCode, "[Holder]", theLinkHTML) set HTML content of theOriginalNote to theHTMLCode
  15. This would be useful - I upvoted fwiw I can script this on my Mac (Applescript) I'd also insert a back-link in the new note edit: Here's my use case for this feature I type entries throughout the day in my daily journal note At the end of the day review, I need to move the entries to a separate note - tags, reminder etc
  16. Discussion have been merged Are we all using version 7.14 (458244 Direct)
  17. Your deleted notes can be restored from the Trash To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion. The request currently has 0 votes
  18. To contact Evernote Support, open a ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action Does the Activity Log indicate any errors?
  19. Evernote's note format is enml (basically html) With your use, what happens to the Typora markdown format?
  20. Typora is a markdown editor, creating .md files I store/organize these .md files in Evernote as note attachments I also export and store a pdf version in the same note The pdf can be viewed inline, and is searchable >>1. Export html, assuming the name is export.html; 2. Start an nginx locally, a simple command under mac: brew service start nginx Why do I need nginx? I have an html file and can open it in my web browser (Safari)
  21. Evernote limits are documented here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005247-Evernote-system-limits No limit on notes per notebook I roll with a basically single notebook; 15k+ Notesj
  22. I added a link for Android https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314548-How-to-add-handwriting-to-notes-on-Android-devices I'm guessing it works the same Note; this is not core Evernote I'ts a supplementary function that inserts an attachment into the note; something like an image
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