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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I think that ScanSnap Manager relied on the ability to to use import folders doing something in the background with that function. So I'm not hopeful that SSM will work with EN v10. Apart from anything else it will be searching for Evernote in the old installation folder rather than where EN 10 resides. Interestingly I received an update to SSM this week. v7.0L30. According to the readme it is designed to 'fix vlunerabilities'. No mention of Evernote. All on Windows 10.
  2. At the moment the only option is to revert to the old legacy version of the program. We have no idea whether the ability to change the location of the data files will be restored but I can guarantee it won't happen quickly. Anyone with both versions of the program installed should probably uninstall both and then reinstall the so-called legacy version. Be sure, first of all, that any local folders in v6.25 have been exported so that they can be restored. Equally make a note of all the personal settings changes so that they can be restored.
  3. The instructions on moving to version 10.x do say that local notebooks are not supported. You need to export them first before making the switch. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005107-Convert-local-notebooks Fortunately, the v10 installation does not delete the complete file structure of the original legacy version of Evernote. So, if all goes well for you you should be able to return to the way things were and recover your local notes by reinstalling the legacy version... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314?fbclid=IwAR2TNqp-eGRH3Ds8Vfu-CiKPjYolJzZ_keR9eWQaDahJ2GN-7hwn595zI8w&__s=bsetfdgzirbvqtopurph I wish you well and hope this is successful.
  4. To be fair, the old Outlook clipper hasn't been supported for sometime. So, as I understand, anyone who upgraded their Office software regularly will have lost the old clipper. EN v10 has, sadly, made that situation real for everyone which obviously isn't useful but I recall users complaining awhile back before the EN Previews/Betas/v10 about problems with the clipper ceasing to work. As we hear too often, stick with the legacy version if this is essential to your workflow. Sorry no hope.
  5. I use Thunderbird for Email. Its great strength is that it is open to developer applications and add-ons. Its great weakness is that same thing. There is a Forward to Evernote add-on which work well but is, in reality, a shortcut to Emailing to an Evernote Email address. I think I once worked with a friend to create a macro to do the same thing in Outlook. But, of course, this is only useful for Premium users who get the Email address for forwarding to Evernote.
  6. @SCouch Stacks are created in the Notebook list. Click the Notebook label in the black background sidebar or Ctrl+Alt+2. Locate a note book you wish to place in a new stack. Click the three dots option at the end of the line with that Notebook then Add to stack | New Stack
  7. @kirkinalamo My apologies, I was addressing the specific issue that the op @Bamsicle raised in this thread so I can't say whether your issue which seems a little different might be assisted by my suggestion. By install 'over the top' I meant: Download the installer from the Evernote website - https://evernote.com/download Close/Quit Evernote v10 if you have it running Run the installer your just downloaded - it will install on top of / in place of your existing v10 installation Run the program by clicking on the desktop icon. Since you were having blank screen issues it is possible that installing on top of the exisiting program may not be sufficient. You might try completely uninstalling and deleting the whole v10 program. I find an uninstaller called Revo Uninstall to be effective. Then reinstall v10 again. Uninstalling v10 doesn't affect your data in the cloud so the legacy version will sync up without a problem. But you might just decide to stick with the legacy application which will avoid you having to struggle with these issues until it is more developed.
  8. @tommyslaw FWIW, Adobe Acrobat tells me that the pdf you shared isn't "a supported file type or is corrupted".
  9. The Outlook add-in does not exist in version 10.x and onwards. There is no indication that it will return in the future but who knows for sure. The legacy version from Evernote may or may not include the Outlook add-in. You could go to the last main release version by downloading it from a service like FileHippo and that will include whatever add-ins were previously available on the desktop application.
  10. This issue arises from time to time. The solution is usually to download the latest version (10.3.7) from the Evernote website and install it over the top of your current version. This almost always fixes this issue where updates don't 'take'. If you don't do this you will continue to get the new version installing message every day - possibly forever...
  11. You might want to re-post in the Evernote for Business forums since this is for the regular version of EN v10
  12. I don't think that this is a common issue. I've heard of one person with a slightly similar experience but most, I think, are able to view PDFs in v10. You may want to try raising a support ticket and in the meantime stick with the legacy application.
  13. It may not be Evernote. I used to use AVG and it was not unusual for a virus database update to break a program I'd been using for sometime. It was one of the reasons I switched to the program I now use. Have you raised it with AVG as an issue?
  14. For those working in languages different to their PC system language I fear that the only solution in the short to mid-term is to stick version 6.25 otherwise known as the legacy version.
  15. The note printing in Evernote 10.x is very poor. Pagination is non-existent. If you need to print then, as @gazumped says, stick with the legacy version. You can have both installed alongside one another. I switch between them both to ensure I can work effectively.
  16. I haven't seen this. Sorry for you to be experiencing such an irritation. I don't think that this is common. In case you haven't tried, you would probably do well to reboot your PC. If that doesn't work I'd download the program from the Evernote website and reinstall it on top of the existing configuration. That might fix it for you. If not you could try uninstalling 10.3.7 and then making a clean install and see if that works.
  17. Auto start-up is easy enough to do for oneself. Copy the shortcut for the program to C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup Once the promised options reappear perhaps this method will be unnecessary. I agree that the system tray icon options are unhelpful. But I know that during the beta process the scratchpad idea was liked by some. Personally, I'd move the scratchpad to a right-click option and leave the opening of the program to left-click as it was previously. Apart from anything else the scratchpad creates a note in the default notebook so I have to open the full program and move it to a better location, add tags etc. I might just as well open a new note in the program and go from there.
  18. Sadly, mine have not resolved with v10.3.6 Almost immediately after the update arrived I conducted a search. I clicked on the first of the notes in the results and it was blank. Thereafter all the notes were blank. Quit/Restart enabled access to the note content.
  19. The rendering of HTML content in version 10.x is much less amenable to editing and tidying up thanthe legacy version 6.25 Here's an example... I regularly forward Email receipts to Evernote where I keep my accounting receipts for the accountant. It works well. However, often Email receipts contain lots of extra stuff which isn't necessary to retain so I have a habit of tidying them up to keep what is essential. Here is an example of a receipt for the post office as it arrived in the legacy. It displays tidily but I decided to remove the series of QR codes which allow me to despatch the items etc. Not needed for accounting records. Looking in Evernote 10.3 it looks like this... The note is displayed with two HTML blocks. To edit I have to simplify the formatting but this breaks lots of the display and makes the whole thing untidy and less convincing as a receipt. However, if I make the edits in v6.25 I can easily remove the unecessary stuff with the added benefit that when I view the final result in v10.3 the HTML blocks have all been combined and everything looks neat and tidy. So I have to edit HTML content in the legacy version to keep it tidy...
  20. I don't have the update yet but my reading of the releae notes is that the numbering in the sidebar is off by default. Turn it on in the View menu...
  21. Sorry to hear that. It works just fine for me. Open l;eads to the PDF opening in the Windows default PDF application - in my case Adobe Acrobat. When I close it it is saved back into Evernote with any highlights, changes etc retained.
  22. I wonder if @jmsmall, @Bubblewrap and @Hads are using the Scansnap Home software or the original ScanSnap Manager product? I've continued to use the ScanSnap Manager software. To get that working with EN v10 I've had to implement a process using Zapier and Dropbox. I can scan into the nominated folder on Dropbox and Zapier then passes it over to Evernote depositing it in the Notebook I've nominated for scans to arrive in. Actually, since I still have the legacy version installed, mostly I carry on with the old approach and scan to Evernote (which uses the old Import Folder function in the background). I'd like to hope Import Folders will return (although I'm not very hopeful). In that case ScanSnap Manager will carry on doing what I need.
  23. If you switch to 'All Pages' then thye scrolling keeps on going down to the end of the PDF. But, as @Tappu notes, this also means that the whole PDF is displayed...
  24. I think that this move has been very badly communicated. Use of terms like upgrade and even update mislead users into thinking this is a move forward. The truth is that it is a rebuild and it is evident that it is going to be some time before v10 gets back to the range of options/functions that were in v6.25. In fact I doubt that all the things that were present before will reappear. That said, I already have some missing things back so there is hope and we are promised that the javascript/Electron development will enable faster attention to new or reintroduced options. So I look forward to seeing how this goes. I'm told version 10.3 is coming soon.
  25. This is a new feature. The scratchpad is liked by some and not by others. For me, the scratchpad would be better as a right click and the standard left click should open the program as it has always done. As it it is right click the icon and scroll to open Evernote then click.
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