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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. There is an issue identified in the Beta (10.2) when a screen clipping created through the web clipper is annotated. Then the content of the annotated note disappears. Steps to reproduce... Kudos to @Pacherl I'm suspecting that the merging of the two notes is triggering the same result.
  2. Just to say, I've had confirmation from two sources at EN that this issue is being worked on. It is a bug and will be fixed as soon as there is a solution....
  3. Isn't that curious... Perhaps it is on its way - either out or returning. The official documentation says it doesn't exist in v 10
  4. Ctrl+Alt+T has gone from Evernote 10 Would the new Ctrl+Alt+3 work for you? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004807
  5. Given the issue which is probably caused by a troublesome note, I think I would make the changes in the old, legacy version of the software. 1. Close/Quit Evernote version 10 2. In the legacy version 6.25 create a set of online notebooks that mirror your local notebooks 3. Move the notes to the new folders or, if you prefer, copy the notes to the new folders 4. Wait until the sync is complete or force a sync 5. Open Evernote 10.x.x and the new copies of what were your local notes should have appeared. Of course, you cannot import the notes to EN10 as local notes since these are not supprted in the new version which is an issue for many who use local notebooks.
  6. I infrequently use text encryption inside a note. Probably no more than a couple of times per year. Today I started a new note and typed in some text in a bulleted list. I highlighted the lext and right click and the option to encrypt the text is not displayed. If I removed the bullets and repeat the process then it is possible to encrypt. A bit more testing reveals that I can encrypt a single bulleted item but the option disappears when a second bullet point is added. 😣
  7. I just set a reminder for a note using v10.1.7 and noticed that the options are fixed at date plus a time at the hour and half-hour. In the legacy 6.25 world I can set a reminder down to the second. Today I wanted to set a note to remind me 5 minutes prior to a meeting that I have scheduled at 9.15am. In version 10.1.7 My options are to have the reminder at 9am or 9.30am. In version 6.25 I was able to set the reminder for precisely 9.10am. Ironically, that time then appears in version 10.1.x Given that many folk use diary/calendar blocks of 15 minutes it would seem to be valuable to at least have reminders offering 15 minute blocks of time. Could we at least have that if not the complete flexibility of the legacy version?
  8. No significant change yet other than the ability to edit the creation date and click a link to the embedded URL... Hardly worth rushing to dip any toes in the water. But you can run 10.x and 6.25 on the same machine at the same time. I have both here which gives me the chance to monitor the developments in v10 and remain full productive in v6.25
  9. @weemaple You don't say which eversion of Evernote or OS that you're using. If you've upgraded to the new version 10.x.x release of Evernote then you will have experienced the new world that @pwwroa indicates. ScanSnap scanning in the new version requires you to move to the ScanSnap Home software. "SendTo" isn't supported in version 10.x either. If these are a key part of your workflow then you should roll back to the legacy version of Evernote.
  10. I gdet European format. I think the format chosen is taken from the PC system settings.
  11. THis has been an issue since the Beta releases. Once it hapens my only solution has been to Quit the program (right click on the icon in the task bar - Quit Evernote) and then relaunch. Of course you could reboot the PC too
  12. I suspect that the 10.1 changes are all minor fixes. So the release notes that are in the Release Notes section of the new versions have not changed. That said, I can see @Richard LC, that this will not help you. When the 10.1.x version was released there were some general announcements of what had changed and what was coming. I thought that I saw something in the Forums but I can't find the announcement now (Here it is...
  13. You show that you are using an old beta 6.19 I'm not sure if this will work with that version. The current version is 10.1.7. In that version, double click the Notebook label in the left hand sidebar column and the Notebooks window will be displayed. Alongside the stacks (which should appear at the top of the list) is a three dot menu option. Click that and one of the options included is Rename Stack.
  14. Internal Links work for me BUT they are more tedious than previously. I click the Internal Link and it opens a dialogue with the note link displayed. Then I have to click on that to jump to the note inside the desktop application.
  15. There are several threads which deal with this. You can still create TsOCs. The only missing piece is the menu item. Select the various notes you want to have in the table of contents in the order you would like them to appear in your ToC document. Select Copy Internal Links and then paste these into the document where you want the ToC to appear.
  16. I seem to recall that the beta testers prferred the new approach which is possibly why it doesn't work the old way any longer. It might depend on a good number of votes supporting your preference
  17. Really grateful to those who can also reproduce this issue... I was beginning to think I was going crazy! Well I may be but at least not with this issue... @gbarry
  18. This is an issue that appeared after receiving the v10.1 update. Now once the program is running I can click on the taskbar icon and it opens back to where I was last focused. However, if I, instead, double click a desktop icon or launch from the start menu (and the program is already running) it opens on a window inside the program headed SHARED WITH ME rather than the notebook I was previously inside. Apart from being immensely frustrating I suspect that it isn't common otherwise I'm sure there would be lots of comments reporting it or similar. I've tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling but still get this issue. Anyone any insight or suggestions. Steps to reproduce. 1. Start Evernote 10.1.x and access your desired notebook. 2. Minimise the program. 3. Double click the desktop icon or open from the start menu. 4. EN opens and jumps onto Shared With Me list. 5. Reselect the working notebook. 6. Minimise EN 7. Open the program by clicking on the taskbar icon and return to the working notebook.
  19. Whilst trying to resolve a separate issue I discovered that Evernote 10 was displaying a couple of items in the Shared With Me window accessed from the left hand black menu column. These seem to be left over items from earlier Work Chats. One relates to a notebook shared with me and the other a single note I shared with a colleague. Clearing out all the old work chats also cleared the Shared With Me in Evernote 6.25 However, these items remain listed in Evernote 10.1.16 I don't even have access to the notebook that was shared with me. If I click that item I just get, correctly, an error message that I don't have any rights to access that notebook. The single note does open even though I have long ago deleted it from my notes. So I presume it is being recovered from the cloud in some way. Anyone any idea of how to get rid of these artefacts? EN 6.25 is nicely clear.
  20. 10.1.4 was very unpredictable in terms of automatic roll-out. I, and many others, had to by-pass the auto process and download it from the website and install manually. 10.1.7 arrived automagically yesterday.
  21. Well here's a thing... I decided to give up waiting and did, as others have done, and downloaded v10.1 from the website. I also noticed that the site also points to the Microsfot app store as an option. I started there. 10.1.6 installed and opened without any problem. BUT v10.0 was still present on my PC as a separate installation. So now I can open v6.25, 10.0 and 10.1 alongside one another I decided to stick with the desktop application. So ran the upgrade program and 10.0 became 10.1. Now once the program is running I can click on the taskbar icon and it opens back to where I was last focused. However, if I, instead, double click a desktop icon or launch from the start menu (and the program is already running) it opens on a window inside the program headed SHARED WITH ME rather than the notebook I was previously inside. That seems to be an oddity... Anyone else tried this? Experienced this? @gbarry @Austin G
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