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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. There are a very few additional Premium features in or coming to Evernote 10. For example there are more options for configuring the new Home dashboard. There are also some features in beta that I'm not able to comment on. Again Basic users will get a basic function and Premium will, I believe, see some enhanced options. Otherwise, I'd not advise a complete switch to version 10. I'm using it for 85% of my workflow. But there are a few things that the legacy still does or does better.
  2. Yes, 10.7.2 is a general release for all users with suitable devices. That means that beta features will not be present. But Home is promised soon so perhaps 10.8 will see that feature for everyone.
  3. Since the most recent update to Evernote 10 (v10.10.5) I've been experiencing intermittent issues with merging notes. Occasionally all is well but more often than not the notes are not merged. Evernote 10 claims they are but they are not. The first note in the pair being merged is updated but the second note does not merge. Occasionally the notes merge OK but the two original notes remain in the notebook. (I'm aware that there is and advanced setting to Keep the Original Notes but that is not selected). Anyone else experiencing this or similar?
  4. Normally %AppData% is c:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming and %LocalAppData% is c:\Users\yourname\AppData\local If you copy and paste the two paths I gave into File Explorer it should take you directly to the directories concerned. The reason for using these %% paths is to overcome any tweaks you might have created in your installation and avoid the need to guess yourname on your PC. But you do need to delete the directories otherwise reinstalling just uses the old data and will continue to reproduce the error. If you get stuck and would like some advice while you do the task, I could look over your shoulder with a Zoom conversation. I'm in the UK so I suspect on a time zone close to you. Send me a PM if you'd like help.
  5. @pkb https://evernote.com/contact and choose additional support options. Just checking that you deleted the directories when you did the uninstall.
  6. The roll out of a release depends upon two things. 1. The version of Android and device in question. 2. The release schedule that the Google Play Store implements. I got version 10.7 today 7 April 2021 but it was released 7 days ago. If you have version 10.6 then you can expect 10.7 soon when Play Store sends it your direction.
  7. OK. Thanks for the explanation. I just tried this in my installation and it works just as expected. I can right click in the body of the PDF and select OPEN. This opens in the default PDF viewer on my computer (I use Acrobat). I can click the three dot menu icon '...' in the title bar and select OPEN and that does the same thing. SImilarly I can save to my desktop following the same steps but choosing SAVE AS rather than OPEN. I can also drag the PDF from Evernote to the desktop. Does that work for you? I think I would try a complete uninstall. Close Evernote. Uninstall and be sure to also delete the data and program directories to ensure that you are starting with a clean installation. You'll find these at %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote The main issue with uninstalling is that any settings you've personalised will be lost and you'll have to do them again but my experience is that this can be the best way to resolving an issue like this. If this fails, you should take advantage of your Premium status and raise a support ticket.
  8. Sometimes attachments lose the file suffix .pdf .docx and so on. Check the file name if it doesn't have the suffix then right click, rename and add the suffix. I noticed that you mention the Web EN. These are the Windows forums so I'm not sure if this is as much of an issue in the web version. Maybe ask over in that forum where there maybe others who are more familiar with web.
  9. @John in Michigan USA I'm not sure I would describe the journey with Evernote 10 as delightful but there have been some pleasant spaces alongside the furstrations. That said it has been delightful to see the issues being fixed gradually but consitently
  10. THese are the Windows forums. If you look in the Android app swection you'll see that a number of users have successfully rolled back to the old Android application.
  11. Have you tried viewing inside the web browser version of Evernote? You'll have to use a laptop or desktop computer. If the note looks the same in the web view then it is possible that the only way to fix this would be to subscribe as a Premium user for one month. Premium accounts have the ability to see a note history and to revert to an earlier version. I would be more concerned about how the change occurred. Does this content look like something you have access on your phone? If so I'd be happy that you might have managed to replace the note text by some finger or pocket trouble. If this is something you have never seen before, do you share your phone with a family member? Otherwise I'd advise you to change your Evernote password.
  12. The Chrome and Webview stuff is an Android requirement - nothing to do with Evernote. With Android you have to have Chrome and Webview installed even if you choose not to use them. If you prevent them updating then you will, from time to time, get this error and not just with Evernote. It is likely to affect other applications.
  13. Could this be your default notebook from the original installation? Click the ... at the end of the notebook that should be your default notebook from now on. Choose Set as default notebook. You should then be able to delete notebook now named 'I want to be deleted'. Alternatively rename it to something useful such as Inbox or Default and leave it as the default notebook that Evernote will use when importing external resources etc.
  14. The Windows is not responding - Relaunch dialogue is part of the attempt to trap the Windows blank note problem that has been around for a long time. I get the relaunch/wait dialogue once per day in the morning fairly soon after I've started work for the day. Change note focus and the error pops up. I think that it was added to avoid having the blank note and leaving users uncertain how to proceed (It required a Quit/Restart). If this is happening for you EVERY time you try to paste into a note then that is unusual. Once or twice a day might not be so. I'd recommend a Support Ticket to add your weight to the fix for this issue.
  15. I'd agree with @Mike P. I've occasionally experienced the issue you describe although I just tested with four or five PDF's and none gave a problem with extra spaces. What is very common is that the pasted text has line breaks where they would fall in the PDF. This is entirely a function of the copy from the PDF. Mike suggests a note editor. I do the tidying in Word where I created a macro which does all the tidying up for me. First it replaces all paragraph breaks with @@ then it replaces all the line breaks with a space character and then goes back and replaces @@ with a paragraph break (double carriage return). Copy and paste the text into the note. Alternatively just attach the PDF into the note and work with it from there as and when you need it.
  16. The blue + symbol is focus dependent. Open a note and click inside the note at the point you might make an edit. The + symbol should appear. Click in the snippet/card view column and the symbol will disapear.
  17. I'm going to suggest that you were able to download the application but not able to run the installer... You don't say which version of the Evernote installer you are trying. Whichever, then try the alternative option. If you have downloaded the installer from the evernote.com website then instead try getting it through the Microsoft store. Likewise if you are having this issue via the Store then try the direct download from evernote.com Also, be sure that your data and program directories have been deleted. This error could represent a corrupted file/folder. In file explorer delete %AppData%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote After this try reinstalling.
  18. Really, nothing is broken. Just stick with the legacy version which has all the features you'll need until v10 supports your workflow. Only then make the switch. Or use both in parallel - that's what I'm doing. I can use legacy for the few things that aren't yet available in v10 and the new version to become increasingly familiar with new workflows.
  19. Hi @pkb I'm not absolutely clear how to reproduce the issues that you describe. I think, though, that they may be two different issues. I'll take them is reverse order if I may. If you open any document that is attached to a note the way to save the changes back into the note is quite limited. Make the changes, then press save, and only then close the note. If you choose, instead, to close the note and save the changes at the same time the document will be saved outside Evernote. If you can describe how you are creating and attaching the PDFs to a note then that might give a clue. For sure, if you scan into Evernote or use sendto or drag onto the Evernote shortcut then there is a known issue which drops the file suffix. THis make it difficult to open the document from inside Evernote. Take a look at the file name at the top of the PDF. Does it have the PDF suffix? If not then this could be your issue. Right click on the PDF inside Evernote and rename to add the suffix. Otherwise, please tell us how we can try out reproducing your issue and I'll give it a go and see what results.
  20. I didn't have this issue previously but it is present with Evernote 10.6 on Android 11 with Google keyboard (default on my device).
  21. You pose a question to which, I guess, you already know the answer. No they don't. You could go through the process of getting the previous version from an apk repository such as apkmirror. Uninstall v10, install the old version and be sure to turn off auto updates for that version. I kept the old version before the upgrade arrived knowing the challenges that iOS users had experienced but I haven't felt the need to revert as yet. Personally, I'm not experiencing anything significant in therms of issues with the Android release. It is a tad slow when I start up at the beginning of my day but thereafter it flies along. I can do all the things I need and I can see that some of the nice to haves are appearing (eg being able to to place a shortcut to a specific note on the phone screen). I'm also aware of some nice additions that are coming along but others will, perhaps rightly, complain that things that haven't been fixed should be tackled before new features. v10 certainly isn't a completed work but the old version was pretty challenging at times too. I'm more than content with where we are and seem to be heading. But if the current version was getting in the way of my work then I'd revert via apkmirror as described.
  22. You're in the right place just here. Just vote this topic up at the top of the page.
  23. That's the best option. Disconnect all the devices shown and then reopen and you will get the first two devices permitted.
  24. My experience too. It isn't a shortcut I think I have ever used. One additional 'failure'. I took text from a PDF and tried the action with the results @Mike P reports. As a shortcut, I then opened a blank document in Word and pasted the PDF content there. I then highlighted and copied that Word document to the clipboard and the alt+ctrl+V option still did not work. I made an edit in the text inside Word and repeated the process. THis then functioned as described.
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