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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I really couldn't say. For sure it isn't as simple as saying get a better spec computer although that might help. A lot of what happens in v10 is via a live connection to the servers. So your Internet connection will have some impact. So that means the full gamut of speed, VPN, firewall, cacheing at your provider etc etc. might also have an impact. I wish I knew why some users are doing just fine (like me) and others have a really poor experience in relation to speed. I guess expectation is also part of it along with my method of working and what I am trying to achieve. As @CalS says, you've nothing to lose by trying v10. The installation process will disable the so-called legacy version but you can easily reinstall and switch back if that is your ultimate preference. All you lose are the new bells and whistles.
  2. I have pretty much moved to version 10. For me, the biggest flaw continues to be Printing. However, these days I rarely print from Evernote having moved to be as paperless as possible. I have no memory issues and no significant lag. Some things take longer to process because v10 syncs in real time whereas Legacy syncs every 5 minutes in the background. The biggest challenge for me is that I've had to change some of my work flows. Once I recognised that this is a new program and I needed to work with the new ways of doing things I was able to relax into working somewhat differently.
  3. Great that you have a resolution Shared notes/notebooks add additional complexity. The change could have been the result of an action (deliberate or not) in any of the accounts with which the note was shared.
  4. Just open the note which contains the tasks. You can add that to your shortcuts or place it in the home widget. Indeed you could make the home widget wider if you need more width.
  5. This option was always a simple way to do what we used to do with Windows in the old days and create the shortcuts manually. The inability to launch minimised was something I found marginally annoying but I've become used to Evernote opening automatically but not minimised. Actually it is only an occasional issue since I mostly use Sleep mode which remembers that Evernote was minimised. I presume that this is an issue with the new development framework. In the same way that the SENDTO link is now automatically installed I would imagine that it would be low hanging fruit to provide a STARTUP option. In the meantime create your own by putting a shortcut to evernote.exe in %appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Start-up
  6. By 'Open In' do you mean to open an attached file - for example a PDF - in a choice of alternative applications? I certainly have an Open menu which, when used, opens the document in the associated program. So PDFs open in Acrobat, Word docs in Word etc. But maybe that's not what you are wanting. In Windows Legacy there is an 'Open With' option which listed alternative applications to select from. For sure that isn't present in version 10. For encrypted PDFs, on the very few times I use them, I am content to open the document in Acrobat and work from there and I have a simple workaround for the Import folder not emptying on import. This is all to note that these issues are mighty frustrating if you require your previous workflow to continue with the new application. In truth, I don't think that's going to be a positive way forward long term. At least you have the Legacy app for however long it continues to work - probably until the operating system gets an update which Legacy doesn't play nicely with. Sadly, once that happens, the only option will most likely be to adapt your workflow or move on to a different application.
  7. I'm not sure I am following what is being attempted. I copy text to the clipboard, paste it into a note and I get just the text that I would expect. No additional carriage returns. Perhaps I am not doing exactly what you are doing. The original poster raised this several months ago on an older version of the desktop application. I can see that @PeeGee is using v10.21.5 but with the Windows store version. I have the direct download version so that is the only difference . Can you describe in simple steps how I could reproduce the issue? I don't doubt it exists but cannot reproduce anything.
  8. I'm not troubled by the narrow margins - this isn't a Word Processor but I do expect that the text will be intact. The top and bottom lines on each page are almost always cut in half when printed. I always export to PDF and then print from the PDF which mostly does an OK job.
  9. I admire your efforts to keep promoting the use of the Shift key to change capitalisation @Paul A.. I hope you're not holding your breath. There's nothing in 10.17 for you
  10. There was a time a few months back when Evernote imposed some additional checking of incoming Email to the Evernote address. Messages I was forwarding were not arriving. I opened a ticket and someone added my domain to some sort of permissions list or so forth and mail started flowing again. Perhaps, as @PinkElephant suggests, a support ticket is the way forward.
  11. I'm not a good test in that the v10 apps always seem to work just fine. The Play Store updates are variable in how quickly they arrive. 10.17 came within the hour of the announcement. 10.16, by contrast, took nearly two weeks to become available. I understand the desire not to uninstall and reinstall but that MIGHT just be the fix you need for the default notebook issue.
  12. I have a vague and distant memory that the Spark Email link was a feature developed by Spark rather than Evernote. You may find that this is an issue that Spark would need to address so that its add-on works with Evernote v10.
  13. If you are annotating your PDF in Acrobat after importing into Evernote then you might have success saving your work by clicking the Save button before closing the file. In the past clicking the close option and then saying yes to saving would save the PDF to a new file outside Evernote. So it would appear that the changes were lost. Save and then close kept everything inside the Evernote attachment. The latest versions of Evernote seen to have fixed this for me but you might try this...
  14. I'm delighted but I have no such menu in v10.21.5 How did you find it?
  15. After an upgrade it can sometimes beneficial to Sign Out, select remove data and then log back in to rebuild your account.
  16. Evernote 10 displays all HTML sourced content in a code block. It seems to depend on the original content, and how it was put into Evernote. In addition to the resolution you've identified, you could also run the Legacy version of the program which allows editing of HTML code with less restriction.
  17. Yes, definitely changed but, now, broken for me in that I'm a Sunday person for starting my weeks and I've been moved to a Monday start. I have, at least, kept the 24hr clock which is my preference Thankfully, the sun will still shine tomorrow and I can manage to choose the date correctly regardless of where the column fo Sunday appears in the date picker.
  18. In the three dot menu select Print or Ctrl+P. However, printing is much more likely to generate the issue to which you refer. I was hoping that's what you were doing since I haven't. yet, had a problem with the Export as PDF As for paying, I guess if you want tech support that's what you pay for...
  19. I seem to be able to switch between Timeline and List and the setting sticks for me. Given that it works for some, this is probably appropriate to raise as a support ticket. The calendar format as 12-hour clock and week start on a Sunday may be something more personal. I recall during the beta test phase the day of the week for a calendar to start was raised and the majority preferred a Sunday start which was then chosen - possibly the preference of the English-speaking world 😉. On my Android device (Since these are the Android forums) the time selection is the clock face wheel and mine shows as 24-hour clock. (FWIW I also have 24 hour clock in the Windows desktop app too...)
  20. I create lists with check boxes by first typing the whole list then highlight the list and go to the blue + button and choose checkbox. The whole list will then start with check boxes. But you can still expect the boxes to be converted to a list if you make an edit to the list so the extra space at the start of the line prevents that. I use AutoHotkey on my PC so have a shortcut set up which will add <space>[]<space> with one keystroke.
  21. Not so much an issue as a fact of Evernote life. The limit is set at 50 as a compromise between performance and function and, I suspect, is unlikely to change. As noted earlier, if you want to be able to work with a larger number of notes then you can tweak the settings yourself but expect slower processing the more notes you manipulate in bulk.
  22. I can see why you'd leave it for now. If you want to get this fixed the uninstall/reinstall stuff is likely the only way.
  23. This was identified back in November 2020 and reported. Actually it was noted in the Beta release. So far, though, no resolution. For now, if this is a key part of your workflow then stick with the Legacy version of Evernote.
  24. Hey @eric_treelight, one piece of information that would be really useful for others is to know how you are generating the PDF. Did you use the Export as PDF from the File menu or print to PDF? Either way, you might want to raise a support ticket.
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