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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. @brettmansdorf I fear you are not reaching your target audience. These forums are primarily user-to-user. I can appreciate your frustration but none of us are able to do much more than suggest work around options. I can see the frustration of not being able to capture images/PDFs in form that you require. Where I might disagree is your contention that the majority of users want an archival system. EN isn't designed for archiving but as a note taking product.
  2. The addresses that work for me are in my Google/Gmail contacts. If I try an address not in my address book or, I think, is an existing Evernote user then the button remains grey.
  3. This seems to be an issue that has arisen in the past week. I no longer the see the Gmail add-on in Firefox or in the mobile app on Android. I'd suspect Gmail/Google as the culprit but, of course, I may be wrong.
  4. On Windows I have to hold Ctrl and tap on the Help menu to see the troubleshooting options. Ctrl+R for Reload and Ctr+Shift+R to Force Reload
  5. Removing the data at sign out is the first level of fixing data corruption errors. You can also use it if you do not wish to keep any data stored on your computer. When you sign back in the data is recreated. Keep a backup does what it says. Your data is retained at Sign out. Neither are really reinstall options. Once you decide to reinstall due to errors you are probably best to ensure that the program and data directories are deleted prior to the reinstall.
  6. I'm not sure that a thumbnail is created in the web clipper. If you clip a 'bookmark' there is no image in the note. You could add an image to the note manually and that should do the trick. My personal view is that thumbnails are one of a couple issues that still require attention. In v10 once a thumbnail is set it isn't possible to change. Remove all images and the thumbnail is removed. Add an image and the original thumbnail is restored regardless of which images are in the note. At least that was the case earlier. I confess that I haven't checked in the most recent version...
  7. I'm afraid that you are incorrect. I just checked a simple search on notes stored in Evernote for the phrase 'Your Plan' and it returned every PDF copy of my cell phone bill I had ever stored inside Evernote.
  8. I think I misunderstood your question. Whichever account you have logged into in the web clipper will remain the default in the browser. I think what you want is that the web clipper will follow whichever account you have open on your desktop or in the browser tab. You are correct that this is not the case but it has never been so.
  9. If you simply want password protection then sign out rather than quit the program. That said, this has never been a feature of Evernote so I doubt it is on its way in while there are many other issues on the agenda to be fixed or restored.
  10. The usual fix for this error is a complete uninstall. Either use an uninstaller such Revo Uninstall or uninstall via Windows. Check and ensure that the data and program directories have been deleted ( %AppDatat%\Evernote and %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote ). Reboot your PC and then reinstall using the latest version (v10.27.5 todat, 15 Dec 2021)
  11. If you are not a paying user you can subscribe for one month and recover missing data during that month.
  12. Sure you can Your favourite search engine is your friend.
  13. I got a response to my ticket on this issue having returned... The ticket response says that it is under investigation.
  14. I raised a ticket for the issues with Drag and Drop on Windows desktop. I got the following reply confirming that it is an issue that is being investigated...
  15. No comfort but v10.22 creates new notes for me. Perhaps raise a support ticket since you've tried uninstall/reinstall.
  16. My first choice in this type of situation is to uninstall the problem application. So remove the web clipper. Then Tristan the web clipper and connect to your preferred account.
  17. Keep the Legacy installed and only reformat as you need access. Better still, if you need to encrypt material use an external encryption program (I've been using AxCrypt) or use the built in encryption in your word processor. The initial encryption takes flight now clicks but thereafter it works easily and is, in my view, more secure.
  18. If you use the most recent ScanSnap Manager you can still create a default scan to the default notebook.
  19. You are asking other users about something that has never been asked here. Suggest you raise a support ticket.
  20. If you mean that you received v10.27 which was released last week, then that should not have made any changes to the layout etc. If you have switched from v6 to v10 of the software then you should reinstall what is often called the Legacy software. This will work as before and you should recover the old layout etc. As @DTLow notes, telling us what you had and now have would assist in giving better advice. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  21. As you now realise, the ability to save a view by notebook does not exist in v10. Actually this useful function was a relatively new feature of what we now call the Legacy version. So v10 had reverted to the position of a few years back. I'm hoping/anticipating that this will be restored but would not risk holding my breath in the meantime. Likewise the sort by tag. It could will be restored but we donut know if or when.
  22. Good that Legacy works for you. Given that it will not be supported, it is probably only a medium term solution designed to allow you to move to v10 in a managed way or to find an alternative product. Whilst I doubt Legacy will be withdrawn, we can expect that an OS update will break Legacy at some point in the future. When it does it will be final. I've made the decision to amend my work flows and embrace v10. I still have Legacy for printing which I only do once or twice a year and might be where I would head of I wanted a quick and dirty export of all my notes. Otherwise v10 does what I need, mostly in a manner that is intuitive albeit sometimes differently to Legacy.
  23. Have you checked that this shortcut is assigned? Try setting it to a different set of keys. It may be that you have another program that has also tried to grab Alt+Shift+M.
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