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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I can't say that I'd noticed... I annotate PDFs in just the same way as ever. That's not to say that it wasn't a better process for you - just that these performance issues are far from being the same for every user. And that's what makes a redesign so challenging. I concur that drag & drop is not working in Windows as it should. Anything in a container has to go via the desktop. But I understand that for Mac users that issue was fixed a long time back.
  2. Since it has been a long term request which had not been offered I guess that means you'll be moving to a new note taking application. It is fair to expect no action on this on the near future.
  3. There were one of two releases where Copy & Paste worked as one would expect/hope before it broke again for Windows. That left me perplexed as to why it could not be fixed again. Presumably it is too complex or other things are considered more urgent. Thankfully it isn't troublesome for me. Clearly I don't extract much content by copy and paste 🤪
  4. My guess is that you are using a Mac rather than Windows. I just his the icon using Windows two bar options. I can't believe that there isn't also a means to do this with MacOS.
  5. Thanks for the suggestion. These forums are largely users-to-user. To be sure Evernote hearts your request please the feedback option in the application.
  6. As ever highlight the notes to be included. Right click and select the option to create internal links (or Ctrl+Alt+L) Open the now you the ToC to appear in and paste (Ctrl+V) You can also drag the table contents with the ✋ over the left hand end grab point.
  7. Just to note that the current 'latest' version of ScanSnap Manager is badged 7.2 L50 so you may get an improved result with that. https://scansnap.fujitsu.com/global/dl/setup/w-ix1500-inst2-v7.html?MODEL=5019 Nevertheless - Scanning directly into Evernote will give you the click option to take focus to the note you've just created which may well be what most users might require. Like @PinkElephant I take advantage of scanning direct to an Import Folder (I have three set up for different purposes). That avoids the pop-up. One of the many minor tweaks to workflow to do the same thing with v10.
  8. Good detective work. It is possible that this will break when you get an update. Certainly if you need to reinstall. So keep copies of everything ready to restore you fix.
  9. I've found the most recent Android app needs to be brought to the foreground before I share content. Tap Evernote to bring it forward Go to the screenshot and follow the share process.
  10. Have you asked Evernote support? They will be the ones who can help. You talk of a corporate account ... I presume you mean Teams where you get the Teams accounts plus a personal account for each user to separate their personal notes from business stuff. If so, the person in your organisation that manages Teams should ask for help. That said, Email delivery issues can be complex to resolve. + Email address extensions are standard albeit relatively uncommon. The delivery could be falling at a number of places in the delivery chain. Talk to support.
  11. Tap on the Notes tab which will support by note name. You can then tap the note name to open the relevant note.
  12. Actually TsoCs are available in V10. Just one of those things implemented in a different way compared to Legacy.
  13. The OP had a ticket open. I hope others for whom this is an issue will also raise a ticket so that there is confirmation inside Evernote.
  14. Which version of the app have got installed?
  15. I finally got home to my PC and added a couple of URLs which contained the word 'home' to notes. When I click on them they take me out of Evernote into my browser and to the correct website. I tried adding the URL with and without http(s):// and the links still worked. Now, as it happens, I AM on a beta build (10.36.2) so perhaps this is an issue with 10.38.x of which there have been several variations.
  16. If you make the PDF searchable then you can do things with the PDF outside Evernote. Evernote does do a search of the content to include PDFs in searches inside notes. The external options add function outside Evernote.
  17. I suspect that you will receive it when you get your next iOS app update. Presumably that will be along shortly...
  18. I never get a message like this. Which scanning software are you using? ScanSnap Manager or ScanSnap Cloud.
  19. Evernote doesn't present itself as a GTD tool. It is a note taking program. The GTD issues mentioned arise from our usage. I've changed my workflow in a couple of areas so that I can still do what I used to do. Now, though, I have to work differently. Once done it takes only a few days to work in the new way without difficulty.
  20. I'm not aware of any such limits although I generally, with all apps, find difficulty highlighting lots of text on my phone screen. It's an Android/device issue rather than Evernote or another app.
  21. If you are sure that you are running a beta version of Evernote then you should probably raise the issue with the relevant beta team. This could be an issue that affects a small number of users on that beta release.
  22. The whitelist would do the job but note my later comments... Chrome may, now, do what you need without the extension. Worth exploring.
  23. I've no experience of the extension you mention. I do have 2FA enabled and provided I check the option to stay logged in for 30 days I'm not then asked for further 2FA on the web browser. I wouldn't do that on a computer that might be accessible to passers-by but for my home office PC it works just fine and really isn't any different to using the desktop application that stays connected without needing further authentication. If the Great Suspender effectively ends the session for Evernote then you might well be logged out in which case I doubt that there is anything to be done other than exclude Evernote from the extension and take the hit on performance which probably won't be too significant in the background. I see that the general opinion on the extension review page is that this extension is now loaded with malware BUT, more even significantly, that Chrome suspends tabs natively. Perhaps you can achieve all you need with Chrome alone...
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