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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Mark the section of text you wish to un-highlight with the mouse and click the highlighter button. If, for some reason that doesn't work then tap the highlighter a second time and all should be good. If any character in the marked section of text (such as a leading or trainling space) is not already highlighted then the first click will extend the highlighting to the additional space.
  2. There is certainly something wrong of the task reminders don't sync. Of course they may sync but then not trigger on the device which is a subtly different issue. Can you tell us more about which devices/apps you are using. If, for example, you have an older Android device with Evernote v8 then you will have a problem since v8 doesn't support the newer features including tasks.
  3. With the added advantage that this includes all the personalised changes that might have been made.
  4. It is really difficult to know what to suggest. There is nothing that seems to be consistent. Some users, like me, have no problems at all. For others the v10 app seems to be snail like. The only thing I've noticed is that more users with problems report using Samsung phones. But that is hardly conclusive. Samsung has a significant market share.
  5. Tasks sit inside a note. If tasks with their associated settings (flag, reminder etc) don't sync across devices then you have a more significant sync issue. Check which note the task has been stored in then check the other device and compare the content in the same note.
  6. And so you should be a able to do so ... Try the plain text paste to see if it works for you.
  7. I'm working with a TARDIS so these inconsistencies work well for me --- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/TARDIS
  8. Great! That means you are copying in hidden characters when you get the URL from the browser. Ctrl+Shift+V is clearly the way to go and you can chill with your new foundcool function
  9. That was just an example. I initially copied from my browser. I run Firefox. I wonder if something odd is getting copied over such as a space or hidden characters. Have you tried pasting plain text? Ctrl+Shift+V Just a thought. Haven't tried myself.
  10. I'm Win 11... Notes - Evernote 2022-06-21 15-27-02.mp4 Windows 11 Evernote 10.39.6
  11. Works for me too... Highlight the text I want to be come a link. Ctrl+V to paste the link from the clipboard and all is good to go.
  12. Might be better to locate a OneNote support group and ask the question there... You might find more experience to draw from.
  13. Checklists are not supported in Evernote 6, 7 and 8. So they do not display in these older versions of Evernote. The workaround suggested is certainly one option. The other would be to switch to the so-called Legacy desktop program. I won't suggest the third option of upgrading the mobile device
  14. I haven't seen this issue on Windows 11. Is suggest that you should uninstall and then reinstall. Use a program such as Revo Uninstall which will ensure all the corrupted files are properly removed before three reinstall. You will, of course, need your username and password.
  15. You can certainly post these here. What we often now, however, is that they don't get picked up by Evernote support/Devs. To be sure that your ideas get proper attention use a support ticket or the feedback option in the apps.
  16. Perhaps you haven't fully understood that these forums are primarily user-to-user. So while we may have some sympathy for your thoughts, we aren't in a position to do anything about them. If you want to feedback direct to Evernote you might be better using the feedback function in the Evernote application.
  17. Working for me too... I use the Windows screen clipper (Win+Shift+S), highlight the area to clip. Then I open a new note (or an existing note that I want to add the clip to. Click in the note editing area and press Ctrl+V. After a moment the clip is added to the new note.
  18. Probably not. You would need some form of scripting which isn't supported on Evernote v10.
  19. Thanks for your question. I think that you can only search for calendar events that have a note linked to them. So I think I am correct in saying that you cannot search for a future date in the calendar unless you have a note linked to that event.
  20. I've not seen this (yet). I wonder if it is connected to the issue marked as solved by @Austin G in v10.39.
  21. I believe that the change is that you can drag and drop a note link rather than an external link.
  22. Yes, but my personal view is that some releases never seen to make it to everyone. 10.33 was a case in point. So I ponder whether these release notes get prayed only when there is a certainty that it is going to everyone. I still don't have 10.34. Add to that that @Shane D.has moved on to me employment and he was the one who took the initiate and there are several explanations. But all connector from my out of view
  23. https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/819-release-notes-android/ Each of the releases had a section for Release Notes in the c Product Feedback/Requests sections.
  24. Another option, tap the Notes tab in the task view. Then tap the name of the note.
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