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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. Contact support. I had exactly this issue and it required a support ticket. Some helpful adjustment to my account server side data resolved the issue.
  2. We can debate the nature of triviality but that isn't likely to be very useful so we can, I hope, agree to differ. Whatever, the Evernote API isn't going to be updated in the very near future. Probably not until the various application updates slow down.
  3. V7 was never intended to update. It was always planned to be a manual thing. But you've made it now ☺️
  4. The web clipper works outside the various applications and tasks directly to the servers. So the first place to look is with the web browser. Are your clipper inside Evernote on the web? If so then that tells you that the sync to the desktop application isn't working correctly. If the clips are missing on the web then the issue is with your web clipper. I would uninstall and then reinstall whichever application isn't working. My guess is that the web clipper is at fault but you'll have to check with the browser interface.
  5. Unless you have a very unusual Android version, there is an option to turn off battery optimisation. You'll have to tell us more before we can offer any help. Device, OS.
  6. Also the v7.14 version had been deprecated. No more updates. The only way forward was a manual update to the latest v10.41.4 which was only released yesterday.
  7. I think you'll need to suggest this to support via a ticket to get it added to the long list of suggestions.
  8. Does the Tasks button / Due Dates tab not do what you need? I just scroll to the date in question...
  9. The build started to be released yesterday. You can get it immediately as a download from the Evernote website
  10. The first thing would be to install the newest application version 10.41.4 Once that is done, and assuming things still don't work try rebuilding your data. File / Sign Out / Remove Evernote data. Some users recommend restarting your computer before signing back in. Evernote will then rebuild your data.
  11. There are a number of threads on this issue. The most common fix is to disable battery optimisation for Evernote. Have you tried that? If not then that's the first port of call. It's a well known Android issue. If that doesn't work then open a support ticket.
  12. Can you get this working for some other service than Evernote? I think I'd want to narrow down where the problem arises. It could still be inside IFTTT as it exports to Evernote rather than in Evernote. Basically I'd want to know that IFTTT is pushing the correct content out. Perhaps push the content to a service such as a Google Doc or similar if you don't like Google...
  13. A fair request. As with all these ideas send it to support via a ticket to get the idea added to the list.
  14. Sadly, I cannot concur. I've manually added URLs with 'home' in the link AND used links that I already have in notes. Anything with home in still re-routed to the Home dashboard inside Evernote. To be sure I also reset the local data and still have the issue. So if there is a fix it would seem to be only partial... Windows 11 Evernote 10.41.4
  15. The application you've chosen to use hasn't been changed, updated our amended in any way since before the arrival of v10. If it has become unreliable you need to work out where there have been changes. You can certainly ask for support but the answer will be that support is only given for the new versions. Legacy is left as it is. You might like to take a look at v10. Things have changed since the earliest versions. It has many keyboard shortcuts - most exactly as in Legacy. The shortcuts can be changed to something that suits you better. You can have Legacy and v10 installed together but note, if you are testing shortcuts you should temporarily disable global keyboard shortcuts in Legacy since they will clash with the same shortcuts in v10. You can re-enable them whenever you desire.
  16. For Evernote v10 on Windows the directory which holds copies of attachments is %AppData%\Evernote\resource-cache\Usernnnn where nnnn is your Evernote user number Each directory in this structure has a long obscure name and contains two files with a matching long obscure name. One ends in .mime and this contains information about the attachment. The other is the attachment minus its file suffix. The only option for relocating is as I already indicated...
  17. Hope you find a successful transition. Even so, I'm doubtful you'll find any help around here. Sorry 😞
  18. It is possible to relocate the data files for EN v10 although by an unofficial tweak. Search for symlink or symbolic link in these forums. You could try the same approach to relocate just the attachments folders. All these unofficial thinks area at your own risk.
  19. The normal response would be to uninstall and reinstall. You don't say which app... If it is a desktop application then you should unistall with an unistaller which cleans out all the old data - Revo Uninstaller on Windows. Whether desktop or mobile, unistall, restart the device and then reinstall.
  20. Yes, I'd suspect an Instapaper challenge. What happens if you send something from Instapaper to Evernote using IFTTT without any highlighting or commenting? In truth you have a three stage challenge... Instapaper does something, the result is sent through IFTTT which attempts to translate from one API to another and then Evernote receives that result and imports it as a new note. Lots of scope for something to go wrong. In fact my guess will be that Instapaper creates the comment for which IFTTT has no matching import value in the Evernote API. Which makes sense. There is no commenting function in Evernote. Given that these APIs are in the mix I think you'll need to ask the various support teams for help.
  21. The EN API will probably be updated at some point in the future but waiting for it to happen is likely to be a painful activity. It certainly isn't a trivial matter.
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