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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. If it is an Evernote problem, it isn't one that affects everyone. Many of us are perfectly able to contact support. Which is why the suggestion is that there is something else in the process creating the issue. Given that you cannot login to the support pages I think that your only options are to open a ticket via a mobile Evernote app or start a conversation with support via Twitter and once the ticket is open you should be able to take it forward.
  2. I doubt that this is anywhere near the top of the list of things to work on. But Evernote doesn't comment publicly on its plans.
  3. We would need to see the note you are trying to encrypt. One limitation to encryption in Evernote is that you cannot encrypt any text which includes formatting. That includes bullet points and the line too. Just plain text. Search the forums and you'll see a lot of discussion of the shortcomings of encryption in note. I think the consensus is that encrypted text is better suited inside a document that fully encrypts before it is added to the note and unencrypted text is uploaded to the server. If you aren't suffering the formatting issue then you might find that rebuilding your Evernote data is a solution. File, Sign Out, Remove data from this device. When you sign back in your data will be reconstructed on your computer.
  4. When tasks were first introduced everyone had access to the full range of functions. That was seen as a taster to tempt upgrades. Could this be something similar? I seem to remember others saying that they got rid of these messages by initially choosing to upgrade but then changing their minds before completing the process.
  5. I'm surprised you haven't had any responses to your requests for help. I think you are on the free trial so possibly the tech support isn't going to work. But sales should be able to point you in the right direction.
  6. There are many threads on backing up. Exporting all notes in one ENEX file has never been recommended as way to back up. When you trinity you'll find the notebook structure is list. The recommended approach is to export notebook by notebook. You can increase the number of notes you can select but this is an unsupported option. Search for config.json in the forums. You can also back up the data directories but that is only really going to rescue you if Evernote folds unexpectedly. Otherwise you rely on the Evernote servers and the Evernote corporate backup processes.
  7. Well we've got broad shoulders and can cope with rants. But as you will probably know, these are user to user support spaces. If you want Evernote to know your frustrations then you'll need to open a support ticket.
  8. As things stand at the moment I would not recommend Evernote to anyone for whom markdown as a key part of how they work. I, too, would think that offering Markdown support for both content creation and import of data wouldn't be a bad thing (although I wouldn't use it). To be sure that you are heard you should feedback in the various applications or submit a support ticket.
  9. Yes, this is the way Evernote works with tabs and lists. Once you start a bullet list the tab key works to indent at the next level. I'm not sure that there is anything to offer to you that would be different. Sorry.
  10. I suspect that Evernote would not be the only application that fails to recognise the long rather complex URL and automatically convert it... FWIW I copied and pasted the URL into my Email program with same result. It wasn't recognised as a URL. I trimmed the URL and once it was a little shorter the auto recognition worked. So I would guess that it is simply too long.
  11. Nobody in these forums can send your old content to you. Assuming you are a free user, you can pay for one month subscription to gain access to Note History which is available to subscribers. You can retrieve earlier copies of notes while you are subscribed. You can cancel the payment after a month and return to Free. If you are already paying then in note, open the 'More Actions' menu (three dots in the top right corner on desktop) and choose note history. I don't believe Note Hisotry is available on mobile devices.
  12. This is the intended result. If you wish to see the original formatting of the web clip then leave the content inside the web clip container.
  13. You will need to take this up with the Evernote developers - that's not the users in these forums. Open a support ticket and ask the question.
  14. The question is how many personal templates have you saved? If fewer than 20 did you try the add and remove a heading fix I mentioned? You can open a ticket with Evernote as a Personal user ... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  15. That would be my view. Yes. Now a really helpful improvement in the UI would be the ability to export multiple notebooks... Or become hard-core and store all your notes in a single notebook using tags to categorise everything. Then just export the notebook 😉
  16. Hi @Scorven! Welcome to the forums and thanks for posting your question. The issue of backing up regularly raises its head in the forums. If you search you will see probably dozens of threads and all with very different views. The old Evernote had a specific local database which was easily backed up with the device backup software. As a result it also had the option to backup the whole database in a single ENEX file but long time users will tell you that this really isn't a good means of back up since it lost the notebook structure. Importing would bring all your notes back into a single notebook. Not too much of an issue if you have a small number of notes but hard work to rebuild everything if you have thousands of notes. So the recommendation even in the old days was always to export by Notebook. You can still export via Notebook in the newer v10 of Evernote. So the recommended approach is still possible in the current version. Otherwise you can run a local backup of the data by backing up the data directory. I do that regularly but it would be my last resort and only useful in the instance that Evernote's servers failed and all my data was lost. Otherwise the servers are a more secure backup which will always have the most recent data and structures since my last local backup. I doubt that there will be any changes to the backup options in the 'as soon as possible' time frame you ask for. I doubt we'll see anything different in the few months either.
  17. I've never seen suggestions for Tasks. The Legacy application used to interact with Google and suggest content that was relevant but I've not seen this with v10. I'd guess that these suggestions are external to the applications but a ticket might be the only way to find out
  18. I'm not really sure what the interaction is between the time zone in Evernote settings and device reminders. I would raise a ticket for the issue. Like you I don't think it would dawn upon me to set a time zone manually. I'd assume that my reminders would follow my device. That said I've had other phone apps that have done odd things with time zones. I recall one reminder application that remembered the time zone I was in when I set the reminder. Not a problem until I was out of the country. I seem to remember that they fixed the issue but it took several months. It might well be that the Evernote devs have long forgotten that there is a time zone setting that needs to be manually selected. But I suppose, too, that there are situations when I might travel with, say, my phone into one zone while leaving my computer running at home in another zone. Which time zone does Evernote select in that situation?
  19. The offline notebook download in v10 is, indeed, tediously slow. It isn't Evernote v10's finest feature 😥
  20. Hi @Carl-L-ND. You've added to a several months old thread relating to the Android app. Your issue seems to relate to a desktop app. You may be better reposting in a desktop area or perhaps a mood will be asking and move the post. In the meantime If not that copying and pasting HTML content from a web page into a number of applications (not just Evernote) has, for me, the type of issue you describe. Generally using Ctrl+Shift+V resolved things. Have you tried using the Evernote web clipper installed in the browser? Otherwise, print the web page to PDF and attach that to your note.
  21. I don't think that Evernote is intentionally making it difficult to contact support for subscribers. I routinely and regularly open tickets without any problem. It isn't so much ridiculous as you say but entirely unintended. Undoubtedly frustrating but something that needs fixing for those who have this issue. As well as a ticket and Twitter, the chat option works during USA West coast business hours.
  22. I think that the sync issues are not unique to tasks. The mobile sync can be slow. I suspect that these are sometimes due to network challenges. The mobile applications seem to sync most reliably when the mobile app is in the foreground. The time question is not something that has been reported by others. Evernote picks is time zone from the device. If your account is stuck on UK time that would be very unusual. There is a reminders time zone setting in your Evernote account profile. Perhaps that is on UK time for you. https://www.evernote.com/ReminderSettings.action
  23. Sounds like your Evernote data which recognises a new file in the import folder for confused. I'd rebuild my data and recreate the import folder link. File , sign out , remove Evernote data. To remove 1000 notes you have three options. In v10 delete them in batches of 50. You can edit the config.json file and set the number of notes you can work with up to around 900. Or you could install the Legacy application which will allow you to work with larger numbers of notes.
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