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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Sadly "Accio Evernote" still doesn't work no matter how much expression you put into it...
  2. I can imagine that the audio quality might have been dropped to speed up loading and syncing audio notes on mobile devices, but I have no information one way or the other. If and when you get something from Support, please let us know!
  3. Hmmn. It may be worth it to you to go premium for a month to resolve this (if you;re not already there) - you'd need to raise a support request and/ or chat to someone in support to find out that sort of detail. I wasn't aware that the quality had dropped, but then I always use another app to record and attach the files anyway. Your interest is a bit specialised. The KB entry about 100MB notes isn't significant - I'm sure the decision to drop quality (if that's what it was) would have been taken independently from the writer of the 'how to record' section...
  4. If you scan and save a business card using Scannable or a phone and Evernote's card camera, the format of the note is fixed. There's a small area for 'notes', but most of the content is not editable if you wish to maintain the layout. If you're not using one of those two features, I'm less sure what's happening - taking a normal camera picture of a note should just give you a text note plus a picture which should be fully editable. Standard suggestion for 'uneditable' notes - don't add to the existing note, make a new one and merge the two, or link with tags or titles...
  5. Nope, sorry - the last point here is from the KB entry... https://evernote.com/contact/support/kb/#!/article/28606837 Tips Warning: If your audio recording surpasses the total note size, then your audio note will not sync to EvernoteYou can type inside Evernote as audio is recordingOn mobile devices, you can also record short voice memos and transcribe it into textIf you have a prerecorded audio file, you can drag the file right into Evernote to create a new note, or drop it into an existing noteIf you want full control over the audio file size or recording quality, you might want to record on a different program to adjust and edit, and then attach it to a note
  6. Yeah, read that. Linux and Apple users rejoice... and if you're "afraid of downloading huge setup files"..."a good reason to avoid Evernote..."? Really?
  7. Couldn't be bothered to read through all of it, but as @Frank said - best I can tell there were no "official folks" here - any sarcasm you see is a feature (not a bug) of us users, and pretty much goes with the territory. In general I fully agree with using whatever software you need to get the job done, and Evernote isn't always the best choice. If/ when they see it in their best interests to update things, maybe that will change.
  8. Possibly a dumb question, but do both computers have the desktop version of Evernote installed and are you logged in with the same user ID in both cases?
  9. There's no way (yet) to jump around inside a note, but there are good reasons for making lots of smaller notes rather than one large one, including this situation. If you made lots of separate notes with meaningful titles you could select all notes and create a TOC note which would effectively allow you to jump from one 'paragraph' to the next within your collection of notes. You could also save searches to the same effect.
  10. It's possible to list notes together if they have a common title or tag, contain the same search term, or belong to the same temporary notebook. It's not possible to select more than one individual note for printing, deletion or any other purpose. Maybe if you can give us more information about what you wish to do with these notes, we can offer more suggestions...
  11. There's a lot of options in this thread already, though only one company so far seems to have the infrastructure and product range to offer a halfway compatible service. A lot of people are looking around but at the end of the day it seems to boil down to your comfort zone with smaller companies, who may not be secure, or around for so long, or have so many access or processing options. Check out the latest MS OneNote for the big ticket approach, but don't expect it to be anything like Evernote's notebook / notes / tag layout.
  12. I experimented with ways to avoid 'accidental' erasures for a while. The easiest and most effective was to give 'view only' rights so notes couldn't be changed. There's also a backup copy of the entire database and/ or shared notes or notebooks. Another option was to keep a special notebook for each person or group in the share, and to copy files into that as necessary. I always had an original. Or you could keep the content of the file in a passworded PDF file in the same note as a ride-along backup. Or use a premium subscribers 'step back' into the note history to recover from changes. Some of those don't prevent notes from being deleted completely however - and if they're not in Trash and you don't have a backup, you do have a problem
  13. Took me a while to connect the dots, but there's another thread about annotations where we found that rotating an image somehow 'locked' the content so that once rotated, further changes don't save, and that Korean edits had the same problem, where English did not. Seems like Slovak might also be affected, unless you rotated your images before... ?
  14. It's not possible to share securely outside of Work Chat, though it is possible to create a public link to the notebook and send that link by any email or messaging system. In the same way if using work chat, a separate messaging system could be used to confirm that the share invite has been seen and accepted. Confirmation is always advisable given the existence of spam folders.
  15. Hi - Evernote can't auto-tag, but if you search untagged notes for "adam smith" bill 2001, you'll get all his specific bills for the year. Throw in "01.01" and you'll (probably - haven't tested it) get that specific bill. Tags wouldn't be necessary.
  16. So: I have a scanned receipt for my car insurance. Do I file it under Personal > Car > Insurance? Or under Insurance > Car > Personal? Or Expenses > Car? Or should I just file the thing and add Personal / Car / Insurance / Expenses as tags and find it any way I search? If I missed my nested folder structure, I could nest tags in similar ways, but that's just a convenience. Or you could have tags nested under A, B, C so your tags window is 26 lines long, and you can look up names quickly. Nested folders aren't efficient or logical. Tags are far simpler and more flexible. Just my opinion.
  17. Hi. There was a discussion a few months ago about setting reminder times by email > https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/54751-set-time-of-reminder-when-creating-note-by-email/ - but so far there's no way (AFAIK) to set a default time.
  18. I'm not sure there is a way to delete old entries yet - Evernote staffers do read these posts, so the suggestion will be added for future updates...
  19. I sit corrected - but I'm glad you got something sorted out anyway. See you next year...
  20. ...and just to add to the discussion, if I doubleclick on an image in EN Windows, it opens in the OS app that manages images, not in Presentation mode...
  21. Hi. The exchange rate is applied by Paypal, not Evernote. Maybe a different method of payment will have a more reasonable option?
  22. Don't know how I did that. Killed one of them anyway; it really wasn't so good it was worth saying twice...
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