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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Have a look under the three dots menu and "sort by" - one of the options is 'Notebook', which is the equivalent of the current 'location' sort on a desktop. I can't offhand think of a way to search a generic area for saved locations - the most effective way to view closest options would seem to me to be a map: find a specific location or a general area on a map and you can quickly what saved 'pins' already exist in that area. I know Google Maps provide a 'personal' map option and locations can be saved in my mobile. (Other mapping options are available.) I haven't looked into any of these with quite your use case in mind, but I'd imagine one or other will provide the sort of service you want. I can't see how Evernote fits into this, other than as a potential store for more notes or information about a location beyond the actual place itself and/ or a picture.
  2. I moved the thread to the Windows forums. Do you have the installed version of Evernote, or are you working via Evernote.com? Have you tried verifying your notes at Evernote.com?
  3. Hi. What device and what OS are you using? Are your notes being synced back to Evernote.com? It's most unusual for notes to have been deleted back to the trash notebook once, much less to have that happen repeatedly.
  4. Hi. Evernote apparently didn't consider this feature to be "essential functionality" when the app was initially designed, and a lot of users are still finding it possible to manage without linking to sections within notes. It's a little more complicated than simple html when links need to work in various versions of several operating systems. Evernote does not yet offer this option, though it may be available in the future. Meantime one possible work-around is to make each section a separate note, and link them together with tags or titles; access to all sections in then possible via one table of contents note.
  5. Hi. Has the Google login previously worked for you, or are you just setting this up? If your account is synced up to date you could try uninstalling Evernote / restarting your device and reinstalling...
  6. Hi. Have you just installed Evernote for the first time, or was this an update to an existing account? And did you obtain your app from Apple or Evernote.com?
  7. I don't think "location" is going to do exactly what you want it to do - sorting by that option on my Windows desktop just gives me all the notes in my default notebook, followed by all the notes in my 'bills' notebook... you might be better off setting up tags for each location that you're concerned with, then tagging all notes created that day / in that location. You can then search by specific tags for locations, or do an any: tag:<location1> tag:<location2> tag:<location3> search (note there are spaces between the operators there) to cover two or more. Some saved searches / shortcuts would speed up the process on both desktop and mobile.
  8. Hi. Firefox & Chrome load updates invisibly as they are available, so presumably this is something to do with the latest changes - though I currently run Firefox 70.0.1 64-bit on Win 10 - and it displays Evernote Web, though it takes a little while to load. Any chance you can use the installed Evernote desktop? If not (and you have the space) Brave / Vivaldi / Opera / Chrome are all good options to run Evernote web... they're all simple installs, plus a quick reassign in Settings for 'default browser'.
  9. Hmmn. Thought I saw the OP saying this is at least partly an Apple issue anyway... however - good luck! It does occur to me a way around this is to save multiple short notes rather than extending a single long one.. new thought = new note. As long as they are tied together by a common thread, like the book title as a heading, the notes can always be merged later into one long note, sorted by the creation date+time for each note. Meantime refresh is not an issue.
  10. Hi. Even on the partial screenshot in your post, that looks more like 20% of the screen depth - and that's including the system icons for signal and battery which are always present anyway. Have you ever been able to get a larger view than the one you now have? If not, I'd suggest that's as good as it gets for that particular device.
  11. Hi. I am a Premium user, and I still use third-party software (Adobe) to OCR my scans. My scanner (a venerable Fujitsu ScanSnap S1500) will -in theory- OCR as it scans, but I find that the scanning process takes a little longer that way. So mine is set up to scan PDFs to a desktop folder without OCR. When I've finished scanning, or at the end of the day if I forgot earlier, I'll use a feature of Adobe which will batch-OCR a group of files. I apply that to my scanning folder, and then move the OCR'd content to an Import folder (Windows) so it can be absorbed into Evernote as separate notes. I find the folder OCR method better too because it allows me A chance to "edit" the files - my indexing system needs a date/type/focus/keywords title for each note, so I rename the file to reflect that. occasional scanning failures sometimes mean I need to add / delete / rotate pages reduces the file size by up to 50% (with Premium upload and note limits that's not so important, but it keeps the size of my local database to a minimum) means the file is immediately searchable rather than having to wait an indeterminate time for Evernote's servers to get around to it. That's never very long, but in this case I know my file searchable now. Plus there are some restrictions on file size and page numbers that I don't have to worry about. ...Other OCR systems like ABBYY are available... As to mobiles, I tend to use Evernote's built-in camera / scan feature. I don't scan multi-page documents to Android very often and the image / single page OCRs that I need are very rarely critical for OCR. I do have various third-party apps including Adobe Scan and MS Office Lens which will scan and OCR to PDF. -On the general subject of image vs PDF I'd always say that OCR'd PDFs are best unless you really really need to see the content inline; image searches can't be as accurate as OCR PDF because image software tends to allow 'trees' of possible meanings, so the word 'horse' could also register as 'house' 'hearse' and 'harsh'. Images do show up immediately on mobiles though, where PDFs are a downloadable attachment.
  12. Hi. On what basis did you start looking for "location sorting"? It is possible to record where a note was recorded - which is more relevant to the mobile application than a desktop - in case that data is relevant to an individual user. it's also possible to note where information is stored - as in which notebook - in case that is useful. "Sorting" either option would group a lot of entries together, but AFAICS won't add a lot to your understanding of the information stored in your database.
  13. Hi. If you're editing a file that's attached to a note, do you open the version that's attached to the note, or do you have an 'original' file somewhere? I thought it was standard behaviour for edited note attachment files to replace the original file when saved.
  14. Hi. If you're solely talking about maintaining a library of recipes which you both can access, I don't see what extra features Evernote could give you. If you're comfortable with Google Drive - and unless you see limitations that aren't leaping out at me - I'd suggest you go with that... otherwise I agree with @PinkElephant - a couple of Basic accounts, or one Premium and one Basic should cover your needs. Good luck!
  15. Hi. As a Basic user your access is via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  16. Hmmn. Is anyone raising this with Google help? On the Evernote site, anyone who can, please report this to support; for Basic users, please try https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  17. +1 for professional, rather than jokey release notes.. If Evernote wants to be seen as more "relatable", maybe staffers should treat us like grown-ups? 😒
  18. @Michael Goulding - also before you downgrade, I'd suggest you raise this with Evernote Support - it seems odd for them to insist on monthly payments without an annual option; maybe this is some payments systems glitch they haven't noticed yet...
  19. No problem for responding - I'd suggest leaving the query open - someone else might have a better suggestion!
  20. Hi. Welcome to the wonderful world of web coding. Most of the time Clipper actually does a pretty good job of getting as coherent a copy of content as possible from websites that might be using dozens of different coding systems. Every so often it fails to deliver a usable copy, which is when the different page formats / screen shots / display options come into play. Newspapers can be particularly difficult if they have a paywall - Clipper has to download content from the server, and can appear like a new user to the site, even if you happen to be logged in and seeing the page you want. Clipper will get rejected - which is when the screenshot option comes in handy. At least in 99.9% of cases you'll get the URL of a page, even if other things go wrong; so it's a simple and quick process to go back and try again. Among the many strategies I've tried for good clips are: viewing the mobile version of the page (even on a desktop) checking for 'print page' options which often offer a more ad-free layout 'sharing' the page to my Evernote email address printing the page to PDF both locally and via a website using a variety of screenshot apps Evernote sadly can't be a one-stop chop for page clips - but it does a really good job most of the time.
  21. Hmmn. Looked at a couple of options, but there doesn't seem to be a way to actually delete notebooks in bulk. Might be a good reason for this in terms of data protection - it might be possible to delete your whole account in one accidental swoop otherwise... or it might be a question of resources; deleting multiple notebooks would mean at least checking for any linked assets and moving those to safety. Anyhoo - best suggestion so's not to be annoyed by the extra entries - add your notebooks to a 'trash' Stack and ignore them.
  22. Hi. Welcome to the forums. Sorry to see you go. Bye. (Just for the record I use Evernote on Android and it hasn't crashed for me in some years...) - And it is a matter of personal preference, but I never take detailed notes in lectures - it seems to me better to listen and take an outline or a mind-map snapshot of what's going on, then write up the content in full later. The aim is to document the content in such a way that you could explain it clearly to someone else - which guarantees you understood it. There are several apps to help, including Cogi which runs a continuous audio recording loop. I use that to catch content that seems really important. Even if someone already started talking about it this app catches the 30 seconds before you hit 'record', and carries on for as long as necessary. I also take my on-the-spot notes on paper and use the device camera to add them to Evernote at the end. Some sites don't have reliable network connections, and some speakers just don't like too much technology on view. Taking notes on paper shows interest - apparently...
  23. Have to agree with the general sentiments expressed here... if you're using a 'free' app so much that you want to frequently swap between multiple devices, then it really is time to consider paying for it - particularly if it's being used for critical work or study topics. Other apps cut users off dead after a couple of weeks unless they pay, and although there are truly 'free' note taking apps out there, they aren't (yet) as comprehensive as Evernote. On the other hand if there is a limit on usage it should be spelled out in advance so everyone is clear. I particularly hate those apps that advertise a 'free' service, then any time you click a feature like 'print' or 'save' they trot out the "would you like to upgrade now?" screen. I'm very sad to see Evernote shade toward that sort of activity. C'mon Evernote folks play nice - update the help screens and the website and make the limitations clear. It makes me feel bad for the folks I happily advised to just sign off one device and sign up on another. I'm also concerned that actual device recognition doesn't seem that great. There are some issues around that - I already reported a problem to support where an IP address in India was shown as accessing my account... which was the IP address I was currently using in the UK. If IP addresses are related to device recognition a lot of innocent Basic users are likely to have some issues...
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