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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I have a OneNote app installed as part of MSOffice and my Evernote desktop seems to recognise this just fine. I've seen elsewhere that there are different 'flavours' of OneNote, but I'll be blessed if I can see any 'about' information on this window to tell me exactly which version I have... Assuming you're using the latest Evernote desktop, and with absolutely no experience and little expertise on this, my suggested lines of attack would be: try sharing 2-3 notes from OneNote to your Evernote email address to test out the format. If that works, export your individual notebooks that way. (It seems possible to block select individual notes) look into viewing your notes via a browser - you could then clip individual notes into Evernote look into exporting these notes to another version of OneNote and then onto Evernote worst case - copy and paste notes individually. 😟
  2. Default. Offline notebooks don't have an icon that I'm aware of...
  3. It takes some practice, but I have used the 'auto' mode to scan a multi-page document. The execution rather depends on the document and your situation. I did this on a clear desk where I could get good light and a contrasting background, and could hold my phone a reasonably comfortable distance from the paper and still see the screen. Then it was a question of starting the process, grabbing a page, moving or turning to the next, waiting for the shot to line itself up, then moving again... I got most pages correctly, missed one (I found out later) and a couple twice - that camera is sneaky! But NAPS2 came to my rescue. It's a free PDF reader that splits a PDF file into separate pages and allows you to drag and drop them back into correct order. It also allows you to import additional pages into the order. I corrected the issues and uploaded my revised file. That's not to say that I don't explore as many options to the camera approach as possible - printing from a web source, or downloading an existing PDF is my favourite. When that fails I move on to an industrial strength staple extractor and a very sharp knife to feed my Fujitsu scanner. If there's absolutely, terminally, positively and totally no other option I'll dig out the phone. 🙄
  4. Not about the difficulty, just about priorities. And practicalities - a new video dropped this month which might explain developments...
  5. Hi. You may have been the first person to request this feature. Of the 250M (or so) Evernote users, I wonder how many have a Pixel 4? - Don't know what it would cost to add the facility for that device, plus others providing the same option, but it doesn't look like it would be a high priority. Still, you've registered the suggestion: have to wait and see if and when it emerges...
  6. Hmmn. Don't know exactly what happens when an employee with a personal account linked to an Evernote Business Account leaves the business, or how any 'migration' works. You still show in the forums as a premium user, so I'd suggest you contact Evernote Support - they will be able to tell you your account status anyways. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  7. We grow potatoes in a bag around here (limited ground space) so we're a shovel - and paperclip - free environment. I partly agree with you on the 'intuitive and effortless' front though, but I'm not precious about software being precisely aligned to my task, or about it being totally aesthetically pleasing. I grew up in the DOS era when the IT mantra was often "we don't fill that field in" or "you always show zero there" - tasks had usually evolved past any original programming parameters; sometimes before the software was even released - and it was too expensive (even then) to go back and just relabel fields or re-order calculations. You worked around the system, not wholly with it. That's still my style. Plus - in line with my "anything to get the job done" comments previously - I'll use any available means to get to an end, even if that is an image of a shaky whiteboard sketch in bad lighting. Done is always better than perfect - I'll dot I's and cross T's in the layout later. Maybe. I do think modern software leaves a lot to be desired though. On another project I've been looking to build an information dump which requires a relational database structure to tie things together. I've been through dozens of CRM systems, 'simple' databases, personal assistants, wikis and anything else which might give me the structure I need. In many cases I'm sure the software would do so - if I could spend the time to learn how to use the service before I apply it. The situation (to me) is a little like my wanting to saw timber and being given a square piece of sheet steel and the instructions for making a saw. I don't want to learn a new skill, I want to cut wood now!! I know Evernote could do the job for me, and once the data gathering is complete, it might wind up there. But meantime I need to avoid duplications, carry out quick searches and apply some formula-based calculations. I'm managing with Excel (don't ask) but there really should be a better option out there. If you're involved with spreadsheets I do commend Airtable which is a spreadsheet that thinks it's a database - but for display purposes (and my project needs a public face) some of Airtable's layouts are definitely Duplo rather than Lego. I need the output to be informative and to look at least professional, even if I don't particularly care for the style. Sorry: that got a bit ranty and well off topic!
  8. Hi. For the record you don't have to create a new account to change your email address - what you seem to have done is to add a second Basic account with a 25MB note limit. The note you are (apparently) trying to save is too big for the second account - hence the 'increase the maximum size' message - and until you reduce the size or stop saving it, you'll continue to see the message.
  9. It's difficult to give you a sensible answer on that - I'm of the old school view that getting the job of the moment done (whatever that may be) is the important thing, so I'll use anything and everything in the way of tools and software which 1) I either know how to use, or can get up to speed with quickly and 2) actually does what I need it to. Evernote covers about 80% of that, and my ~49,000 notes are all in Evernote. I do some layout in Workflowy, mind-mapping in Freeplane, finance, word-processing and presentation in MSOffice, emailing via Gmail and Outlook, plus photo processing in Lightroom. Evernote contains my 'library' of information, my archive & historical records, and is also my index for any work I do in other software. Along the way I'll use various tools on my mobile devices - the camera on my Android phone captures anything too lumpy or too big to go in my scanner, and that, plus a tablet, is a handy lookup tool for user guides, emails and receipts that I need from time to time for reference. I've even been known to write things down with an actual pencil if something occurs to me after I just switched off the tech for the day...
  10. Hmmn. Can you check by using the browser version at Evernote.com? The only reason you wouldn't see the notes on the correct account would be that they weren't synced back to the server in the first place. (You could also check in the Trash notebook to make sure they weren't accidentally deleted...)
  11. Hi. Some web pages are harder to clip than others. Either give it a little more time, or use the embedded URL information to visit the page again from a desktop and clip it a second time.
  12. Seems to me you're expecting Evernote to do an awful lot of heavy lifting. You have 40-50 separate documents in each 16-18MB note and want Evernote to show you each individual found word in every one of those documents? It would be much faster to save one document to a note. You also don't mention whether these are searchable (pre-OCR'd) notes, or you're relying on Evernote to OCR the content of multiple notes with 40+ documents each. It does take a certain time to catch up with the indexing of new notes. I'd suggest giving it a few hours and checking again...
  13. Hi. The information you see on local devices can only be an estimate of the current position - Evernote's server keeps the controlling count. You say your current status was "60 MB (100 %) remaining in this month" - which means the local device is incorrect. Try restarting your computer to verify the situation.
  14. Hi. Attaching a Word (or a PDF, PPT or any other) file to an Evernote note, gives you a note with that original file connected to it. When you 'export' it, you're simply copying the file from the database that it had become part of, back out into the real world in its original format. (It's slightly more complicated in Windows, because the original .DOCX file -for example- is converted to Evernote's database format, but it can be exported again without loss.) Have a look at the main help site - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us and search for some videos about basic Evernote use for more on how the basics work. You're also welcome to ask more here. A bit of experimentation may help too!
  15. I have fallen for this myself when in a hurry - don't think changing the wording will avoid those (like me) who see dialogue boxes and fill them without reading the context, but hey...
  16. Hi. Could be something to do with Windows keeping track of the file during drag & drop - there's nothing in Evernote you could do other than the obvious... don't drag and drop files.
  17. Hi. Not having any problems with my tables - have you tried restarting your system? Changing the Evernote Web version you're using? (Change in Settings)
  18. Hi. I wasn't interested in mirroring my notebook structure, but I did recently get a list of my notebooks while reordering Evernote. I had a slightly specialist (and somewhat roundabout) approach on a Windows 10 laptop - my database is regularly backed up to individual files per notebook by Backupery and saved to an external drive. That dated folder then contains all my notebooks as named folders. I used Karen's Directory Printer to print that folder + sub-folder names to a file and edited the text file that resulted. Sounds a bit more complicated than it was... but not much. https://www.backupery.com/products/backupery-for-evernote/ https://www.karenware.com/powertools/karens-directory-printer
  19. Hi. See https://evernote.com/blog/2020-update-progress-road-ahead/
  20. Hi. The Evernote team don't (usually) comment on what might, or might not be in development or how they decide between feature requests, but it is fairly widely known that Evernote has been doing nothing this past year but re-engineer their existing products - so you might be in luck in a few months time. Meantime the standard choices are (as already mentioned in this thread) - manage without, or find another app that works for you.
  21. Not sure it's a 'bug' as such. Shift-Alt-M is the shortcut to 'Move' (from one notebook to another). If the note list you selected is in a specific notebook and you Move a note elsewhere, you stay in that notebook and the display updates to show you what notes are left there, presumably in case you want to move others elsewhere. That's the behaviour I'd expect in a 'Inbox' situation where I'm dealing with incoming clips and mail and assigning locations and priorities. Now I agree that if you're in the All Notes list and you move the note, it also disappears from All Notes, to wind up in the notebook you chose... which should mean it would still appear in All Notes anyway - which it does if you re-hit 'All Notes' or F6 to refresh the display. Anyone want to suggest what should be the correct reaction here?
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